Alarm Ase

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Auszug aus / Abstract of

Profinet IO
Application Layer Service Definition &
Application Layer Protocol Specification
Version 2.0 Increment 221

3.13.2 Conventions for PROFINET IO Abstract syntax conventions PDUs are described as octets or groups of octets

a) Groups of octets separated by a comma appear in the order they are transferred
If optional octets are not present the following octets appear without a gap
b) If octets or groups of octets are grouped within “{ }” the order is arbitrary
c) If octets or groups of octets are marked with “*” they may appear more than once.
If it is used within a “{ }” section they may appear mixed with other octets or group of
octets of this section.
d) Octets can be grouped or values can be assigned within “( )”
e) If octets or groups of octets are grouped within “[ ]” the group can be omitted
f) Complex APDUs may be built by means of substitutions (sub-structures)
g) Exclusive selections of octets or groups of octets are separated by “^”
NOTE 1 The formal PDU example
AP_PDU = Octet1, OctetGroup1, [Octet2], [Octet3], {[OctGroup2*], OctetGroup3 ^ Octet4}
According to this the following variants are valid on the wire (non exhaustive):
Variant 1: Octet1, OctetGroup1, Octet2, Octet3, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup3
Variant 2: Octet1, OctetGroup1, Octet2, Octet3, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup3
Variant 3: Octet1, OctetGroup1, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup3, OctetGroup2
Variant 4: Octet1, OctetGroup1, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup3, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup2, OctetGroup2,
Variant 5: Octet1, OctetGroup1, Octet3, Octet4
NOTE 2 The arbitrary order implies that groups of octets are characterised by a special header that is described
within the coding rules.
NOTE 3 The APDU syntax for RTA-, and RTC-PDU implies that according to the maximum DLSDU an APDU does
not exceed 1440 octets in total.
NOTE 4 The APDU syntax for CL RPC implies that an IO controller supports a minimal ASDU size of 4096 octets
in total and does not exceed 2 32 -64 octets in total. The minimal ASDU size is derived from the expected size of
configuration, parameter and diagnosis data of an enhanced IO device.

... Alarm ASE Overview
The alarm model allows the transfer of an alarm from the IO device to the assigned IO
controller or vice versa and the explicit acknowledgement of the alarm.

For the transmission of an alarm the following conditions have to be fulfilled:

- the IO AR shall be established

− the source submodul shall be owned by the IO AR
− the source submodul shall be existent (no empty subslot and no wrong submodul)
− a detected alarm shall always be issued, the sink shall response with a negative
acknowledgment “not supported” in case no handler for the Alarm Type is installed
The following Alarm Types are defined. They may be extended specific to the manufacturer:
Diagnosis appears Alarm
A diagnosis appears alarm signals an event within a submodule, for instance over-
temperature, short circuit, etc. The content of the alarm is defined by the Diagnosis ASE for
this type.
Process Alarm
A process alarm signals the occurrence of an event in the connected process, for instance
upper limit value exceeded.
Pull Alarm
A slot signals the withdrawal of a submodule/module or change in configuration (reduction).
Plug Alarm
A slot signals the insertion of a submodule/module, a new need for parametrization, or a
change in configuration (addition).
Status Alarm
A status alarm signals a change in the state of a submodule, for instance run, stop or ready.
Update Alarm
An update alarm signals the change of a parameter in a submodule e.g. by a local operation
or a remote access.
Redundancy Alarm
A redundancy alarm signals the fault of one IO controller to the remaining IO controller for
redundant IO ARs.
Controlled by supervisor
A slot signals the logical withdrawal of a submodule by the IO supervisor. The actions shall be
according to the Pull Alarm.
Released Alarm
A slot signals the logical insertion of a submodule by the IO supervisor. The actions shall be
according to the Plug Alarm.
Plug Wrong Submodule Alarm
A slot signals the insertion of a wrong submodule/module or a change in configuration
Return of Submodule Alarm
A slot signals that a submodule is ready to switch its IOCS/IOPS from “BAD” to “GOOD” again
without new parameterization.
Diagnosis disappears Alarm
A diagnosis disappears alarm signals a disappearing diagnosis event within a submodule. The
content of the alarm is defined by the Diagnosis ASE for this type.
Multicast Communication Mismatch
A multicast consumer submodule signals that communication relationship to the associated
multicast provider is failed.
Port Data Change Notification Alarm
A port submodule signals that port data has been changed.
Sync Data Change Notification Alarm
An interface submodule signals that synchronization data has been changed.
Isochronous Mode Problem Notification Alarm
The application signals that problems with isochronously execution have been detected.
Furthermore, manufacturer specific alarms may be used and alarms are reserved for profile
specific definitions.

Table 30 — Alarm Type

Alarm Type Usage
Alarm Type Usage
Diagnosis Appears The value Diagnosis Appears shall only be used
- if at least one Additional Alarm Info with Channel Properties
Specifier value of Diagnosis Appears is present,
- if the manufacturer specific Additional Alarm Info with the
meaning of an appearing event is present.
Process indicates an alarm from the controlled process (usage application
and process specific)
Pull shall indicate an alarm if a used module/submodule is pulled
Plug shall indicate an alarm if a requested module/submodule is
plugged (mandatory)
Status indicates a status change within a module/submodule
Update indicates a change of parameter for a module/submodule
Redundancy indicates a second IO controller that the primary one has failed
(mandatory for IO controller redundancy)
Controlled shall indicate an alarm if a used module/submodule has been
locked by an IO supervisor (mandatory)
Released shall indicate an alarm if a requested module/submodule has been
unlocked by an IO supervisor, IO Controller or by IO Device local
means (mandatory)
Plug Wrong shall indicate an alarm if a wrong module/submodule for a
Submodule requested module/submodule is plugged (mandatory)
Diagnosis Disappears The value Diagnosis Disappears shall only be used
- if no Additional Alarm Info with Channel Properties Specifier
value of Diagnosis Appears is present,
- or if no Additional Alarm Info is present in case of error free
notification for all reported previously errors,
- if no manufacturer specific Additional Alarm Info with the
meaning of an appearing event is present.
Return Of Submodule shall indicate a change of IOCS/IOPS from BAD to GOOD for a
submodule (mandatory)
Profile Specific shall be used according upcoming PNO Profile Guidelines if an IO
devices complies to a specific device profile
Multicast Provider a multicast consumer shall indicate that the multicast CR has had
Communication a timeout (mandatory for multicast CRs with version 2.0)
Multicast Provider a multicast consumer shall indicate that the multicast CR is
Communication operating again (mandatory for multicast CRs with version 2.0)
Port Data Change indicates a change of port data e.g. link up or down
Sync Data Changed indicates a change of clock synchronization
Isochronous Mode indicates a problem of isochronous applications, e.g. started to
Problem Notification late
Manufacturer Specific Values from 0x0020 to 0x007F may be used for manufacturer
specific alarm types
User Structure Identifier
This attribute identifies the selection of the Alarm Notification data. The allowed values are
shown in Table .
Table 35 — User Structure Identifier
Meaning Usage
Manufacturer Specific In conjunction with alarm type Diagnosis
appears/disappears Manufacturer Specific
Diagnosis in Alarm Notification and Diagnosis Data.
In conjunction with other alarm types the usage is
manufacturer specific.
Profile Specific The meaning is defined in profile specifications.
Channel Diagnosis Shall only be used in conjunction with Channel
Diagnosis in Alarm Notification and Diagnosis Data.
Channel Diagnosis With Shall only be used in conjunction with Channel
Add Info Diagnosis With Add Info in Alarm Notification and
Diagnosis Data.
Meaning Usage
Multiple Shall only be used in conjunction with alarm type,
which comply the Block Structure. It shall also be
used with Multicast Consumer Info Data, List of
Isochronous Mode Info Data, List of Port Info Data,
List of Sync Info Data


5.1.2 APDU abstract syntax


Table 1 — Substitutions
Substitution name Structure
… ...
AlarmItem UserStructureIdentifier, Data* ^ ChannelDiagnosisData* ^ DiagnosisData*

Special case ChannelDiagnosisData:

UserStructureIdentifier(=0x8000), ChannelDiagnosisData*
Special case Multiple for AlarmType Diagnosis:
UserStructureIdentifier(=0x8001), DiagnosisData*
Special case ExtChannelDiagnosisData:
UserStructureIdentifier(=0x8002), ExtChannelDiagnosisData*

ChannelDiagnosisD ChannelNumber, ChannelProperties, ChannelErrorType
ManufacturerSpecif SlotNumber, SubslotNumber, ChannelNumber, ChannelProperties, UserStructureIdentifier,
icDiagnosis Data*

The BlockType field within the BlockHeader shall be set to ManufacturerSpecificDiagnosis

according Table 158
ExtChannelDiagnos SlotNumber, SubslotNumber, ChannelNumber(0x8000), ChannelProperties a) ,
is UserStructureIdentifier(0x8002), ExtChannelDiagnosisData *

a) The field ChannelProperties.Type shall be set to zero. The field

ChannelProperties.Direction shall be set to zero. The field ChannelProperties.Specifier shall
be set to one if at least one ChannelProperties.Specifier of the ChannelDiagnosisData is set
to one.
ExtChannelDiagnos ChannelNumber, ChannelProperties, ChannelErrorType, ExtChannelErrorType,
isData ExtChannelAddValue


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