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Aline Alle Alves.

My name is:________________________________ What day is today? Today is… __________

(‘’Meu nome é?’’) (“Que dia é hoje?”) ( “Hoje é dia..’’)

(1) Complete the sentences with the quantifiers. Use: a, an, some, any.

1. Are there ____ computers in the library?

2. Are there ____ ripe cherries on the tree?
3. Excuses me, is this ____ English apple or ____ French apple?
4. Actually, it’s South African. We haven’t got ____ French or English apples today.
5. Is there ____ lake in the middle of London?
6. Oh! These chips are horrible. There isn’t ____ salt on them.
7. Well, there’s ____ in the pot over there.
8. There are ____ people at the bus stop.
9. There is ____ bridge over the river.
10. There is ____ milk in the bottle.
11. There is ____ big airport in Holland.
12. There isn’t ____ furniture at home.

(2) Complete the sentences with the quantifiers. Use: little, a little, a few, few.

1. We must be quick. We have ____ time.

2. Listen carefully. I'm going to give you ___ advice.
3. Do you mind if I ask you ___ questions?
4. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, very ____ tourists come here.
5. I don't think Jill would be a good teacher. She's got ____ patience.
6. 'Would you like ____ milk in your coffee?' 'Yes, please .’
7. This is a very boring place to live. There's ____ to do.
8. 'Do you ever go to Atlantic City?' 'Yes, I go there ____ times.

(3) Complete the sentences with the quantifiers. Use: much, many, some, few, a few
little, a little.

1. Students were ____ able to pass the exam. It was rather disappointing.
2. We need to hurry! We don't have ____ time left.
3. Ryan had so ____ in his mind that he couldn't concentrate on anything
4. You just need ____ patience, you are rushing things to much.

Teacher Aline Alle Alves

5. We have ____ bread left for breakfast, so we need to buy some.
6. ____ People might like to live a lonely life, but most don't.
7. I've been there only once, so I don't remember ____ .
8. How ____ exercises have you done today?
9. Very ____ people are actually happy with their salaries.
10. How___- water can a camel store in his humps?

(4) Complete the sentences with the quantifiers. Use: some, any, much, many, a lot of ,
a little, a few.

1. There aren't ____ car parks in the centre of Oxford.

2. Eating out is expensive here. There aren't ____ cheap restaurants.
3. Liverpool has ____ of great night clubs.
4. Hurry up! We only have ____ time before the coach leaves.
5. We saw ____ beautiful scenery when we went to Austria.
6. There are a ____ shops near the university.
7. It's very quiet. There aren't ____ people here today.
8. There are ____ expensive new flats next to the river.
9. They have had ___ homework in mathematics recently.
10. How ____ time do you need to finish the work?
11. There are too ____ students in the library.
12. Have you visited ____ foreign countries?
13. Although he's very ill, he didn't take ____ medicine.
14. People know as much about linguistics as John does. They say ____ knowledge is a
dangerous thing.
15. He's having ____ of trouble passing his driving test.
16. I spend ____ of my time reading novels.
17. He knows ___ English. He knows enough English to manage a company.

Teacher Aline Alle Alves

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