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APUSH Dates Study Guide

● Part 1 of the Test

○ You will complete the unit tables by providing start/end dates and give reasons for those dates.
○ You will place key events from a word bank into their proper period.
● Part 2 of the Test
○ You will be given two events within each period. You must decide which event happened first.

Start Date: 1491 Why? Last year before European contact

Unit 1
End Date: 1607 Why? Founding of Jamestown

Key Chronological Dates:

1492: Voyage of Columbus 1512: Encomienda Begins
1494: Treaty of Tordesillas 1525: Transatlantic Slave Trade

Start Date: 1607 Why? Founding of Jamestown

Unit 2
End Date: 1754 Why? Beginning of Seven Years War

Key Chronological Dates:

1607: Founding of Jamestown 1664: New Amsterdam Captured (Now New York)
1608: Founding of Quebec 1675: Metacom’s War
1619: First Slave Sold in Virginia 1676: Bacon’s Rebellion
1620: Founding of Plymouth Colony 1680: Pueblo Revolt
1640s: Beaver Wars 1730s: First Great Awakening

Start Date: 1754 Why? Beginning of Seven Years War

Unit 3
End Date: 1800 Why? Jefferson “Revolution” of 1800

Key Chronological Dates:

1754: Seven Years War 1783: Treaty of Paris
1763: Pontiac’s Rebellion 1786: Shays Rebellion
1763: Proclamation of 1763 1787: Constitutional Convention
1765: Stamp Act 1789: Washington’s First Term Begins
1773: Boston Tea Party 1791: Bill of Rights Ratified
1775: Battles of Lexington & Concord 1794: Whiskey Rebellion
1776: Declaration of Independence 1796: Washington’s Farewell Address
1778: Alliance Between France & US 1798: Alien and Sedition Acts
1781: Battle of Yorktown 1800: Jefferson is Elected President
Start Date: 1800 Why? Jefferson “Revolution” of 1800
Unit 4
End Date: 1848 Why? Seneca Falls Convention

Key Chronological Dates:

1803: Louisiana Purchase 1828: Election of Andrew Jackson
1807: Embargo Act 1831: Nat Turner’s Rebellion
1808: International Slave Trade Ends 1832: Nullification Crisis
1812: War of 1812 1832: Indian Removal Act
1815: Treaty of Ghent / Battle of New Orleans 1830s: Second Great Awakening Peaks
1820: Missouri Compromise 1836: Texas wins Independence
1823: Monroe Doctrine 1848: Seneca Falls Convention

Start Date: 1844 Why? Election of James Polk (Expansionist)

Unit 5
End Date: 1877 Why? Compromise of 1877

Key Chronological Dates:

1845: Annexation of Texas 1863: Emancipation Proclamation
1846: War with Mexico Begins 1865: Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox
1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1865: Assassination of Lincoln
1850: Compromise of 1850 1867: Reconstruction Acts Passed
1855: Bleeding Kansas 1868: Impeachment of Johnson
1857: Dred Scott Decision 1868: 14th Amendment Ratified
1859: John Brown’s Failed Uprising 1871: Enforcement Act (Ku Klux Klan Act)
1860: Election of Abraham Lincoln 1873: Panic of 1873
1860: South Carolina Secedes 1877: Compromise of 1877

Start Date: 1865 Why? End of the Civil War

Unit 6
End Date: 1898 Why? Spanish American War Begins

Key Chronological Dates:

1869: First Transcontinental RR Completed 1887: Interstate Commerce Act Passed
1869: Knights of Labor Founded 1889: Hull House Opened
1873: Panic of 1873 1890: Sherman Antitrust Act Passed
1876: Sioux Wars / Little Bighorn 1892: Homestead Strike
1877: Great Railroad Strike 1893: Panic of 1893
1886: Haymarket Square Riot 1894: Pullman Strike
1886: American Federation of Labor Founded 1896: Plessy v. Ferguson
1887: Dawes Act 1896: Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” Speech
Start Date: 1890 Why? Census of 1890 / Closing of Frontier
Unit 7
End Date: 1945 Why? End of World War 2

Key Chronological Dates:

1898: Spanish American War 1920: First Red Scare Peaks
1901: McKinley Assassinated / TR President 1920: 19th Amendment Ratified
1903: Philippine War Ends 1920s: Great Migration Peaks
1905: US Forest Service Created 1924: National Origins Act Passed
1906: Work on Panama Canal Begins 1929: Stock Market Crash
1906: Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle 1933: FDR’s New Deal Begins
1911: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire 1937: FDR’s Court Packing Scheme
1917: US Enters World War 1 1941: US Enters World War 2
1919: Treaty of Versailles Signed 1944: D-Day
1919: Prohibition Begins 1945: FDR Dies / VE Day / VJ Day

Start Date: 1945 Why? Start of Cold War

Unit 8
End Date: 1980 Why? Election of Reagan (End of Detente)

Key Chronological Dates:

1946: First Levittown 1964: Civil Rights Act of 1964
1946: Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech 1964: Launch of Great Society Programs
1947: Marshall Plan 1964: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
1947: Taft-Hartley Act 1965: Voting Rights Act of 1965
1949: Chinese Revolution 1965: Immigration Act of 1965
1950: Internal Security Act (Red Scare) 1968: Violence/Protests at DNC Convention
1952: First Hydrogen Bomb Tested 1969: Moon Landing
1953: Korean War Ends 1969: Woodstock
1954: Brown v. Board of Education 1970: EPA signed into law by Nixon
1956: Montgomery Bus Boycott Ends 1972: Nixon’s China Visit
1956: Interstate Highway Act 1973: Roe v. Wade
1957: Soviets Launch Sputnik 1973: Oil Embargo
1962: Cuban Missile Crisis 1974: Resignation of Nixon
1963: March on Washington 1979: SALT 2 Treaty

Start Date: 1980 Why? Election of Reagan (New Politics Era)

Unit 9
End Date: Present Why? The future hasn’t happened yet

Key Chronological Dates:

1981: First Personal Computer 1993: NAFTA Signed into Law
1982: SDI (Star Wars) 2001: September 11th Terrorist Attacks
1991: Collapse of the Soviet Union 2003: Iraq War
APUSH Dates Test Name:____________________
● Part 1 of the Test
○ Complete the unit tables by providing start/end dates and give reasons for those dates.

Start Date: Why?

Unit 1
End Date: Why?

Start Date: Why?

Unit 2
End Date: Why?

Start Date: Why?

Unit 3
End Date: Why?

Start Date: Why?

Unit 4
End Date: Why?

Start Date: Why?

Unit 5
End Date: Why?

Start Date: Why?

Unit 6
End Date: Why?

Start Date: Why?

Unit 7
End Date: Why?

Start Date: Why?

Unit 8
End Date: Why?
● Part 1 of the Test (Continued)
○ For each event, write down the period number (1 through 9) that each takes place.

____ Proclamation of 1763 ____ Louisiana Purchase

____ Brown v. Board of Education ____ Compromise of 1850

____ War of 1812 ____ Roe v. Wade

____ EPA signed into law by Nixon ____ Transatlantic Slave Trade

____ Haymarket Square Riot ____ Treaty of Versailles Signed

____ Encomienda Begins ____ Bacon’s Rebellion

____ Immigration Act of 1965 ____ South Carolina Secedes

____ Missouri Compromise ____ Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” Speech

____ Philippine War Ends ____ Shays Rebellion

____ First Great Awakening ____ Marshall Plan

____ 14th Amendment Ratified ____ Beaver Wars

____ National Origins Act Passed ____ 19th Amendment Ratified

____ Stamp Act ____ Enforcement Act (Ku Klux Klan Act)

____ NAFTA Signed Into Law ____ Declaration of Independence

____ Founding of Quebec ____ Sioux Wars / Little Bighorn

____ Gulf of Tonkin Resolution ____ Collapse of the Soviet Union

____ Dred Scott Decision ____ Metacom’s War

____ Korean War Ends ____ Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

____ Bill of Rights Ratified ____ FDR’s New Deal Begins

____ Plessy v. Ferguson ____ Second Great Awakening Peaks

____ Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle ____ Interstate Highway Act

____ Pontiac’s Rebellion ____ Alien and Sedition Acts

____ Great Migration Peaks ____ Sherman Antitrust Act Passed

____ Cuban Missile Crisis ____ Election of Andrew Jackson

____ Nullification Crisis ____ Homestead Strike

● Part 2 of the Test
○ You are given two events within the same period. Circle which one happened first.

Treaty of Tordesillas or Voyage of Columbus

Founding of Quebec or Beaver Wars

First Slave Sold in Virginia or Bacon’s Rebellion

Pontiac’s Rebellion or Stamp Act

Constitutional Convention or Shays Rebellion

Alien and Sedition Acts or Bill of Rights Ratified

Embargo Act or War of 1812

Nat Turner’s Rebellion or Missouri Compromise

Second Great Awakening or Seneca Falls Convention

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo or Compromise of 1850

John Brown’s Failed Uprising or Dred Scott Decision

Enforcement Act (Ku Klux Klan Act) or Reconstruction Acts Passed

Sioux Wars / Little Bighorn or Dawes Act

Haymarket Square Riot or Knights of Labor Founded

Panic of 1893 or Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” Speech

Philippine War Ends or Spanish American War

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle or Prohibition Begins

Great Migration Peaks or US Enters World War 1

Marshall Plan or Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech

Soviets Launch Sputnik or Cuban Missile Crisis

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution or Violence / Protests at DNC Convention

First Personal Computer or NAFTA Signed Into Law

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