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24 Km Milestone, Mathura Delhi Road, NH-2, Akbarpur, Chhata, Mathura- 281406

Holidays Homework Topics


Long Answer type questions: (10 marks each)

1. Define synapse. Explain the properties of synapse.

2. With the help of diagram, explain the mechanism of transmission across synapse.

3. Define and classify receptors. Explain the properties of receptors.

4. With the help of diagram explain and elucidate the sensations carried by them:

A) Dorsal column medial lemniscus pathway.

B) Anterolateral pathway.

5. Define pain. Explain in detail the different types of pain and their pathways.

6. Explain muscle spindle in detail and its functions.

7. Functions of cerebellum on the based on the cerebellar circuit.

8. Explain the functions of basal ganglia.

9. With the help of neuronal circuit, explain Parkinson's disease in detail.

10. List the nuclei of hypothalamus. Explain the functions of hypothalamus.

11. Mention the connections of limbic system. List the functions of limbic system.

12. What are the different types of memory? Explain briefly the mechanism of formation of short term
and long term memory.

13. Explain neural mechanism of learning.

14. Describe the origin, course, and termination of the pyramidal tract with the help of a labelled diagram.
Add a note on hemiplegia.

Write short notes on: (05 marks each)

1. Referred pain and theories of referred pain.

2. Gate control theory of pain.

3. Receptor potential.

4. Stretch reflex.

5. Golgi tendon reflex.

6. Flexer reflex.

7. Withdrawal reflex.

8. Cortical plasticity

9. Cerebrospinal fluid.

10. Amorphosynthesis.

11. Synaptic inhibition.

12. Brown sequard syndrome.

13. Clinical abnormalities of cerebellum and cerebellar function tests.

14. Reticular activating system and its functions.

15. Alzheimer's disease.

16. Endogenous pain inhibiting system.

17. Motor Reflex with clinical importance, Babinski's sign.

18. Waves of EEG.

19. Theories of sleep.

20. Alpha Block.

21. Pepez circuit.

22. Blood brain barrier.

23. Kernicterus.

Tabulate the differences between: (05 marks each)

1. EPSP and IPSP.

2. A.P and Generator potential.

3. NREM Sleep and REM Sleep.

4. Upper motor neuron lesion and lower motor neuron lesion.

5. Explicit memory and implicit memory.

6. Anterograde amnesia and retrograde amnesia.

7. Decerebrate rigidity & decorticate rigidity

8. Wernicke’s and Broca’s area.

9. Motor Aphasia and Sensory Aphasia.

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