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Higher Nationals in
Business (Business Management)

UNIT: 19 Research Project

Student’s Name: Phan Nguyen Hoai Ngoc – Gemma

Project title: Unit 19: Research Project

Date: 27 Feb 2023

Months/Weeks: 27 Feb 2023 (assignment issue date) – 07 Aug 2023

Weeks: Research/Tasks

- I learned about the assignment structure, brief, how to focus on
13-17 Feb holistic report writing, grading criteria, etc.

- During my study and work on the assignment of the Research

Project, I had the opportunity to be exposed to many new aspects
related to report writing, including understanding the structure and
format of the work, grasping the requirements outlined, and
identifying the importance of maintaining a holistic approach to
report writing. In addition, the specific grading criteria are also
disseminated to help me approach the task more effectively and

W2 - Discussed the research project theme; learned Research Topic and

Research Title
27 Feb
- Discussed some of the Reference Management software like Zotero
and Mendeley

- -I learned the Assignment brief and structure. In addition, I
3-7 Apr understood my Research Theme and Topic and How to identify the
research gap based on the Literature Review of other authors.

- I did more research to identify the RQ and RO based on the Pearson


Literature Review:
10-14 Apr
- Through the process of studying and researching projects, I have
learned how to find reliable sources of information as well as acquire
valuable knowledge. In addition, the research and literature review
helped solidify my understanding of the research objectives and
established a solid foundation for me to undertake the assignment.

- Critical Thinking:

- This research project gave me the opportunity to approach

information and data with a discerning mindset, questioning
assumptions, evaluating evidence, and analyzing arguments. This
helps me spot the flaws in the argument, and the strengths of the
research help me make changes that make the research more logical
and persuasive. This not only helps me train my critical thinking for
my research paper but also fosters intellectual growth and
contributes to a more robust and insightful for my future.

- Find trusted books and journals with rich and valuable information.
17-21 Apr
- Gain a deep understanding of research methodology and Saunders’s

- Understood various approaches, strategies of research

methodologies, and their application to research projects.

- Discussed assignment brief and gained knowledge on how to
24-28 Apr interlink between RO and RQ
- Started preparing the project plan through the Gantt chart. Included
all the relevant tasks and resources to the project. However, some of
the resources I missed to add and after several reviews and
brainstorming sessions, I added those resources.

- I have gone through the Mark N Saunders book to understand the

draft proposal writing.

- Discussed more detail on how to frame Research Title, RQ, and RO
1-5 May from the Pearsoin theme
- Gained knowledge of research approaches

- Understood various sampling techniques and their application
8-12 May - Gained knowledge of probability and non-probability sampling and
decided on the sampling approaches for my research project work.

- I have decided to choose non-probability sampling due to time and

resource constraints. I will approach some of the participants who
have knowledge of my research topic.

W9 - Started extensive research on literature review based on the
designed ROs and RQs.
- Started noting down the literature articles by using various platforms
like Zotero and other reference management software
- Discussed various data explorations and did oin SPSS

- Started writing the draft work and improved it after several iterations
22-26 May - Get verified my draft work and received formative feedback

- I have started improving my literature work based on the formative
29 May- feedback from my tutor
2 Jun - Discussed research questionnaires designed.

- I had a lecture on SPSS and did various confirmatory tests

(Regression test, Binary logistic regression, correlation test)

- Outline and started designing online survey questionnaires
5-9 June
- Peers review my survey form and give good advice

- Sent the draft copy of the survey form to the tutor for verification.

- I had a lecture on Jamovi and executed various tests (data

exploration, frequencies, Anova, and Chi-Square tests)

My survey got approval for data collection, and started collecting
12-16 June data from the target participants.

I started sending Surveys to my friends and groups of people

interested in the logistics industry.

Received 150+ responses and stopped data collection

Had Jamovi lecture and discussed regression models and various


I started data analysis using Excel and SPSS using my collected
3-7 July dataset.

I tried finding meaningful relationships among the dataset to

confirm the hypothesis.

Data Analysis
10-14 July
Continued to draft the report (data analysis part)

Data Analysis
17-21 July
Continued to draft the report (data analysis part)

Started designing the presentation based on the given format.

Mentioned the speaker notes against each slide.

24- 28 July

31 Julu-4 Aug

7-11 Aug

- Verified checklist for submission. Get the report printed.
14 Aug - Assignment Submission

Completed? YES NO☐

Fulfil Task requirements? YES NO☐

Within the deadline? YES NO☐

Need to make any Changes? YES☐ NO

Risks and/or issues identified

Risks/issues with a lack of skills

My data analysis skills when using SPSS software are still limited. Therefore, I spend a lot of
time researching and reviewing the textbooks and materials that Tutor provides. Although
it took a lot of time, I feel satisfied with this.

Literature Review also took a lot of my time because many documents contain information
that is old and irrelevant to my chosen topic. From there, it took a long time to sift through.
However, I found a reliable website and look up Keywords relate to Logistics, I found much
valuable information for my project

Problems encountered

Data analysis provided a massive barrier at the start since I was overwhelmed with the
survey data I had obtained. Furthermore, I was unsure which exams would be acceptable
for my research.
How did you overcome it?
However, with the help of my tutor, I began using more accessible confirmatory tests like
T-tests and ANOVA testing. I could solve the problem and continue with the analysis by
taking this method.

New ideas and change of project direction

I revised the hypothesis and literature part of my research after obtaining new insights and
identifying links within the dataset. The fresh insight garnered from the study drove these

What have you learned about yourself this Research Project?

How did you feel?

I thoroughly comprehend the background of the literature study, comparing various points
of view and summarizing those points of view.
Aside from the literature research, I better grasp the data after evaluating it with various
analytical tools and methodologies (such as Jamovi and SPSS).

Did you find it useful?

Yes, it is functional. Moreover, the learning will be used for higher education or at work.

How well have you performed? What did you contribute?

I improved on various aspects of the research. I have enhanced my literature review skill
and data analysis skill. Mainly, I have contributed more to confirmatory tests.

What can you improve on next?
Next, I would like to continue my data analysis skill, and I would like to find a few more
insights from the data. I would also like to improve my data visualization skills.

How might this learning apply in the future?

This learning will be used during my higher education and work as I am interested in
marketing, research, and business analysis. This learning will be helpful to apply in the
natural context.

Tasks planned

Priority Task?
 Proposal submission
 Literature review
 Data collection
 Data Analysis by using Jamovi/SPSS
 Presentation
 Report Submission

Sufficient time for completion?

Yes, I had sufficient time to complete the research project work.

On track Ahead Behind

Project plan status to date (✔/×) (✔/×) (✔/×)

Supervisor comments


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