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Macfarlane, Rev. Dr. S., 7, 120, 127, 142, 143
Macgregor, Sir William, 97, 102, 203, 205, 206, 209, 213, 251,
Madangs, 364, 401, 410, 412, 413
Madub (garden charm), 106, 107
Madubu (bull-roarer), 104-6
Magic. Cf. Sorcery
symbolic, 257, 133, 134
Magical ceremonies, 133, 134, 184
stone hooks, 370, 371, 373, 396
Magur (“devil” belong Malu), 50
Maiau, 180
Maino (chief of Tut and Yam), 171, 174-80, 184, 185
Maki gegelaki (game), 228
Malangs, 321, 342
Malay Archipelago, 372
bear, 391
Peninsula, 372
rule, 288
traders, 356
Malays, 326-9, 338, 341, 342
Malohs, 356, 357
Malu, 46, 61, 180
ceremonies, 42-52, 61-3, 102
masks, 46-8, 92
songs, 45, 46, 62, 63
Mammals of Borneo, 348, 349
Mamoose (Torres Straits chief), 8, 20, 21
Mancala game, 284
Mangoes, 302
Mangroves, 266
Manufacture of stone club, 245
Map of stones, 61
Marea (club-house), 100, 257, 262, 268, 270
Mari, 181
Mariget, 181
Marine pile dwellings, 206, 223
Marital relations in Mabuiag, 161
in Murray Island, 20, 76, 78
Market-place, 269
Market women, 269
Markets in Mekeo district, 265
Marriage customs, Torres Straits, 158-64;
Borneo, 363, 364, 377-80
Marsh land of Borneo, 319
Marudi. Cf. Claudetown
Masingara “bushmen,” 111, 112
Mask, war ceremony, 59;
Mawatta, 114;
fishing dance, 183;
Malu ceremony, 46-8
in Mekeo district, 271
Mausoleum, 284
Mawatta, 111-116
May Meeting, 128-31
McDougall, W., 22, 23, 26, 28, 303, 305, 330, 337, 347, 405
Medicine-man (Australian), 90;
(Bornean), 307, 374
Meeting, public, 402, 410
Mekeo district, 252-77
markets, 265, 269
tribe, 261, 262
Mĕlanau, 321, 327, 357, 390, 391
Melanesia, secret societies in, 44
Melanesian languages, 29, 30
Melanesians, 18
Mer. Cf. Murray Island
Mesozoic rocks in Borneo, 316
Milman, H., 111-113, 175
Mimetic dances, 49, 114, 188, 189
Miocene in Borneo, 317
Mirror-writing, 25
Mission schools in New Guinea, 97, 98, 208, 209
Mixed marriages, 357
Modesty of New Guinea women, 274
Mohu, 252, 268
Monkey and frog fable, 343
Morality, code of in Torres Straits, 176
Mosquito nets, native Papuan, 259
Mota ĕrĕmpto (game), 229
Motu tribe, 249
Mountain ranges of Borneo, 312
tribes, New Guinea confederation of, 247
Mount Ernest. Cf. Nagir
Warirata, 240, 241
Mourning in Murray Island, 94
Mulu, Mount, 349
Mummies, Torres Straits, 91
Muntjac, 385
Muralug (Prince of Wales Island), 119, 185-9
Murder, 340
Murders in Sarawak, 300-2, 338-41
Muriks, 371
Murray Island (Mer), 8, 11-21;
climate, 18;
geology, 12-17
Islanders, 18, 19, 118, 119, 127
Muruts, 321, 393
Museum, Sarawak, 282-4, 372
Musgrave, Hon. A., 205, 206, 236, 251
Myers, C. S., 22, 23, 25, 26, 28

Nagir, Island of, 180-3

Names, reluctance to mention, 103
Nara, tribe, 260
Naroms, 321, 401, 409, 410
Narrow-headed natives, Torres Straits, 18, 119, 120;
Sarawak, 321, 343
Native cemetery (Sarawak), 284
grief (Papuan), 222
Navarre, Archbishop, 185, 203, 252, 266
Navel shrines, 142, 177, 179
Nēĕt (dugong platform), 152, 153
New Guinea oratory, 268
vegetation, 239, 241
New Jungle, 304, 345
Ninox, 391
Numerals, Papuan, 30, 243
Nurumara (totem of Kiwai), 101-3

Oboe, 225
Obstacle race, 401
Offering of eggs, 409
to Balli Flaki, 409
Old Jungle, 304, 345
Oligocene in Borneo, 317
“Olive Branch,” 197
Omen animals of Sarawak, 381-93
birds, 344, 352, 362, 379, 381-93
offerings to, 352
Omens, 259, 344, 352, 362, 379, 381-93
Omoro (game), 228
Oracles, 53-7, 178
Orang Bukit, 306, 401, 402
Orang Kaya Tumonggong Lawai, 300-2, 406
Oratory, Bornean, 411, 412
Papuan, 268
Origin of fire, 108
Orthotomus, 384, 385, 390
Owning an omen bird, 344

Padi bug, 391

competition, 401
cultivation of, 323, 327, 360, 381-3
swamp, 323, 325
Painted board, sign of chieftainship, 270
Palæozoic rocks in Borneo, 315
Panyamun scare, 338, 340, 359, 365, 368
Papuan Gulf, 198
language, 29, 30
Papuans, true, or Western, 119, 249
Parang, 285, 324
Pasi, Mamoose of Dauar, 8, 28, 72, 74
Pata River, 375
Paying for a baby, 175
Peace-making at Baram, 401-15
Pearl-shelling industry, 2-4, 6, 85, 121
Pelandok, 383-6
Pelican dance, 114, 189
Penchallong, 410
Penghulu, 335
Pepker the hill-maker, 64, 65
Perham, Ven. Archdeacon J., 381, 392
Perineal band, painted, 274
Personal totem, 194
Petticoats (leaf), New Guinea, 111, 175, 274
Philip, Brother, 273
Phlebotomy, 223
Phonograph, 37, 100, 200, 234, 252, 256, 273, 338;
in a marea, 256
Photographing natives, 28
zogos, 66
Photographs (natives recognising friends), 9
Physical features of Borneo, 348
Pictographs, 137, 140, 185
Pig-a-back, game of, 227
Pig ceremony in Sarawak, 336, 353-5, 411, 412
hunt (game), 274
offering of for feast, 217, 270
Pigsties, 298
“Pigeons,” 74
Pile dwellings: Kiwai, 99;
Saibai, 173;
New Guinea, 204, 206, 208, 211, 213, 235;
Borneo, 290, 298, 330, 331, 375
driving, 224
village, marine, 206, 208, 211, 235, 290
Pinupaka, village of, 266, 267, 276
Piracy, 291, 326
Plains of Borneo, 315
Plantations of the natives, 214, 234
Platforms, taboo, 208
Platylophus, 384, 385, 390
“Play” in Murray Island, 36, 37, 63
Pleiades, 381
Pokao tribe, 262
Police (native), Torres Straits, 19, 20, 76, 77
Poles, frayed, 361
Port Kennedy. Cf. Thursday Island
Port Moresby, 205, 235, 246, 248, 249
Porpoises, 151
Posts, carved, 375
Pottery, manufacture of, 200, 248, 261
Prayer to an omen bird, 344
Praying to a pig, 336, 354, 411
Presents from natives, 10, 122, 130, 172, 335, 336
Prince of Wales Island. Cf. Muralug
Procrastinating habits of Sĕbops, 343, 346
Proposals of marriage, 158, 162-4, 377
Proto-Malay, 321
Psychological laboratory, 23
Psychology, experimental, 23-8, 109, 120, 200, 222
Pulu, Island of, 136-43
Punan medicine-man, 366
Punans, 302, 304, 320, 323, 324, 327, 334, 355, 384, 389, 390,
Punishments in Torres Straits, 20, 21
Punitive expedition in Sarawak, 301
Purchasing a stone implement, 368-74

Quaternary rocks in Borneo, 318

Queensland. Cf. Australia

Rabao (Yule Island), 199, 200, 203, 252-61, 276

Race, practice, 402
Raiding by New Guinea natives, 247
Rain-making in Torres Straits, 33-5, 86, 87, 134
stopping, 87
Rajah of Sarawak, 279, 282, 284, 289, 291, 293, 300, 322, 338,
341, 411
Rapids, 299, 358
Rapurapu (game), 228
Ray, S. H., 28-31, 39, 126, 127, 243, 248, 249, 252, 267, 273,
279, 298, 330, 358
Rapids, 358
Reaction experiments, 26
Read, C. H., 372
Reefs (coral), 1, 6-8, 12, 15-18, 117, 148
Regatta at Baram, 402, 409, 410
at Kuching, 280
Relationship between two Papuan villages, 258
Relic-fauna in Borneo, 351
Remaung (ghost-tiger), 305
Requiem Mass in New Guinea, 254
in Rome, 254
Reservoir in Kuching, 282;
scare about heads for foundations of, 339
Resident, 293
Restrictions in food, 135, 257
Reticence of natives, 32, 45
Revolving game, 228
Rice, cultivation of. Cf. Padi
Ricketts, O. F., 285, 287, 301, 304
River scenery, 286, 358, 359
Rivers, Dr. W. H. R., 23-5, 27, 39, 59, 123, 124
Rock paintings, 137, 140, 185
Roro language, 261
tribe, 260
Rotumah dances, 36
Roth, H. Ling, 320, 381
Rove, 258
Saba Irang, 364, 365, 410-12
Sacred Heart Mission, 203, 252-6, 262, 266-77
Sacredness, 67, 258
Sacred stones, 360, 375;
of Murray Island, cf. Zogo
words or songs, 31, 32, 45, 40, 62, 63
Sago factory, 287
trade (native) in New Guinea, 248
in Sarawak, 288
Saguane village, 96-9, 104, 109
Saibai, Island of, 170-4
Salter, Dr., 1
Samaria kosker (women of Samaria), 84
Sarawak, 293
geographical features of, 286
history of, 291-3
Malay, 322, 327
Museum, 282-4, 372
Sarcophagus, 334
Sasia, 381, 384, 385, 387, 389
Saw-fish chant, 184
Scarification, 110, 113, 200
Scott-Keltie Falls, 346, 348
River, 345, 346
Sea-cow, 151
Sea Dayaks. Cf. Iban
Sĕbop, 321, 341, 343, 346, 357, 363, 371, 404
chief, 363
dances, 357, 358
fable about, 343
girls, 356
head-form, 343
village, 352, 368
Seclusion of boys in Tut, 176
of girls in Mabuiag, 135
Secret societies in Melanesia, 44
Secular dances, 188, 189, 233, 357
Seligmann, C. G., 1, 23, 28, 62, 109, 135, 154, 200, 245, 248,
Sengalong Burong, 384, 385, 387-9, 392
Sensitiveness to pain, 26
Shaduf, 287
Sharpe, Dr. R. B., 350
Shelford, R., 279, 283, 284, 372
Shell hoe, 109
ornaments, 261
Shields, 357, 358, 360, 410
Shirt as symbol of loyalty, 244
Shrike, 390
Shrines in Torres Straits:
Rain, 34;
Tomog Zogo, 54;
Zabarker, 60;
wind, 60;
Iriam Moris, 64;
therapeutic, 65;
coconut, 67, 87;
fishing, 68;
turtle, 69;
Au Kosker, 69;
Waiad, 69, 70;
yam, 86;
constipation, 88;
navel, 142, 177, 179;
of Kwoiam, 136-145
Siap (charms), 368, 370, 372, 373, 399
Sibu, town of, 284
Siberian railway, sacrifice for, 339
Sigai, 177, 179, 180
Skipping game, 227
Skull collecting, 92, 93, 120, 121, 337, 338
cult of, 394-400
danger of meddling with, 337, 353, 374, 399, 400
decorated, 91, 181, 182
divination, 92, 182
Mer, 91-93;
Mawatta, 115;
Mabuiag, 120, 142;
Yam, 180;
Kiriri, 185;
Sarawak, 332, 337, 352, 394-400
leaving old, 398
loaning, 395
preparation of in Kiwai, 107
Sleeping with a sweetheart, 377
Smell, sense of (Murray Islanders), 25
Smelling a dance, 250
Smith, Mr., 280, 283
Smoking, Papuan method of, 75
Snakes, omen, 391
Social divisions in Mekeo, 270
Sociology of Torres Straits, 19-21, 77, 118-20, 125, 145, 146;
of Kiwai, 99-109;
of New Guinea, 207, 208, 212-14, 242, 243, 247, 248, 270-
of Sarawak, 327-9
Sogeri tribe, 244
Songs, chorus, 324
Sorcerer’s kit, 201
Sorcerers, Mabuiag, 154, 262
of Koitapu, 249
Sorcery, New Guinea, 83, 202
Murray Island, 128
Soul house, 311
of a sick woman, 310
of the pig, 337
South Sea dances, 35
Spear-throwers, 200, 201
Speeches, 354, 355, 411, 412
Spencer, Prof. Baldwin, 134
Spiral designs, 260
Spirits (lamar), 89, 90, 340
of sickness, 366
Star myths (Torres Straits), 165-9
St. John, Sir Spenser, 292, 294, 339, 386
St. Joseph River, 261
Stockades in New Guinea, 247
Stone adzes in use (New Guinea), 220, (Mekeo), 272;
axes, Africa, 372
club, manufacture of, 245
clubs, 251
implements in Kiwai, 108
in Sarawak, 327, 368-72
Stones, sacred, in Borneo, 360, 375
String puzzles and tricks, 38, 39, 175, 201
Sucker fish (Echeneis), fishing with, 155
Suggestibility of natives, 27
Sumatra, geology of, 315
Sun birds, 390
Sun, moon, and night (myth of), 168
Supreme God in Sarawak, 336, 337, 352
Sultan of Brunei, 288, 300
Swimming diving, 121
Symbolic magic, 257

Taboo, 257, 270, 272

Taburi, 244
Tagai constellation, 166
Tailor bird, 390
Tama Bulan, 324, 335, 375-80, 401-6, 409-14
Taman Liri, 335
Tamar, 40, 58, 59, 62
Tamate, 95, 128. Cf. Rev. J. Chalmers
Taste, 26
Tattooed hands, 306, 395
Tattooing, 199, 204, 214, 222, 259, 305, 306, 326
process of, in New Guinea, 222;
in Borneo, 305, 306
Taxation in Sarawak, 293
Teetotum, 227
Tegulan, 360
Thief, 222
Thomas, Oldfield, 120, 142, 350
Throwing-stick, 201
Thrush, 389
Thunderbolts, 372, 373
in Europe, 372
Thunder god, 369
Thursday Island, 1-4, 183-5, 189-93
Tiger, effigy of, 360
Tight-lacing in New Guinea, 256
Time, estimation of, 25
Tingang, 363
Tinjar River, 330, 358
Tobacco, native, 243
pipes, Papuan, 75
Toitoi (game), 230, 231
Tomb decorations, 285
Tomog Zogo, 53-7
Tooth, knocking out, 193
Top-spinning in Murray Island, 40
in New Guinea, 227, 272, 273
Totemism, 43, 44
in New Guinea, 101-3
in Queensland, 193, 194
in Sarawak, 393
in Torres Straits, 102, 132-5, 138, 142, 171, 172
Toy bows and arrows, 222
throwing spear, 200
Toys: Papuan children’s toys:
kuru (diamond), 225;
kwari kwari (hummer), 227;
oboe (vili vili), 225-7;
palm leaf puzzles (langa), 225-7;
spear (or javelin) throwing, 200, 201, 224, 225;
teetotum, 227;
tops, 272, 273;
whirligig, 225;
whistle, 227
Trade, native: Borneo, 321-3, 356, 365;
New Guinea, 204, 213, 214, 222, 261, 265, 266, 269
on the half-profit system, 222
voyages, 248
Tragulus, 385. Cf. Pelandok
Tree-houses in New Guinea, 242, 248
Tripang, 3
Triple-crowned coconut palm, 172
Trogon, 388
Trumpet, 225
Tuba-fishing, 324, 406, 408, 409
Tuk (New Guinea sorcery), 83, 84
Turtle charms, 69, 134, 140
cutting up, 205, 157
fishing, 155-7
tracks in sand, 67
zogo, 69
Tut, Island of, 174-8
U zogo (coconut shrine), 67
Ufapie, 258
Ukit tribe, 320, 323
Umu Belubu, 305
Urip, 354, 355, 396

Vaccination marks, 172

Vanigela River, 212
Variability of native temperament, 27
in character of the hair, 223
Vatorata, 208, 234
Vee, 261
Vegetation, 65, 118, 212, 219, 239, 240-2, 269, 280, 281, 286,
304, 359
Veifaa, 273-6
Verandah in New Guinea houses, 99, 242, 243
in Sarawak houses, 298, 331
Vili vili (toy), 226
Villages on top of hills, 242
Visual acuity, 23
Vitale, Father, 272

Wag Zogo (wind shrine), 60

Waiad, 69
ceremonies, 70
Waier, Island of, 12, 17, 18, 68-70
Waima, masked men at, 271
Waipem (turtle shrine), 69
Wallace, A. Russell, 303, 348, 349
Walker, Rev. F. W., 197
War dances, 60, 131, 140, 186-8, 233, 258
Waria, chief of Mabuiag, 123
Warirata Mount, 240, 241
Warpath of the Kayans, 297
Warrior Island, 174. Cf. Tut
Waterspouts, spirits of, 141
Wauri, 156, 157
Wedding in Mabuiag, 161
Weight, discrimination of, 26
West Africa, stone axe-heads, 372
Whipping-tops, Mekeo, 272;
Kabadi, 273
Whirligig, 225
Whistle, 227
Widow in mourning, 206
Wife-beating and slanging, 20, 76, 83
Wilkin, A., 27, 28, 38, 100, 157, 248, 252, 267
Wilson, Prof. T., 273
Wind charm, 60, 82
instruments, 225
zogo, 60
Women beating drums, 218

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