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Practise Sheet SPAG

1. Circle the words that should have a capital letter.

erin and jack were friends.

2. Add either? or ! to this sentence.

How are you

3. Tick the sentence that is correct.

o I like to dig in the sand.

o I like to digs in the sand

4. Tick the sentence that is correct

Tick one.
o Joel and I went swimming on Tuesday.

o joel and i went swimming on tuesday.

o Joel and I goed swimming on Tuesday.

5. Use numbers 1 to 4 to put these sentences in order to make a

short story. The first one has been done for you.

Finally, her teacher arrived! What a surprise!

First, she put balloons up all over the classroom.

Sam got to school very early to surprise her teacher.

Then, she wrote ‘Happy Birthday’ on the board.

6. Circle the adjectives in each sentence.

1. I love that tiny pillow.

2. My mom has a yellow bag.
3. The little boy was crying.
7. An adjective is a describing word. Add two adjectives to
Adam’s poem to make it more exciting!

The ________________ rabbit jumps up high.

The _______________toad jumps everyday.
The strong kangaroo jumps really far.

8. Add ly to each word to make an adverb.

1. quiet _____________
2. slow ______________
3. sad _______________

9. Choose one of these adverbs and use it in a sentence?

Reela laughed ________________.
 quickly
 loudly
 sadly

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