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Linear Programming
who keeptrying failure is temporary."
"For those -Frank Tygor

Introduction poor
businessman whoiis constrained by limited resources and manpower, and
situationof a the given
Imsginehe have to chalk out an action plan to maximise his profits subject to
demand. He
mrket (ie.,restrictions), situated at different
person who transports a product from factories
situation of a action plan lo minimise the transportation
markets, H:will also bave to chalk out an
vaious constraints. Linear Program
kcationsto the method known a
given besolved with the
help of
subjccttothe can easily relations used in the problem are linear
and the
cost problems nathematical
type of means thattall the action plan.
Such term inear
method offdetermining a particular
maximum or minimun value)and
ming.Proenanming referstothe optimal value (ie,
tern is a method ofCnding am conditions that variables are non-egative
Pregramning variables.r subject to the
linear fumction of several inequations.
called oblectise funetien
a equationsor minimised, is
linear maximiscdur optimisation.
sutisfy a set of to be
whichhas miimisationis called
The linear function,maximisation or decislon variablcs.
The process involved prugramming are called non-egativity restrictions.
in lincar are called called
The variables variables to be non-ncgative equations or inequations are
decision lincar
The restristions on the decision variables to satisíy
The restrictions on
the up to
constraints Problem in two variables and
our study to Lincar
for the lerm 'Linear Programming
we shall restrict abbreviationL.PP.
In this chupter, constraints. Also, we shall use the
three non-trivial
constraints is of the form
Problem'. up lo three
Agencral LPP in two variables and Objective function
Z= ar+by
Maximise (or Minimise)
subject to the constraints:
az+ by{, >,2, <, S)a Constraints

4z+ bsy{=,>, 2, <, S) Non-negativity restrictions

20, y20 in two
system of linear inequalities
In Class X1, ne have discussed the graphical method of solving Programming Problems. Before
vatables. This method plays an irnportant role in the study of Lincar
procceding further, let us recall this graphical
Gupta-Bansal Session 2019-2%
Mathematics -ClassXII by
ISC Variables
Inequalitiesin Two that plane into
following thrce
Systenn of plane divides
Graphical Solutionof ar+by
clying in a
that a line >c
casily obene Ahalf plane ar +bu
One can ()
disjointscts: <G
half plane r+by closed hall plane. We can observe the
(0A and
line as by vi, open hall plane
( ) The types, The points lying on the
planes are of two open half planes.
The half crepresent
follewing ar+by ccand ar + by >
inequalitics included consists of the points Ivine
bycare not plane. It
Iine az + Screpresents a closed half line ar + by =c.
The incqual1ty
az + by lying on the lying in &
ccand the points of the points
() + by plane. lt consists
open hall plane az creprescnts a closed half ine ar + by =c.
inequality ar by> pointslying on the lincar inequal1ty
() The >cand the plane. To solve a
+ by
open half plaeaz twO variables represcnts a half
inequality in
So, a lincar followng working rule: graph which is a
variables, we have the sketch its
giVcn incquality as an
cquation and
points on the line are not included in
Step I Wite the a strict inequaliry". then he
incqual1ty is dotted line.
Step II II he gncn region. We represent this by drawing a on the line are also included in
he solution then the points
incquality is a slack inequalit,
f the givca dark line.
region. We represent this by drawing a
the solution into two half planes. it
will divide the zy-plane choose the point (0. 0), as
Step III The line the line. (Usually we
IV Select any point whicb does not lic on
makes the calculations simple.) the half plane containing that point
will be
the given inequality, then will be the
Step V lf the point satisfies otherwise the other half plane not containing that point
the solution region, solution region by shading it.
solution region. We represent the
system of lincar incqualities in two variables. We have the
to solve the
We can ctend the above method
following working rule:
cach of the lincar inequalitics.
Step I Shade the solution region of
solution region of the sy stem of linear inequalities.
Step II The comon tegion will represent the
We illustrate the above working with the help of an
Sohe the following systenn of lincar incqualities graphically:
r+2yS 8, -ys0, r20, y20

Solution: Given system of linear incqualitics is

z+2y S 8, - y 0 , 20, y >0
" De inequality containing <o>s called astrict inequality.
t The inogaality cotaining S or> is called aslck inequality.
Step Following
steps: The31.1.1 (Tbe The 314
Step Step
minimaim of
Theorem comer 1
Corner proofs these ae
Whes foljoing L
Il I LUbonded
(i) Flargest
t°Evaluate Find
1 Corner bounded, point bjoct Z Aaleaitle
Rerion: Thwie thin ichin rcle a optimal
ciHounded Optimal
Pradsef etionantheestrictis
Feusbde Frhle
3the the Polnt of may nccurs 2:
ble fvalue. the thefeasible the these ta hus lt
feasible and not Let thenfthe antheoncs Let is
the feasible the
feaSible Method Point
opium R eion non-egativty a
Salutkm: Beon:
open theorems exis. n featible R
be Feble feasible of
ian, npen senallest
objective corner be feauhle 1PP
regionregion the the the ate circle,anyLe.
lalf region, half region Method
for However, cbjectivefeasble ISC
are point reglon fundaental
feasible Rrglon: uion sniu n
iscalledA The
is values
is salving rgkon:
then plane plane bounded, function beyond deenbed region
cher Nathematics
restrictions set curmoi
thes then of of region (ie, outside
poiat nf
m of the iffunction region A
is determined L.P.P, it R. indeinitelyeuends if il A
rn Af Z given ihe exists, If manimum by in feasible
is then theseat Z= soupe the Z fo r the forsolving
feasible is ef regin-Class
maximum LPP. invalving feasible L.PP. lio) regtan,
3f ar it has L.P .P . linear the region decision
by + of nust both oe the feasble regton detennined
by aodcoer
nd kn enshle XN
lue az ar hyand this incqualities, minimum and L.PP.
two occurregion let is it var by
+by value +bu mdetemina
points t book.) maximum let is said A
of are cach Z= region optimises feasible solution,
decision at Z ly said to by
Z, < maximum
> a is
n to Gupta-Bansalof th e
m of respectively. corner unbounded.
corner is be
ivoZ.otherwise f or ths r+ L.PP.
has its variahles minimum calledeyetnded, bounded solution e., consraints
+ly optimal
where by called Every
no point.cornct point nximses satisfying
no aDd be be infeasible
pont then un if of pont
has Z point minimum points. of the value the the feasible 1PP. and
Let r R. value
objective objective it
and a variahles can in the
no in has Z Af must if of nSesiun
on 2D19
ommon in muximun on solation of it is the
m common und y. egion, cannot ninimises)
be aid consirais
no values conusts R fcasibi ncyat
maximum funçtion
and occur functioe
r cosl
n and to
with be oe each at the be he
val wiu of the of a
Z. the

19 o()
15 a(«3)
Points Corner
+2y) =5z Z(Z Value
2ys12 3r+
y-axis: Along +2ys3 -3z
unit 1 =cm 1
r-axis: Along 6
unit l cm 1
Scale The
L.P.P. region
of r
graph. the shaded shown bounded,
as is
in 10
0 6
0 4| r0 21 0
01 t-2y=2
=3 2y -3r + 3I consider
he se
12 +2y
equations: toloWing
3r+2y r-2y
2, S autject
r20. s3. +2y -3r 12, < constraints: eto
LPP oven
Z=5r+ Minimise is,
2, S AMinimisea
r0. s3. -3r+
2y s12, 2y +3r I-2y KLVPLE-,
constraints following to
the subject +2y 2=5z maximise2
the der
examples. following value
the all at
points. those joining segment line the points
atminimum) matimum
or optimum
.e.. has
potnts. corTer two any
has then
it Programming Linear
Answers 31.1
,Zis maximum when z30, y = 0, and Maximum value of Z m 120
. Zis minimum when z = =anid Minimum value of Z=7
Nomaximum value of Z
No feasible region, hence no maximum value ofZ
Zís minimum when z4. y=0, and Minimum value of Z =-12
Minimum value of Z 300
Zis minimum when I=60. y=0: and
and Maximum value of Z 400
.Zis maximum when I=0,u= 200; 43
Tyand Maximun value of Z =
when r
8. Zis maximum 11
9. Maximum 12: Minimum does not exist.

10. g=3p
Formulation of L.P.P.
Mathematical solution of the different types of Lr
discuss the mathematical fornulation and description of decision problem into
wThall now transformation of verbal
formulation process includes the programming problems are listed below:
The important lincar
mathematical form. A few the number of units of different
these problens, we etermine requres
Manufacturing Problems: n by a fim when
each product
space per unit of
should be produced and sold product. warehouse
products which labour hour per unit of
manpower, machine
make maximum profit. different kinds of constituents
output, ctc., to
determine the amount of dict
problems, we minimise the cost of the desired
Diet Problerns: Inshould be included in a diet so as to constituent i nutrient.
Imutrients which minimun anount of cach schedule so as
a certain transportation
sucb skát it contains problems, we determine a different locations
In these situated at
3Aransportation Problems:transporting a product from factories
way of
find thecheapest
to different markets.

Manufacturing and Diet Problems solution of Manufactur

31.2 mathematical formulation and
working ule for the
"e nave the following
Problems and Diet Problems in two variables: quantities whose valu
be made. Identify the two
scp n such L.PP, certain decisions are to decision. Denote these
order to make the
re to be determined. in
decision variables z and y
maximised or minimised and denote it by Z.
enlity the quantityto be
31.16 ISC Mathematics - Class XIl by Gupta-Bansal Session 2019-20
Step III Represcntthe verbal descniption in the L.P.P. in afour columnttabular form as shown bclow:

|Item corresponding to Item coresponding to

decision variable r decision variable u
Coss / Protit /Output
(ic. quantity to be
maximised o
minimised) Requirement
Details conmon
to the items of
decision variables

Maximise / Minimise -
Step IV Represent the above tabular form in the form of LPP.
(At least converts into > and At most' converts into '<)
Step V Solve the L.PP. using the Corner Point Method discussed on Page 31.4.
We have divided the above LPP. in the following two types:
) LPP. with Bounded Feasible Region. G) LPP. with Unbounded Feasible Region.
Let us now discuss the twotypes of problenis one by onc,
31.2.1 LLP.P. with Bounded Feasible Region
In this subsection, we shall consider the mathematical
formulation and solution of L.P.P. in two variables
for which the feasible region bounded.
Let us considohe following examples.
EXAMP£-1(SC 20In
ymanufacturer manufactures two types of
tea-cups, A and B.
manufacturing the tea-cups. The time in minutes required for Three machines are needed for
machines is given below: manufacturing cach cup on the
Tlme in minutes
Type of cup Machine! Machine II
A 12
Machine IlI
18 6
Each machine is available for a maximum of six
is ? 1.50 and that on cach cup of type hours per day, If the profit on cach cup of typec A
be manufactured in a day to get the
Bist 1.00, find the nunber of cups of cach type that
maximum profit. should

Solution: Let the number of cups of type A =

and the number of cups of type B=y
Let total profit =Z
We can represent the given LPP. in the following tabular
31.18 ISC Mathematics -Class XII by Gupta-Bansal Session 2019-20
EXAMMPLE- 2 uSC 2016)
Acompany manufactures two types of protucts Aand B. Each unit of Arequires 3 grams of nickel
and 1gram of chromium uhile cach unit of B requires 1gram of nickel and 2 grams of chromium
The fim can pruduce 9 grams of nickel and Sgrams of chromium. The profit is t 40 on each unie
of product of type Aand 50 on cach unit of type B. How many units of cach type should the
compary manufacture so as to earn marinum proñr? Use linear programming to find the solution
Solution: Let the number of units of type A=I
and the number of units of type B-y
Let total profit =Z
We can represent the given LPP. in the following tabular form:

Proft ()
Type A
Type B
Quantity of nickel (in grams) At most9
Quantity of chromiura (in grarns) 2u At most §
Hence, givea LPP. is, Maximise Z= 40z +50y
subject to the constraints:

3z +y<9, z+2y S8, r20. y20

We consider thc following equations:
3z +y9 I+2y=8 =0, y =0
z13 08
| 6o v4 0
The feasible region of LPP. is bounded, as shown shaded
in the graph.

z+ 2y S8 Scale
Along r-axis: 1 cm = 2units
Along y-axis: 1 cm =2 units

2 12

3z+y s9

Corner Points Value of Z(Z= 40z 4 50y)

A(0,4) 200
B(2,3) 230
C(3,0) 120

sction31.2 Linear Programming

feasibleeregion is bounded and 230 is the maximum valuc of Zat corner points.
maximum value of Zinthe feasible region at r 2.y=3.
unite of ttype A = 2, number of units of type B=3 and maximum profit 23
He has a sum
of 1400 to
Vijayouwns a tfield of 1000 sq m. He wants to plant fruit trecs in it. requires 10 sq m of ground
types of trees. Type A
urchaseyoung ees. ne has the choice of two 25 per tree.
sa m of ground per tree and costs
ree and costs 20 per tree. Type B requires 20 prohit of t2
fully grown, type A produces an average of 20 kg of fruit which can be sold at a ? 15 per
uben at a profit of
type B produces an average of 40 kg of fruit which can be sold
rkg and are fully
many trees of each type should be planted to achieve maximum profit when they
te How programming to find the solution.
wn? What is the maximum profit? Use lincar
of type A r
Calution: Let the number of trees
and the number of trees of type B y
Let total profit
We can represent the given
LPP in the following tabular Requirement
Trees of Type B
Trees of Type Maximise
(2x 20)z =40r (1.5 x 40)y = 60y At most 1400
Profit ()
20r 25y At most 1000
Cost ()
10 20y
Area (sq m)
Z= 40r+60y
Hence, given L.PP. is,
subject to the z>0, y0
20r + 25y< 1400, 10z+ 20y < 1000,

We consider the following equations:1400 10z + 20y = 1000

=0, y =0
20r + 25y = r+2u= 100
1.e.,4r +5y- 280 ie.

z 0 | 100
y 500

feasitble region of L.PP is bounded, as shown shaded in the graph.

60 Along T-axis: 1 cm = 20 units
Along y-axis: 1 cm = 20 units


20 40 60 8Q 100 120 140

20z+ 25y < 1400 10z+20y< 1000
Section 31.2 Linear Programming
Value of Z(Z = 6z+ 3y)
Corner Points
C(40, 15)
the ninimum value ofZ at corner points.
Since, the feasible region is bounded and 150 is
region at r= l5,y= 20.
. 130 is the minimum value of Zin the feasible
of food Q=20 and minimum amount of
Hence. number of packets of food P = 15, number of packets
vitamin A= 15 units.
(3122 LPP. with Unbounded Feasible Region
in two variahles
In this subsection, we shall consider the mathematical formulation and solution of L.P.P.
for which the feasible region is unbounded.
Let us consider the following cxamples.
A dicis to contain at least 80 units of VitaminA and 100 units of minerals. Two foods E and E.
are available costing 5 per unit and 6 per unit respectively. One unit of food F contains 4units
of Vitamin Aand 3 units of ninerals whercas one unit of food F2 contains 3 units of Vitamin Aand
6 units of minerals. Fomulate this asa linear programmingproblem. Find the minimum cost of
diet that consists of mixture of these two foods and also meets minimum nutritional requirements,
Solution: Let the quantity of food F = z units

and the quantity of food F; =yunits

Let total cost =2
We can represent the given L.PP. in the following tabular form:
Food F Food F Requirement
Cost () 52 6y Minimise
Vitamin A (units) 4 3y At least S0
Minerals (units) 32 6y At least 100
Hence, given LPP. is, Minimise Z=5z+ 6y
subject to the constraints:
4r+3y > 80, 3z +6y >100, >0, >0
We consider the following cquations:
4z +3y = 80 3z +6y = 100 r=0, y=0
5 20 3
20 0

The feas+ble region ofLPP is unbounded, as shown shaded in the graph.

Session 2019-20
SC Mathematics -Class XII by Gupta-Bansa

Along z-axis: I em=5 units
Along axis: l em = 5 units


O 3 10 13 20

Corner Points
Value of Z(2 =5r+ 6y)

D() 124

c(.o) 3
value of Zat comer points.
Since. the feasible region is unbounded and 124 is the minimum
which has no point in common with feasihle regi
So. we consider the open half plane 5r +6y < 124, 32
:124 is the minimum value of Z in the feasible regioa at z = 12, y
=units and minimum ost =124
Hence. quantity of food F =12 units, quantity of food F

EXAMPLE - 2 /SC 2015)

in such a way that the mixtur oveins
Adietician wishes to mix two kinds of foodI und 1
vituin . Tbe vitamin c
least 10 units of vitamin A, 12 units ofvitamin B and &units of
of one kg of fod is given below:
Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
2 units 3 units
2unifs I unit
2 units
Prygraing. iN=
One kg of fivdA costs 24 and cone kg off 'oss 36. U'sing Linear
least cost of the total miture which will vntain the ryuird vitatins
ISC Mathematics -Class Xll by
Gupta-Bansal Session 2019-20

Along r-axis: I cm=5 units
Along y-axis: I cm=5 units


5 10 15 20 25. 30
C'U 40
3z +6y 100
4r +3y > 80
5r+6y< 124

Corner Points Value of Z (Z = 5z + 6y)

a(o.) 160

B() 124

c() 500
Since, the feasible region is unbounded and 124 is the minimum value of Z at corner points.
So, we consider the open half plane 5z +Gy < 124, which has no point in common with feasible
124 is the minimum value of Zin the feasible region at z= 12, = 32
Hence, quantity of food F = 12 units, quantity of foodnits and 32
minimum cost = 124.
EXAMPLE -2 (/SC 2015)
Adietician wishes to mix two kinds of food X and Y in sucha way
that the mixture contains at
least 10 units of vitamin A, 12 units of vitamin B and 8 units of vitamin C.
The vitamin contents
of one kg of food is given below:
Food Vitamin A Vitamin B Vitamin C
I unit 2 units 3 units
2 units 2 units I unit
One kg of food Xcosts 24 and one kg of food Ycosts 36. Using Lincar
least cost of the total mixture which will Programming. find the
contain the requircd vitamins.
Section 31.2 Linear Programming
Solution: Let the quantity of food X r kg
and the quantity of food Y =y kg
Let total cost RZ
We can represent the given L.PP in the following tabular form:
Food X Food Y Requirement
24r 36 Minimise
Cost ()
Vitamin A (units) 21 At least 10
Vitamin B (units) 2 2 At least 12
Vitamin C (units) 37 At least 8
Minimise Z= 24r+ 36y
Hence. given L.P.P. is,
subject to the constraints:
z+2y > 10, 2r + 2y> 12, 3r +y>8, >0, y >0
We consider the following equations:
I+2y= 10 2r + 2y = 12 3r+y =8 I=0, y=0

| 0 10 0 6 0|2
|5 0 |v6o V821
The feasible region of L.PP. is unbounded, as shown shaded in the graph.

Along -axis: 1 cm lunit
Along y-axis: l cm =lunit

z+2y> 10

2 5 6 10

3z +y>8 2z + 2y > 12 24z+36y < 192

3152 ISC Mathematics-Class Xll by Gupta-Bansal Session 2019.

Anck manufacturer has two depots, P. andQ, with stocks of 30000 and 20000 bricks respective
He veives orders from three builders A, B and C, for 15000, 20000 and 15000 bricks respective
ie cost in for transporting 100X0 bricks to the builders from the depots is given below:

To C
40 20 30
P 2

How should the manufacturer fulil the orders so as to keep the cost of transportation minimun
Formulate the above linear programming problem mathematically and then solve it graphically.

Solution: Let the number of bricks transported from P to A =

und the number of bricks transported from P o B =y
Let total cost of transportation =Z
We can represent the given L.P.P. in the follovwing form:

z bricks Builder A (15000 -) bricks

,20 bicks 40
1000 1000
Depot P y bricks Builder B
(20000-y) bricks
30000 20000
, 60 bricks 20
1000 1000 bricks
Builder C
(30000 - z- y) bricks 15000 (-15000-+r+y) bricks
40 bricks 30
1000 1000
Objective function is given by
20 60y 40
Minimise Z = 40
1000 1000 t I00 (3000- 3- y)+ (15000 -)
+ 20
I00g(20000--y) 30
+ 100-15000 +z+y)
3y. +1750
100 100
and constraints are given by
z20, 15000 z 20,
30000 z -y20, -15000 +zty>0
Linear Programming 31.53
L.PPis, Minimise 3y
Hence.given 100 100 1750
hicct to the
r+yS 30000, s 15000, y<20000, Ity> 15000, r20.
considerrthe following equations:
I+y 30000
15000 r= 15000, y = 20000.
30000 0 15000 I=0.y0
y 15000
feasibleregion of L.PP. is bounded, as shown shaded in the

Along r-axis: 1 cm =5000 units
3000) r<15000
Along y-axis: 1 cm= 5000 units

yS 20000


10000 20000 30008 40000

I+y15000 +y<30000
3 3y
Corner Points
Value of z(Z = 100 100+ 1750)
D(0, 15000) 2200
E(0,20000) 2350
F(10000, 20000) 2050
G(15000, 15000) 1750

H(15000, 0) 1300

Since, the feasible region is bounded and 1300 is the minimum value of Z at comer points.
. 1300 is the minimum value of Z in the feasible region al r = 15000, y = 0.
Hence, 15000, 0 and 15000 bricks should be transported from P to A, B and C respectively:
0, 20000 and Obricks should be transported from Qto A, B and Crespectively
and minimum cost of transportation = 1300.

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