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Ever wondered how scope probes really work? Most textbooks
treat scope probes as a combination of a resistive divider
in combination with capacitors to provide an extended
frequency response. But as will be revealed, the reality is that
they are much more complex in principle. Read on.

By Doug Ford

he oscilloscope is an essential They all have their uses but by far the equivalent circuit in Fig.1 (above
tool for anyone working in the most common is the “times ten” right).
electronics. Whether you’re (x10) passive voltage probe. Typically, The scope’s input impedance is
working in electronics service, pro- you’re given two of them free with assumed to be 1M in parallel with
duction, testing R&D or in your home every oscilloscope. a small capacitance (somewhere
workshop, you need an oscilloscope. But how much do you really know between 10pF and 50pF). Low-band-
If you listen to a bunch of technical about these probes? width scopes generally have higher
people chatting about their scopes, A few hours of Googling will yield input capacitances.
they’ll talk about their bandwidth or countless explanations about basic The capacitance of the probe cable
whether they have colour displays, operation (voltage division and ca- may be from 60pF (for a high band-
depth of memory or portability but the pacitance compensation) but you are width probe) to 200pF (for a pretty
probes rarely get mentioned. unlikely to find explanations which average probe).
In fact, most users don’t think about show the probe’s transmission-line The factor-of-ten voltage division is
their probes until they hear the sicken- properties. determined at lower frequencies by the
ing crunch underfoot which tells them Nor will you find any adequate divider formed by the 9M resistor in
they shouldn’t have left them dangling description of the design differences the tip of the probe and the 1M scope
off the bench onto the floor. between inexpensive 40MHz probes input resistance.
There are many varieties of “spe- and much dearer 350MHz probes. The compensation capacitor across
cialist” probes: active-FET probes, the 9M probe resistor is trimmed to
differential-floating probes, current- Conventional explanations be 1/9th the combined capacitances of
sensing probes are just some we could Conventional wisdom explains the scope input and the probe cable.
mention. the operation of a x10 probe with In the case above, the scope-plus-cable

16 Silicon Chip

C comp 13.3pF
amplitude of 1V peak-to-peak. The
probe is connected to the calibration
R1 50
Rdiv 9M 
PROBE CABLE B terminal and adjusted to achieve the
“squarest” waveform display.
Anyone who has trimmed a x10
V1 PROBE TIP Cin Rin probe will be familiar with the scope
100pF waveform seen during trimming, as
(GROUND CLIP) in Fig.3.
While Fig.1 shows the compensa-
tion trim capacitor connected across
the 9M probe resistor this is actually
very rare.
More typically, the capacitor across
the 9M resistor has a fixed value and
trimming is achieved by a trimmer
connected in parallel with the probe
cable and scope input capacitances,
as shown in Fig.4.
At this stage, there doesn’t appear
to be much difference between probes
with tip-end or scope-end trimming.
Both types of probe are available, with
bandwidths from 20MHz to 300MHz.
Fig.1: Circuit and response of x10 probe (“Conventional” explanation). However, higher bandwidth probes

capacitance is 120pF, so the compensa-

tion cap is trimmed to (120/9) = 13.3pF.
When the capacitive divider formed
by CCOMP andCIN//CCBL has the same
1:10 ratio as the resistive divider
formed by Rin and Rdiv, the frequency
response of the probe should be flat
from DC to ultraviolet.
The only limitation to high-frequen-
cy bandwidth should be the interac-
tion of the source impedance (shown
here as 50) with the effective capaci-
tance of the probe tip (12pF), giving a Fig.2: How compensation trimming affects frequency response.
–3dB point of 265MHz.
Note that the frequency scale of
the simulation extends from 10Hz to
10GHz. We don’t want to miss any
interesting artefacts, do we?
Trimming the compensation
The effect of trimming the compen-
sation capacitor on frequency response
is shown in Fig.2 The capacitor has
been varied from 8pF to 18pF in 1pF
Fig.3: Waveforms seen during compensation trimming of a 1kHz square-wave.
Note that the gain is unaffected at
frequencies below 300Hz but gain er-
rors in the 3kHz ~ 100MHz range are SIGNAL SOURCE C t 15pF SCOPE INPUT
large and consistent. A B
Oscilloscopes are fitted with an Rdiv 9M 

internal square-wave generator which

feeds a “calibration” terminal on the V1
Cin Rin
front panel. 1000Hz SWITCH C comp 100pF
20pF 1M
This calibration signal is provided 15pF

specifically for the purpose of trim- PROBE TIP

ming probes. The calibration signal COMPONENTS

frequency is usually 1kHz with an Fig. 4: Probe circuit with fixed tip capacitor. October 2009 17
calculated inductance, for a 50 line
with 83pF/m capacitance, is 208nH/m.
Since we haven’t changed the 100pF
cable capacitance, we don’t need to
change the 15pF tip capacitor or 15pF
compensation trim.
Fig.5: compensation trimmer at the scope end (left) and probe end (right). These values were punched into the
transmission line shown in Fig.6:
(350MHz and higher) tend to have their drafting program Traxmaker (a Win- The result is an awful frequency
compensation trimmers at the scope dows version of Autotrax) and a Gerber response! The effects of reflections
end of the cable. file reader at a very reasonable price. from the unterminated transmission
So far, we have given a fairly simple line will give huge response varia-
description of probe operation using Simulating a probe’s cable tions at the scope above 20MHz (green
standard textbook explanations. But We’ll replace the single 100pF cable trace). The effects of probe loading on
this ignores the fact that the probe’s capacitance with a transmission line the signal generator (yellow trace) are
cable is NOT a simple lumped capaci- in the circuit simulator. The circuit similarly large.
tance; it is a transmission line! simulator can simulate any transmis- So what do probe and scope design-
The probe’s coaxial cable has length, sion line, but we need to make a few ers do to address this problem?
distributed inductance and capaci- guesses about the circuit values to enter I have looked inside several scopes
tance, propagation delay and signal into the simulator. and probes over the years. And I’ve
reflections from unterminated ends. Typical probe cables are around trodden on a few probes in my time,
What’s the effect of these properties 1.2m long, although they can be up resulting in some sad post-mortems and
on the behaviour of a probe? to 1.8m. The total capacitance of my furtive probe replacements.
So let’s replace the lumped cable 250MHz probes is 85pF, according to Most probes have a discrete low-
capacitance in our previous simulation their manufacturer’s specifications. value resistor built into the probe tip
with a transmission line and see what The specified capacitance is 128pF extremity, located at the tip in front
happens! for my 60MHz probes, although these of the 9M divider resistor and x1/
actually measured closer to 170pF. We x10 switch.
Simulator software will use 100pF in simulations for now, I measured the end-to-end resistance
CircuitMaker is a schematic layout to maintain parity with the previous of some probes (in x1 setting) and found
and simulator program originally re- simulations of Fig.1 and Fig.4. Our values in the range 180~ 270. OK,
leased by Microcode. cable capacitance will thus be 83pF/m we will include some probe-tip resist-
I’ve been told that Microcode bought for a 1.2m cable. ance, say 250 in the simulation.
the Autotrax franchise from Protel in We will assume that the cable’s Similarly, I have seen that in some
the early 90’s. In 1998, Protel bought characteristic impedance is 50 for older scopes, there is a series 50 resis-
Microcode, then changed its name to the moment. The cable inductance (per tor between the BNC input socket and
Altium in 2001. So, CircuitMaker be- unit length) can be calculated from: the range switch. We will include this,
came an Altium product, until Altium ZO= (L/C), where L = inductance per as well. See Fig.7.
discontinued it in 2001. unit length and C = capacitance per unit The frequency response (green) is ob-
This is a pity, because this excellent length. It doesn’t matter what your unit viously smoother than in Fig.4 and the
simulator was bundled with the PCB length is; we’re using metres here. The loading effect on the source (yellow) is


B 1.2m CABLE A
R1 50 Rdiv 9M 

V1 50  lossless transmission line, Cin Rin

1.2m length: 83pF/m & 208nH/m C comp
1000Hz 15pF 20pF 1M
(i.e., 100pF total capacitance)


Fig.6: Simple transmission-line

model: Circuit diagram and
frequency response.

18 Silicon Chip


B 1.2m CABLE A
R1 50 Rtip Rdiv 9M  Rc 50

V1 50  lossless transmission line, Cin Rin
1.2m length: 83pF/m & 208nH/m C comp
1000Hz 15pF 20pF 1M
(i.e., 100pF total capacitance)


Fig.7: Simple TL model with added

probe & scope resistances: circuit and
frequency response

lower. But the usable bandwidth is still covered that the cable centre core had of 165/m (200 total). We’ll also re-
less than 40MHz. Even if there was a a surprisingly high resistance. duce the value of the probe-tip resistor
clever way to smooth the response, it I dissected the cable further and was from 250 to 50. The overall probe
would still only get to maybe 100MHz surprised to discover that the core wire series resistance is still 250, as before.
before rolling off. appeared to be very thin resistance Also, I’m pretty sure that most
Tweaking the compensation capaci- wire, with a resistance of around 100 modern scopes don’t use 50 series
tor has little effect on the frequency ~ 200 per metre! See Fig.8. resistors any more, because modern
response or the transmission-line This very fine core wire appears to high bandwidth scopes have very low
resonance effects. So it is obvious that be made from a single strand and is input capacitances (10pF ~ 15pF). This
the transmission-line characteristics of “crinkled” – presumably to provide renders the scope’s 50 series termina-
the probe cable are potentially respon- tolerance to repeated flexing. I’m guess- tor pretty useless at frequencies around
sible for some serious bandwidth and ing that the white foam core insula- 80MHz, where transmission-line end-
frequency-response limitations. So, tion gives low dielectric loss, while to-end resonance is most problematic.
what is the secret behind the design the black PVC around the foam gives It’s irrelevant so let’s get rid of it from
of my 250MHz probes, and even my mechanical support to the foam (and simulations.
junkbox 60MHz probes? How DO probe no, the black stuff isn’t conductive. I Fig.9 shows the magic result: a
manufacturers manage to get extreme checked!). smooth and monotonic response,
bandwidths from probes? The high resistance of the core wire which is -3dB down at 65MHz with no
I tried all kinds of tricks in simulator- was the clue I needed. This coax cable nasty reflections or response anomalies
land to see how the transmission line is NOT low-loss; it has been made – just a smooth, usable response!
could be tamed and how the response deliberately lossy, to reduce the ef- Even more interesting: the response
could be extended. I tried variations to fects of end-to-end transmission-line of this simulation conforms quite
the cable’s characteristic impedance, reflections! nicely to the behaviour of a typical
various component combinations at I now wanted to know the identity 60MHz probe!
the tip or at the scope end of the cable; of the unknown, unsung genius who OK, so now we know the secret to de-
all to little effect. developed this trick. signing a probe: use lossy transmission-
I eventually resorted to examination So, back to simulator-land. This time, line cable! But how can the response
of the cable from a defunct probe. I dis- we’ll give the coaxial cable a resistance be extended?
First: I’ll assume that modern high-
bandwidth scopes don’t have 50
series termination.
Secondly: I’ll use the manufacturers’
specs for a 100MHz oscilloscope and
250MHz probe in the simulator.
Thirdly: I’ll assume a low-imped-
ance source, instead of the 50 source
impedance used so far.
Fourthly: when I dissected the scope-
end compensation trim of the cable
shown in Fig.8, I found that the trim-
Fig.8: probe cable dissection – note the crinkled inner wire. mer capacitor was connected in series October 2009 19

Transmission Lines
Transmission lines may take many physical forms: They be in materials (core diameter, outer diameter and insulation material).
the form of single conductors near a ground return, such as cop- If you make the core wire smaller, you increase its inductance and
per tracks on PC boards, PC striplines and single-wire rural phone reduce its capacitance, so the characteristic impedance becomes
lines. They may be in the form of wire pairs, such as figure-8 cable, higher. This is why 75 coax has a smaller wire diameter than 50
twisted wire pairs or overhead power transmission lines. They may coax of similar size.
be in the form of coaxial cables, whether single-conductor, stranded Low-loss coaxial cables usually use foamed insulation around
conductor or shielded twisted pairs. the core, rather than solid insulation. The gas in the foam reduces
As a rough rule of thumb, wire conductors will begin to exhibit the insulation’s dielectric constant, reducing capacitance. This al-
transmission-line effects when their length becomes greater than lows thicker core wire to be used to achieve the right characteristic
one-tenth of a wavelength while conductors longer than a quarter impedance, giving lower resistance and lower loss. In addition,
wavelength show definite transmission-line effects. the foam insulation can sometimes have lower conductivity (lower
Mains power lines operating at 50Hz are treated as transmission loss) than its solid counterpart – at least, until moisture seeps in…
lines if their length exceeds a few hundred kilometres. Phone lines When you are simulating or measuring the effects of a cable at
with 3kHz bandwidth are treated as transmission lines if they are low frequencies where no transmission-line effects are seen, you
longer than a few kilometres. At 10MHz, any conductor longer than will be dealing with the “bulk” cable properties. The bulk properties
30cm must be treated as a transmission line! of total resistance, total capacitance and total inductance will be all
A property of a transmission line is its characteristic impedance. you require to determine cable effects.
When a transmission line is loaded at its far end by a resistor of the For example, if you’re feeding audio signals into a 100m cable
same value as its characteristic impedance, all signals fed into the (with 100pF/m capacitance) from a 100 output source, you would
line are absorbed by this resistor. If the load at the far end is not the estimate that the high frequency response would be 3dB down at F
same as the line’s characteristic impedance, signals will be reflected = 1/2RC (where R=100 and C = 10nF), or around 160kHz; good
from the far end back to the signal source. enough for audio!
If the line is fed with signals via a resistance equal to the charac- However, if you were actually going to feed a 160kHz signal down
teristic impedance, it doesn’t matter if the far end is not terminated this same cable, you might want to see if transmission-line effects
by the correct resistance; Any reflections from the far end will be are likely. Calculate the wavelength from: Wavelength = Velocity/Fre-
absorbed by the source resistance. quency. Velocity of signals in a cable are around 80% of light-speed
If a line is terminated by mismatched impedances at both ends (for (rule of thumb!) or about 250 million meters per second. You don’t
example, driven at one end from a very low impedance source,and need much precision for such calculations; just enough informa-
open-circuit or short-circuit at the far end) then signals can ping-pong tion to tell you if you DO need to resort to more elaborate analysis!
up and down the line many times before they are slowly absorbed At 160kHz, one wavelength = 250,000,000/160,000 = 1500-odd
by line losses. metres. So your 100m cable is one-fifteenth of a wavelength long;
Rs1 Ls1 Rs2 Ls2 Rs3 Ls3 RsN LsN

Gp1 Cp1 Gp2 Cp2 Gp3 Cp3 GpN CpN


Video distribution systems, which send high-frequency signals You might not have to treat it as a transmission line at 160kHz but
through long coaxial cables, terminate both ends of each cable. you certainly would if your signal had higher harmonics which
Signals are sent into a cable via a series terminating resistor and the needed to be preserved.
far end of the cable is terminated by a resistor in the appliance (TV Transmission-line effects can be simulated and/or calculated
or whatever). This system ensures that a cable is terminated even by dividing the line into many smaller segments. The inductance,
when an appliance is unplugged from the far end. resistance, conductance and capacitance of each segment is given
The transmission-line characteristics (including characteristic by “quantity per unit length” times cable length, divided by the
impedance) of a conductor are defined by four basic properties of number of segments. This approach is called the “lumped parameter”
the wire: method. The equivalent circuit of a lumped-parameter transmission
• R, the resistance per unit length (/m) line is shown below.
• L, the inductance per unit length (H/m) The number of segments (lumps?) you use for your simulation
• G, the conductance of the dielectric (insulation) per unit length will determine how closely it corresponds with reality. Ten segments
   (m/) will give only moderate accuracy; Several hundred segments will give
• C, the capacitance per unit length (F/m) a very high degree of accuracy to simulations and calculations, but
The conductor resistance (R) and insulation conductance (G) netlist size and computation time can become prohibitive.
determine the losses in the transmission line. The conductance is Transmission lines are generally modelled in SPICE simulators
usually low, but can become very significant in coaxial cable if the by matrix mathematics and recursive convolution, rather than by
insulation becomes waterlogged. the lumped-parameter approach. These methods require much less
You can calculate the line’s characteristic impedance (ZO) from computation time than lumped-parameter methods. The maths is
the inductance and capacitance: ZO = (L/C). beyond me, but the transmission-line model used by CircuitMaker
In a coaxial cable, L and C are defined by the cable geometry and certainly responds correctly to “test questions” which I’ve posed.

20 Silicon Chip


B 1.2m CABLE A
R1 50 Rtip Rdiv 9M 

V1 50  lossy transmission line, C comp Cin Rin
1000Hz 83pF/m, 208nH/m & 165 /m 15pF 20pF 1M
(i.e., 100pF total capacitance &
(GROUND CLIP) 200  total resistance)


Fig.9: “lossy transmission-line” model

and frequency response

with a 68 resistor. I’ll include this at 15pF. However, we’ll increase the resistances (50/m) allow transmis-
resistor in simulations and find out value of the compensation trim to sion-line reflections to build up, giving
what it does. 35pF, because of the lower cable ca- a peaking response. Larger resistances
Then we’ll juggle the series resist- pacitance (85pF vs 100pF). (200/m) give an overdamped, sag-
ance of the transmission line in the The simulator circuit using these ging response.
simulator to see what happens! values is shown in Fig.10. The optimum cable resistance was
A 100MHz scope has an input ca- The transmission-line resistance in found to be around 115/m. This gave
pacitance of 15pF, so we’ll use this this circuit was varied from 50/m a response which is substantially flat
value at CIN. to 200/m. This is the kind of ex- to nearly 600MHz!
My 250MHz probe has a specified periment where simulators become The real bandwidth of my 250MHz
capacitance of 85pF (x1 setting), so so incredibly useful. It would be a probes would be 250MHz, rather than
we’ll set the transmission line ca- horribly expensive exercise to obtain the 600MHz shown by the simulator.
pacitance to 71pF/m. For a 50 cable, the various lossy cables which would I haven’t simulated the small stray
the calculated inductance must be be needed to conduct this series of capacitances from each component to
177nH/m. experiments at the test bench. ground or the stray capacitance across
This probe has a specified capaci- The effect of varying the cable resist- each component, which would reduce
tance of 15pF (x10 setting), so we’ll ance over the range 50 ~ 200 per the real bandwidth.
leave the value of the tip capacitor meter can also be seen in Fig.10. Low The resistor in series with the


B 1.2m CABLE A
R1 50 Rtip Rdiv 9M 

50 Rcomp
V1 50  lossy transmission line, 68  Cin Rin
1000Hz 71pF/m and 177nH/m 15pF 1M
(i.e., 85pF total capacitance) C comp
but resistance varied for effect! 35pF


Fig.10: circuit for “high bandwidth”

probe transmission-line model,
with the response at right. October 2009 21

At frequencies above the probe’s
60MHz bandwidth, the impedance
is no longer dominated by the 15pF
input capacitance.
It flattens out at 100, dictated by
the 50 probe tip resistor plus the 50
coax impedance.
Probe grounding and ground
How “grounded” is the ground clip
on your probe?
A typical probe ground wire with
alligator clip is around 150mm long.
Typical wire inductance is around
Fig.11: time-domain responses of 60MHz and 600MHz probes. 1nH/mm, so the ground lead exhibits
150nH of inductance. The probe tip’s
separation from its ground-lead at-
compensation trim (RCOMP in Fig.10) value. The simulated 60MHz probe tachment will add another 50nH or
appears to play a significant role. It shows 5.9ns rise-time; the “600MHz” so. This ground inductance was added
appears to terminate the lossy trans- probe shows 0.7ns rise time. to the high-bandwidth probe circuit,
mission line. The effects of faster or slower rise shown in Fig.13.
For example, if this resistor is times are in proportion to the na- The frequency response of this cir-
shorted, the –3dB bandwidth is ture of the signals you’re observing. cuit can be compared to the “natural”
reduced to 180MHz and the opti- Nanosecond differences in rise time response of the probe. So our nice, flat
mum transmission line resistance is are irrelevant if you’re observing the 600MHz probe’s response has been
110/m instead of 115/m. If RCOMP squarewave response of audio op amps peaked at 100MHz, with premature
is increased above 68 to (say) 150, with microsecond rise time but they rolloff above this.
the frequency response shows several become vital if you’re chasing prob- The transient response isn’t pretty
dB of peaking at 200MHz. lems in high-speed digital circuits. either, as seen in Fig.14.
Interestingly, it makes little differ- It is worth noting that since most x10
ence whether the compensation trim- Probe impedance probes have similar input capacitance
mer and its 68 resistor are positioned Does your x10 probe actually have (10pF to 25pF) and most ground clip
at the scope end or probe end of the a 10M input impedance? Yes – but leads have a similar length, they will
transmission line. only at low frequencies. all exhibit peaking around 100MHz,
This indicates that the choice of Fig.12 shows the input imped- irrespective of probe bandwidth.
trimmer location is probably a manu- ance in “dB re 1” of the 60MHz For this reason, high-bandwidth
facturing decision rather than perform- probe of Fig.9. The impedance is probes are generally supplied with
ance issue. 140dB (10M) below 1kHz but the a kit of attachments which allow
capacitance of the compensation cap the probe ground to be connected to
Rise-time and propagation determines the impedance at higher the circuit via coaxial or other low-
delay frequencies. inductance paths.
It is useful to compare the delay It is worth noting that when prob- If you’re measuring circuit operation
(propagation) times of different ing audio circuits at 20kHz, the probe above tens of MHz or rise times faster
bandwidth probes. Fig.11 shows the impedance is less than 1M. than 50ns, use these fittings!
response to a 10V pulse of the 60MHz
probe of Fig.9, and the 250MHz probe
(with 600MHz bandwidth!) of Fig.10.
The “600MHz” probe (green) has
a propagation delay of around 4.2ns
while the 60MHz probe (yellow) has
around 5.1ns delay.
The propagation delay is the time
between the input pulse edge and the
start of the pulse edge at the scope end
of the cable.
A difference of less than a nano-
second might not seem much, until
you’re chasing race conditions in logic
circuits with mismatched probes.
The rise-time of the scope end wave-
form is the time taken for the voltage
to go from 10% to 90% of the final Fig.12: Probe input impedance magnitude.

22 Silicon Chip

Rtip Rdiv 9M 

50 Rcomp
V1 50  lossy transmission line, 68  Cin Rin
1000Hz GROUND CLIP 71pF/m, 177nH/m & 115 /m 15pF 1M
INDUCTANCE (i.e., 85pF total capacitance C comp
200nH 35pF
& 138  total resistance)

Fig.13: high-bandwidth probe with
added ground-clip inductance, with
response at right.

The morals of this tale are:
• Trim your probe’s compensation
• Textbook analyses of probe opera-
tion rarely mention transmission-
line effects but these are fundamen-
tal to the design of a probe.
• There IS a difference between low-
bandwidth and high-bandwidth
probes. High-bandwidth probes
are designed with carefully tailored
transmission-line cable and to
minimise the effects of end-to-end
transmission-line reflections. Much
more attention is paid to stray capac-
itances and build quality.
• A x10 probe will only exhibit 10M
impedance at low frequencies. The
impedance at higher frequencies
is mainly determined by the probe
compensating capacitance.
• Use identical probes with equal rise



C t 15pF

Rdiv 9M 

1.2m CABLE

50  lossy transmission line,

71pF/m, 177nH/m & 115 /m
(i.e., 85pF total capacitance
& 138  total resistance)


C comp


time and bandwidth when inter-

channel timing is important (eg,
chasing race conditions or clock
skew). Fig.14: probe waveform with added ground-lead inductance.
• Probe ground-lead inductance REAL

Silicon Chip Binders

can destroy waveform fidelity and AT
bandwidth. Use the kit of adaptors $14.95
in your probe’s pouch to ensure low P LUS P&
inductance probe grounds!
• Don’t let your probes dangle off the H Heavy board covers with
mottled dark green vinyl covering
test-bench. Even the good ones break
when you tread on them or run your H Each binder holds up to 12
office chair over them! issues
H SILICON CHIP logo printed on
As a postscript to this article, I re- spine & cover.
ceived news of the clever fellow who Price: $A14.95 plus $A10 p&p per
pioneered the use of lossy cable in order (Australia only; not available
oscilloscope probes. elsewhere). Buy five and get them
It was the invention of John Kobbe, postage free.
from the halcyon days of Tektronix
in the early years. His patent is long Just fill in & mail the handy order
expired. form in this issue; or fax (02) 9939
I take my hat off to this gentleman 2648; or call (02) 9939 3295 &
who would have been working with- quote your credit card number.
out the benefit of PCs and simulator
software. SC
Silicon Chip Publications, PO Box 139, Collaroy 2097 October 2009 23

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