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1..………………. has penetrated many technological advances now a days.

A. Nanotechnology B. Air planes

C. Automobiles D. Rockets

2. Engineers have contributed in creating many technological changes that made the
man’s life much ……….
A. The most difficult B. Easier.
C. More complicated. D. More expensive.

3. ………. are the fifth leading cause of death.

A. Fires B. Electricity
C. Accidents D. The disease

4. For the total population, the two leading causes of accidental death are
A. Fires and injury. B. Motor vehicles and falls.
C. Accidents and falls. D. Electricity and biological hazards.

5. Society has responded to the safety and health risks through passing many
A. Fines. B. Instructions.
C. Laws and regulations. D. Medical expenses.

6. More than 15,000 new laws are passed each year worldwide Approximately 10% or
more of these involve………………….
A. Thefts. B. Safety and health.
C. Felonies. D. Violence and murder.

7. Society has turned to establish……………… to recover losses from injury and

damages for pain and suffering.
A. Hospitals B. Courts
C. Government D. None of the above

8. From the requirements of Safety and health management……….

A. Hazard identification, hazard intervention and prevention, and training must exist.
B. Requires commitment and leadership support as a critical element.
C. Requires employee involvement in promoting safety and health.
D. All of the above.

9. Many ………………receive some training in occupational safety and health, safety

engineering, ergonomics, or human factors engineering.
A. Teachers B. Laborers
C. Industrial engineers D. Doctors
10. The following are risk categories regarding the feasibility of correction, except
A. Hazards that are physically infeasible to correct.
B. Hazards electrical, biological and mechanical.
C. Hazards that are physically feasible, but are economically infeasible to correct.
D. Hazards that are economically and physically feasible to correct.

11. The reason for good OSH Standards is…………………

A. Moral. B. Economic.
C. Legal. D. All of the above.

12. There are major reasons for safety such as………….

A. Humanitarian. B. Cost.
C. Laws. D. All of the above.

13. There are two fundamental types of accident causes……………

A. Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. B. Safe acts and safe conditions
C. The disease and negligence. D. All of the above

14. Accident is defined as………….

A. Accident as not sudden event and of long duration.
B. A happening or event that is not expected, foreseen, or intended or an unexpected, unforeseen, or
unintended event that causes injury, loss or damage.
C. Refer to any planned event or event sequence, whether it results in loss, injury, illness, disease, death,
or none of these.
D. All of the above.

15. Losses from incidents can take many forms. besides injury, illness, and death,
there are damage to………………
A. Property, equipment, materials. B. The environment and the cost of repair or replacement.
C. Include loss of time, production, and sales. D. All of the above.

16..…………is the state of being relatively free from harm, danger, injury or damage.
A. Risk B. Safety
C. A hazard D. Safety engineering

17. ……….is the application of engineering principles to the recognition and control of
A. Safety engineering B. Safety practice
C. Risk D. Accident Control

18..………. involves the recognition (and sometimes anticipation), evaluation, and

control (engineering or administrative) of hazards and risk and management of these
A. Safety practice B. Safety C. A hazar D. Risk

19. ………. is the potential for an activity, condition, or changing conditions, or

circumstances to produce harmful effects?
A. Risk B. Safety
C. A hazard D. Supervisor

20..……... is a measure of both the possibility and the consequences of all hazards of
an activity or condition.
A. Safety engineering B. Safety practice
C. Risk D. None of the above

21..……… The theory states that an incident sequence is like a series of five dominos
standing on end.
A. Multiple Factors Theory B. Domino Theory
C. Energy Theory D. Single Factors Theory

22. The five dominos in reverse sequence are an injury caused by an incident, which,
in turn, is caused by unsafe acts or conditions. the latter are caused by undesirable
personality caused by…….
A. Media. B. People
C. Social environment. D. Henrich Axioms.

23. In the …………., factors combine in random or other fashion and cause incidents.
A. Energy theory B. Single factors theory
C. Multiple causation theories D. All of the Above

24. Grose for example, proposed a multiple factor model referred to as the four
A. Man, Social environment, media, and management. B. Man, machine, Risk assessment and
C. Man, machine, media, and management. D. All of the Above.

25. …………is the human context in which the other three MS exist and operate.
A. Analysis B. Machine
C. Management D. Risk assessment

26. …. …. try to prevent as many incidents as possible.

A. Severity strategy B. Frequency strategy
C. Cost strategy D. Domino theory

27. ……………. They are those situations involving long. term disability, prolonged or
serious illness, death, large numbers of people, or significant loss of property.
A. Cost strategy B. Domino theory
C. Severity strategy D. None of the above
28. ………this strategy based on the principle of Pareto’s law, uses cost as the basis for
measuring seriousness of incident consequences, not the injury or illness itself.
A. Cost strategy B. Energy theory
C. Multiple factors theory D. Domino theory

29. Three Es of safety are……….

A. Engineering, education, and enforcement. B. Management, education, and enforcement.
C. Engineering, education, and analysis. D. Engineering, Social environment, and enforcement.

30. Education strategy includes……….

A. Teaching users how to use a product safely. B. Training people in safe procedures and practices.
C. Training engineers about hazard recognition, hazard evaluation. D. All of the above.

31. …………….it is achieving compliance with federal, state, and local laws and
regulations, with harmony standards and with company rules and procedures.
A. Education Strategy B. Engineering
C. Enforcement D. None of the above

32. One of Occupational Health and Safety goals is to ensure ………. working
conditions in the workplace.
A. Un safe B. Safe
C. Easier D. None of the above

33. Which of the following is not from the goals of Occupational Health and Safety.
A. Ensure safe working conditions in the workplace
B. Lack of protection co- workers family members, employers, customers
C. Ensure that employers provide a safe and healthful workplace free of recognized hazards
D. Protect co-workers

34. The occurrence of an injury invariably results from a completed sequence of

factors, the last one of these being the…………….
A. Environmental factors. B. Accident itself.
C. Mechanical hazards. D. Neglect.

35. The persons' ………………are responsible for majority of accidents.

A. Safe acts B. Electrical work
C. Lack of focus D. Unsafe acts

36. If a person suffers from a disabling injury, it is most probable caused by an……….
A. Unsafe act. B. Mechanical hazards.
C. Safe acts. D. Neglect.

37. From the main motives or causes of the occurrence of unsafe acts………….
A. Improper attitude. B. Physical unsuitability.
C. Lack of knowledge or skill and Improper environment. D. All of the above.

38. From the basic methods of preventing accidents……….

A. Engineering revision. B. Personal adjustment.
C. Persuasion and appeal and discipline. D. All of the above.

39. If the ……………is largely not that serious. the occurrence of an accident that
results in injury is largely preventable.
A. Severity of risk B. Severity of an injury
C. Severity of the accidents D. None of the above

40. Most valuable methods in accident prevention are ……………. the methods for the
control of quality, cost and quantity of production.
A. Similar with B. Different from
C. Matching D. None of the above

41. ……………has the best opportunity and ability to start the work of prevention;
therefore, it should assume the responsibility.
A. Worker B. Machine
C. Media D. Management
42. The ……………. is the key man in accident prevention.
A. Manager B. Worker
C. Supervisor D. All of the above
43. It is the duty of the foreman to …………………. to accidents prevent.
A. Identify the problem B. Find and verify the reason for the existence of the problem
C. Select the appropriate remedy and apply the remedy D. All of the above
44. The humanitarian incentive for preventing accidental injury is supplemented by two
powerful economic factors………….
A. Select the appropriate remedy and apply the remedy.
B. The safe establishment is efficient productively and the direct cost for compensation and for medical
treatment of occupational injuries.
C. The safe establishment is efficient productively and risk analysis.
D. None of the above.
45. Most accident investigation forms and procedures are built on the………
A. Multiple Factors Theory. B. Single Factors Theory.
C. Cost Strategy D. Domino theory.
46. Based on Heinrich's principles, axiom 3, we in sect, to find the …………….
A. Identify the problem. B. Select the appropriate remedy.
C. Hazard before the accident. D. All the above.
47. Based on Heinrich's principles, axiom 8, we are constantly requesting for.……support.
A. Manager B. Laborers
C. Foreman D. Management

48. Most of our effort is directed towards the supervisor because we believe in Heinrich's
principles, ………..
A. Axiom 9. B. Axiom 7.
C. Axiom 5. D. Axiom 8.
49. We preach hidden costs up and down the organization based on Heinrich's principles,
A. Axiom 9. B. Axiom 7.
C. Axiom 10. D. None of the above.
50. In order to support the development of an integrated safety culture management
A. Organize activities that raise employees’ consciousness of workplace hazards.
B. Designing procedures and training programs that empower supervisors and work teams to solve
many safety problems.
C. Participating in the workplace’s safety performance evaluation and giving reinforcing feedback to
supervisors and workers.
D. All of the above.
51..………………. involves planning, obtaining, organizing, and orchestrating the elements
necessary to achieve the health and safety goals.
A. Management B. Regulations.
C. Organization D. Activities.
52. Which of the following is an element of management……….
A. Activities, people, cost and time. B. Equipment, materials and regulations.
C. Facilities and physical environment. D. All of the above.
53. Knowing what to do and doing refers to me…………….
A. Activities. B. Regulations.
C. People. D. Physical Environment
54. The …………………is the preservation of the workplace and its surroundings conducive to
efficient work, workers' health and society.
A. Physical environment B. Activities
C. Social, Management Environment D. Management
55..…………… provide leadership, communication, work culture and motivation for people to
work together effectively.
A. Physical environment B. Activities
C. Social, Management Environment D. None of the above

56. …………. is having policies, methods and procedures in place for things to be orderly and
A. Regulations B. Cost
C. Organizing D. Planning
57. One of the elements of management is time and it refers to ………….
A. Having the right number of workers and skills for the activities.
B. Having enough time or organizing time to complete the activities.
C. Having enough funds to provide the preceding elements necessary to accomplish the organization’s
D. Knowing what must be done and doing it.
58. Cost is an element of management that refers to…………
A. Having enough funds to provide the preceding elements necessary to accomplish the organization’s
B. Having the right number of workers and skills for the activities.
C. Having the buildings and systems necessary to make the activities.
D. None of the above.
59. Which of the following is a safety management task……………
A. Planning and Leading. B. Organizing.
C. Controlling. D. All of the above.
60. One of the safety department tasks is planning, which means …….
A. Set up safety and health function with proper personnel, Programs and systems.
B. Write and sign. off safety and health policies, procedures, budget, goals and targets.
C. Provide leadership through visible commitment, instruction and action.
D. Monitor safety and health performance and take necessary corrective measures timely.
61. The tasks organizing of the safety department tasks means………
A. Monitor safety and health performance and take necessary corrective measures timely.
B. Knowing what must be done and doing it.
C. Set up safety and health function with proper personnel, programmers and systems.
D. None of the above.
62. The task leading of the safety department tasks means ……….
A. Provide leadership through visible commitment, instruction and action.
B. Set up safety and health function with proper personnel, Programs and systems.
C. Having the right number of workers and skills for the activities.
D. All of the above.

63. The task controlling of the safety department tasks means …………….
A. Monitor safety and health performance and take necessary corrective measures timely.
B. Provide leadership through visible commitment, instruction and action.
C. Knowing what must be done and doing it.
D. Having policies, methods, and procedures in place for things to be.
64. Which of the following is from management safety responsibilities………………….
A. Allocate human resources to assist them in implementing safety and health programs and systems.
B. Conduct safety inspections regularly.
C. Safety and health manager professionals should report to appropriate top management position and
giving the authority to safety and health personnel to enforce company’s safety and health policies.
D. All of the above.
65. One of the elements of the safety pyramid………….
A. Un safe hazardous conditions. B. Incidents with damage or loss.
C. Minor injuries and serious injuries. D. All of the above.
66. When one forcefully but accidentally strikes an object this accident goes to the
A. Struck -by. B. Struck- Against.
C. Contact. with and Contact –by. D. None of the above.
67. When one is forcefully struck by moving hazards this goes to the category………….
A. Contact -with and contact- by. B. Overexertion.
C. Struck- against. D. Struck- by.
68. Injuries caused without any forceful contact with equipment goes to the category………….
A. Contact- with B. Struck- by
C. Overexertion D. None of the above.
69. When parts of a person’s body is caught between something moving and something
stationary, or between two moving objects happens due to lack of concentration goes to the
A. Workplace Accidents category 5. B. Workplace Accidents Category 4.
C. Workplace Accidents Category 3. D. None of the above.
70. When one has to lift, pull or push as part of his job working this may result in twist or
strain due to ……………….
A. Struck by. B. Overexertion.
C. Struck against. D. None of the above
71. First aid is described as ………. Treatment.
A. Many times B. Permanent
C. One time D. None of the above.

72. From the first aid station functions………….

A. Providing immediate care for the injured and medical tests.
B. Monitoring of sharp and chronic effects of health hazards.
C. Recordkeeping and reporting functions.
D. All of the above.
73. The person designated to provide first aid must be ……………………. to be one.
A. Qualified B. Trained
C. Trained and qualified D. Neither trained nor qualified
74. The number of first aiders required depends on……….
A. Type of industry and Number of work shifts. B. Distance from workplace to the nearest
clinic or hospital.
C. Number of workers and Physical layout of workplace. D. All of the above.
75. First aid boxes must be placed in ……………. and their locations must be communicated to
all employees.
A. Hidden place to protect them B. High place not to get them broken
C. prominent and easy to reach place D. None of the above.
76. Which of the following is first aid box content……………
A. Splints triangular and bandage aspirin. B. Sterile pad cotton, applicators adhesive and tape
adhesive bandage.
C. Elastic support bandage, scissors and tweezers. D. All of the above.
77. What are the 3 Es of safety?
A. Evaluation, skill and enforcement. B. Evaluation, education, and enforcement.
C. Analysis, education, and enforcement. D. Analysis, investigation and implementation.
78. What is Safety?
A. It is a condition that gives you not freedom from risks, hazards and accidents that may cause injury.
B. A situation that is not relatively free from harm, danger, injury, or damage.
C. It is a condition which gives you freedom from hazard, risk, accident which may cause injury, damage
and loss to material or property damage and even death.
D. None of the above.
79. From the goals of the occupational health and safety act………………
A. To secure workers and self-employed persons from risks.
B. To protect other persons from risks to their safety and health arising out of, or in connection.
C. Securing the work environment from risks. D. All of the above.
80. Who is responsible for health and safety in the workplace?
A. Employees only. B. Business owners only.
C. Business owners and employers. D. Regulators.

81. From basic safety rules…………….

A. Stay alert and stay alive. B. Were the right clothes.
C. Use the right tools and learn how to lift. D. All of the above.
82. Of the things that cause risks in the work environment………………….
A. Electrical wiring and systems that can cause electrocution or fires.
B. Falling objects from shelves, higher floors, or scaffolding and Slippery and wet floors that cause slips and
C. Objects on the ground or in doorways, including wires and cords, which result in trips, falls, lacerations,
and bruises. .
D. All of the above.
83. Lifting, moving and placing things in different shapes means…….
A. Organize material. B. Material arrangement.
C. Materials handling. D. None of the above.
84. It may be done materials handling by…………
A. Manually only. B. Manually or with equipment.
C. Mechanically. D. All of the above.
85. According to the national safety council, 20% to 25% of all disabling occupational injuries
result from………….
A. Materials handling. B. Electricity hazards.
C. The dangers of chemistry. D. Mechanical hazards.
86. Materials handling includes the use of many kinds of equipment designed to help in the
tasks such………
A. Jacks, lifts, and cranes. B. Conveyors, escalators and elevators.
C. Industrial trucks. D. All of the above.
87. One major class of hazard in materials handling is………
A. Failure of the lifting equipment. B. Lack of focus.
C. Overexertion. D. None of the above.
88. The risk of falling loads results…….
A. Injuring people. B. They may fall on property and cause
C. Cost increase. D. All of the above
89. There are many different and important use environment factors such…………
A. Lighting, visibility, weather, land and properties of materials.
B. Wide aisles, good ventilation, traffic controls and visibility, and unobstructed pathways are important.
C. Keep lifting areas clear of people, and proper maintenance of material handling equipment is essential.
D. All of the above.

90. Which of the following is Include selection of correct equipment, identification and
analysis of steps that may go wrong, and establishment of procedures for dealing with
emergency problems……….
A. Planning. B. Design.
C. Selection. D. Eliminating.
91. Which of the following is dealing with material handling risks…………….
A. Training, Design and Selection. B. Environments.
C. Eliminating and Planning. D. All of the above

92. How are the person's trained to deal with the hazards of material handling?
A. Workers must learn how to lift items to minimize the chances of injury.
B. Operators must learn how to operate materials handling equipment.
C. Other participants in materials handling operations must know procedures
D. All of the above
93. Which of the following is considerations must include structural strength, operational
features, control systems, visibility, failure modes, incorporation of safety features………….
A. Selection. B. Design.
C. Eliminating. D. None of the above.
94. Everyone who makes the choice must know……….
A. The task. B. The equipment
C. The use environment. D. All of the above
95. Abbreviation (RWL) refer to…….
A. It is the weight of the load that nearly all healthy workers.
B. It is the size of the burden that almost all healthy worker’s bear.
C. It is a time of burden that is borne by almost all healthy workers.
D. None of the above
96. As LI increases, the level of risk for a given worker……….
A. Decreases. B. Increases.
C. Finish. D. None of the above.
97. How RWL and LI guide the ergonomic design of a lifting task?
A. RWL can help guide the redesign of an existing or new lifting task.
B. LI helps estimate the degree of physical stress for a lifting task.
C. LI can help prioritize redesign of various lifting tasks based on rank order of LI values.
D. All of the above.

98.Fire safety, in its simplest form, is based on the principle of saving fuel sources and ignition
A. Separate. B. Connected.
C. Converging. D. Not of the above.
99.Which of the following must be present at the same time to cause a fire…………….
A. Enough oxygen. B. Enough heat.
C. Some fuel or combustible material. D. All of the above.
100.Fires are classified according to the type of……….
A. Cause of the fire. B. Fuel burned.
C. Used extinguisher. D. Not of the above.
101.If you are using the wrong type of fire extinguisher on the wrong class of fire, it may
make things…………….
A. Easier. B. Safer.
C. Worse. D. Faster.
102.From Fuel Classifications Class A include wood, paper and cloth, Class B include
flammable liquids, Class C include electrical equipment, Class D include…………...
A. Metals. B. Mechanical equipment.
C. Plastics. D. Not of the above.
103.The poster in the following figure indicates to extinguisher ……………
A. Extinguishers (APW). B. Simple water extinguisher.
C. Extinguishers (CO2). D. Extinguishers (ABC, BC, DC).
104. Which of the following are the most common types of fire extinguishers………………….
A. Water (Air compressed water, APW). B. Carbon dioxide (CO2).
C. Dry Chemical (ABC, BC, DC). D. All of the above.
105.Fire Extinguishers……………is Large silver fire extinguishers the stand about 60 Cm tall
and weigh about 11.3Kg when full, Filled with ordinary tap water and pressurized air.
A. Water (APW) B. Dry Chemical (ABC, BC, DC)
C. Simple water D. Not of the above
106.APW Fire Extinguishers are designed for…………….
A. Class C fires. B. Class D fires.
C. Class A fires. D. Class B fires.
107.If you have no choice but to use an APW on an electrical fire, make sure the electrical
equipment is ……………energized.
A. Un-plugged B. Plugged
C. Close to D. Not of the above

108.Fire Extinguishers……………is are red, they range in size from2.27 Kg to 45.3Kgor larger.
On larger sizes
A. APW cylinders B .ABC, BC, DC cylinders
C .CO2cylinders D. Not of the above
109.CO2 Fire Extinguishers are designed for…………….
A. Class B and C. B. Class D and C.
C. Class B and A. D. Not of the above.
110 .CO2s will frequently be found in…………….
A. Laboratories B. Flammable liquid storage areas.
C. Mechanical rooms, kitchens. D. All of the above.
111. Carbon dioxide is a non-flammable gas that takes away the …………element of the fire
A. Oxygen B. Heat
C. Fuel D. All of the above.
112. It……….is very cold as it comes out of the extinguisher, so it cools the fuel as well.
A.O₂ B.CO2
C.H₂ D. Not of the above
113.Dry chemical extinguishers put out fire by coating the fuel with a thin layer of………...This
separates the fuel from the oxygen in the air
A. Water B. Dust
C. Carbon dioxide gas D. All of the above.
114.This type of fire extinguisher is red in color and called................ and ranges in size from
5to 20 pounds, and is packed with a fine yellow powder. The bulk of this powder consists of
mono-ammonium phosphate. Fire extinguishers are compressed with nitrogen
A. Dry Chemical (ABC)Fire Extinguishers B. APW Fire Extinguishers
C. CO2 Fire Extinguishers D. Not of the above
115. It’s easy to remember how to use a fire extinguisher if you Remember the
116.The term pull pin refers to………...
A. Discharge the extinguisher. B. Hit the fuel.
C. Pressing the button releases the compressed extinguishing agent. D. Not of the above.
117.The fourth step to using a fire extinguisher is………
A. Squeeze the top handle. B. Sweep from side to side.
C. Pull the pin. D. Aim at the base of the fire.

118.What should you do when a fire is detected?

A. Assist any person in immediate.
B. Call the firefighting department.
C. Activate the building fire alarm and shut off the air handling system to prevent the spread of smoke.
D. All of the above.
119.Before deciding to fight the fire, keep these things in mind: know what is burning, Is the
fire spreading rapidly, close doors and windows behind you as you leave. This will help
A. Slow the spread of smoke and fire. B. Increased spread of smoke and fire.
C. Spread of smoke and fire. D. Not of the above.
120.Which of the following statements makes you irresistible to fire?
A. Your instincts tell you not to. B. You might inhale toxic
C. You don’t have adequate or appropriate equipment. D. All of the above

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