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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4

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Chemical kinetic modeling of ammonia oxidation

with improved reaction mechanism for ammonia/air
and ammonia/hydrogen/air combustion

Junichiro Otomo a,*, Mitsuo Koshi b, Teruo Mitsumori c, Hiroshi Iwasaki c,

Koichi Yamada c,d
Department of Environment Systems, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5
Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8563, Japan
National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE), 1-29-1
Gakuen-nishimachi, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8587 Japan
Center for Low Carbon Society Strategy, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 7, Gabancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
102-0076, Japan
Office of the President, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan

article info abstract

Article history: To achieve comprehensive prediction of ammonia combustion in terms of flame speed and
Received 15 October 2017 ignition delay time, an improved mechanism of ammonia oxidation was proposed in this
Received in revised form work. The present model (UT-LCS) was based on a previous work [Song et al., 2016] and
24 November 2017 improved by relevant elementary reactions including NH2, HNO, and N2H2. The model
Accepted 8 December 2017 clearly explained reported values of laminar flame speed and ignition delay time in wide
Available online 12 January 2018 ranges of equivalence ratio and pressure. This suggests that NH2, HNO, and N2H2 re-
activities play a key role to improve the reaction mechanism of ammonia oxidation in the
Keywords: present model. The model was also applied to demonstrate NH3/H2/air combustion. The
Ammonia oxidation present model also appropriately predicted the laminar flame speed of NH3/H2/air com-
Detailed kinetic modeling bustion as a function of equivalence ratio. Using the model, we discussed the reduction of
Nitrogen oxide NO concentration downstream and H2 formation via NH3 decomposition in NH3/H2 fuel-
Equivalence ratio rich combustion. The results provide suggestions for effective combustion of NH3 for
Ammoniaehydrogen combustion future applications.
© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

challenges. Ammonia, which is a carbon-free fuel, is a prom-

Introduction ising green energy carrier/storage medium because it has high
energy density and can be easily liquefied [1e5]. In parallel,
Transition to a future society that is not dependent on fossil ammonia combustion has been examined for applications in
fuels is becoming an extremely important goal for reducing gas turbines and gas engines in terms of fuel flexibility [6e13].
CO2 emissions. Investigations of alternatives to carbon-based However, effective use of ammonia fuel remains challenging
liquid fuels and hydrogen carriers are thus crucial

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Otomo).
0360-3199/© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4 3005

because the minimum required ignition energy is high and the experimental values. Although recently calculated values,
burning velocity is very slow in comparison with conventional such as those reported by Song et al. [40], were improved in
hydrocarbon fuels [3,14,15]. Recently, despite these difficulties, comparison with the early work by Konnov [37], the deviation
an essential advance in ammonia combustion with a micro gas between experiments and calculations remains.
turbine was reported [14]. Stable operation of ammoniaeair In Fig. S2 of the supplementary material, we compare the
power generation using a 50-kW-class micro gas turbine sys- shock tube ignition delay times of experimental values
tem was demonstrated successfully using a diffusion-flame- (Mathieu and Petersen [18]) and calculated values (Song et al.
type combustor [14]. Therefore, application of ammonia fuel [40], Tian et al. [21], Dagaut et al. [52], Klippenstein et al. [53],
in a gas turbine is coming closer to reality. For practical use, and Mathieu and Petersen [18]). Models proposed by Song et al.
however, further improvements in output power and effi- [40], Tian et al. [21] and Klippenstein et al. [53] resulted in
ciency, and reducing NOx emissions are indispensable. similar results, i.e., calculated values were smaller than the
To provide solutions to effective ammonia combustion in experimental values, as shown in Fig. S2. However, good
gas turbines and gas engines, tremendous efforts through agreement between experiments and calculations was ach-
experimental observations and kinetic modeling have been ieved by Dagaut et al. [52], as previously indicated by Klip-
made to understand properties such as combustion temper- penstein et al. [53], and Mathieu and Petersen [18]. Thus, these
ature, flame seed, ammonia and NOx concentrations in pure models explained the ignition delay time well, but did not
ammonia combustion [16e19], ammonia/methane mixture reproduce experimental results for flame speed, as shown in
combustion [7,20e23], and ammonia/hydrogen mixture com- Fig. S1. Thus, all previous works have overestimated ammonia
bustion [3,24e33]. Detailed description of appropriate com- combustion in terms of flame speed. Mathieu and Petersen
bustion kinetic mechanisms is important for understanding [18] refined the model of Dagaut et al. [52]. They added rele-
the reaction paths of ammonia decomposition and exhaust- vant elementary reactions and changed reaction rate con-
gas formation. stants to improve the model Mathieu and Petersen [18] in
Ammonia combustion models have been proposed and Fig. S2. This model explained the ignition delay time very well,
improved by several research groups [15,18,21,34e45]. In early but also overestimated the flame speed of ammonia com-
studies, specific ammonia oxidation models were proposed to bustion, as shown in Fig. S1. In the present study, therefore,
describe ammonia flame burning [42] and flat laminar pre- we propose an ammonia combustion model to explain both
mixed flame in ammonia combustion [43]. Later, Konnov and flame speed and ignition delay time satisfactorily.
De Ruyck proposed a detailed mechanism to discuss ammonia In the present study, we improve a chemical kinetic model
oxidation decomposition, ignition, and flame structure of ammonia combustion through a preliminary sensitivity
[34,37,44]. The model of Konnov involved a full H/N/O mecha- analysis based on a previous model [40]. We propose a modi-
nism (129 species, 1231 reactions [44]) and was tested widely fied model of ammonia combustion, which provides more
and corrected in subsequent studies on ammonia combustion accurate predictions of flame speed, ignition delay, and con-
[3,19,27,28,36,46]. Other models were proposed by Miller- centrations of ammonia and NOx in an exhaust gas in a wide
Bowman [15], GRI [38], and San Diego [47] for natural gas range of operating conditions, including pressure and stoi-
burning, taking into account nitrogen species such as ammonia chiometry (i.e., equivalence ratio of ammonia/oxygen and
and nitrogen monoxide. Those models were also examined for ammonia/hydrogen/oxygen). Using the modified model, we
ammonia oxidation [19,32,33]. The predicted and measured discuss conditions for effective ammonia combustion to
flame speed were in good agreement [19,32], but some dis- achieve low NOx emission, which can provide strategies for
agreements were observed for stoichiometric conditions with developing future applications of NH3 combustors.
small ammonia concentrations and fuel-lean conditions
[32]. To mitigate the discrepancies between predictions
and experiments, additional discussions are ongoing Computational details
[21,26,27,32,35,36,39,40,46]. To optimize operating conditions of
ammonia combustion, more accurate predictions are neces- In this study, the improved reaction model of ammonia
sary in wider ranges of temperature, pressure, and stoichiom- oxidation (UT-LCS model) was made using a base model
etry. To date, accurate predictions of flame speed, flame developed by Song et al. (32 species, 204 reactions) [40], which
structure, and NOx concentration have not been achieved was, in turn, a modified model based on the model of Klip-
under a variety of pressurized and stoichiometric, i.e., from penstein (31 species, 202 reactions) [53]. The proposed reac-
fuel-lean to fuel-rich conditions, but this information is indis- tion model in this study was examined using CHEMKIN PRO
pensable. Further improvements of the models are required for software package [54].
practical applications to gas turbines and gas engines with high The details of improvements of an ammonia combustion
efficiency and low NOx emission concentrations. model are as follows. As Song and co-researchers have sug-
Here, we describe the current status of predictions of gested, reactions of amino radical are important in ammonia
ammonia combustion properties. In Fig. S1 of the supple- combustion. We thus developed the model, taking into this
mentary material, laminar flame speed is shown as a function point. First, we conducted a sensitivity analysis of elementary
of fueleair equivalence ratio using previous experimental reactions for laminar flame seed using the model of Song et al.
[19,48e51] and numerical calculation [18,21,37,40,52,53] re- (see Table S1 in the supplementary material) with equivalence
sults. The fueleair equivalence ratio is defined by overall re- ratio f ¼ 1.1 at atmospheric pressure. The definition of a
action, NH3 þ 3/4O2 / 1/2N2 þ 3/2H2O, in this study. The sensitivity coefficient for laminar flame speed of reaction j, Sj,
calculated values of laminar flame speed were higher than is as follows.
3006 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4

Aj vu vln u ratios and pressures. The performance of the present model is

Sj ¼ ¼ ; (1) very similar with the model of Daguat et al. [52] and its modified
u vAj vln Aj
version of Mathieu and Petersen [18] (see Fig. S2 in the
where Aj is the pre-exponential factor of the reaction j and u is supplementary material). As can be seen in Fig. 1, the present
the liner velocity of the unreacted gas in the flame fixed co- model gives better agreement with experimental data than the
ordinate (i.e., laminar flame speed). We conducted sensitivity base model proposed by Song et al. [40]. The improvement of
analysis for laminar flame speed and listed elementary re- the present model over the base model is caused by the
actions which had relatively large values of sensitivity co- changes of rate constants for reactions 1e23 and inclusion of
efficients (see Table S1 for details). For these reactions, we reactions 24e31 in Table 1. In order to clarify the reason of this
performed a literature survey and selected rate constants improvement, the sensitivity analysis for temperature has
which best reproduced the reported values of laminar flame been performed. An example is shown in Fig. S3 in the
velocity (Fig. S1). Therefore, we changed rate constants based supplementary material. Reactions (1) NH2 þ
on reported values, but did not tune relevant rate constants. H ¼ NH þ H2, (7) NH2 þ NH ¼ N2H2 þ H, (9) N2H2 ¼ NNH þ H, and
The changed values are listed in Table 1 (R1eR7). (11) NH þ H ¼ N þ H2 in Table 1 are sensitive to temperature.
Next, we also considered pressure dependence for relevant Although models proposed by Dagaut et al. [52] and
elementary reactions. Dean and Bozzelli evaluated the rate Mathieu and Petersen [18] can reproduce experimental shock
constants of unimolecular decompositions for NH3, N2H2, and tube ignition delay times quite well, these models consider-
H2NN using Quantum Rice-Ramsperger-Kaseel (QRRK) anal- ably overestimate laminar flame speeds as shown in Fig.S1 in
ysis with the master equation (ME) analysis [55]. The pressure the supplementary material. Other previous models proposed
dependence of the rate constants was expressed by PLOG by Klippenstein et al. [53,58], Tian et al. [21] and Song et al. [40]
functions implemented in the CHEMKIN PRO software pack- (the base model of the present study) also overestimate
age. The reactions are summarized in Table 1 (R8eR10). laminar flame speed. Agreement with experimental flame
In addition, since some rate constants could play impor- speeds is greatly improved in the present model as shown in
tant roles in a high temperature region, we added the rate Fig. 2. Sensitivity analysis on flow rate indicates that this
constants in the present model (Table 1 (R11eR23)). Also, we improvement is due to changes of rate constants for reactions
added reactions R24e31 in Table 1. The detailed reaction of 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, and 20 in Table 1. These include NH2 and NH
mechanism (full mechanism) is described in the supplemen- reactions which are important for NO production rates as
tary material (UT-LCS chem.inp, therm.dat, and tran.dat discussed in the next section. As a result, time profile of NO is
attached as input files for CHEMKIN PRO in the supplementary different between the present model and the base model.
material). The difference of flame speed between the present model
Ignition delay time was calculated in the following and the base model is partly due to the unimolecular
manner. In experimental work performed by Mathieu and decomposition reaction of N2H2 (reaction 9 in Table 1),
Petersen [18], ignition delay time was measured by observing
the time profile of an excited state hydroxyl radical (OH*), i.e., N2H2 (þM) ¼ NNHþ H (þM). (2)
measuring the onset time of chemiluminescence emission of
OH* from the slope of OH* time profile in a reflected shock Since N2H2 is mainly produced by the NH2 þ NH2 ¼
wave to determine the ignition delay time. In the present N2H2 þ H2 reaction (reaction 5), NH2 þ NH2 reactions also have
study, assuming adiabatic and constant volume conditions, considerable effect on NH3 combustion, especially at rich
we calculated OH* time profiles considering the excitation conditions. The NH2 þ NH2 reactions are multi-channel,
process of OH*, O þ H þ M / OH* þ M and N2O þ chemically activation reactions, including following channels:
H / N2 þ OH*, and the deactivation process of OH*, OH* þ
NH2 þ NH2 0N2 H4 ; ð3  1Þ
M / OH þ M (M ¼ Ar, H2, O2, OH, H, O) according to the model
0N2 H3 þ H; ð3  2Þ
by Mathieu and Petersen [18]. Then we calculated ignition
0N2 H2 þ H2 ; ð3  3Þ
delay time tOH*, as well as the experimental manner by
0N2 HH þ H2 ; ð3  4Þ
Mathieu and Petersen. In addition, to simplify the procedure
0NH3 þ NH: ð3  5Þ
for calculation of tOH*, we evaluated ignition delay time tDT,
defined as the elapsed time taken for the temperature to in-
In principal, branching ratios of these channels are all
crease by 50 K from the initial temperature. Because tDT cor-
pressure dependent. Asatryan et al. [62] had performed a
responded well to tOH*, we employed tDT as ignition delay time
comprehensive study on the formation and decomposition of
in this study, instead of tOH*.
chemically activated N2H4 on the basis of quantum chemical
calculations (CCSD(T)/CBS level of theory). In their study, they
estimated branching ratios of NH2 þ NH2 reaction by using
Results and discussion
QRRK/Master equation analysis. At high temperatures above
1000 K and p ¼ 1 atm, the main product channel is NH3 þ NH.
Model validation
Unfortunately, analytical form of the rate constants for each
product channels was not given as a function of pressure. In
Shock tube ignition delay data obtained by Mathieu and
the present model, pressure independent rate constants pro-
Petersen [18] are compared with simulation results in Fig. 1.
posed by Klippenstein et al. [53,58] based on their theoretical
Ignition delay times calculated by the present model agree very
study. Inclusion of pressure dependence of rate constants for
well with experimental data over wide ranges of equivalence
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4 3007

Table 1 e List of reactions modified in or added to the mechanism from Song et al. [40].
Reaction Rate coefficient (cm, mol, s, cal) Source
A n E
1 NH2 þ H ¼ NH þ H2 1.00Eþ06 2.32 799 [36]
2 NH2 þ NO ¼ NNH þ OH 4.29Eþ10 0.29 870 [56]
3 NH þ NO ¼ N2O þ H 5.00Eþ14 0.4 0 [36]
4 HNO þ H¼NO þ H2 9.68Eþ11 0.62 356 [57]
5 NH2 þ NH2 ¼ N2H2 þ H2 1.70Eþ08 1.02 11783 [58]
6 NH2 þ NH2 ¼ H2NN þ H2 7.20Eþ04 1.88 8802 [58]
7 NH2 þ NH ¼ N2H2 þ H 1.50Eþ15 0.5 0 [59]
8 N2H3 ¼ N2H2 þ H [55],a
0.1 atm 2.30Eþ43 9.55 64468
1.0 atm 3.60Eþ47 10.38 69009
10 atm 1.80Eþ45 9.39 76102
9 N2H2 ¼ NNH þ H [55],a
0.1 atm 5.60Eþ36 7.75 70340
1.0 atm 1.80Eþ40 8.41 73320
10 atm 3.10Eþ41 8.42 76102
10 H2NN ¼ NNH þ H [55],a
0.1 atm 5.90Eþ32 6.99 51791
1.0 atm 9.60Eþ35 7.57 54841
10 atm 5.00Eþ36 7.43 57295
0.1 atm 7.20Eþ28 7.77 50758
1.0 atm 3.20Eþ31 6.22 52318
10 atm 5.10Eþ33 6.52 54215
11 NH þ H ¼ N þ H2 1.00Eþ14 0 0 [15,18]
12 HNO þ O ¼ NO þ H 1.00Eþ13 0 0 [18,60]
13 HNO þ HNO ¼ N2O þ H2O 3.95Eþ12 0 5000 [18,60]
14 NO2 þ NO2 ¼ NO þ NO þ O2 2.00Eþ12 0 2685 [18,60]
15 HONO þ OH ¼ NO2 þ H2O 1.30Eþ10 1 135 [18,60]
16 HNO2 þ H ¼ NO2 þ H2 2.40Eþ08 1.5 5087 [18,60]
17 HNO2 þ O ¼ NO2 þ OH 1.70Eþ08 1.5 3020 [18,60]
18 HNO2 þ OH ¼ NO2 þ H2O 1.20Eþ06 2 596 [18,60]
20 N2O(þM) ¼ N2þO(þM) 9.90Eþ10 0 57960 [18,61]
Low pressure limit 6.72Eþ14 0 57500
Third body efficiency N2/1.7/O2/1.4/H2O/12/
21 N2O þ H ¼ N2 þ OH 3.31Eþ10 0 5090 [18,61]
DUPLICATE 7.83Eþ14 0 19390
22 N2O þ OH ¼ N2 þ HO2 2.00Eþ12 0 40000 [18,36]
23 HNO þ NO ¼ N2O þ OH 2.00Eþ12 0 26000 [18,60]
24 H2NO þ M ¼ H2þNO þ M 3.83Eþ27 4.29 60300 [18,60]
25 NO þ HO2 þ M ¼ HONO2 þ M 2.23Eþ12 3.5 2200 [18,60]
26 NO2 þ NO ¼ N2O þ O2 1.00Eþ12 0 60000 [18,60]
27 N þ NO2 ¼ N2O þ O 1.80Eþ12 0 0 [18,60]
28 HNO þ N ¼ NO þ NH 1.00Eþ13 0 1990 [18,60]
29 N2O þ N ¼ N2 þ NO 1.00Eþ13 0 19870 [18,60]
30 N2 þ M ¼ N þ N þ M 1.89Eþ18 0.85 224950 [18,60]
31 N þ O þ M ¼ NO þ M 7.60Eþ14 0.1 1770 [18,60]
Pressure dependence of the rate constant is expressed by a PLOG function implemented in CHEMKIN PRO.

these products channels is open for future improvement of than the experiment. Experimental profiles of NO at f ¼ 0.9 and
the present model. 1.0 show decay towards a stagnation point (x ¼ 1.62 cm), but
We performed simulations of atmospheric stagnation calculated NO concentrations are almost constant. A
flame structures reported by Brackmann et al. [46]. An experi- maximum value of NO at f ¼ 1.0 agrees well with the experi-
mental temperature profile is included in the simulation, and ment, but about twice of the experimental value at f ¼ 1.2. The
NH, OH and NO profiles are compared. Results are shown in peak position of NO at f ¼ 1.2 is also faster than the experiment.
Fig. S4 in the supplementary material. Calculated maximum No further attempt has been conducted for the improvement
NH concentration is about 30% higher at f ¼ 0.9 and 20% lower between simulation and experiment in the present study.
at f ¼ 1.0 than experiments. At f ¼ 1.2, a peak position is much
faster and the peak is about 50% higher than the experiment. Ammonia combustion characteristics
An OH profile at f ¼ 0.9 is in good agreement with an experi-
mental profile but 20% higher at f ¼ 1.0 and 30% lower at f ¼ 1.2 Using the present model (UT-LCS), we investigated ammonia
than experiments. The peak position of OH at f ¼ 1.2 is faster combustion characteristics like adiabatic flame temperature
3008 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4

a 10 a 12 Exp.
φ = 1.0
Iginition delay time (ms)

Hayakawa et al.
1.4 atm 11 atm 10 Pfahl et al.
Zakaznov et al.
1 8 Ronney

Su (cm/s)
Takizawa et al.
30 atm 6 Tian et al.
Song et al.
0.1 4 This work

0.01 0
0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Equivalence ratio (-)
1000/T (K-1)

b b 12 Exp.
φ = 0.5 Hayakawa et al. (1 atm)
Iginition delay time (ms)

10 Hayakawa et al. (3 atm)

1.4 atm 11 atm Hayakawa et al. (5 atm)
8 Pfahl et al. (1 atm)

Su (cm/s)
1 Zakaznov et al. (1 atm)
Ronney (1 atm)
Takizawa et al. (1 atm)
30 atm 4 This work (1 atm)
0.1 This work (3 atm)
2 This work (5 atm)

0.01 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 Equivalence ratio (-)
1000/T (K-1)
Fig. 2 e Laminar flame speed Su vs. equivalence ratio at (a)
atmospheric pressure and (b) high pressures. Comparison
c 10 of experimental values with ammonia combustion models.
φ = 2.0
Iginition delay time (ms)

Experimental values: Hayakawa et al. [19]: Pfahl et al. [48];

1.4 atm 11 atm
Zakaznov et al. [49]; Ronney [50]; Takizawa et al. [51].
1 Calculated values: this work (UT-LCS); Tian et al. [21]; Song
et al. [40].
30 atm

discuss ammonia/hydrogen combustion in the next section.
The influence of equivalence ratio on the major species con-
centrations, NH3, H2, and NO was also depicted in Fig. 3. The
0.01 concentration of NO decreased with increasing equivalence
0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 ratio, especially in the fuel rich region, f > 1.3, while the
1000/T (K ) -1 concentrations of hydrogen and residual ammonia increased
in the fuel rich region, f > 1.3.
Fig. 1 e Ignition delay time with varieties of equivalence The detailed flame structures at f ¼ 0.7, 1.1, 1.3, and 1.5 are
ratio f (1.0e2.0), and pressure p (1.4e30 atm). (a) f ¼ 1.0; (b) shown in Fig. 4. Under a fuel-lean condition (f ¼ 0.7), NO
f ¼ 0.5; (c) f ¼ 2.0. Experimental values: C, :, - (Mathieu concentration downstream is very high. H2 is produced at a
and Petersen [18]). Calculated values: solid line: this work flame front, but is burned at a post flame zone. At f ¼ 1.1, H2 is
(UT-LCS model); broken line: the model of Song et al. [40]; produced to very high concentration and it remains constant
dotted line: Mathieu and Petersen [18]. after the flame zone. NO concentration is still remained high
(~500 ppm) downstream. At f ¼ 1.3, NO concentration de-
creases to reach 30 ppm downstream, and H2 is produced in
and reaction products. Fig. 3 shows the dependence of the large amount (~5%) by the decomposition of residual NH3. At
adiabatic flame temperature in ammonia combustion Tb, on f ¼ 1.5, NO concentration decreases remarkably (~10 ppm)
equivalence ratio f, at atmospheric pressure. The maximum downstream, and H2 is also produced in large amount (~5%).
value of Tb was 2050 K at f ¼ 1, which is lower than that of These features are suitable to practical applications. However,
methane/air combustion by 100e150 K. Higher flame tem- it is noted that a large part of residual NH3 remains without
perature may be desirable to the practical application of NH3 decomposition. Under the fuel-rich condition (f > 1.3), rela-
combustion. In order to increase flame temperature, we tively high concentration of NH2 was observed downstream.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4 3009

formed from HNO or NH, is consumed by the reactions with

2100 100
NH2 and NH radicals (i.e., DeNOx process) early in the reaction
zone. On the other hand, NO formation rate via reactions of
H2 10-1 HNO is higher than NO consumption rate described above at
the latter part in the reaction zone, resulting in the total NO

Mole fraction (-)

formation rate becoming positive and NO concentration
10-2 increasing downstream.
Tb (K)

Under a fuel-rich condition (f ¼ 1.3), total NO formation

rate becomes negative at a latter part in the reaction zone and
NO concentration decreases downstream. NO formation via
NO2 þ H contributes to increasing NO concentration as well as
10-4 NO formation via HNO þ H and HNO þ O2. The Zeldovich
NO mechanism (N þ O2 / NO þ O) also contributes to NO for-
mation at a latter part in the reaction zone and the inverse
10-5 Zeldovich mechanism can proceed (N þ NO / N2 þ O). NO
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 decreases via reaction with NH2, and it decreases further via
Equivalence ratio (-) the reaction of NH þ NO / N2 þ OH, resulting in the decrease
of NO concentration downstream.
Fig. 3 e Adiabatic flame temperature as a function of In NH3/air combustion, NH3-lean conditions (f < 1) are
equivalence ratio f at 1 atm in NH3/air mixture, and mole impractical because NO concentration reaches several
fractions of major products vs. equivalence ratio percent in the exhaust gas. Under NH3-rich conditions
downstream. (f > 1.3), NH3 is not fully decomposed and thus several percent
of NH3 is included in the exhaust gas although NO concen-
tration in the exhaust gas is very low. The flame speed is also
NH2 plays a key role to reduce the concentration of NO, as slow in NH3/air combustion. To improve these combustion
discussed next. characteristics, we investigated NH3/H2/air mixture, as
The rate of production (ROP) analysis [63] for NO at f ¼ 0.7 described in the next section.
is shown in Fig. 5. NO is mainly formed via reactions of HNO
and those of NH, but the Zeldovich mechanism (i.e., thermal Ammonia/hydrogen combustion characteristics
NO; N þ O2 / NO þ O, O þ N2 / NO þ N, N þ OH / NO þ H)
hardly contributes to NO formation. This is because flame To improve the characteristics of ammonia combustion, we
temperature is relatively low (~1720 K in Fig. 3a). NO, which is investigated ammonia/hydrogen combustion. First, we

a 100 c 100
φ = 0.7 φ = 1.3 NH3
-1 NH3 10 -1
Mole fraction (-)
Mole fraction (-)

10-2 10-2
10-3 OH 10-3
10-4 H2 10-4 NO
NH2 -5
10 10
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
Distance (cm) Distance (cm)

b 100 d 100
φ = 1.1 φ = 1.5 NH3
-1 -1
10 H2 10
Mole fraction (-)
Mole fraction (-)

10-2 10-2

10-3 N2O NO 10-3 N2O

10-4 10-4
10-5 10-5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Distance (cm) Distance (cm)

Fig. 4 e Variations of mole fractions in flame structures with a variety of equivalence ratios (f ¼ 0.7, 1.1, 1.3, and 1.5) in NH3/
air at 1 atm.
3010 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4

a 5x10-5 a
HNO+OH = NO+H2O 1000
4x10-5 p = 1 atm
NO rate of production (mol/cm3 s)

HNO(+M) = NO+H(+M)
2x10-5 100

Su (cm/s)
HNO+H = NO+H2 Total
Ichikawa et al.
1x10-5 NH+O2 = NO+OH
Lee et al.
Li et al.
0 10 Kumar et al.
-1x10 Tian et al.
NH2+NO = NNH+OH Song et al.
-2x10-5 This work
NH2+NO = N2+H2O
-3x10-5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
-4x10-5 NH+NO = N2+OH X(H2) (-)

-5x10 -5 b 1000
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 p = 3 atm
Distance (cm)
5x10-5 100
Su (cm/s)
4x10-5 HNO(+M) = NO+H(+M)
NO rate of production (mol/cm3 s)

3x10-5 HNO+O2 = NO+HO2 N+O2 = NO+O 10 Ichikawa et al.

2x10 -5 Total Tian et al.
NO2+H = NO+OH Song et al.
1x10-5 This work
0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
-1x10 -5
X(H2) (-)
N+NO = N2+O
c 1000
p = 5 atm
-3x10-5 NH2+NO = N2+H2O
NH+NO = N2+OH 100
Su (cm/s)

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Distance (cm)
10 Ichikawa et al.
Fig. 5 e Rate of production (ROP) analysis for NO in NH3/air Tian et al.
at (a) f ¼ 0.7 and (b) f ¼ 1.3. Song et al.
This work
checked the validity of the present model by comparing with 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
experimental data of laminar flame velocity in NH3/H2/air X (H 2) (-)
mixtures under atmospheric and pressurized conditions from
1 to 5 atm. The present model agrees slightly better with Fig. 6 e Laminar flame velocity in NH3/H2/air mixtures
experimental data over at p ¼ 3 and 5 atm in comparison with (f ¼ 1) under atmospheric and pressurized conditions. (a)
previous models (Fig. 6), while the previous models by Tian 1 atm; (b) 3 atm; (c) 5 atm. X(H2) ¼ [H2]0/([NH3]0 þ [H2]0).
et al. [21] and Song et al. [40] predicted the experimental data Experimental values: Ichikawa et al. [29], Lee et al. [32], Li
at 1 atm more correctly than the present model. Thus, the et al. [30], and Kumar et al. [26]. Calculated values: solid
present model predicted the experimental data well at high line: this work (UT-LCS); broken line: Tian et al. [21]; dotted
pressures. In low mole fraction regions of H2 (<0.2), the pre- line: Song et al. [40].
sent model demonstrated the experimental data at 3 and
5 atm more correctly than previous models, such as that of
Tian et al. [21], because the reaction mechanism of NH3
combustion was modified in the present model as discussed The effects of H2 addition on laminar flame velocity,
in the previous section. In the region of high H2 mole fraction, adiabatic flame temperature, and NO mole fraction were
however, the difference between the present model and the depicted as a function of equivalence ratio in Fig. 7, in which
previous model was small, because the NH3/H2/air mixture is NO concentrations were taken at x ¼ 2 cm where the NO
governed by H2 combustion. concentrations are in steady state (see Fig. 7c), as shown in
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4 3011

suitable to suppress NO formation in the order of several

a 120 tens of ppm.
We also evaluated the ratios of NH3 and H2 concentrations
100 NH3/H2 downstream to initial NH3 and H2 concentrations, i.e., [NH3]/
[NH3]0 and [H2]/[H2]0, as a function of equivalence ratio (Fig. 8).
80 0.3/0.7
NH3 and H2 concentrations downstream was taken at x ¼ 2 cm
Su (cm/s)

where NH3 and H2 concentrations are in steady state, as

60 shown in Fig. 4. With increasing H2 in the NH3/H2/air mixture,
[NH3]/[NH3]0 was decreased and [H2]/[H2]0 was increased in
0.5/0.5 f > 1.3. As can be seen in Fig. 7c, however, thermal NO
1.0/0.0 increased with increasing H2 addition. Considering the re-
20 0.7/0.3
quirements of low NO formation and low residual NH3 in
0 exhaust gas, an equivalence ratio f of around 1.3 is suitable.
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Therefore, treatment of H2 and NH3, which are found in rela-
tively high concentrations in exhaust gas (e.g., NH3:H2 ¼ 0.7/
Equivalence ratio (-) 0.3 with f of around 1.3), should be considered in new com-
b 2200 bustion systems. A fuel-rich condition like f z 1.3 is effective
to reduce NOx and available for new combustors such as an
NH3/H2 exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system and a staged com-
2100 bustion system, in which high power and low NOx emission
are expected because of relatively high H2 concentration and
Tb (K)

2000 low NO concertation [64].

Fig. 9a shows the flame structure at f ¼ 1.3 with NH3/
1900 H2 ¼ 7/3 in an NH3/H2/air mixture. NO concentration
0.5/0.5 decreased downstream adequately as well as in NH3/air. In
addition, we found that H2 concentration decreased at around
1800 0.7/0.3
1 cm of distance and recovered downstream below 1 cm of
1.0/0.0 distance (see the details in Fig. 9b). This suggests that NH3
1700 decomposition was induced in the reaction zone.
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Fig. 10 shows a ROP analysis for NO formation in an NH3/
Equivalence ratio (-) H2/air mixture. NO formation is due to the reaction via HNO as

c 10-1
well as NH3 combustion in NH3/air. However, because the
flame temperature increases in the NH3/H2/air mixture, NO
formation due to thermal NOx (i.e., N þ O2 / NO þ O,
NO mole fractions (-)

NH3/H2 N þ OH / NO þ H) contributes to the increase of NO con-

10-2 centration. Because NO concentration is decreased via
N þ NO / N2 þ O, as well as the reactions with NH2, NO
concentration is totally decreased downstream.
0.5/0.5 H2 formation in the NH3/H2/air mixture was also analyzed
by ROP (Fig. 11). The ROP analysis suggests the mechanism of
10-4 0.7/0.3
H2 consumption and regeneration. The following reactions of
H2 oxidation and chain-branching contribute for H2 consump-
1.0/0.0 tion, (O þ H2 / OH þ H, OH þ H2 / H þ H2O). Meanwhile, the
10-5 reactions between NHx and H contribute to H2 regeneration
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 (NH3þH / NH2 þ H2, NH2 þ H / NH þ H2, NH þ H / N þ H2,
and N þ N þ M / N2 þ M). The total reaction is: NH3 þ 3H / 1/
Equivalence ratio (-) 2N2 þ 3H2. Thus NH3 decomposition is induced by these
Fig. 7 e Effects of H2 addition on (a) laminar flame velocity, mechanism. In addition, HNO and N2H2 radicals can contribute
Su, (b) adiabatic flame temperature, Tb, and (c) NO mole to H2 formation (HNO þ H / NO þ H2, N2H2 þ H / NNH þ H2).
fraction downstream were calculated as a function of As discussed above, the addition of H2 in NH3 fuels can
equivalence ratio (Total pressure: 1 atm) in NH3/H2/air increase flame temperature as well as increasing flame speed.
mixtures. Also, under fuel-rich conditions, adequately low concentra-
tions of NO and NH3 and relatively high concentration of H2
can be obtained in exhaust gas by controlling an appropriate
ratio of NH2/H2 (e.g., f z 1.3 with NH3/H2 ¼ 0.7/0.3e0.5/0.5). In
Fig. 4. The laminar velocity and the adiabatic flame tem- fact, high NOx formation was reported under a fuel-lean
perature increased with increasing H2 mole fraction. NO condition using a swirling gas turbine combustor with a
concentration increased with an increase in H2 mole frac- NH3/H2/air mixture [65]. Therefore, combustion under the
tion, mainly owing to thermal NOx. In addition, we found fuel-rich condition with a NH3/H2/air mixture will be effective
that the fuel rich condition (i.e., equivalence ratio, f > 1.3) is in reducing NO concentration as well as H2 formation from
3012 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4

NH3. H2 formation will assist to improve performance in

combustors. This feature can be applied to new combustion a 2200
systems such as EGR and staged combustion systems, as
2000 NH3/H2 = 0.7/0.3
1800 φ = 1.3
mentioned above. To use this feature of NH3/H2/air
1600 (1 atm)

Tb (K)
100 100 1000
10-1 0.7/0.3
0.5/0.5 400
10-2 0.3/0.7 200
[NH3 ]/[NH3]0 (-)


[H2]/[H2]0 (-)
10 0.7/0.3 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
0.5/0.5 Distance (cm)
0.3/0.7 10-2 b 2.0x10-4
10-5 HNO+H = NO+H2

NO rate of production (mol/cm3 s)

N+O2 = NO+O
1.0x10 Total HNO(+M) = NO+H(+M)
10-7 10-3 N+OH = NO+H
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 5.0x10-5
Equivalence ratio (-)
Fig. 8 e Ratios of [NH3]/[NH3]0 and [H2]/[H2]0 vs. function of
equivalence ratio. -5.0x10-5 NH2+NO = N2+H2O

N+NO = N2+O
a 0.30 -1.5x10-4

φ = 1.3 H2O NH+NO = N2+OH

0.25 -2.0x10-4
Mole fraction (-)

NH3 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

0.20 Distance (cm)
0.15 NOx100 Fig. 10 e Temperature profile and ROP analysis for NO in an
NH3/H2/air mixture at f ¼ 1.3.
0.05 H2

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Distance (cm) 1.0x10-3 NH2+H = NH+H2
H2 rate of production (mol/cm3 s)

b 0.085 8.0x10-4 NH3+H = NH2+H2

4.0x10-4 NH+H = N+H2
Mole fraction (-)

0.080 2.0x10-4 N2H2+H = NNH+H2

H2 -4.0x10-4 Total
O+H2 = OH+H
0.070 -1.0x10-3 OH+H2 = H+H2O
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 -1.2x10-3
Distance (cm) 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Distance (cm)
Fig. 9 e Flame structure for varieties of mole fractions of (a)
NH3, H2, O2, H2O, NO, OH and (b) enlarged graph of H2 at Fig. 11 e Temperature profile and ROP analysis for H2 in an
f ¼ 1.3 with NH3/H2 ¼ 0.7/0.3. NH3/H2/air mixture at f ¼ 1.3.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 3 0 0 4 e3 0 1 4 3013

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