Beckett Filipich-Winter - Napoleon Part 1 - Crossroads Pgs 266-270

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Use a graphic organizer to identify and describe the internal, external, political, social,
and personal factors that allowed Napoleon to gain power.

Internal External Political Social Personal

Very smart and The people of The government Was able to Political skills
cunning man but France wanted a was in rough appeal to many that allowed him
in good ways hero after what shape after the classes and in all to expertly
and had a natural they had just revolution and of his attempts maneuver up the
talent for the been through reign of terror he was political ladder
military, whether and everything and so that set successful. He and his
it was training was unstable and up his spot also worked determination
them, or his ajar, making it perfectly for very hard and kept him from
strategic easy for when he came tediously on straying off his
expertise or Napoleon to and pulled the preserving his path and
being a part of it. seize power and people out of perfect image so continued him
become an icon their debacles. the people had on the journey to
for the people. absolutely no personal glory.
reason to hate

2. How did Napoleon's military success allow him to gain power in France?
- It built his reputation and made him well liked, popular and portrayed his
hero-like image because of his victories. His victories also gave him political
influence because of how he grew up the social status and it also increased how
seriously people took him.

3. Napoleon failed to hold Egypt, but he returned to France more popular than ever.
Suggest reasons why his failure did not affect his popularity.
- His image was already quite good and it was hard for him to stop that. He also
blamed others for his failures and downplayed all of his failures that he could not
blame on others. He made himself seem like he was the savior of France because
they didn’t think that the loss was entirely his fault which boosted his hero-like
image even more.

4. Describe Napoleon's early life and military schooling. To what extent do you think the
French class system motivated Napoleon to strive for military excellence?
- Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 and in Corsica. He received early
education in France, and went to many military schools such as
Brienne-le-Château and the École Militaire in Paris. His family's minor noble
status and financial struggles motivated him to be outstanding when it came to his
military performances in the military, which offered him a path to social
advancement, which he took.

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