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Session of 45 minutes to train Speed Reaction

Ines Solanilla and Enzo Cano MYP5 D

Type of Speed: Neurological Speed

What is Reaction Speed? Reaction speed refers to the ability of the nervous system to respond
rapidly to a stimulus. It involves the brain's processing speed and the coordination of muscles to
produce a quick and accurate response.

Duration: 15 minutes

• Cones or markers
• Stopwatch or timer
• Reaction time testing equipment (optional)

Warm-up Exercises:
• Dynamic Stretching: Engage in light dynamic stretching to increase blood ow and
exibility. Focus on joints and muscles involved in quick movements, such as ankles, knees,
and wrists.

• Cardiovascular Warm-up: Perform a brief cardio warm-up, such as jogging in place or

jumping jacks, to elevate heart rate and prepare the cardiovascular system.

• Neurological Activation: Engage in simple reaction time exercises, such as catching a

thrown ball or tapping a partner's hand upon visual cues. This helps activate the neural
pathways responsible for quick responses.

Type of speed: reaction speed

What is reaction speed? How quickly you can do a certain amount of meters. It depends on
di erent factors, such as: concentration on the time you need to start running, the surface of the
area, the pressure of the individual that would run, etc…

Duration: 20 minutes

Materials: cones, timer and something to indicate people that the race has started

What is the main exercise of our class?

We will divide in 4 groups our class, with 5

people each group. All the groups will be paying
attention to the teacher. The teacher will be doing
a sign or will have a bell, when the teacher does
the movement with the sign the rst person of
each group should run as fast as he can. At the
end of the rst person race, he will need to do 10
squats with included jump, this will make the
muscles of your leg stay tired for around 1
minute. While the rst person arrives to the end
and starts doing the squats the second member
should start running, this is continuously until all
the members of the group nished.

The rst group that ends the race will win the competition. However, the ones that did not win, will
be doing push ups. Not normal push ups, the rst 5 will be with a clap and the rest will be regular
ones. When the other groups end up doing their push ups, there will be another race, in this case
it will be di erent from the rst one. The second race will be starting to run and in each white line
you do a push up and like this until every group has nished. The last race will be the same as the
second one, but instead of a push up, there will be a squat with a jump.

How to do a squat with jump How to do a push up with clap

How to do a correct push
Type of Speed: Recovery Speed

What is Reaction Speed? Recovery speed involves the ability of the body and mind to return to a
baseline state after exertion.

Duration: 10 minutes

• Yoga mats
• Water bottles

Cool-down Exercises:
• Static Stretching (5 minutes):
• Focus on major muscle
groups involved in the
• Emphasize deep,
controlled stretches to
improve exibility and
reduce muscle tension.

• Breathing Exercises (3 minutes):

• Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing to promote relaxation and aid in the
recovery of the nervous system.

• Mindful Meditation (2 minutes):

• Encourage participants to engage in a short mindful meditation to calm the mind
and enhance mental recovery.

• Adams, J. (2018). Neuromuscular Responses to Speed Training and Stretch-Shortening
Cycle Exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32(3), 788-797.
• Schmidt, R. A., & Lee, T. D. (2019). Motor Control and Learning: A Behavioral Emphasis.
Human Kinetics.
• Sheppard, J. M., & Young, W. B. (2006). Agility Literature Review: Classi cations, Training
and Testing. Journal of Sports Science, 24(9), 919-932.
• Williams, A. M., & Davids, K. (1999). Visual Perception and Action in Sport. E & FN Spon.
• Wong, D. L. (2017). The E ects of Dynamic Stretching on Agility Performance. Journal of
Sports Science & Medicine, 16(2), 309-315.

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