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“Dear Lord,
Thank you for today.
Thank you for the privilege of sharing your Word with the
children in my class at ___________________________
Guide me in doing this Lord. I need your help.
Give me wisdom as I prepare my lesson this week. Speak
to my heart and show me where and how I can minister to
the children.
Help me to be sensitive, caring and kind.
Give me insight into their lives.
Speak through me as I teach them about you. I bring
before you each child
(use your list to speak out each name)

Lord, I ask you to send your Holy Spirit to work in their

lives this week. I pray that their ears would be open to
hear from your Word. I pray that each one would be
interested in spiritual things. Holy Spirit, draw them
towards their own faith relationship with Jesus. Please
use me and other Christians to show your love and care
for them.
I pray for teacher/s, leaders, and helpers (name them
here) _______________________________________
Guide us as we work together to care for the kids. Show
me ways I can support and encourage them.

As I go in this week, I ask that your Spirit go before me

and prepare the kids hearts and minds. I pray the rooms
would be free from distractions and interruptions. I ask for
your Holy presence to surround us, protecting all from
harm. Thank you that you have not given me the spirit of
fear, but of love and power and a sound mind. (2 Tim
Thank you for hearing my prayer. (1 Jn 14-15; Mk 11:24).

I ask all these things through my Lord and Saviour Jesus

Christ, Amen.”

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