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gins lane Gh AS ja} Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular Components Occasionally the motion of a particle can best be described along a path that can be expressed in terms of its x, y, z coordinates. Position. If the particle is at point (x, y, z) on the curved path s shown in Fig. 12-174, then its location is defined by the position vector r=xi+yj+ ck (12-10) When the particle moves, the x, y, z components of r will be functions of time;i.e., x = x()), y = y(D, 2 = (0), so that r = r(x). At any instant the magnitude of r is defined from Eq. B-3 in Appendix B as Position (@) Velocity. The first time derivative of r yields the velocity of the particle. Hence, When taking this derivative, it is necessary to account for changes in both the magnitude and direction of each of the vector’s components. For example, the derivative of the i component of r is 2g ofa. a a 4 11/92 The second term on the right side is zero, provided the x, y, z reference frame is fixed, and therefore the direction (and the magnitude) of i does not change with time. Differentiation of the j and k components may be carried out in a similar manner, which yields the final result, dr P , va Fmd t od + ok (12-11) where R= WHI v,=2 (12-12) The “dot” notation x, }, represents the first time derivatives of x = x(0), y = y(t), z = 20), respectively. The velocity has a magnitude that is found from v= Vet ute and a direction that is specified by the unit vector u, = v/v. As discussed in Sec. 12.4, this direction is always tangent to the path, as shown in Fig. 12-17b. ve vit oj tok y Velocity “Fig. 12-17 (b) Acceleration. The acceleration of the particle is obtained by taking the first time derivative of Eq. 12-11 (or the second time derivative of Eq. 12-10). We have da a= a =aitajt+ak (12-13) where 3 12792 (12-14) Here a,, a,, a, represent, respectively, the first time derivatives of Vx = Vx(t), ¥y = 0\(A), V: = 0,(t), oF the second time derivatives of the functions x = x(9), y = y(O, 2 = <(). The acceleration has a magnitude a=Va+a+ and a direction specified by the unit vector u, = a/a. Since a represents the time rate of change in both the magnitude and direction of the velocity, in general a will not be tangent to the path, Fig. 12-17c. A ad taj tak Acceleration © {At any instant the horizontal position of the weather balloon in Fie 12-18e is defined by x = (89, where 1 is in seconds If the equation of the path is y = 1/10, determine the magnitude and Alrection of the velocity andthe acceleration when 1 = 2s. SOLUTION Velocity. The velocity component in the x direction is, 4 Sea = 88/5 ‘Tofind the relationship between the velocity components we will use the chain rule of calculus When 1 = 25, = 8(2) = 16 fi, Fig, 12-18a,and 90 4 x (22/10) = 2xk/10 = 2(16\8)/10 = 25.6 ft/s T a When 1 = 2s, the magnitude of velocity is therefore v= Vi8i/s? + 56/5)? = 26.8 ft/s Ans, ‘The direction is tangent to the path, Fig,12-18b, where ajer = 2686 Ans one Acceleration. The relationship between the acceleration components is determined using the chain rule, (See Appendix C.) We have © a 4, = 4, = 48) =0 a= = Sxi/10) = 2Gii/10 + 2xG8)/10 = 2(8)7/10 + 2(16)0)/10 = 12.8 8/5 t Ths, ena a= Vore (aa = 81/s ae P-- : ‘The direction of a, as shown in Fig, 12-186, is © oP Ans Fig. 12-18, 20ke For a short time the path of the plane in Fg. 12-19 i described by = (00012) m ifthe plane ising with a constant upward velocity of {m/s determine the magnitudes ofthe velocity and acceleration of the plane when reaches an alitude ofy = 100 m. 128 tan SOLUTION ‘When y = 100m, then 100 = 0001? or x = 316.2m. Also, duc to constant velocity », = 10:m/s,so (ORC Hibbeler) ya ot 100m = (0m/s)¢ os Velocity. Using the chain rule (see Appendix C) to find the relationship between the velocity components, we have 0018 (@.002x)% = O002x, (1) “Thus ree oa "The magnitude of the velocity is therefore © v= Vat = VOSA m+ COMP = 187 m/s Ans Acceleration. Using the chain rule, the time derivative of Eq. (1) tives the relation between the acceleration components. }0021316.2 mye.) 5.81 m/s 10m! = 8, = @OORHi + 0.002x00) = 0.002(e7 + x0) 15.81 m/s, 6 1002[(15.81 m/s)? + 316.2 ma,)] a, = ~0791 m/s? 100 x The magnitude of the plane's acceleration is therefore io a= Var + ay = Vi-0.791 m/s"? + Om/s'? Fie. 1219 = 0.791 m/s? Ans. uber Bue F12-17._ A particle is constrained to travel along the path. If x =(4t)m, where ¢ is in seconds, determine the magnitude of the particle’s velocity and acceleration when t=O05s. yiede x= (44) m F12-17. y = (41?) m % 4 (4t*) = (1613) m/s > dy 4 (417) = (81) m/s f When t = 0.5s, v= Vib + = VO m/sy + m/s = 4.47 m/s Ans, a, = 0, = § (168) = (487) m/s? a, = dy = £8) = 8 m/s? When t = 0.5 s, Va + & = V(12 m/s’? + (8 m/s??? = 144 m/s? Ans: 4d 12-82. The roller coaster car travels down the helical path at constant speed such that the parametric equations that define its position are x = ¢ sin kt, y= c cos kt, z =h — bt, where c, h, and b are constants. Determine the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration. 5 15/92 SOLUTION x= csin kt X = ck cos kt ¥ = —ck? sin kt y = ccos kt y = ~ck sin kt i = —ck? cos kt z=h-bt -b v = Vck cos kt) + (ck sin kt)? + (—by = VER + a= V(-ck?sin kt? + (ck? cos ki? + 0 = ck? 5 te A rocket is fired from rest at x = 0 and travels along a parabolic trajectory described by y? = [120(10)x] m. If the ee 1 , x component of acceleration is a, = G °) m/s’, where t is in seconds, determine the magnitude of the rocket’s velocity and acceleration when r= 10s. SOLUTION Position: The parameter equation of x can be determined by integrating a, twice with respect to 1. fo Jovat ie = [feu bp * 4 6 16/92 Substituting the result of x into the equation of the path, 120(107)( 4 a) y = (50) m y= = “(s02) = (1001) m/s ya ima s When = 10s, m= Bo) = 83.33 m/s vy = 100(10) = 1000 m/s Thus, the magnitude of the rocket’s velocity is Vor + vy = V/83.337 + 1000? = 1003 m/s ‘Ans. Acceleration: ay = ty = 4 (9 = 100 m/s* When t = 10s, 1 2 a, gue) = 25 m/s? ‘Thus, the magnitude of the rocket’s acceleration is a= Vag + a2 = V2 + 10P = 103 m/s Ans, 6 Se The flight path of the helicopter as it takes off from A is defined by the parametric equations x = (2/?)m and y = (0.0415) m, where t is the time in seconds. Determine the distance the helicopter is from point A and the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration when t = 10s. 7 17/92 SOLUTION =28 o4e Atr=10s, x=200m y=40m d= V(200)? + (40 = 204m Ans. dx Vy Eo 4 on" dy =— = 0.1207 vy = @ = 012 dv, ay = Gp = 024 Atr= 10s, » = V(40)? + (12)? = 41.8 m/s Ans. a= V (4? + (24) = 4.66 m/s? ‘Ans. 7 She F12-16. A particle is traveling along the straight path. If its position along the xaxis is x = (81) m, where + is in seconds, determine its speed when t = 2s. 4m 1s} FI2-16. y = 0.75(81) = 6 %» == $= 40) =8m/s > 2 = £@1) = 6m/st vy =y ‘The magnitude of the particle’s velocity is v= Vez + v = V8 m/s)? + 6 m/s)? = 10m/s Ans. Be F12-18. A particle travels along a straight-line path y = 0.5x. If the x component of the particle’s velocity is v, = (2?) m/s, where ris in seconds, determine the magnitude of the particle’s velocity and acceleration when t = 4s. v= 32m/s_— v, = 16 m/s v = Vor + oF = 35.8 m/s Ans. a= = 4 ay = dy When + a, = 16 m/s? a, = 8 m/s? a= Vat a = Vie + 8 = 17.9m/s? Ans. wher 9 he F12-20. The box slides down the slope described by the equation y = (0.05x’) m, where x is in meters. If the box has x components of velocity and acceleration of vy, = —3 m/s anda, = —1.5 m/s? atx = 5 m,determine the y components of the velocity and the acceleration of the box at this instant. y F12-20. j= 0.1xi 0.1(5)(—3) = -1.5m/s=1.5m/s) Ans. = 0.1 [te + x a, = 0.1[(—3)? + 5(-1.5)] =0.15m/s*? Ans. 10 Jae v, y Fi2-19. A particle is traveling along the parabolic path y = 0.25x°, If x = 8 m, 2» = 8 m/s, and a, = 4 m/s? when t=2-s, determine the magnitude of the particle’s velocity and acceleration at this instant. FI2-19. v, = 9 = = 0.5(8)(8) = 32 m/s Thus, v = Voz + uF = 33.0m/s Ans. a, = by = 057 + 0.5x% = 0.5(8)° + 0.5(8)(4) = 48 m/s* 10, 20/92 a, = 4m/s* Thus, a= Vai t+ a@ = V¥ + 48? = 48.2m/s* Ans. 11 dhe The particle travels along the path defined by the parabola y = 0.5x°. If the component of velocity along the x axis is vy = (5t) ft/s, where ris in seconds, determine the particle’s distance from the origin O and the magnitude of its acceleration when t = 1s. When t = 0, x = 0, y = 0. y ° SOLUTION Position: The x position of the particle can be obtained by applying the v, = a dx = d,dt | dx = [su lo lo x= (2507) ft Thus, y = 0.5(2507)? = (3.125¢) ft. At r=1s, x=25(1°)=250f and y = 3.125(1*) = 3.125 ft. The particle’s distance from the origin at this moment is eS Ss Td d = V(2.50 — 0) + (3.125 — 0 = 4.00 ft Ans, Acceleration: Taking the first derivative of the path y = 0.5x2, we have j The second derivative of the path gives yoP ta a However, ¢ ,, andj) = a,. Thus, Eq. (1) becomes a, = w+ xay @ 4, 21/92 di When t = 15, vg = 5(1) = 5 ft/s ay = “2 = 5 ft/s2, and x = 2.50 ft. Then, from Eq. (2) a ay =F + 2.50(5) = 37.5 ft/s? Also, a= Var + a = VS + 37.5 = 378 ft/s? Ans, aPoa

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