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My name is PRAJAPATI MABANGWE, a first year Law LLB Hons student at the University of Malawi. I'm
am a passionate writer, dedicated, and ambitious. I posses analytical skills like time management and
collaborative team work among others.

I would like to become the ambassador ambassador LAWRIT JOURNAL OF LAW as I posses the following
qualities that can help in becoming an effective ambassador for your journal; primarily, strong
communication skills. This may enable me represent the law journal and interact with various
individuals, including fellow students, professors, legal professionals, and potential contributors. These
verbal and written communication skills are essential for effectively conveying the journal's message,
promoting your goals, and engaging with different stakeholders.

The other skill I posses is in terms of writing and research. As per general rule, a law journal ambassador
is expected to produce high-quality written content, such as articles, blog posts, and social media
updates. I am very hopeful that these research skills, would elevate my ability to analyze legal materials,
and the writing skills will enable me to be crucial in creating compelling and informative content that
reflects the lawrit journal's standards.

In addition, I also display networking ability. I usually build connections in a brief period of time and
fostering relationships within the legal community which is an essential for any ambassador. Proactively
networking with legal professionals, attending conferences and events, and engaging with contributors
and readers can help me so as the Lawrit journal to expand the journal's reach and enhance its

Besides, I am also a strategic planner and a good decision maker when I have the discretion. Both of
these enable me to assess the current landscape like the current affairs, identify goals and objectives,
and develop well-informed strategies to achieve desired outcomes in terms of the matter at han.
Moreover, this enables me to analyze opportunities, and threats, evaluate potential risks, and devise
plans that maximize impact.

Lastly I also display analytical skills which empowers me empower to gather, interpret, and evaluate
information effectively. This helps me to analyze and synthesize information in making making informed
decisions, communicate persuasively, solve problems, and navigate complex situations, enhancing
effectiveness in representing your law journal.
Thank you. Looking forward to your feedback

Phone : +265886673434


Yours truly,


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