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Teaching English to The Young Learners

Nisa İnan

Department of English, Alanya University

Advanced Reading And Writing Skills II

Abdülkadir Ünal

May 13,2024

Teaching English to Young Learners

Teaching English as a foreign language to children involves special difficulties. One of the
most controversial points of foreign language teaching is the role of the mother tongue in the
language learning process of children. Some writers claims that the native language can be used as a
valuable tool for comprehension. According to Phillips (2001), “It is often more economical and less
frustrating for all concerned if you give instructions for a complicated activity in children’s mother
tongue or check the instructions you have given by asking the children to repeat them in their own
language.” (p. 12).

Unsurprisingly, teachers often claims that it is much more difficult to get students to use a
foreign language as a means of communication when their language level is still too low to be a
means of communication (Putcha,H., &Williams, M., 2011, p. 15) Expressing themselves makes it
difficult for such students to use a foreign language, as they do not yet have the means to say or
write something appropriate in a second language, and they are not at the stages where they are
personally and emotionally involved in the learning process. (Putcha,H., &Williams, M., 2011, p. 15).

While students encounter new words or concepts in English, they can use their mother tongue
to make connections between words and sentences and clarify the meanings. This can help prevent
confusions and disappointments and ensure that students remain engaged and motivated in their
learning process. Therefore, using the mother tongue in foreign language learning not only enables
young foreign language learners to try to transfer the same expressions and feelings to another
language, but also expands their thoughts during the learning process. So, they respond to the
meaning underlying the language used and do not worry about individual words or sentences; on the
other, they do not make the analytical links that older learners do. (Phillips, S., 2001, p.11)

On the other hand, for English language teachers who teach by linking the English language
with young learners mother tongue it is also very important for teachers to use English effectively in
the classroom. According to the Philliphs (2001) “Both the teacher and the children can use English
here; in fact, this classroom language is one of the most realistic communicative situations in which
the children find themselves.” (p. 13) . Thus it is important to use materials when Teaching English.
According to House “You may find some personalised activities in your activity book, in the shape of a
Picture frame where children draw their favorite toy, clothes or pet.” (p. 18). Namely, when teaching
English to young students, using the language effectively in the classroom by supporting them with
materials to help them associate it with their own language accelerates language learning.

In conclusion, teachers can effectively use the power of the mother tongue in the language
learning process of students by integrating materials effectively into the students in the classroom.
Puchta claims that, “We have carefully developed them and given many practical suggestions on
what you are doing to improve the foreign language of students, so that they gradually gain more
and more confidence in using it.” (p. 15).

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