TRACS User Guide

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Document Number: 814208-1.0-ENG ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS Copyright © 2015 Loma Systems

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................1
About this Guide .................................................................................................................................. 2
General ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Audience .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Organisation ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Document Change Control .................................................................................................................. 3
Document Key ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Notes ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Hyperlinks ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Copyright and Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 4
The Loma Group of Companies .......................................................................................................... 5

How TRACS Works ................................................................................7

Technical Requirements .........................................................................9
General ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Hard-drive size .................................................................................................................................... 9
Failover ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Virtual servers ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Remote access .................................................................................................................................... 9
Virus protection .................................................................................................................................... 9
Network Infrastructure ....................................................................................................................... 10
IP Addresses Management ............................................................................................................... 10
Existing PC’s for report viewing ......................................................................................................... 10
SQL Server ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Server Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 10
Server Logon Account ....................................................................................................................... 10
3 3
CW Checkweigher / CW Combo Data ............................................................................................ 11
IQ + Metal Detector Data .................................................................................................................. 13

Installation ............................................................................................ 19
Screens ................................................................................................ 21
Dashboard ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Screen Contents ............................................................................................................................ 21
Batch Card ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Screen Contents ............................................................................................................................ 22
Historic Batches ................................................................................................................................. 29

Table of Contents

Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Screen Contents ............................................................................................................................ 29
Filter ................................................................................................................................................... 30
Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 30
Screen Contents ............................................................................................................................ 30
Print ................................................................................................................................................... 30

Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 31
CW Checkweigher............................................................................................................................ 31
IQ3+ Metal Detector .......................................................................................................................... 31

Loma Systems has partnered with AutoCoding Systems to produce the Trending-Reporting-Analysis-
Capture-Software product (TRACS).
TRACS is a powerful bespoke graphical reporting tool that connects directly to and gathers live data
3 3 3
from all of your Loma IQ + Metal Detector heads and conveyors, CW Checkweighers and CW
Combination Checkweighers and Metal Detectors, allowing you to remotely view live and historic
batch information for all production runs in a user friendly format.
Access to accurate and up to date information has a number of business benefits:

 Reduces the cost of manufacture by quickly identifying excessive product giveaway

 Provides access to information for any connected machine from anywhere in the world and at
any time

 Provides access to all current and historic batch details to identify the worst performing
products or machines
The following sections provide more information:

 About this Guide

This section provides you with a general introduction to the guide, its purpose and the intended

 Organisation
The guide is organised into a number of chapters providing information in a logical sequence.
This section lists and briefly describes the contents of each chapter.

 Document Change Control

This guide is a controlled document which is subject to change in line with changes to our
products. As the principle aim of the guide is to provide you with the information that you need,
we would welcome any comments or feedback that will enable us to make improvements to the
guide. Please email us at

 Document Key
Special text is used throughout the document, highlighted through the use of icons, to add notes
and warnings where appropriate.

 Copyright and Acknowledgements

This guide is copyright to Loma Systems. No part of this document may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, or
computer language in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Loma

 The Loma Group of Companies

Loma has offices around the world that can provide you with sales and support services. This
section includes address and contact details for the main offices but details for all offices are
available via the website at


About this Guide

This guide describes in plain language the features of the Loma TRACS reporting tool, including the
technical requirements, installation and all available screens.
This guide is designed for anyone using the Loma TRACS reporting tool. User access to the available
features and functionality available is not restricted as the tool benefits a variety of users:

 Operators
The tool benefits operators who are using machines to carry out routine product inspections by
providing up to date information for the current production run.

 Supervisors
The tool benefits supervisors who are managing the selection and inspection of a range of
products, enabling them to review any issues or trends in previous batches of the product run
on a specific machine. This could lead to them taking preventative action before starting a batch
that saves production costs and time.

 Quality Staff
The too benefits quality staff who monitor and analyse inspection data to ensure that acceptable
quality standards are achieved and maintained for all products inspected to meet customer and
legislative requirements. Having remote access to current and historic inspection data can
simplify the data collection and analysis process.

 Engineers
This guide benefits engineers and technicians who need to initially install, configure and
integrate the tool into the production line.

The primary goal of this guide is to describe to users at all levels the features available to them in the
Loma TRACS reporting tool that can be utilised to continuously improve production quality through
making timely and effective changes based on accurate and current production


This guide is organised into the following chapters:

 Introduction
Guidelines provide an introduction to this guide and some general information, including global
contact details for Loma Systems.

 How TRACS Works

A basic description of how the TRACS reporting tool works is provided.

 Technical Requirements
Guidelines provide information covering the pre-requisite technical requirements for installing
and using the Loma TRACS reporting tool.

 Installation
An explanation of the installation process is provided.

 Screens
A description of each of the available screens and navigation between them is provided.

 Troubleshooting
Guidelines provide basic information covering initial troubleshooting.

Each chapter is organised in a logical operational sequence and includes cross-references where
applicable to related guidelines.

Document Change Control

The information contained in this guide is believed to be accurate at the time of writing but may of
course be subject to changes and additions over time to improve on the information provided and in
line with any changes and additions made to TRACS and its software.
Users are actively encouraged to suggest changes or additions to the contents of this guide directly to
Loma Systems by sending an email to
All document changes are processed in accordance with the standard Loma Systems document
management system change process.


Document Key
The following special text may be used throughout the document. The icons and colour coding have
the following meanings:

NOTE - Notes are used to provide supplementary information.


Batch Card Indicates a hyperlink, so clicking on the text will display another page. Indicates an email hyperlink, so clicking on the text will open a new massage
window in your email system. Indicates a web hyperlink, so clicking on the text will open the page in your
default web browser.

Copyright and Acknowledgements

Copyright © 2014 Loma Systems, a division of ITW Ltd. All rights reserved.
Loma Systems
Summit Avenue
This document is copyright material. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted,
transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, or computer language in any
form or by any means without the prior written permission of Loma Systems.
The information in this guide is believed to be correct at the date of publication. However, our policy is
one of continuous improvement and so the information in this guide is subject to change without
notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of Loma Systems.

No liability is accepted for errors and omissions in this document. If users are uncertain about
any aspect of the installation, configuration and use of TRACS they should contact an
authorised service centre. Details of these are provided in the Loma Group of Companies
section or can be obtained from


The Loma Group of Companies

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Fax: 01252 513322 Fax: 905-842-3460
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Tel: 1-630-588-0900 / 1-800-USA-Loma Tel: +42 (0) 377 183810
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Loma Systems
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Tel: +33 (0) 155 695778
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Poland Brazil
Sales and Customer Service Sales and Customer Service
Loma Systems Loma Systems / Brapenta Electronica
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For details of other Loma offices and the worldwide distributor network, please visit



How TRACS Works

 Machines are connected to the factory LAN via an Ethernet connection.

 TRACS collects data from each connected machine every 20 seconds; subject to any network
traffic issues.

 TRACS stores the data onto a secure dedicated server.

 Users view TRACS reports via the factory intranet using their web browser. Google Chrome is
recommended but IE 10 or later is acceptable.

 TRACS must be running at all times to ensure that all data is collected.

 Fixed IP addressing is used, not DHCP.

 Remote access to the TRACS Server is required to install, configure and maintain the

How TRACS Works


Technical Requirements
This chapter describes the requirements, recommendations and best practice at the server IT/IS layer
in you business to ensure a secure application execution, data control and security.
As part of the sales process, you will be asked to complete a Loma TRACS Software Installation
Check List. This is then assessed by Loma / AutoCoding Systems and recommendations are made
when necessary to update your IT infrastructure / hardware as a pre-requisite before purchasing the
To assist with obtaining the required information to complete the check list, see the CW
3 3
Checkweigher / CW Combo Data and IQ + Metal Detection Data sections below.
Two elements of the solution need to be stored at the server layer.
1. The Loma TRACS application server, a group of applications which facilitates communication
between the system administration layer and the individual devices on the lines
2. The Microsoft SQL Database, which as the central data centre is required to be hosted in a
recoverable location.

Hard-drive size
The size of the hard drive is normally not a concern, and with storage cost being fairly inexpensive the
investment in future-proofing is recommended. For this reason we would recommend a minimum
100GB drive with the possibility of expansion in future if required. Ideally, the hard drive should be
split into two partitions. The system (C:) drive and the data (D:) drive.

It is an operational business risk assessment that would dictate the level of failover protection at the
server layer. Loma / AutoCoding Systems would recommend RAID if the application must be
available at all times. This is typically where a manual failover at factory level is not practical or
desirable. A second PSU for the server and UPS should be considered.

Virtual servers
The TRACS Server can be hosted in a virtual environment such as Hyper-V and VM-Ware.

Remote access
AutoCoding Systems will require remote access to provide faster response to any IS/IT and
application issues. This is normally provided through the TeamViewer application which allows for
instant remote access and remote monitoring of the TRACS application; giving pre-emptive warnings
of any possible issues before they occur.
If another means of remote access is needed, AutoCoding Systems will require clarity on access
restrictions / requirements and will comply with site IT and IS regulations. Other remote access
protocols are possible but will require additional consultation. Should additional software licenses or
dongles be required then you must purchase and provide these to AutoCoding Systems.

Virus protection
Virus protection for the Server is the customer’s responsibility in respect to installation and
subsequent updates.

Technical Requirements

Network Infrastructure
It is the customer’s responsibility to deliver a CAT5 or better TCP/IP network infrastructure to each
device, allowing network communications to the TRACS Driver infrastructure.

IP Addresses Management
Each Loma machine to be connected and the TRACS Server will require fixed IP addresses issued by
your IT/IS Department. DHCP is not supported.
Most VPN connections do not allow connections to devices via a device name as DNS is normally
disabled. Therefore fixed IP addresses provide a fast and static route to the correct device/terminal.
If existing equipment is on the network then these must be on the same IP range and have the same
subnet mask as the server and any new devices moving forward.

Existing PC’s for report viewing

The web user interface for Loma TRACS has been tested thoroughly on the Google Chrome browser
and for this reason as a standard we would recommend this browser.
We also support Firefox (current version - 1) and Internet Explorer 9, 10, or 11. Although you may not
get as rich a user experience with these browsers, it will not have an effect on the system functionality
or usability.

SQL Server
We recommend Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (R2), either on a 64 or 32 bit platform. We can use either
SQL Express (with Advanced Services), which is a free product, or a full version of SQL Server
Standard edition upwards.

Server Architecture
The table below indicates the minimum hardware requirements for the server. The table also shows
the minimum software requirements in relation to the operating system as well as any roles/services
that should also be added or turned on in order for the TRACS software to be installed and operate

Hardware Specification Software Specification

Intel XEON 2GHZ Processor Windows Server 2008 (R2)

4 GB Memory Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5

100/1 GB Network SQL Server 2008 (R2)

100 to 500 GB HDD

Server Logon Account

We recommend a separate server logon account is setup within your active directory which has full
local administrative rights on the server in question. This account should be used by you to install the
relevant server requirements. We will also use this account to install our software and it will also be
used for remote support purposes.

Technical Requirements

CW3 Checkweigher / CW3 Combo Data

This section provides information for obtaining the Checkweigher / Checkweigher Combo information
required to complete the Loma TRACS Software Installation Check List.
Note that the CW Software version must be V2. or later.

To obtain the information, proceed as follows:

1. From the Mode Select screen you will be able to gather the Software version, Build number,
Machine Name and Serial Number.

2. Tap on the Setup button in the Mode Select screen.

Technical Requirements

3. The Choose Item to Set Up screen will be displayed. Tap on the PC icon.

4. The Data Output screen will be displayed. Tap on the Settings button.

5. The Remote Command Settings screen is displayed. Note the current settings for the
machine or set new parameters as advised by your IT/IS department.

6. Ensure that the ‘Enable Remote Commands’ option is selected. Then tap on the ‘OK’ button
to close the screen and enter the details noted in the Loma TRACS Software Installation
Check List.

Technical Requirements

IQ3+ Metal Detector Data

This section provides information for obtaining the Metal Detector information required to complete
the Loma TRACS Software Installation Check List.
Note that the GUI software version needs to be V1.9.2.11 or later and the IQ software version must
be V3.3.2.3 or later.
To obtain the information, proceed as follows:

1. Navigate to the Main Run screen and tap on the Acces Key area at the bottom left of the

2. The Select Access Level screen is displayed. Then select the Engineer access level if it is
not already selected.

Technical Requirements

3. The Enter password pop-up screen is displayed. Enter the Engineer password and tap on
the ‘Tick‘ button to close the screen. You are now logged into the machine at Engineer level.

4. In the Main Run screen, tap on the ‘Go To‘ button in the bottom left of the screen.

5. The System Setup screen is displayed. Tap on the User Interface area on the mimic.

Technical Requirements

6. The System Settings screen is displayed. Tap on the Software icon.

7. The Software screen is displayed. Note the GUI and IQ software versions. Then tap on the
Back button.

8. The System Settings screen is displayed. Tap on the ‘Advanced‘ icon.

Technical Requirements

9. The Advanced Settings screen is displayed. Tap on the ‘Service‘ icon.

10. The Service screen is displayed. Tap on the ‘Service Options‘ icon.

11. The Service Options screen is displayed. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select the
LomaOPC option. Then tap on the ‘Back‘ button in the bottom left of the screen.

Technical Requirements

12. The Advanced Settings screen is displayed. Tap on the ‘LomaOPC‘ icon.

13. The LomaOPC Server screen is displayed. Tap on the Settings tab to select it and note the
IP address details displayed. Then tap on the ‘Back‘ button in the bottom left of the screen.

14. Navigate back to the Main Run screen. Then repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 above to display the
Select Access Level screen, select the ‘Log off‘ option and tap on the ‘Back‘ button.

Technical Requirements

6. Finally, enter the details noted into the Loma TRACS Software Installation Check List.

Loma Systems partner AutoCoding Systems manage all matters relating to the installation of Loma
TRACS and any associated issues.
Following completion and return of the Loma TRACS Software Installation Check List, the list is
reviewed to determine if the current infrastructure and hardware will support the Loma TRACS
software and that the software versions installed onto the machines to be connected to TRACS are
TRACS is installed onto a dedicated TRACS Server which must have SQL Server installed. If the
customer does not have a full licensed version of SQL Server Standard edition or upwards available,
then AutoCoding Systems can install the SQL Express edition (with Advanced Services) which is
freely available for download and use from the Microsoft website.
Once any issues with the infrastructure, software and hardware have been resolved, AutoCoding
Systems will liaise with the customer to remotely connect to the the dedicated Server to install and
configure the TRACS software, including SQL Express if required, and then make connections to any
networked machines as required.



Loma TRACS provides a hierarchy of screens that are presented in a logical sequence for selecting
and viewing system and inspection information.
Although you will quickly learn how to navigate through the screens to access the ones you want, this
section provides some assistance for you to get started.


The Dashboard is the default screen displayed when you first access TRACS. It provides a summary
of current inspection activity for each connected machine and you may also navigate to other screens
to drill down into the available data.

Screen Contents
The Dashboard screen contains a table that displays a separate row and information for each
connected machine under the following column headings:

 Machine ID – The name of the machine is displayed. Clicking on the name displays the Batch
Card screen for the current batch being processed by that machine.

Note that a warning is displayed if the machine is not currently connected and providing data

 Batch ID – The unique Batch ID and current batch status is displayed. Clicking on the Batch
ID / status displays the Batch Card screen for the current batch being processed by that

 Product – The name of the product being processed is displayed.

 Last Updated – The date and time that the information was last updated is displayed.

Note that TRACS polls the machine for new data every 20 seconds; subject to any network
traffic issues.

 Type – The machine type is displayed.

 Accepts – The number of packs in the batch that have passed inspection is displayed.
Clicking on the number updates the value to show it as a percentage of the total number of
packs inspected. Clicking on the percentage value then reverts to showing the number of
passed packs.


 Rejects – The number of packs in the batch that have failed inspection and have been
rejected is displayed.
Clicking on the number updates the value to show it as a percentage of the total number of
packs inspected. Clicking on the percentage value then reverts to showing the number of
rejected packs.

 Batch PPM – The current number of packs per minute that are being passed through the
system is displayed.

 Giveaway – The total amount of product, calculated by adding together the additional product
weight per passed pack over the nominal weight, that is effectively being given away is
displayed. Clicking on the number updates the value to show it as an average percentage of
product being given away for all packs that passed inspection. Clicking on the percentage
value then reverts to showing the weight value.

Batch Card
The Batch card screen is displayed by clicking on a Machine ID or Batch ID in the Dashboard screen.
The screen provides a comprehensive set of data for the batch, dependant on the machine type.
Screen Contents
For the Checkweigher the Batch Card screen contains the following content:

 Settings

The Settings area contains general batch information as shown in the screenshot above.

 Pack Rate


The Pack rate area displays the current, average and peak (maximum) pack rates for the batch.

 Counts

The Counts area displays a bar graph showing the number of accepted and rejected packs in
the batch.

 Weight

The Weight area displays a bar graph showing the average weight of each accepted and
rejected pack as a value and percentage and also the amount of product giveaway as a value
and percentage of the total weight of all accepted packs.

 Average Weight

The Average Weight area displays a graph showing Average Weight, Nominal, TU1 and TU2
values over time. Hovering the mouse pointer over a point at which a value was captured by
TRACS displays the time and the actual pack weight value captured.


 Giveaway

The Giveaway area displays a graph showing the average giveaway weight per pack over time.
Hovering the mouse pointer over a point at which a value was captured by TRACS displays the
time and the actual average giveaway weight value captured.

 Pack Rate

The Pack Rate area displays a graph showing the packs per minute value over time. Hovering
the mouse pointer over a point at which a value was captured by TRACS displays the time and
the actual PPM value captured.

 Total Rejects

The Total Rejects area displays a graph showing rejected pack numbers over time. Hovering
the mouse pointer over a point at which a value was captured by TRACS displays the time and
a breakdown of rejects against the TU1 and TU2 values captured.


 Misweigh Count

The Misweigh Count area displays a graph showing the number of misweighed packs in the
batch over time. Hovering the mouse pointer over a point at which a value was captured by
TRACS displays the time and the total number of misweighed packs in the batch at that time.

 Batch Details

The Batch Details area displays the current weight data and number of accepted pack as
shown in the screenshot above. The values are updated every 20 seconds.

Metal Detector
For the Metal Detectorr the Batch Card screen contains the following content:

 Settings

The Settings area contains general batch information and some system settings for the product
as shown in the screenshot above.


 Pack Rate

The Pack rate area displays the average and peak (maximum) pack rates for the batch.


The PVS area displays the number of PVS tests that have passed and failed. In addition, by
clicking on the Show Details button, a PVS Details section is displayed for each PVS Test which
displays full details for the test.

 Counts

The Counts area displays a bar graph showing the number of accepted and rejected packs in
the batch.


 Average Resultant

The Average Resultant area displays a chart showing the average pack resultant signal value
for the batch and the set threshold signal value.

 Batch Details

The Batch Details area displays the current system settings being used for the prodcut / batch.

 Metal Count

The Metal Count area displays a graph showing the number of metal contaminants detected
over time. Hovering the mouse pointer over a point at which a value was captured by TRACS
displays the time and the number of contaminants detected.

In addition, PVS tests are indicated by a vertical line of the graph at the time the test was
carried out. Passes are shown with a green line and a red line indicates a failed test.

 Pack Rate


The Pack Rate area displays a graph showing pack rate (PPM) values over time. Hovering the
mouse pointer over a point at which a value was captured by TRACS displays the time and the
pack rate value at that time.

 Average Resultant

The Average Resultant area displays a graph showing the product resultant signal value over
time. Hovering the mouse pointer over a point at which a value was captured by TRACS
displays the time and the resultant signal value at that time.

 Contaminants

The Contaminants area displays separate information for each contaminant detected by the
machine in the batch as shown in the screenshot above.
3 3
CW / IQ + Combo System
For the Combo System the Batch Card displays a drop down screen that provides options for
selecting the Checkweigher or Metal Detector batch details as described above.

Select the required option to display the Checkweigher or Metal Detector batch details.


Historic Batches

The Historic Batches screen is displayed by clicking on the Historic Batches tab at the top of the
The screen displays some standard reports that provide details of the worst performing batches so
that you may drill down into the batch details to review them and assess what preventatice action can
be taken to improve production quality.

Screen Contents
For each report the screen contains tables that displays separate rows and information for each
connected machine and batch under the following column headings:

 Machine ID – The name of the machine is displayed. Clicking on the name displays the Batch
Card screen for the current batch being processed by that machine.
Note that a warning is displayed if the machine is not currently connected and providing data to

 Batch ID – The unique batch ID and current batch status is displayed. Clicking on the batch ID
/ status displays the Batch Card screen for the current batch being processed by that machine.

 Product – The name of the product being processed is displayed.

 Last Updated – The date and time that the information was last updated is displayed.
Note that TRACS polls the machine for new data every 20 seconds.

 Type – The machine type is displayed.

 Accepts – The number of packs in the batch that have passed inspection is displayed.
Clicking on the number updated the value to show it as a percentage of the total number of
packs inspected. Clicking on the percentage value then reverts to showing the number of
passed packs.

 Rejects – The number of packs in the batch that have failed inspection and have been
rejected is displayed.


Clicking on the number updates the value to show it as a percentage of the total number of
packs inspected. Clicking on the percentage value then reverts to showing the number of
rejected packs.

 Batch PPM – The current number of packs per minute that are being passed through the
system is displayed.

 Giveaway – The total amount of product, calculated by adding together the additional product
weight per passed pack over the nominal weight, that is effectively being given away is
displayed. Clicking on the number updates the value to show it as an average percentage of
product being given away for all packs that passed inspection. Clicking on the percentage
value then reverts to showing the weight value.


The Filter screen is displayed by clicking on the Filter tab at the top of the screen.
The screen displays the same content as the Dashboard screen but in addition includes a section at
the top of the screen which enables you to select filter parameters to restrict the information
displayeded in the screen.

Screen Contents
You may select Machine ID, Type, Product, batch Start Date and End date values to filter the
information displayed. Click on the Apply button to apply the filtering and on the Clear button to clear
the filters.

Clicking on the Print tab at the top of the screen display a standard print dialog through which you
may select a connected printer and print the currently displayed screen.

This chapter provides some basic machine checks to be carried out if one or more machines are not
communicating with Loma TRACS.

CW3 Checkweigher
The following checks should be carried out:

 Check that the machine is turned on and that no faults are displayed.

 Check that the software version installed is or later. Earlier software versions are
not compatible with TRACS

 Navigate to the Remote Commands Settings screen and check that the ‘Enable Remote
Commands‘ option is selected.

 Also in the Remote Commands Settings screen, check that the IP address, Subnet Mask,
Default Gateway and Broadcast addresses are set correctly.

 Check that the Port number is set correctly

 Check that no other machine is set to the same IP address and Port number, because this will
cause a conflict

 Start a new batch

 Ask your IT department to ping the individual system. This will help identify if communication
with the machine is possible.
If communication is still not available between Loma TRACS and the machine, please contact you
local Loma Service Centre for further advice.

IQ3+ Metal Detector

The following checks should be carried out:

 Check that the machine is turned on and that no faults are displayed.

 Navigate to the Software screen and check that the GUI software version installed is V1.9.2.11
or later and that the IQ software version is V3.3.2.3 or later. Earlier software versions are not
compatible with TRACS.

 Navigate to the Service Options screen and check that the LomaOPC option is selected.

 Navigate to the Settings tab of the LomaOPC Server screen and check that the Machine IP
address, Subnet Mask, Default gateway and Machine port number values are correct.

 Check that no other machines are set to the same IP address and Port number as this will
cause a conflict.

 Ask your IT department to ping the machine. This will help identify if communication with the
machine is possible.
If communication is still not available between Loma TRACS and the machine, please contact you
local Loma Service Centre for further advice.


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