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Subject: Synopsis of the Blood Drive Meeting

Dear Mr. Yazid,

I hope this email finds you well. We held a team meeting today to discuss the upcoming
blood donation drive. The objectives are to thank donors and raise awareness about the
importance of regular blood donations. The drive is scheduled for June 13-14.

Before the event, we plan to conduct an awareness campaign addressing common

anxieties and holding instructional workshops about the advantages of donating blood. To
promote involvement, we suggest offering certificates and modest gifts to donors.

We propose collaborating with the Red Crescent Society (RCS) and the National Blood
Centre (PDN) for manpower and equipment. We will also reach out to nearby hospitals for help
with blood collection and advertising, and enlist medical students from UM and UKM for
additional support.

An estimated RM 1,650 will cover venue setup (RM 200), incentives (RM 600),
promotional materials (RM 150), and food (RM 700).

Here’s the committee structure:

 Logistics: Secure the venue and arrange furnishings.

 Promotion: Design and distribute promotional materials.
 Refreshments: Arrange snacks and drinks.
 Donor Registration: Develop the registration process and train volunteers.

We believe these plans will ensure the drive's success. We look forward to your feedback.



(202 words)

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