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At the end of this discussion, we are expected to:

• differentiate the concept of individualist and
collectivist cultures;
• distinguish the attitude towards life of two
differing cultures; and
• understand the concept of “Me” in Western and
Eastern perspectives.
• Show initiative or work well independently
• Individual uniqueness and self-determination is valued
• Individuals are only responsible of themselves
• Does not seek to make everyone responsible for one
• Languages in which the word “I” is indispensable
• ”I” consciousness
Western culture is
identified as an individualist
culture where the individual’s
uniqueness is important.
People are encouraged to
express their inner states, or
feelings, and to influence
other people.
• Motivated by the good of the group
• Relying on others
• Placing priority on the group rather than the
• Pay attention to the importance of family
• Languages in which the word “I” is avoided
• “We” consciousness
Easterners construe self as
fundamentally associated with a sense of
duty towards a group and
interdependence with others. This is
called . (S.E.
Cross, et al 2011). In a collectivist cultural
atmosphere, the individual has a desire
for social harmony and is determined by
the norms or the demands of the in-
group, such as family or close-knit
community (Green; et al, 2005).

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