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Pathogens are microorganisms that cause diseases.

Gonorrhoea, malaria and measles are three diseases in humans.

(a) D a one line from each disease to the pathogen that causes the disease.

Disease Pathogen









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(b) Ma a a a db .

Male mosquitos can be sterilised so they are infertile.

The spread of malaria is reduced by releasing sterile mosquitos into the environment.

Explain how releasing sterile mosquitos reduces the spread of malaria.






Pathogens also cause diseases in plants.

The figure below shows a rose black spot fungal spore and a tobacco mosaic virus.

(c) Na c d .


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(d) H a a a ?

Use the figure above.






Number of times longer = _______________


( ) E a a c d bacc ac .






(Total 12 marks)

Cells are the basic units of all forms of life.

(a) Describe four differences between a bacterial cell and a plant cell.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


3. _________________________________________________________________


4. _________________________________________________________________


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(b) Gonorrhoea is a bacterial disease.

A new vaccine is being developed against gonorrhoea.

Describe how a vaccine would work to prevent gonorrhoea.









Another disease caused by bacteria is salmonella food poisoning.

In the UK, chickens are vaccinated against Salmonella bacteria to reduce the number of cases of
food poisoning in humans.

(c) Explain how vaccinating chickens reduces the number of cases of salmonella food





(d) Give one way that the spread of salmonella food poisoning from one human to another is

Do not refer to vaccination in your answer.



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(e) The number of cases of salmonella food poisoning is usually higher in summer than in

Suggest one reason why.


(Total 12 marks)

Fermentation in yeast is used in the manufacture of bread and alcoholic drinks.

The equation for fermentation is:

c a + ca b d d

(a) F a a c ac .

What does exothermic mean?



A student investigated the effect of temperature on fermentation in yeast.

The figure below shows the apparatus.

This is the method used.

1. M a a a a .
2. P a a ac .
3. P a a a ba a 2 Ca d a 20 .
4. A ac a a .
5. R c d a c c d 5 30 .
6. A 30 a a a ba a 35 C.
7. C c d a c c d 5 .

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(b) S a a a d d ac .



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(c) S a 20 b a a a ac d.



Steps 1 to 4 of the method were repeated at 35 °C.

The volume of gas collected was recorded every 5 minutes for 45 minutes.

Table 1 shows the results for both flasks for the first 30 minutes.

Table 2 shows the results for the last 15 minutes, when both flasks were at 35 °C.

Table 1

Volume of gas collected in cm3

Time in minutes
Flask at 2 °C Flask at 35 °C

0 0 0

5 0 26

10 0 52

15 0 78

20 0 98

25 0 108

30 0 115

Table 2

Volume of gas collected in cm3

Time in minutes
Flask at 2 °C
Flask kept at 35 °C
moved to 35 °C

35 2 120

40 7 123

45 22 124

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(d) E a 0 45 a a a a 2 Ca d a
moved to 35 °C.

Use Table 1 and Table 2.







( ) E a 0 45 a a 35 C.

Use Table 1 and Table 2.








(Total 10 marks)

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The figure below shows the human heart.

(a) W c b d a b d c c a into the heart?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓



(b) B d a a c b da a a b d

Which blood vessel transports blood at the highest pressure?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓



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(c) W a c c d b d a ?

✓) one box.
Tick (✓

a c a a

a c a

a c a a

a c a


Every year thousands of people in the UK have heart attacks.

A heart attack is caused when the heart muscle cells do not get enough oxygen, causing the
cells to die.

(d) Sa a d a a d d c a a a

Evaluate the use of statins compared with the use of a stent to reduce the risk of a heart












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( ) Ma a a a ac b a a c .

Explain why heart attack survivors get out of breath easily.









Scientists have developed patches of beating heart cells to repair damaged heart tissue.

The patches are placed onto areas of the heart where cells have died. New cells grow to replace
the dead cells.

The patches are made using a person’s own cells that are converted into stem cells.

() E a c a d a ac .





( ) T c c d a d a b c c a ac .

Give two advantages of using stem cells made from the person’s own cells, rather than
using embryonic stem cells.

1 ________________________________________________________________


2 ________________________________________________________________

(Total 17 marks)

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