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Reviews and Trigger Articles



Ashraf M. Salama

Abstract NOTE to Academics, Architectural Students,

This article adopts the premise that the work of Critics, and Practitioners
Nikos A. Salingaros marks a true beginning for
seriously regaining what cultures and societies This article should not be seen in a similar light to
have lost throughout the years through the work of the typical practice of critics. It is by no means,
many architects, urbanists, and decision makers. and should not be interpreted as, propaganda or
It explores the three monographs he has written a publicity campaign for a new theory. It simply
and views them as a new “De Architectura” for reflects on the work of a scientist, a mathematician,
21st century architecture and urbanism. The article an architectural theorist and a concerned world
reflects on Vitruvius’s De Architectura and sheds light citizen who felt the need for architects to start
on selected evolutionary aspects of architecture shaping a better world. Recognizing the current
and the anti-vitruvian practices that continued status of architecture, it views Salingaros’ work as a
for hundreds of years, but intensified over the last great endeavor that is not bound to a time limitation
century. It reviews the attitudes of anti-vitruvian or a geographical location.
architects that contributed to severe socio-cultural
and contextual problematics. The views adopted
in this article are based on the conviction that the Preamble: From Vitruvius to Salingaros
theories and writings of Salingaros are a reaction and
a conscious positive response to these practices, Frank Granger and Morris Hicky Morgan’s
and that these theories will invigorate the creation of translations of Vitruvius’ De Architectura tell
humane and livable environments. us much about the essence of architecture
as a cultural artifact, and as one the most
Keywords important professional and educational
Nikos Salingaros; Vitruvius; Christopher Alexander; disciplines. De Architectura offers insights into
deconstructivism; anti-architecture; urban structure. issues on what constitutes architecture, how
architecture should be practiced, and the
bodies of knowledge required for a responsive
and knowledgeable architect. After several
centuries of many failures to address these

Copyright © 2007 Archnet-IJAR, Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007 - (114-131)

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

issues and to face the practical realities of was also a writer and can be seen as the first

architecture in satisfying the basic needs theorist of architecture in Western history. There
of people, Nikos A. Salingaros shines on were other earlier or contemporary known
the international architectural community. and unknown theorists in other cultures. In this
He brings to light his own theories in three respect, one would differentiate between
manuscripts that I believe will shape the future Vitruvius and others by considering their work
of world architecture. as “Volume 0 theories” while that of Vitruvius
as “Volume 1 theory,” i.e. a recorded written
The three pieces of Salingaros titled “Anti- theory.
Architecture and Deconstruction,” “Principles
of Urban Structure,” and “A Theory of According to Granger (1931), Marcus Vitruvius
Architecture” mark an important milestone in Pollio or “Vitruvius” was one of those appointed
the history of architectural theories, where true to oversee the design and manufacturing of
scientific thinking coupled with the integration the imperial artillery or military engines of the
of natural and social sciences put architecture Roman Empire at that time. It is said that he was
again into focus, and answer a series of critical the architect of at least one unit of buildings for
questions. While offering harsh criticism on Augustus, “Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus.” A
conventional practices, the manuscripts offer few years before he died, Vitruvius completed
science-based theories and arguments, an his manuscript De Architectura which, after its
aspect that remains missing from old and re-discovery in the 15th century, became one
recent debates on architectural theory and of the most influential writings to be studied by
criticism. It is my conviction that they will architects from the early Renaissance until the
eventually penetrate the thick skin of traditional present.
academics and the inherited practice norms of
professionals, which are not equipped to face
On De Architectura
the complexity of architecture and urbanism in
the 21st century. Vitruvius adds to the tradition of Greek theories
and practices the results of his own experience.
De Architectura covers almost every aspect of
On Vitruvius
Roman architecture. The books break down
While little is known about Vitruvius and his life, as follows: 1. Town planning, architecture in
examining some of the available manuscripts general, and the qualifications required of an
(Granger, 1931; Morgan, 1960) reveals that architect; 2. Building materials; 3. Temples and
he was born around 80 BC and died in 25 the orders of architecture; 4. continuation of
BC. He was a Roman architect as well as book 3; 5. Civil buildings; 6. Domestic buildings;
an engineer, admired and studied Greek 7. Pavements and decorative plasterwork;
philosophy and science in depth while gaining 8. Water supplies; 9. Sciences influencing
an intensive experience — in architecture architecture — geometry, mensuration,
and the technology of the time — throughout astronomy etc.; and 10. Use and construction
the course of his professional career. Vitruvius of machines (Granger, 1931; Smith, 2004).

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

Roman architects were significantly different societies operate in the physical environment,

from their modern counterparts, acting as or simply the dialectic relationships between
engineers, architects, artists, and craftsmen people and their environments. Firmness or
combined. Vitruvius was very much durability on the other hand represents the
a professional of this type, a fact reflected technological aspects of architecture, since it
in De Architectura. He covers a wide variety is governed by the natural sciences, including
of subjects that he saw as touching on the laws of physics, statics, and dynamics.
architecture. This included many aspects Delight or beauty exemplifies the aesthetic
which would seem invisible to modern eyes, component of architecture, and this is based
ranging from mathematics and astronomy, on the very fact that architecture seeks to
to meteorology and medicine. In the Roman express ideal concepts of beauty that emerge
conception, architecture needed to take from symbols embedded in a particular culture.
into account everything that touched on the Notably, each of these phenomena has an
physical and intellectual life of a human being interdependent relationship with the other two
and his surroundings (Rowland & Howe, 1999). (Salama, 1998).

In Vitruvius’ De Architectura, known in

contemporary history as “Vitruvius: Ten Books On Anti-Vitruvian Practices
on Architecture,” architecture was defined and Throughout the recorded history of
theorized. However, it was re-stated in the 17th architecture, the balance among the
century by Sir William Wotton (Morgan, 1960). preceding three criteria/phenomena and their
In theory, three complex criteria/phenomena interdependencies has been a continuous
constitute the definition of architecture: 1) challenge, and one can confidently argue
Convenience/Commodity; 2) Durability/ that they were never addressed in full. This
Firmness; and 3) Beauty/Delight. This means is especially obvious when looking at how
that a building or a portion of a designed/built architecture has evolved as a profession and as
environment must meet three standards to a cultural product throughout the last century.
qualify as architecture. It must conveniently Up to the modern era, architecture was — and
serve the purpose for which it was designed, was seen as — a cultural index that took different
built, and inhabited; it must be structurally forms in different historical eras. These forms
sound; and it must be beautiful. resulted from the intersection of contextual
particularities of geography, economy, and
Each of these three criteria constitutes a
socio-political settings. However, architecture
number of subordinate complex phenomena.
was always concerned with producing
For the purpose of simplifying these phenomena
individual works of art on individual sites, where
one would venture the development of a
designing buildings or built environments was
preliminary definition of each. Commodity or
intuitive. The design process relied heavily on
convenience expresses the functional aspects
the experience, judgment, and talent of the
of architecture, the way buildings house
individual designer. While this approach to
human activities, how people live and how
architecture has — in a few cases — resulted

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

in some of the most enduring achievements, designs, the realities of buildings, and the

today architecture faces severe challenges context within which they are designed
which threaten its traditional role that was and built. Throughout this last century, the
dominant in pre-modern times, namely since continuous attempts to internationalize or
beginning of the 20th century. universalize architecture have resulted in the
subtle destruction of traditional cultures, and I
Although architects of the ancient world believe many academics and theorists would
were generally associated with the rich and agree on that (Salama, 1995).
powerful, the king and royal institutes, their
work had many merits that we still appreciate The international Post-modern movement was
in recent times. With varying degrees of a direct challenge to many of the premises
success it attempted to strike the balance upon which modern architecture was based.
between the three criteria/phenomena of It advocated efforts ranging from historicism
architecture. Still, the poor and the middle (including historical revivalism and historic
class were never addressed by architects. On eclecticism) to schizophrenic approaches
that basis, one can argue that while there were of collage and elitist architecture. Based on
many excellent achievements in architecture, some logical fundamentals and critical visions,
typical conventional practices throughout the it acknowledged the role of symbolism in
pre-modern era were Anti-Vitruvian. Over the architecture. It also regarded Modernism as
last three decades however, a few positive lacking the premises to properly respond to the
Vitruvian-based attempts emerged here and emotional and cultural needs of people while
there around the world. simultaneously expressing economic, scientific,
and technological givens of the time. Post-
While having its roots in the beginning of the modernists acknowledged the taste codes of
19th century, the Modern movement reached the public as a source of design, in the belief
the first half of the 20th century under the that such a practice would help their work to
general title of “International Style” or “Modern communicate with the users of architecture
Architecture,” though it did not live up to (Mitchell, 1993; Salama, 2002 & 2007). While this
its name. The basic premise of the Modern might be seen as a good-intentioned practice,
movement was to integrate function, arts, it trivialized the essence of architecture that
and crafts to form universal ideas within the eventually became very superficial. In this
requirements of technology. This by default respect, the major weakness of Post-modernism
has led to the belief in certain principles that lies in the fact that its disposition did not allow
include a rejection of ornament and historical it to go far enough in its acknowledgment
styles as a source of architectural form and understanding of its context. It did not
(historicism), while replacing this with a belief address the shortcomings implicit in modernist
in machine aesthetics. However, the literature architectural practices, but rather, it tacitly
on architectural theories corroborates that accepted them.
the Modern movement failed to appreciate
the distinction between conceptual abstract Despite any good intentions that might have

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

existed, Modern and Post-modern movements (2004), architects have established first local,

were anti-vitruvian in nature. The simple then continental, and now global networks
reason for this statement is that one criterion of criticism, critics’ circles, and publications in
of architecture was always emphasized at the which awards, books, and magazines are the
expense of the other two, or that a high value real medium of expressing their status. In such a
was placed upon two phenomena while the medium, the photographs are privileged at the
third was oversimplified or entirely ignored. In expense of the physical artifacts, and I would
historic terms, as two developmental phases add here at the expense of the people who
of architecture, they have culminated into use them. The result is that “Architecture has
architectural globalization with many underlying become the exclusive domain of the so-called
“isms” and trends that simply cut architecture “Star Architect” (starchitect in common usage),
from its roots, which are exemplified by socio- no longer operating as a conveyance, but as
cultural and physical contexts. a usurper of culture and identity.” (Salingaros &
Masden, 2007:37).
Globalization generally refers to an
economically driven process, whereby the Architects still believe that they are eligible to
politics, economics, and culture of one country use the act of building — which buildings are
penetrate other countries (Stiglitz, 2003). It is seen however actually used by others — for personal
by those who believe they will benefit from it as exploration and expression. They are creating
a force that can unite economic forces, while architecture that makes little reference
at the same time causing social and cultural to anything, only their creative impulses.
resistance. Under strong global economic and Concomitantly, this sense of artistic entitlement
cultural impacts, world architecture witnessed empowered a few of them to design a few
the erosion of regional/local identities. It is brilliant individual buildings. Yet, it has produced
concomitantly experiencing the loss of visual fragmented and illegible urbanism. Therefore,
anchors into the soul of most cities, and even one can argue that, in generic terms, while
small towns and villages. The three very basic some architects manage individual buildings
criteria of architecture were entirely forgotten, well enough, the overall built environment is
and were replaced by other factors that involve increasingly mismanaged.
market economy and the establishment of
transnational anti-vitruvian practices. Digging into the study of Dana Cuff (1989),
the attitudes of anti-vitruvian architects
become more obvious. Cuff was interested
On Anti-Vitruvian Architects
in exploring two issues through interviews with
Since architecture became an established star architects. These were the notions of the
profession, architects are always in a individual and the image of the society, and the
continuous search for recognition and fame. individual’s identity and the individual’s sense
The reason is that throughout history they have of others. Her interview resulted in a number
wanted to be the intellectual and social peers of statements made by name architects that
of their elite clients. According to Kelbaugh support the preceding argument. Richard

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

Meier states: “… the similarities among my works such individuals now exert over our place in

are because I am interested in certain things.” the world?” (Salingaros & Masden, 2007:37). I
Robert Kliment states: “… I make what I want would argue that someone, some organization,
to be ... architecture is a way to create order a professional body, an architectural club,
and logic in my own life …” Eisenman states: a client group, or whatever responsible entity
“… I act through architecture, how else do I should take these questions and seriously try to
prove I am here …” As Cuff commented, “… answer them in an attempt to stop or minimize
a building reveals a self portrait of its maker …” the severe damages to cultures and societies in
(Cuff, 1989). which those anti-vitruvian architects practice.

Strikingly, these architects see themselves The preceding reflection goes along with the
as creative leaders and among the world’s architect role models identified by James
actors, but with special talents and unique Ackerman in his pioneering article: “Listening
responsibilities, emphasizing the cardinal to Architecture” (Ackerman, 1969). The
contribution of the individual maker to the world anti-vitruvian architect role models can be
of architecture. As a result, their buildings are exemplified in two types of architects; the
seen as steps within their own lives. This illustrates egoist, and the pragmatist role models. One
that artistic originality and individual authorship should note in this context that other roles have
are highly revered and seen as paramount, and been identified by several writers, for example
thus the notion of “celebrity” continues to be a Erber (1970), and Burgess (1983). Nevertheless,
dominant aspect of international architectural for the purpose of this discussion, the focus is
circles. What does this tell us? An assertion can on the egoist and the pragmatist as dominant
be made here: anti-vitruvian architects, the models that continue to exist for centuries.
shapers of most cities in the developed and the Again, based on recent practices, one could
developing worlds, are immersing themselves in see them as the only models now.
a matter of self exploration and self expression,
and thus the creation of architecture is based The egoist is attitudinally described as the “I-
only on intrinsic feelings and beliefs rather than give-them-what-I-want” approach to practice.
rational, logical, and contextual constraints The pragmatist role, on the other hand, is
(Salama, 1995). attitudinally described as the “I-give-them-
what-they-want” approach to practice. In
In response to these syndromes the recent terms of the attitudes underlying these two
article of Salingaros and Masden (2007) raises models one can argue that the tendency
critical questions “How can anyone believe of the egoist is to deny or oversimplify (or
that a “Dutch Design Demigod” could know superficially respond to) the system of values of a
more about a place than the very people who society, while the tendency of the pragmatist is
were born and raised there? How can these to totally accept the system of values as is. Both
starchitects espouse to know what is best for these attitudes produce negative approaches
the rest of the world? More importantly, how to the creation of the built environment, and to
do we combat the aesthetic authority that the way in which architecture is practiced. The

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

egoist is paternalistic and his/her role is to create change in a poor community, or a squatter

abstract forms based on subjective feelings, settlement. While anti-vitruvian architects

whereas the pragmatist is entrepreneurial and are immersing themselves in exploring new
his/her role is to manipulate forms based on innovations to foster their fame, two thirds of
accepting the values of others. In this context, the world’s population lacks shelter or lives in
one should emphasize “her” as star architects substandard houses (adapted from Salama
now include female architects (2). The anti- 2003).
vitruvian practices and the attitudes of anti-
vitruvian architects have contributed to severe
environmental and social problems. The cultural
On Salingaros
and visual identities of different localities in Reaching the global condition and the resulting
different parts of the world are completely lost ills of anti-vitruvian world architecture and
because of the role models they adopt, as well urbanism, many architects came to terms with
as the naivety of the client groups who support the facts of industry and economy, but typically
them. at the cost of their ethical responsibilities as
independent professionals. The ethics of the
One should conclude this section by the individual responsive architect or the small-
following four wonders and one wish: scale architectural office were replaced by the
ethics of the large consulting firms or real-estate
• I wonder if anti-vitruvian architects are able to companies. As a conscious reaction to this
deal with different segments of societies other condition, Nikos Salingaros’ work is emerging
than serving the rich and only the rich. to offer new theories that if adopted, adapted,
and practiced, will shape a better environment
• I wonder if they have the ability to protect for the future. The question at this point is: Who
the tangible built heritage within the intangible is Nikos A. Salingaros?
cultural and societal contexts.
Born in Perth, Australia of Greek parents,
• I wonder if they can democratize design Nikos A. Salingaros is a mathematician and
practices and if they know how to involve polymath popular for his work in urban theory,
people affected by design decisions in the architectural theory, complexity theory, and
process of making those decisions. design philosophy. Salingaros shares a harsh
• I wonder if they are able to deal with critical analysis of conventional modern
problems and paradoxes associated with architecture with the architect and computer
different sub-cultures including the disabled, software pioneer, Christopher Alexander, the
children, seniors, and the under-represented prominent scholar and theorist. Salingaros,
(Salama, 1999). like Alexander, has proposed an alternative
theoretical approach to architecture and
• I wish I could see anti-vitruvian architects urbanism that is more adaptive to human
able to solve a housing problem in a village or needs and cultural aspirations, combining
in a dense urban region, or able to introduce rigorous scientific analyses with deep intuitive

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

experience (Wikepedia, 2007). He has Salingaros and Alexander


collaborated with Alexander in the editing of

Alexander’s latest work, “The Nature of Order”. In the context of reflecting on the work of
Salingaros’ three manuscripts and numerous Salingaros, one has to refer to the mutual
articles have been published in, not only and collegial relationship between him and
the mainstream conventional architectural Christopher Alexander. Both have contributed
magazines, but in responsive online and paper remarkable arguments and theories since
journals as well. Alexander’s “Notes of the Synthesis of Form”
in the 1960s to Salingaros’ “A Theory of
Prior to shifting his attention to architecture Architecture” in the 2000s.
and urbanism, Salingaros published substantive
research on Algebras, Mathematical Physics, Salingaros acknowledges a debt to Christopher
Electromagnetic Fields, and Thermonuclear Alexander for encouraging him to devote
Fusion. Salingaros still teaches mathematics, his energies to understanding architectural
and is Professor of Mathematics at the and urban form. Indeed, it was Salingaros’
University of Texas at San Antonio. He is also on collaboration with Alexander, in editing
the Architecture faculties of universities in Italy, Alexander’s four-volume book “The Nature
Mexico, and the Netherlands. of Order,” that precipitated Salingaros into
architectural research. He credits Alexander for
In 1995, Salingaros’ first publication on this inspiration: “Working with him on his book
architecture marked the beginning of an The Nature of Order during the twenty years
exciting new career, which quickly eclipsed prior to its publication taught me much of what
his earlier one. His papers on architecture I know about architecture and urbanism. He
and urbanism have been translated into has generously encouraged me over all these
Catalan, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, years. More than that, he provided a solid point
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. of sanity in an architectural world driven by
He was awarded a grant by the Alfred P. images, fashions, and opinions. My work utilizes
Sloan Foundation in 1997 for his pioneering and expands on his ideas in many ways. A full
efforts in building a scientific understanding of appreciation of the material presented here
architecture and urbanism. He has appeared can only come from reading his monumental
as a guest on National Public Radio, and has work.” (Salingaros, 2006:25).
been interviewed by several magazines. He is
a champion of the New Urbanism, combining Alexander, in turn, gives Salingaros credit for his
it with new exigencies of the developing original ideas: “In my view, the second person
“network city”. In an essay with James Howard who began to explore the deep connection
Kunstler, Salingaros predicted the end of the between science and architecture was Nikos
skyscraper era, which expanded his popularity Salingaros, one of the four Katarxis editors. He
worldwide (Salingaros Home Page, 2007). had been working with me helping me edit
material in The Nature of Order, for years, and
at some point — in the mid-nineties I think —
began writing papers looking at architectural

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

problems in a scientific way. Then by the second preliminary analysis of a building. However, one

half of the nineties he began making important would tend to believe that this was not enough.
contributions to the building of this bridge, The reason is that architects since the discovery
and to scientific explorations in architecture of De Architectura needed more elaborate
which constituted a bridge.” (Alexander, 2004, arguments; this is perhaps — in part — one of
Katarxis No. 3, online). the reasons why many architects and practices
became anti-vitruvian, and the results are really
The fact that each is crediting the other in repelling. They needed more clarification and
some form and out loudly is a rarity in recent interpretation of phenomena that correspond
academic and professional practices. Today, to the changing nature of architecture and the
many theorists, academics, and practitioners societies it serves.
are claiming territory or ownership over
whatever they can. Another question here: It would be very difficult in the 21st century
what does this tell us? Simply, it tells us that to still think of the three criteria/phenomena
professional ethics are explicitly integrated in introduced by Vitruvius as a panacea to
the work of Salingaros. the ills of world architecture and the built
environment in general. This is especially
true in light of population growth, increased
From Vitruvius’ Triad to Salingaros’ Triad urbanization, technological advancement,
Earlier I used the following terms: Commodity/ and the dramatic changes in the structure of
Convenience,Firmness/Durability,Delight/ contemporary societies. Those major forces
Beauty. However, there are many interpretations are coupled with housing problems and the
in the literature expressing these three continuous emergence of squatter settlements,
phenomena, and how they constitute a work the deterioration of the built heritage, and the
of architecture or a building. Some authors refer emergence of new building types and large
to these phenomena as function, structure, and structures.
beauty, while others still prefer to use the original
Undoubtedly, Vitruvius gave us the ABC of
Latin terms Utilitas, Firmitas, and Venustas.
architecture, but someone should have
According to O’Gorman (1997), we may think
continued the alphabet of architectural
of the Vitruvian components as the corners of
theories. It is my conviction that Nikos Salingaros
an equilateral triangle, or better still, the legs of a
offers a new alphabet that corresponds to
tripod called architecture. No one leg can stand
the demands placed upon the profession by
alone; each is dependent upon the other two to
contemporary societies. His work meets the
form the work of architecture, and this fosters the
requirements of architecture and urbanism
earlier argument of this paper.
in the 21st century. As a critic of modernist,
Many theorists argue (and rightly so) that postmodernist, and deconstructivist styles
this is an exquisite formulation; for all its of building and thought, Salingaros’ triad
antiquity it remains a useful framework for the is emerging to replace these styles with
initial thinking about architecture, and the a humanistic architecture for the future. His

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

work is seen by many as forging a crucial I would agree that such a triad could change,

interface between innovative ideas for a new as the future writings of Salingaros may evolve
architecture, and the timeless content of the equilateral triangle into something else.
traditional architectures (Salingaros Home However, at the present moment in the
Page, 2007). To some, and to eventually many history of architectural theory, it is a triad and
academics and practitioners, Salingaros’ role will continue to be so until a new round of
will be the responsive theoretician whose aim is Salingaros’ work emerges. The triad offers the
to reconnect humanity with so much that was foundation for a completely new approach to
lost over the past several decades. the built environment. As stated in Salingaros’
Website, his work “derives rules that underlie a
Introducing a new alphabet, Salingaros living architecture …” These rules do not simply
has written three manuscripts that can be clone great architectures of the past, but they
interpreted as forming the new triad. These re-interpret them; they go against copying-
are “Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction” pasting elements and symbols from the past, an
(2004), “Principles of Urban Structure” (2005), aspect promoted by anti-vitruvian architects
and “A Theory of Architecture” (2006). Similar and critics.
to that of Vitruvius, but differing in content
and comprehensiveness, the triad can be Two striking aspects are evident in Salingaros’
explained in terms of how each manuscript and triad. They can both be classified under
its underlying critical theories lead to the next. the heading of “integration.” The first is an
“Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction” comes integration of two different but complementary
on the top angle or corner of the equilateral types of knowledge in architecture. The
triangle, as it introduces critical analyses of second is an integration of the two extremes of
20th century architecture, and offers a prelude architectural theory, the hard facts and the soft
to the successive theories. As one moves values. It is believed that there are two types of
clockwise, the second manuscript “Principles knowledge in architecture. The first comprises
of Urban Structure” comes on the right corner knowledge resulting from research that seeks
of the triangle as Salingaros’ theories are to understand the future through a better
introduced at the urban scale. Continuing to understanding of the past — research and
move clockwise, one reaches the third angle reflection that explores accepted ideas. The
of the triangle where the latest manuscript, “A second comprises knowledge resulting from
Theory of Architecture” comes to introduce research that probes new ideas, principles, and
scientific and mathematics based theories on theories which will shape the future — research
architecture. Moving clockwise again to the that develops new hypotheses and epistemics.
first angle in order not to forget the critical While “Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction”
analyses, one thus keeps remembering the ills falls within the first type, “Principles of Urban
that resulted from the anti-vitruvian architects Structure” and “A Theory of Architecture”
and their practices, and the move continues constitute the second type.
(Figure 1).

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

Some architectural scholars and thinkers to be professional it must be ethical and valid.

may argue that what we have accumulated Again, Salingaros’ triad incorporates these
throughout the years within the scope of components into an objectively and logically
“architectural theory” are simply expressions accepted philosophical system that is based
of ideas and experiences which have on critical visions, scientific understandings,
concomitantly been identified as “theory.” and well articulated arguments. These
(Ozkan, 1999). While this argument is in two characteristics of Salingaros’ triad are a
part valid, an architectural theory should concomitant reason that his triad has generated
address three components: the scientific, the controversial debate in the architectural
artistic, and the professional, while the three media. Unlike mainstream architectural theories
components should range from hard facts to developed during the past century, Salingaros’
soft values. However, if a theory claims to be theories are verifiable because they stem from
scientific it has to search for the truth, if it claims mathematics and science.
to be artistic it has to be original, and if it claims

Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction

Critical Analysis/Criticism of
20th Century Architecture

Remembering Prelude

Deriving Rules
that Underlie
a Living
A Theory of Architecture Principles of Urban Structure
Scientific & Mathematics New Theories at the
Based Theories Urban Scale

From Urban to Architectural Scale

Figure 1: Salingaros’ Triad: Deriving Rules that Underlie a Living Architecture.

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction made valid arguments where the manuscript


refers to Jencks as a “phrase maker and

“Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction” is at style tracker.” He points out that Jencks’
the top of the triad. The manuscript appears as understanding and use of scientific concepts
if Salingaros was setting the stage for his future to justify and celebrate deconstructivist
writings. He established the scene through architecture is simply superficial (2). On the
a collection of twelve essays in the form of a other hand, Bernard Tschumi’s two major
compilation that critically analyzes evolutionary writings titled “The Manhattan Transcripts” and
aspects of modernism and post-Modernism, “Architecture and Disjunction” were closely
while heavily criticizing the resulting end-style of examined by Salingaros. He concluded that
these two movements: Deconstructivism. Anti- Tschumi’s work is a collection of meaningless
Architecture and Deconstruction encompasses images that resembles advertising and
an interview with Christopher Alexander, and a false claim of knowledge of mathematics in
contributions and comments from well-known analogizing it to architectural form.
writers and scholars including James Stevens
Curl, Michael Mehaffy, and Lucien Steil, among The other ten essays offer eloquent and
others. convincing arguments against such
a destructive attitude of deconstructivism
The main argument of this manuscript and deconstructivists. However, three of
lies in Salingaros’ belief that architectural these should be highlighted. The essays titled
deconstruction is not a new thing. It has “Derrida Virus,” “Background Material for the
started since the 1920s from the Bauhaus, Derrida Virus,” and “Death, Life and Libeskind”
the international style, and modernism, going eloquently show how Derrida’s notion of
through new brutalism and late and post deconstructivism became a dangerous virus
modernism. Each of these “ISMS” is regarded which keep reproducing itself infinitely. Derrida,
as a cult that had tremendous negative an Algerian-born French philosopher founded
impacts on they way in which we think about such a notion in literary criticism, and described
or approach architecture in pedagogy and it as “a method for analyzing texts based on the
practice. Salingaros argues, and rightly so, idea that language is inherently unstable and
that deconstructivists have disassociated shifting, and that the reader rather than author
themselves from the lessons derived from history is central in determining the meaning” (Derrida,
and precedents, while distancing themselves 1973). While his work was heavily criticized by
from basic human needs and cultural contexts. prominent linguists and philosophers including
Noam Chomsky, it found listening receptive
While many critical statements are made by ears in the architectural community, a typical
Salingaros in different parts of the manuscript, habit of many name architects who run after
one should note his criticism of the critics, the slogans and strange notions that help them to
articulate and fancy rhetoric and writings of philosophize and theorize in order to justify their
Charles Jencks and Bernard Tschumi. In this work.
respect, in two important essays, Salingaros

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

Metaphorically, the virus has killed almost all I would add my voice to other reviewers of

connections to the past, to humanity, and to this manuscript: that it must be a mandatory
context. The resulting ills are manifested in many reading in schools of architecture worldwide.
cities, but the trauma is well articulated in the Salingaros’ call for going against those attitudes
work of Daniel Libeskind in the Ground Zero and regaining our interest in solutions to
Proposal, the Seattle Public Library, and the human problems needs to be adopted. The
Berlin Holocaust Museum. Salingaros shows how manuscript’s thrust for re-associating ourselves
the rhetoric surrounding the claims of Libeskind to the near and distant past — depending on
on the emotional experience of the Ground who we are and the cultural context in which
Zero proposal are nothing but negative. In we operate — deserves special attention by
this respect, a reference needs to be made both academics and practitioners.
to university campuses which are supposed
to convey constructive messages about the Principles of Urban Structure
future of learning, research, and humanity; they
are calling deconstructivists to destruct their The right angle of Salingaros’ triad is “Principles
learning environments. This is clearly evident in of Urban Structure.” The manuscript moves
the work of Antoine Predock in the McNamara beyond criticism, and incorporates critical
Alumni Center of the University of Minnesota, analyses into philosophical interpretations.
and the work of Frank Gehry’s Wiseman Art The result is to form new visions through which
Museum of the same University. Notably, Gehry’s we may understand the city as a mixture of
work is invading many university campuses phenomena. A preliminary examination of
including Case Western Reserve University this manuscript reveals that it is based on
through its School of Business, and the University the view that a city with its physical, socio-
of Cincinnati through its Center for Molecular economic, institutional, and cultural presence
Studies. University campuses are intentionally produces and re-produces, transmits and
conveying “deconstructive” messages. represents much, if not all, of what counts as
politics, knowledge, and culture. One should
While the manuscript was criticized by a few be definite in this respect and argue that for
readers for having some redundancy, that thousands of years, many cities have been,
issues and concepts introduced say the same among other things, centers of culture, politics,
thing in several chapters, one should respond and the arts. Therefore, the knowledge of what
by arguing that in many instances, in order a city is and what it is that makes its buildings,
for a writer to make his message clear, it has neighborhoods, districts, streets, and the spaces
to be repeated, stated, elaborated, and within it alive needs to be subjected to new
articulated in different contexts and in different interpretations and visionary arguments. This is
manners. This is one of the most important the essence of this manuscript. In this respect,
qualities of those who believe in their message. Salingaros argues that “different types of urban
Undoubtedly, this manuscript is a voice of logic systems overlap to build up urban complexity
and reason against anti-architecture norms, in a living city. This raises the need for using
and the destructive attitudes of their followers. concepts such as coherence, emergence,

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

information, self-organization and adaptivity.” space and its information field, on one hand,

(Salingaros, 2006). and the distribution of sizes, on the other.

Constituted in ten chapters, “Principles of Urban Based on information theory and the laws of
Structure” accommodates a number of theories optics, Salingaros concludes that successful
and discussions that Salingaros has developed urban spaces are bounded by concave
since the mid 1990s. It introduces the unifying surfaces. The spaces reinforce paths and the
notion of the network city to understand urban paths are reinforced by the spaces. Insufficient
phenomena as components of a complex information that people need to define spatial
system. As another Greek, Constantine boundaries causes psychological discomfort. In
Doxiades, introduced the Science of Human terms of the distribution of sizes, and based on
Settlements — Ekistics several decades back, empirical research, a link is established between
one tends to see this work as having a Greek certain ordering mechanisms inherent in the
origin. Salingaros is describing a beginning of a human mind and the designed environment.
real urban science that complements scientific This reflects the understanding that the design
approaches to urbanism currently undertaken of an environment is not arbitrary, but should
by several academics and scholars. However, satisfy a set of constraints. While this conclusion
as stated in the introduction of the manuscript, may see to be revealing what is already known,
it examines the unproven principles adopted the organization of mechanisms underlying
for many years, which were taken for granted. design were developed by Salingaros in light
It calls for a fresh look on our needs to re-shape, of several analogies with complex systems in
re-structure, revitalize, and repair cities based biology, physics, and physiology.
on some proven logical understandings.
The manuscript is dense in terms of introducing
In the context of outlining this manuscript science-based concepts, ideas, and visions,
as an integral part of Salingaros’ triad, it is while linking them to the physical environment.
important to cover selected crucial issues. On the one hand, a number of other ideas are
It provides a different way of thinking about presented to address critical issues that pertain
an urban area or a portion of a city. Overall, to complexity and urban coherence, such as
the theory is not about geometrical forms, it is connecting the fractal city, and the role of
about activity nodes and the physical paths information architecture and human intelligence
that connect them. It offers planning principles in shaping the urban environment. On the other
based on a mathematical understanding of hand, the influence of Alexander is present
what generates the urban web. On that basis, in Salingaros’ work. While Alexander’s Pattern
Salingaros argues that the current system of Language had and continues to have a great
breaking down neighborhoods has already impact on the minds of many people, Salingaros
alienated and segregated communities, while investigates the Pattern Language further, as two
at the same increasing crime. He complements chapters are exclusively dedicated to root the
his theory of the urban web by two other theories pattern language into the soil of recent debates
that pertain to the relationship between urban on architecture and urbanism.

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

A Theory of Architecture “A Theory of Architecture” is in fact not about


one theory, but several complementary ones

This manuscript represents the third angle of the that together contribute to a new vision
Salingaros triad. While capitalizing on recent about architecture. Concepts that pertain to
efforts to develop interpretations of socio- complexity, emergence, and evidence-based
cultural phenomena by means of scientific design, pattern languages, the fractal mind,
models, it builds on the four-decades-long effort geometrical fundamentalism, and meme
of Christopher Alexander. While having his own encapsulation, while presented in different
theories and distinct thinking for approaching chapters, are all integrated to shape such
and introducing issues, Salingaros refers in a vision. Highlights on these concepts reveal
several chapters in one form or another to the the message of the manuscript. In addressing
work of Alexander, as he sees him as a mentor complexity, Salingaros uses a model of
and views his work as a source of inspiration. organized complexity to estimate the degree of
Those who read and study the work of Alexander life in a building and measures the organization
would immediately realize this fact. of visual information. In evidence-based design,
Preceded by a preface written by Prince he introduces the concept of adaptivity as
Charles, and a foreword by Kenneth Masden a characteristic phenomenon of emergence.
II, “A Theory of Architecture” accommodates As a reaction to the fact that contemporary
twelve different but related chapters. Some architectural theory has degenerated
of them were jointly written with other scholars architecture into a narrow meaning by
including Debora Tejada, Hing-Sing Yu, Michael oversimplifying the relationship between spaces
Mehaffy, and Terry Mikiten. Among a number and their meanings, he proposes a broader
of aims Salingaros has identified for this work, discourse that involves evidence-based design,
two critical ones are noted. These are based an aspect that is being addressed by responsive
on my belief that they contribute to a new architects in creating healing, work, and
understanding of architecture, its theoretical learning environments. Building on Christopher
base, its education, and its practice. As stated Alexander’s work, Salingaros incorporates
by Salingaros, these two aims are: “Derive a pattern language and a form language
laws for how matter comes together to define into an adaptive design method. Geometrical
buildings that give pleasure to human beings,” fundamentalism is another concept coined and
and, “Explain, using scientific arguments, why explored by Michael Mehaffy and Salingaros
people derive pleasure and satisfaction from to express the dominance of monolithic forms
some forms but not from others”. This is based on of modern architecture that led to a “tunnel
his conviction that the architectural community vision” understanding of space.
has ignored for years logical thinking and This manuscript is of great value to architectural
empirical or experimental verification. Thus, this educators. It helps them correct some of the
manuscript, in Salingaros’ words, is developed misconceptions inherited in architectural
to correct this condition. education. These include the fact that
educators tend to present knowledge as a

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

body of facts and theories and as a process triad is apparently admired and adopted by

of scientific criticism. The processes that led Western Classical architects. The reason is that it
up to this product are always hidden and validates new classical and traditional buildings
internalized. Salingaros offers explanations by means of scientific arguments, although his
of how such processes occur, and uncovers work is not about classical architecture at all.
their hidden qualities. Also, in pedagogy,
knowledge is usually presented to students in a Implicitly and explicitly, Salingaros’ writings
retrospective way where abstract and symbolic within the triad and also other writings favor
generalizations used to describe research the architecture of indigenous populations,
results do not convey the feel of the behavior and especially those of traditional Islamic
of the phenomena they describe; the late architecture. It is here that the greatest degree
Donald Schon emphasized this view in 1988. of “life” can be found through form and
The term “retrospective” here means extensive artificial materials. Because his writings have
exhibition of the performance of the work of an a broad scope that addresses these specifics,
architect over time. In essence, the analysis of they are being translated into Persian and
precedents as part of the curriculum should several European languages. However, they
be introduced. Salingaros derives his concepts have not been circulated within the Arab
and theories from precedents, historical or world as one would expect. Therefore, this is a
scientific. Rather than giving students ready- call for Arab scholars, who should also join the
made interpretations about the work of star movement of creating responsive architecture,
architects, Salingaros offers a deeper insight that is an architecture based upon science,
into the understanding of the true essence society, culture, and logic. They should embark
of architecture. This is a marvelous piece on a translation effort so that these theories
and it should be a required reading in theory can reach their target population, especially
courses introduced in both undergraduate and architecture students. In fact, Salingaros’ triad
graduate programs of architecture worldwide. validates centuries of traditional architecture,
which is being ridiculed and despised by anti-
vitruvian architects and practices, in Salingaros’
Epilogue or Prologue for 21st – Architecture words: “by a certain ignorant class of Western
and Urbanism architects.” Unfortunately, younger architects
in many parts of the world and especially in the
In ending this article, one tends to think of this Arab and Muslim world have picked up these
discussion not in terms of a conclusion or an prejudices and are currently looking down on
epilogue, but as a prologue for the future of their tradition as a “step backward”, and as
architecture and urbanism in the 21st century. something to avoid. Actually, they are assaulting
Vitruvius’ triad was the beginning of the their culture and its underlying traditions.
dictionary on architecture, while Salingaros’
triad completed that dictionary after two Evidently, we are living in a time of confusion,
millennia. While Vitruvius’ triad maintains its and in a world in which no one theory will have
presence in discussions nowadays, Salingaros’ the upper hand in solving the contemporary

Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

needs of society in the field of architecture and on the escalator on her way to the auditorium. People

urbanism. This requires redefining architecture were dying to get autograph signatures from her.
to be ultimately a social act, and a scientific/ Strikingly, when I attended the lecture I found a less
than appealing presentation, not much to say about
intuitive art. It is crucial for current theory
the work presented, not even the typical rhetoric one
and practice to question once again the generally hears from deconstructivists.
fundamental values embodied in traditional
architecture and urbanism in a scientific (2) I have reached a similar conclusion during the
manner, and to look for ways in which such Architectural Public Sessions of Al Azhar Engineering
values can contribute to the creation of livable 5th International Conference in 1997, AEIC-97, where
environments. Now, one should pose questions Charles Jencks gave a speech in Le-Meridien , Cairo.
that were repeatedly posed by others: 1) Is Egypt. He was very articulate and his lecture was
influential to many because of the big words he used.
architecture nothing more than a mask of
Students and faculty from around the Arab world were
authority and power? 2) Is it a means of hiding intrigued by his arguments. Strikingly, again, no single
hardship and the harsh realities of ugliness, word of criticism from the part of architects including
poverty, inequity, and injustice that plague myself was said. However, some social scientists and
world societies as a result of Globalization? linguists were present, and noted a superficiality in
3) Is it a camouflage that covers up the the arguments he introduced on “Architecture of the
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followers? 4) Is it a veil that simply hides the
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Nikos A. Salingaros: A New Vitruvius for 21st – Architecture and Urbanism ?

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Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research - Volume 1 - Issue 2 - July 2007

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