Characterizing Ammonia and Nitric Oxide Interaction With Outwardly Propagating Spherical Flame Method - 132

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Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477–2485

Characterizing ammonia and nitric oxide interaction

with outwardly propagating spherical flame method
Bowen Mei, Siyuan Ma, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yuyang Li∗
Key Laboratory for Power Machinery and Engineering of MOE, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, Shanghai 200240, PR China
Received 8 November 2019; accepted 24 July 2020
Available online 25 September 2020


With the growing attention on ammonia (NH3 ) combustion, understanding NH3 and nitric oxide (NO)
interaction at temperatures higher than DeNOx temperature region or even flame temperature becomes a new
research need. In this work, the outwardly propagation spherical flame method was used to investigate the
laminar flame propagation of NH3 /NO/N2 mixtures and constrain the uncertainties of the specific kinetics.
The present experiments were conducted at initial pressure of 1 atm, temperature of 298 K and equivalence
ratios from 1.1 to 1.9. A kinetic model of NH3 /NO combustion was updated from our previous work. Com-
pared with several previous models, the present model can reasonably reproduce the laminar burning velocity
data measured in this work and speciation data in literature. Based on model analyses, the interaction of NH3
and NO was thoroughly investigated. As both the oxidizer and a carrier of nitrogen element, NO frequently
reacts with different decomposition products of NH3 including NH2 , NH and NNH, and converts nitrogen
element to the final product N2 . It is found that the laminar burning velocity experiment of NH3 /NO/N2 mix-
tures using the outwardly propagating spherical flame method can provide highly sensitive validation targets
for the kinetics in NH3 and NO interaction.
© 2020 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ammonia; Nitric oxide; Outwardly propagating spherical flame; Laminar burning velocity; Kinetic model

1. Introduction 1450 K [1]. Kinetic models were developed to de-

scribe and predict this process [2–4], which re-
Selective non-catalytic reduction approach has quires deep understanding of interaction between
been widely applied in flue gas DeNOx [1]. It in- NH3 and NO which is mainly through reactions
troduces ammonia (NH3 )-based reagents like NH3 of amidogen radicals like NH2 and NH with NO
and urea to reduce combustion-emitted nitroge- [1]. Thus NH3 and NO interaction below 1500 K
nous oxides (NOx, mainly nitric oxide - NO) to has attracted intensive interest from the combus-
N2 and H2 O at temperatures between 1120 K and tion community for decades [2,5,6]. In recent years,
NH3 has also attracted more and more attentions
as a carbon-free fuel with zero greenhouse gas
∗ Corresponding author. emissions [7,8]. The combustion circumstances will
E-mail address: (Y. Li). make the NH3 and NO interaction happen at much
1540-7489 © 2020 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2478 B. Mei, S. Ma, X. Zhang et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477–2485

high temperatures. Particularly, under NH3 com- model for NH3 /NO combustion was updated from
bustion enhancement conditions, such as hydrogen our recently reported model for NH3 /O2 combus-
addition [9,10] and oxygen enrichment [7,11], the tion [11]. Based on the modeling analyses, key reac-
temperature can reach more than 2000 K. There- tions for the interaction of NH3 and NO are ana-
fore, understanding NH3 and NO interaction un- lyzed. On the other hand, the validation capacity of
der high temperature conditions becomes a new re- the outwardly propagating spherical flame method
search need for the combustion community. is also compared with other validation method for
Though many previous studies have been dedi- high temperature kinetics. Extended validation is
cated on the interaction between NH3 and NO [12– also conducted to examine the performance of the
18], most of the experiments focused on the low model developed in this work in the DeNOx tem-
and intermediate temperature regions concerning perature region.
on the thermal DeNOx temperature window [3].
For example, Votsmeier et al. [17] measured the
branching ratios of NH2 +NO→products reaction
in a shock tube study of NH3 and NO diluted in 2. Experimental method
argon with laser photolytic generation of NH2 in
the temperature range of 1340-1670 K. To the best The laminar flame propagation of NH3 /NO/N2
of our knowledge, only Vandooren et al. [19] per- mixtures was measured using the outwardly prop-
formed a measurement of the flame structure of agating spherical flame method in the constant-
a low-pressure premixed NH3 /NO/Ar flat flame volume cylindrical combustion vessel at Shanghai
up to 2100 K. The results showed that NH2 +NO Jiao Tong University. Detailed description of this
is inclined to form N2 +H+OH rather than apparatus has been introduced elsewhere [27]. In
N2 +H2 O. brief, the apparatus mainly consists of a cylindri-
Laminar burning velocity (LBV) is a funda- cal combustion vessel, a premixing vessel, a spark
mental property of a combustible mixture and ignition system, a gas inlet system and a schlieren
has also been widely applied to validate kinetic system. The cylindrical combustion vessel has an
models [20]. In particular, outwardly propagating inner diameter of 150 mm and inner length of
spherical flame method has been a well-established 152 mm with an optical access of 75 mm diam-
method to obtain accurate LBV [20,21]. Up to now, eter. To reduce the influence of NH3 absorption
there are limited researches on the measurements on metal surface, the method applied in previous
of LBVs of NH3 /NO mixtures. In 1953, Parker shock tube experiments [28,29] of NH3 is adopted.
and Wolfhard [22] measured the LBVs of NH3 Before NH3 is fed into the combustion vessel, com-
with NO and NO2 as oxidizers using the Bunsen bustible mixtures are prepared in the premixing
cone method. In 1964, Andrews and Gray [23] mea- vessel using partial pressure method. The volume
sured the spherical flame speeds of NH3 /NO mix- of the premixing vessel (9.06 L) is approximately
ture in terms of the burned gas. In 1995, Checkel 3 times larger than that of the combustion vessel.
et al. [24] investigated the laminar flame prop- So the combustion vessel can be filled several times
agation of NH3 /NO mixtures at 1 atm using a with identical mixtures from the premixing vessel.
constant-volume cylindrical cell with both diame- A high speed camera operated at 12,000 frames/s
ter and length equal to 114 mm. The LBVs were es- with spatial resolution set at 480 × 480 pixels to
timated from the pressure history until the pressure map a 75 × 75 mm2 is used to record the laminar
exceeded 175% of the initial pressure, which indi- flame propagation. The data processing method ap-
cates that the flame radius exceeded 55 mm. It is plied in this work has been introduced in our previ-
noticed that their selected flame radius largely ex- ous work [27]. The flame radius with the range from
ceeds the suggested radius beyond which the wall 10 mm to 23 mm is selected to eliminate the ignition
confinement effect on the spherical flame propaga- and confinement effects [25,30,31] as mentioned in
tion will not be negligible [25]. Furthermore, as the Section 1. The uncertainty evaluation method is
LBVs were determined from the pressure history, referred to our previous work [11,27] and can be
effects of flame stretch [26] and possible presence found in the Supplemental Material.
of flame front cellular instabilities, which could In this work, NH3 (purity 99.9999%), NO (pu-
substantially increase the flame propagation, were rity 99.5%) and N2 (purity 99.999%) were provided
overlooked [21]. As a result, their data could hardly by Air Liquide (China) Holding Co., Ltd. The
avoid large uncertainties and were rarely used for LBV measurements were performed at atmospheric
the validation of kinetic models concerning NH3 pressure, 298 K and φ = 1.1–1.9. Based on previ-
and NO interaction. ous studies [7,32,33] that N2 is the final product
In this work, LBVs of NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) of NH3 combustion rather than NOx considering
mixtures were measured at 1 atm and various equiv- the Gibbs free energy of combustion products, the
alence ratios (φ) in a constant-volume cylindrical equivalence ratio of NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) mix-
combustion vessel. Here N2 is used as the dilu- tures was calculated with the following reaction,
ent gas to mimic practical combustion conditions
where air or oxygen-enriched air are used. A kinetic 4NH3 + 6(NO + N2 ) = 6H2 O + 11N2 (1)
B. Mei, S. Ma, X. Zhang et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477–2485 2479

Table 1
Updated reactions in the present model and their rate constant in the form of k=ATn exp(-Ea /RT). The units are K, s−1 ,
cm3 and cal/mol.
Reactions A n Ea Ref.
NH+OH=HNO+H 3.2 × 1014 −0.376 −46 [38]
HNO+H = H2 +NO 9.0 × 1011 0.720 660 [39]
HNO+OH=NO+H2 O 1.2 × 109 1.189 334 [41]
NH2 +NO=NNH+OH 2.3 × 1010 0.425 −814 [6]
NNH=N2 +H 3.3 × 108 0 0 [42]

3. Kinetic modeling chiometric conditions. The simulation of adiabatic

flame temperature (Tad ) was performed with the
In this work, a kinetic model for NH3 /NO com- Chemical and Phase Equilibrium module. The sim-
bustion was developed from our previous model ulation of flow reactor oxidation was performed
for NH3 /O2 combustion [11] with rate constants with the Close Homogeneous Batch Reactor mod-
of some key reactions updated. As introduced in ule. The reaction mechanism, thermodynamic data
our previous work [11], the base H2 mechanism and transport data files of the present model can be
and NH3 mechanism are adopted from the work found in the Supplemental Material.
of Hashemi et al. [34] and Shrestha et al. [35],
respectively. Besides, four termolecular reactions
which are important for the H2 LBV predictions 4. Results and discussion
[36] were incorporated. For NH+OH=HNO+H
(R1), the rate constant without temperature de- 4.1. Measured and simulated results of
pendency which was first provided in the work NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) mixtures
of Miller and Bowman [2] and also used in the
work of Duynslaegher et al. [37] was adopted in The measured LBVs of NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 )
our previous model [11]. In the present model, mixtures at Pu = 1 atm and Tu = 298 K are shown
the rate constant of this reaction is taken from in Fig. 2. Unlike the NH3 /air flames [11] and
calculation study of Klippenstein et al. [38] with most hydrocarbon flames [20,27] with peak LBV
ab initio transition state theory, which is also at around φ = 1.1, the measured peak LBV of
adopted in the work of Glarborg et al. [3]. For NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) mixtures is around φ = 1.5.
HNO+H = H2 +NO (R2), the rate constant which The peak LBV value is 20.9 cm/s. The simulated
was first provided in GRI Mech 3.0 [39] and used results using GRI Mech 3.0 [39], Tian model
by Okafor et al. [40] is adopted in the present [48], Mathieu model [29], Nakamura model [49],
model. For HNO+OH=NO+H2 O (R3), our pre- Shrestha model [35], Glarborg model [3], Okafor
vious model adopted the rate constant without model [40] and the present model are also plotted
temperature dependency from the work of Miller in Fig. 2. Among the eight models, Okafor model
and Bowman [2]. In the present model, the rate has the highest predicted LBVs at φ = 1.1–1.7 with
constant calculated by Nguyen et al. [41] using the peak value of 25.3 cm/s, while Shrestha model
the UMP2 and UQCISD methods is adopted for has the highest predicted LBVs at φ < 1.1 or φ
this reaction. For NH2 +NO=NNH+OH (R4), the > 1.7. On the other hand, GRI Mech 3.0 has the
model of Shrestha et al. [35] adopted the rate con- lowest predicted LBVs with the peak value lower
stant reported by Miller and Glarborg [6] and mul- than 7.5 cm/s. The predicted LBVs of Nakamura
tiplied it by a factor of 1.65, which was also used model, Tian model and Mathieu model are also
in our previous model [11]. In the present model, generally lower than the measured results under
the original rate constant of R4 reported by Miller the investigated conditions. Furthermore, the pre-
and Glarborg [6] was adopted. For NNH=N2 +H dicted results of Glarborg model intersects with ex-
(R5), the rate constant calculated by Koizumi et al. perimental results at around φ = 1.3. As seen from
[42] was adopted. Table 1 lists the updated reactions Fig. 2, the present model can generally capture the
in this work. measured results with consideration of experimen-
In this work, the simulation of LBVs was per- tal uncertainties at φ > 1.2 and predict a slightly
formed with the Premixed Laminar Flame-Speed higher LBVs at φ ≤ 1.2. Unlike the predicted re-
Calculation module of the Chemkin Pro-software sults of NH3 /air mixtures [11] using these models
[43]. All the simulations are converged to a grid- in which the predicted peak LBV positions are al-
independent solution and the Soret effect is consid- most the same, the predicted peak LBV positions
ered. The validation of the present model against of NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) mixtures by these mod-
previous LBV measurements of NH3 /air mixtures els distribute in the region over φ = 1.1–1.4.
[11,32,33,44–47] is shown in Fig. 1. As can be seen, Markstein length is an important combustion
the present model can reasonably capture the LBVs parameter which can be measured using outwardly
of NH3 /air mixtures, especially under lean to stoi- propagating spherical flame. According to Bradley
2480 B. Mei, S. Ma, X. Zhang et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477–2485

Fig. 1. Validation of the present model against previous LBV data of NH3 /air mixtures at Pu = 1 atm and Tu = 298 K.
Symbols denote the measured results in previous work [11,32,33,44–47], while lines denote the simulated results of the
present model and previous models [3,29,35,39,40,48,49].

Fig. 2. LBVs of NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) mixtures at Pu = 1 atm and Tu = 298 K. Symbols denote the measured results in
this work, while lines denote the simulated results of present model and previous models [3,29,35,39,40,48,49].

et al. [50], a smaller Markstein length indicates both

a smaller influence of flame stretch rate on burn-
ing velocity and an earlier onset of instabilities.
Figure 3 shows the measured Markstein lengths
of NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) flames at Pu = 1 atm and
Tu = 298 K. As can be seen in Fig. 3, the measured
Markstein length increases as φ increases and re-
mains positive as φ = 1.1–1.9. The trend is similar
to that of the NH3 /O2 /N2 [11,47], H2 /air [51] and
CH4 /air [52] flames since the fuel is the light com-
ponent in the mixture.

4.2. Analyses of NH3 and NO interaction

To understand the interaction between NH3 and Fig. 3. Measured Markstein lengths of
NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) flames at Pu = 1 atm and
NO in this work, the rate of production (ROP)
Tu = 298 K.
analysis was performed at φ = 1.4 which is the peak
B. Mei, S. Ma, X. Zhang et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477–2485 2481

Fig. 4. Main reaction network in NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) flame at Pu = 1 atm, Tu = 298 K and φ = 1.4. For each pathway,
the percentage is the ratio of its reaction flux to the reaction flux from the reactant, while the arrow thickness denotes the
ratio of its reaction flux to the total reaction flux from NH3 .

position of the predicted LBVs to reveal the key re- icals and NO, i.e. NNH+NO=N2 +HNO (R6)
action pathways in the NH3 and NO reaction sys- and NH2 +NO=N2 +H2 O (R7), have the largest
tem. Figure 4 shows the main reaction network de- negative sensitivity coefficients on the flame prop-
rived from the ROP analysis. In brief, NH3 is al- agation of NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) mixtures. For
most totally consumed through H-abstraction re- NNH+NO=N2 +HNO, it converts NNH to HNO
actions by H and OH. The produced NH2 rad- which subsequently suffers a chain-termination
ical mainly reacts with NO to form NNH+OH, pathway with H to produce H2 and NO. For
while the minor NH2 consumption pathways re- NH2 +NO=N2 +H2 O, it is a chain termination
act include reaction with NO to produce N2 +H2 O reaction that directly removes NH2 radical and
and H-abstraction reaction by H or OH to produce reduces NO to N2 . Figure S1 in the Supplemental
NH radical. Then NNH can quickly decompose to Material shows that in NH2 +NO reactions (R4
N2 +H. NNH can also react with NO to produce and R7), R7 is the minor one at typical flame tem-
N2 and HNO. Furthermore, NH radical can also peratures, which explains its much lower absolute
react with NO and eventually produce N2 via N2 O. sensitivity coefficient than R4. It can be concluded
As seen from Fig. 4, the main decomposition path- that the four most sensitive reactions (R4-R7) are
way of NH3 is NH3 →NH2 →NNH→N2 . Based on directly or indirectly involved in the interaction
above discussion, strong interaction between NH3 between NH3 and NO.
and NO can be found in NH3 /NO/N2 flames. Since
NO plays important roles as both the oxidizer and a 4.3. Comparison of validation experiments for
carrier of nitrogen element, it frequently reacts with NH3 and NO interaction at high temperature
different decomposition products of NH3 , such as
NH2 , NH and NNH, and converts nitrogen ele- As seen from Fig. 5, due to the absence of
ment to the final product N2 . O2 , the most sensitive reaction in the NH3 /NO/N2
The sensitivity analysis of LBV was also per- flame is R4, instead of H + O2 =O+OH which is
formed to verify the interaction between NH3 the most important chain-branching pathway in
and NO. Figure 5 shows the sensitivity anal- NH3 /O2 /N2 [11] and hydrocarbon/air [20] flames.
ysis results at φ = 1.4. As expected, the most Since the sensitivity coefficient of this reaction al-
sensitive reaction is NH2 +NO=NNH+OH ready reaches 1.1, it will be very interesting to see
(R4). This reaction, forming NNH and OH how sensitive the modeling results could be to this
radicals, plays the most important role in the reaction. Here the adopted rate constant of R4 in
chain-branching process of NH3 /NO/N2 flames. the present model is adjusted by ±15% which is the
NNH=N2 +H (R5) is also very important to the estimated uncertainty of H + O2 =O+OH [53]. It
flame propagation since it is the most important should be noted that ±15% is an extremely small
chain-propagation reaction. On the contrary, uncertainty for a combustion reaction and the real
another two reactions between nitrogenous rad- uncertainty of R4 could be several times larger than
2482 B. Mei, S. Ma, X. Zhang et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477–2485

Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis of LBV at Pu = 1 atm, Tu = 298 K and φ = 1.4.

Fig. 6. Comparison of simulated results by the present model (solid line) and the present model with the adopted rate
constant of R4 increased by 15% (dash line) or decreased by 15% (dash dot line). Symbol denotes the experimental data
measured in this work.

this value. As shown in Fig. 6, the simulation result flame method can provide highly sensitive valida-
is very susceptible to the small variation of R4. The tion targets for the kinetics in NH3 and NO inter-
predicted peak LBV value varies from −14.5% to action.
+12.1% when the rate constant of R4 was adjusted Here raises another question, that is, are these
from −15% to +15%. Figure 6 also shows that the highly sensitive validation targets only from the re-
adjustment of R4 rate constant by ±15% makes action system itself or the validation method also
the predicted LBV greatly exceed the experimen- matters? In order to answer this question, the flame
tal uncertainties. The same method was also used structure measurement of a low-pressure premixed
to investigate the influence of R5 and the results NH3 /NO/Ar flat flame by Vandooren et al. [19] is
are plotted in Fig. S2 in the Supplemental Material. selected for comparison. As seen from Fig. 7, the
As a result, the simulated LBVs show great depen- present model can reasonably predict the measured
dency on important reactions in NH3 and NO in- mole fraction profiles of reactants (NH3 and NO),
teraction which can hardly be validated in air cir- inert gas (Ar), major products (N2 , H2 O and H2 )
cumstance. So the LBV experiment of NH3 /NO/N2 and intermediates (N2 O and NH2 ). A same strategy
mixtures using the outwardly propagating spherical to the LBV simulation is also adopted to the flame
B. Mei, S. Ma, X. Zhang et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477–2485 2483

Fig. 8. Comparison of the simulated results with a pre-

vious NO doped NH3 oxidation experiment in a quartz
flow reactor [54]. Symbols denote the experimental data
in literature, while solid and dash lines denote the simu-
lated results using the present model and Glarborg model

100 ppm, trace H2 O and N2 for balance with the

residence time equals to 48.7/T (K). Figure 8 shows
the comparison of the simulated results by the
present model and Glarborg model with the experi-
mental data. As can be seen, the present model and
Glarborg model show similar performances on the
measured NO mole fraction profile and can both
reasonably capture the trends of experimental data
under different initial NO concentrations.
Fig. 7. Comparison of simulated results by the present
model (solid line) and the present model with the present
rate constant of R4 increased by 15% (dash line) or de- 5. Conclusions
creased by 15% (dash dot line). Symbols denote the ex-
perimental data measured by Vandooren et al. [19]. The LBVs and Markstein lengths of
NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) mixtures were measured
in a high-pressure constant-volume cylindrical
structure simulation by adjusting the rate constant combustion vessel at 298 K, 1 atm and φ = 1.1–
of R4 by ±15%. As shown in Fig. 7, the mole frac- 1.9. Unlike the NH3 /air flames and most hy-
tion variations of most flame species are very lim- drocarbon flames, the peak LBV position of
ited, while intermediates like N2 O and NH2 shows NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) flames is around φ = 1.5.
slightly more perceptible variations compared with The measured peak LBV value is 20.9 cm/s. Sim-
major species, e.g. from −7% to +6%. It is rec- ilar to NH3 /O2 /N2 , H2 /air and CH4 /air flames,
ognized that in flame structure measurements, the the measured Markstein length increases as φ
uncertainties of measured mole fractions are usu- increases and remains positive over φ = 1.1–1.9.
ally greater than 10% for major species and 20% or A kinetic model of ammonia combustion con-
even 50% for intermediates. Thus the flame struc- sisting of 38 species and 265 reactions is updated
ture data are much less sensitive to the NH3 /NO/N2 from our previous work. The present model can
reaction system. reasonably reproduce the LBV data in this work
and speciation data in literature. Based on the
4.4. Extended validation toward DeNOx model analyses, it can be concluded that the
temperature region NH3 /(50%NO/50%N2 ) flame shows a strong NH3
and NO interaction. Its flame propagation is most
In order to examine the model performance sensitive to NH2 +NO=NNH+OH since this
under lower temperature conditions, a previous reaction is the most important chain-branching
NO doped NH3 oxidation experiment in a quartz reaction. NH3 is mainly converted to N2 through
flow reactor reported by Vilas and Glarborg the NH3 →NH2 →NNH→N2 pathway. Com-
[54] is simulated. The inlet concentrations are pared with previous flame speciation experiment,
NH3 1000±100 ppm, O2 40±1.2%, NO 25, 50 and the measured LBVs with outwardly propagating
2484 B. Mei, S. Ma, X. Zhang et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2021) 2477–2485

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