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Chemical structures of major compounds of pomegranate:

Extracts of pomegranate (juice, seed oil and flower) are known for having strong
in vitro as well as in vivo anti inflammatory, antidiabetic, antitumour and
antioxidant ef fects Within conventional Chinese medicine, several extracts and
combinations of pomegranate encompassing the fruit juice, root or bark as well as
the dried peels are em ployed in the treatment of various ailments . The edible
compounds are employed as fresh juice, jam, jelly and canned drinks among
others, in the colouring and flavouring of products, as well as in therapeutic
mixtures . Such pomegranate mixtures comprise considerably raised extents of
antioxidants in contrast to an alternative vegetable or fruit, and this includes
polyphenols and flavonoids .
Chemical structures of major identified compounds.
Table 1.
Name of compounds. Chemical formula
Caffic acid C9H8O4
Caffeoylquinic acid C16H18O9
p-coumaric acid glucuronide C15H18O9
Brevifolin carboxylic acid C13H8O8
Ellagic acid C14H6O8
Glucogallin C13H16O10
Gallic acid C7H6O5
Punicalin C34H22O22

Eschweilenol-C C20H16O12
Quercetin-3-O-glucoside C21H20O1
Galloyl HHDP glucuronide C27 H22O19
Lagerstannin C
Caffic acid

Caffeoylquinic acid

Ellagic acid
galic acid



Brevifolin carboxylic acid

Chemical compounds of pomegranate

Plant part compounds Chemical class

Pomegrante peel Phenolics,flavonoids.ellagitanims,comp

lex polysaccharides.
Pomegrante leaf Punicalin, Flavonoids.tannins
extract Gallagic acid,
Pomegrante Polyphenols Phenolics,tannins.
juice flavonoids
Pomegrante Linoleic acid,P unicic acid ,Linolenic
seed acid, Phytosterols ,Palmitic acid,
Pomegrante Galic acid Polyphanol.triterpenes
flower extract Ellagic acid
Maslinic acid

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