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Get ready!

0 Before you read the passage, talk about

these questions.
1 What jobs do different tools do?
2 Why is it important to have the right tools?

f) Read this section from an instruction

manual. Then, choose the correct answers.
What are the instructions about?
A installing a vise
B fixing faulty wiring
C installing new appliances
D safely using a soldering iron

2 According to the manual, what tool is used to

clip wiring?
A pliers C a wire stripper
B an electric drill D a soldering iron
screwdriver 3 What can you infer about the repair?
A It is very dangerous.
B It requires buying new wire.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR C It fixes insulation problems

D It assumes there is faulty wiring.

Secure the appliance in a vise to hold the Vocabulary
lamp in place and free your hands. f) Match the words (1-7) with the definitions
2 Remove screws from the covering plate with (A-G).
a screwdriver or an electric drill. Remove
_vise 5 _ soldering iron
the plate to reveal the wiring inside.
3 Locate the wiring causing the bad 2 _ wire stripper 6 _drill
connection. Using pliers, clip the faulty 3 _screw 7 _pliers
connection. 4 _ screwdriver
4 Strip the insulation from the faulty wire with
A makes holes or inserts and removes screws
a wire stripper.
B twisted by hand to insert or remove screws
5 Using the soldering iron, apply solder to the
bare wires to make a new connection. C used to grab, pull and cut objects

6 Replace the insulation and put the wire back D piece of metal used to fasten objects
into the lamp. E removes insulation from wiring
7 Put the plate back and replace the screws to F holds an object in place
seal the base. G heats and connects metal objects together
8 Test the lamp to make sure it works .

G) Choose the word that is closest in Speaking
meaning to the underlined part.
1 Use the pliers to cut the wiring.
0 With a partner, act out the roles below,
based on task 7. Then switch roles.
A clip B drill C strip
2 Use soft metal to fuse the wires. I'm looking for a ...
A vise B clip C solder Can I ask what you'll be ... ?
What's the difference?
3 Remove the cover from the wire.
A clip B strip C drill
Student A: You own a hardware store. Ask
0 g Listen and read the instruction Student B questions to find out about:
manual. What problem does the manual
• tool needed
give instructions on how to fix?
• choices
• use of each tool
0 g Listen to a telephone conversation Student B: You need a tool. Talk to Student A
between an engineer and a shop owner. about which one to buy.
Mark the following statements as true (T)
or false (F).
1 _ The woman needs a soldering iron.
2 _ The woman is repairing a small circuit.
3 _ The owner offers two tool options. 0 Use the conversation from Task 8 to
complete the engineer's notes.
0 g Listen again and complete the

Owner: Hello, ma'am. Can I help you find ~

'1 ()()1. S llE(;() )J)IENnEn

Engineer: Yes. I'm 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ a soldering Tool 1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Owner: Okay. We have a few different Purpose: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
models. Can I ask what you'll be
using it for?
Engineer: I need to repair some 2

Owner: Well, we have the Lanford 250

or the Hilldale 400.
Engineer: Okay. What's the 3 ?
Owner: The Lanford 250 is for 4
_ _ _ wiring. The
Hilldale 400 is 5
_ _ _ _ _ _ small
Engineer: I think 6 _ __
_ _ _ the Lanford.
Get ready!

Simple Machines
People often think of machines as large
complicated devices. However, there are
many types of simple machines that
people use every day.
lnclined Plane - This machine is a slanted
surf ace that makes it easier to move heavy
Screw - This machine is turned to drill through
wood easily.
Lever - A lever creates leverage by turning
a long arm against a fulcrum.
Wedge - This machine can split objects and
push apart the pieces.
Wheel and Axle - This machine rolls objects
to reduce friction.
Pulley - A pulley is like a wheel and axle.
It uses a rope wrapped around a wheel to
raise and lower heavy objects.

Q Match
(A-E). the words (1-5) with
. the definitions

1 _ lever 4 _load
f.) Read this passage f
mark the followin rom a textbook. Then, 2 - simple machine 5 _ wedge
or false (F). g statements as true (T) 3 - wheel and axle

A a tool with one wide end and on .

1 - ~b;~~;e makes it easier to move heavy B a machine with few or no mo . e pointed end
c v1ng parts
2 - Turning
friction. a lever against
. a fulcrum creates an amount of weight that is lifted or carried
D a bar that rests on a fulcrum
3 - Pulleys are used to lift and drop heavy items.
. E a circular obje c t with
· a rod through it

0 Use the words from the word bank to fill Speaking
in the blanks.
Q With a partner, act out the roles below,
based on task 7. Then switch roles.
complicated pulley fulcrum USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
leverage inclined plane Did you have a question?
Well, think about ...
A lever provides _ _ _ _ to lift heavy items. I never thought of that.
2 Eric is constructing a(n) with
wheels and rope.
3 Not all machines are _ _ __ Student A: You are a teacher. Help a student
think of simple machines used everyday. Include:
4 A ramp with a high and low end is a(n)
• wheels
5 A lever requires a(n) _ _ __ • pulleys
• inclined planes
0 g Listen and read the passage. What is Make up a name for your student.
a wedge used for?
Student B: You are a student. Talk to Student
istening A about simple machines.

• g Listen to a conversation between a

student and teacher. Mark the following
statements as true (T) or false (F). Writing
_ The teacher asks students to define simple 0 Use the conversation from Task 8 to
machines. complete the student's notes. Use today's
2 _ The woman asks the teacher to define a date.
3 _ There is a simple machine just outside the

g Listen again and complete the


-sacher: Hi, Paula. Did you have a question? C

- dent: Yes. Did you say that people use
1 every day? f//11!. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~
-aacher: Yes. We all use them.
/, Date: I
: dent: Um, besides the 2 on my bike, I
I Examples of Simple Machines
can't 3 any. 1
-;acher: Well, think about elevators. They use I 1 Simple Machine: I
4 to raise and lower the car. I Example: I
- dent: 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ . I never thought of I 2 Simple Machine: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I
that. I Example: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I
-:acher: And we have an 6 _ _ _ _ __ I I
I 3 Simple Machine:
right outside this classroom. 1
I Example: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
- dent: Oh yeah, the wheelchair ramp. ~ 1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'fJll>


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