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Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc

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Debtor name Got News, LLC

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA-L.A.

Case number (if known) 2:19-bk-14693-BR

❑ Check if this is an
amended filing

Official Form 206A/B

Schedule A/B: Assets -Real and Personal Property ,2.,5
Disclose all property, real and personal, which the debtor owns or in which the debtor has any other legal, equitable, or future interest.
Include all property in which the debtor holds rights and powers exercisable for the debtor's own benefit. Also include assets and properties
which have no book value, such as fully depreciated assets or assets that were not capitalized. In Schedule A/B, list any executory contracts
or unexpired leases. Also list them on Schedule G:Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases(Official Form 206G).

Be as complete and accurate as possible. If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet to this form. At the top of any pages added, write
the debtor's name and case number (if known). Also identify the form and line number to which the additional information applies. If an
additional sheet is attached, include the amounts from the attachment in the total for the pertinent part.

for Part 9 fhrnugh Fart 11, list each asset under the appropriate category or attach separate supporting schedules,such as a fixed asset
scheduFe or deprec"saGon schedule,that gives the details for each asset in a particular category. list each asset only once. in valuing the
debtor's interest, do no# deduct tine value of secured cEaims. See the instructions is understand the terms used in this farm.
Cash and cash equivalents
1. Does the debtor have any cash or cash equivalents?

❑ No. Go to Part 2.
■ Yes Fill in the information below.
AEt cash or cash equivaie~ts owned or controlled by the debtor Gurreni vaius of
debtor's interest

3. Checking, savings, money market, or financial brokerage accounts (Identify all)

Name of institution (bank or brokerage firm) Type of account Last 4 digits of account
PO Box 1393
3.1. Buffalo, NY 14240-1393 Checking Account 7641 $5,563.02

PO Box 1393
3.2. Buffalo, NY 14240-1393 Savings Account 7684 $25,558.73

4. Other cash equivalents (Identify all)

5. Total of Part 1. $31,121.75

Add lines 2 through 4 (including amounts on any additional sheets). Copy the total to line 80.

Deposits and Prepayments

6. Does the debtor have any deposits or prepayments?

■ No. Go to Part 3.
❑ Yes Fili in the information below.

Accounts receivable
10. Does the debtor have any accounts receivable?

■ No. Go to Part 4.
❑ Yes Fill in the information below.

Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets -Real and Personal Property page 1
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Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
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be~ator ~a~t P ews ~.Lc ____ Ease aumber,;rKnc.>~t a.~19-~i~-14693-8(~


13 C}oes #h~ debtor srvrn a~ey tnv~~tments~'

~I Ft~: a to P,~rt ~.
D Yes Fit! in tt~e ~rrPozma?nri bzlavu_

• Ira~~ntorYr sxclutiEag agryeuttur~ assts

t&. t5t~~s detr4ot^ ~~vn any anve~tory(axctudin~ agri~uffuee ~s~is)?

•Via, Ua t~ 3'art ~.
~~5 ~il~ ]fl 'z~F~ E?'tiY}7i'Ytr'~ti4.'t ~✓?~0'.Y:

F~mting andE ~shis~g-a~fate~t.ass~ts (t~ttser #hen isti~c! rnatcsr vehseis~ end lend}
2]': E}ct~s ~~ t3~b#ar rrwn +ar tease any ~srnt nc~ ~r~s! fisFs~ng-r'~iai d assets {at~~t tttart ti#.~e~3 rnt>#tsr v~h~c4es ~ftd t~ntt}?

■ 3~t+~. C~i~ Part 7~

Q Y+~s ~~E~ in fih~ inf2~rrrs~tirsn t>~t~vr.

`- fixtuxes, and equiprn~n3;and ~vli~cEibEes V.._w.~~, ..._.r_______

..., ....,_fumrture;
t?~ice ~_._.~ ____ .. ___.._._.._ ~._~...._.. -....----.
3~. s ih~ d~k~2or urn or Caas~ any a€fi*a~ furni#ure,fi~ctuc~, eiiuip~r~r~t, ar eotteetib~os~

D Yes Fe4t 6n ti~~ infiorm~;a~ir b~tc~,n+.

~hirs~r~r, ~quiptr~rnt,end ueh cis

~3~- des tie ds~t~r o+urr~ ar 1~ase any machinery, equipment, crr e+eh3cl ?

~ Y~~ ~i(€ ire Y ir~(~rm~t an ~la~K.

~,tJ~tr~°s #f°~s d~btnr aw~rn or f~~se any t ~r~,~rty

I PUs~< ~ 1n ~~r4 °If3,

L.3'Y~s FEfi i:~a th~snform~~ara beicrrt,

ls~tangib~ss end int~~lect~sa~ pr~pperty

59. ~arss fh~ cf~bf~o-r wave gay "in4~r~~ts ire int~ngib~st~ c r in#~l~ectuat pr~a~rty?

Q 3Ntl. ~~i tb Part 91 _

~ Yes ~it13r~ ;ite ~rtf~rr;iatia~ ~€Euwr:

C~isrr~~ ~cr~~xt3os~ ~lta~ bca~k stait~e of tt,~i~s~tifi~i e~it~od tks~Cf Cunt va(is~ a~
febtc3r''s in er t fz~~ cu"er t v$tir~s del~r's dt~te~;st
{ire av~if3~ta~~

ft3. F~~f~nts, Gopyzic~i~i3; tr~t~~~nar~;s, and tr~d~z ~$cr~fs

£~t, ~nt~rn~t ciars~a3ra nar~~s and ~~bs8tes

C34~re~in name:
~~gister+~ +gir th GcsLl~c~t~y.cotrt, LE.~:
Registrar Re is#ration ~cpir~tion t3~i~:
t~nkn~rwsn ~#nk~awn

G2 #~ioenses,#ranchis~s ar~d rrsyalties

t7#ti~i~~ Fpm 2G~Ai~ ~c~~c~u e,~l~ Assts - P.~ai and !'erss~n~t i~rop~rt~,{ {~~~Q ~
Atc^,rrr e.=X:7iK:tai s`ej ?$r.i-2~3i;~ $6st {:ift~. L _~ -~~asv..F~.,a!rx<-~cn+i~
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 3 of 12

~~b~cs~ ~';ot 3~le~ars,~.LC .Case ~t~tt~rtt~~r tt;a~ucsm) 2:99-#~k;1~fi~3•~3~2


i~. ~t~Y~~DiYS@T ~tS~S, 6A't~S~tll$ (i*.3t5~ Q~ 9'~TB~' COiT7~}4l~ki~JeSS

~. der ~ntarn~ib#es; ar ~~tel~~tuat pr~s#~r#y


¢:5. 7btai fl€Para 4U. ~~.flfi?

---.~ ---__.__..M t
A,~ir~ i:r~s~0 ffiraugh £5„~cs~}+ th;~ te~t~i 3~ i~r~ E9.

~7. Do you€1ts#s os r~ €s in~lut~e p~r~a3i~ltp icf~ntif?~b~~ infot~rrtatian ~~ e~rst4rners has de~i;~~d in i1 Lt_S.C.§§ 40i(4'~Fet and X47'7
■ I+t4
C3 Yes

68. i~. tlh~rar are $rnorfiization o~ ot1~~r sirr~ taisch~slu€e ~~ail~ble far ~~}~ of iht property 13sted
- in Part 1#k?

6~. Ei~sany of th~ ~~c~#~r#y listed in ~'~rt 9~ k+e~E~ a~pra~sed by a prat~ssiaii~f rovitt~in ifs fast yeaa'?
~ o
~ Y~~

~t4 a~i°e~~ a~~eis

7~}, C3 "i'Z~'b8 C7~~?~trC ~SN'F1 ~E4}/.Q#~@f ~SSS"~ ~i~~ t~ ttA4~'~ x.32€'7€ tL~j743Ct~d 6t1 f3ti8 fQEYTt? ..
trs iti~ ali n3~er~s#g irizxs~~4?y c~sn3~s~ct~ gnu une~~pi~~d leas nc~i pr~vioaasfy r~parted o~ this ft~rr~

C~ hta. Cots PasC `s2;

~ Yes ~~t1 i,~r ttie inf~rrr~a.i~r~ f~~6ow

Cad~et~t Yalu trf

r~ ~-°s i~t~'r ~t

T1. Not~ste~~iv~ble
C3~scripin ~in~#u~~ rr~~r~? rx# at~li~~r)

7a. 1'~:x r~iuns~s ans~ ufl~a~c~ nei ~#~grating fusses {P~C~~sJ.

El~~cri~ats~in {#rir exam#ile ted~rai, s#~f~~ #t~cai}

7~. lntersst~ erc i~tsur~nee pfll3cies or annuit€e~

74. Causes of action agai~s3 t~i~i ~~s~k~~ ~whssift~r ~sr not~ la ui€
3t~~ be+~n fit~d~

75: C3iit t~oni3ng~~t and ~ritec{ui~tafed c~~ai~cas ~xr s ofactFon ref
ev~ar~ n~tt~a^~~ iaicta~dinc~ c~i~`r rt~~ir~s~ cs~ t debiar sRd rights fa
sit €~#f c~ai~s
Penrfir►~ in#er9~cu#si~y ap#~eat of the ci~rei~E n#the
~tttR-S A~'t' mcst►~se~ fiE~d b~ dear ~App~at ntt.18-~[1~2
Sixtf~ ~xr~u~#} in ~nderiy~ng 1iti~stir~h. Van~~lu~rrs v, ~o~
k~~ays, Li.0 ~a~~ nom, 2;~4$•~~-1(1~r+S2-I, [~A5 {~~sterr~
~3istr ct ~f l~i~3~si~~n}. Deb#or rre~y enfatled to
r~i~nburs~~~nt of tega~ fps shou6d it prev~ii on the
ndia~Saxth:.~ircuit ~! ~~~l,~58.£l5;
#~atur~ ofi~la€rte See ~btsv~?
~masue~t r~x~u~sieti ~f#.40

7~. Trusts, equitabfi~ or future in4er~:sfs in P~'a9~~Y

' t?t~€sr pt~g~riy tz~ a~sy kst~tf rust aireatiy E s#ed ~x~:rf~!es; Se~s4n ii~~~ s,
Coin#ry cFu#i rnernfii~rshjp

C1;aci~~ Ft~rm Z~A+~3 5rheciul~ A~`B ~s~efs - R~~l ar~~J P~r~~~~s F'r~~erty P~~~ ~
:Of?i5~t~'.;c43-ri3hf {cj i?~.b'-.:C 15 ftcsl CSSa_, Lk.t; - vhrr.+f t~~`wa~:.t: c.~.~n L's~t wa:-t A~nk:uicy
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 4 of 12

i?~:btor ~~## ~5~~ea~, PLC

~_____.~._ _~._ _.. ~ ___.___..~ .._._.. ,...,v ..,,...,,~,.~...., ~as~ nurrota~r trr:~~~sw;r1 ___.
_~,t~nw ._._~......~.__ ___._~_._~.

7~. TsJta3 Of PxI'# ~'f. ~~ ~.._ _ $12t~,~JS$.t}5

! --~ ,__._____
~r~~ 1+ng5 P~ th?atigtt 7p, L',c7py tits tc~,~:l t4 $ist~ ~D.

7~. 9ias any A# ttse prSp~r2y 8ist2d in Fart 14 ts~~ ~pprais~d b~ a prnfes~ionai e~vithiat tie #asE year?
~ tdo
II ^~°'e~

C)€~iciai Warn, ~~~~'B ~~h~d:~#e:~:B ~~s~ts - ~i~al ar~d ~.rson~! F'ro~c-r€Y P~g~ 4
ri:tiitta:~;r: C~f~f~'r.°.(^i i~rs.~-n ~~;_.7 L`a3~3. i:.l,?; - •~`~~a'^~;tss~.Cti'.st ts.+`u! Cssa 8aenrt:}~tC}`
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
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Debtor Got News, LLC Case number ~irknown) 2:19-bk-14693-BR



In Part 12 copy all of the totals from the earlier parts of the form
'hype pf pro~rty Currerit~iaiu¢ afi Current value of rest
per~anal ~rc~~~h+' Pra~~lt
80. Cash, cash equivalents, and financial assets.
Copy line 5, Part 1 $31,121.75

81. Deposits and prepayments. Copy line 9, Part 2. $0.00

82. Accounts receivable. Copy line 12, Part 3. $0.00

83. Investments. Copy line 17, Part 4. $0.00

84. Inventory. Copy line 23, Part 5. $0.00

85. Farming and fishing-related assets. Copy line 33, Part 6. $0.00

86. Office furniture, fixtures, and equipment; and collectibles.

Copy line 43, Part 7. $0.00

87. Machinery, equipment,and vehicles. Copy line 57, Part 8. $0.00

88. Real property. Copy line 56, Part 9.........................................................................................> $0.00

89. Intangibles and intellectual property. Copy line 66, Part 10. $0.00

90. All other assets. Copy line 78, Part 11. + $120,058.05

91. Total. Add lines 80 through 90 for each column $151,179.80 + 91 b. $0.00

92. Total of ali property on Schedule A/B. Add lines 91a+91b=92 ~ $151,179.80

Official Form 206A/B Schedule A/B Assets - Reai and Personal Property page 5
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Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 6 of 12

eater a~ame C,ot A~~w~. LLB

~Jnafed Mates ~~nkr~ptc}' ~~trr# ;c~ fha: CENTRf~.L GtS3RfCT ~F GA.LIFO€tidt~l-L.~.

C.~sene~snberti~~~~~xn~ z:99-isk~14~3'~8~t
p C~s~ck is t#7as ~s ata
~~ri4~~`rr~d filing

~3~ft~i~f FcarC~ 2t?~L~

~cl~e~du~e I3~ Gr~~it~rs~ V~f~m ~a~r~ ~lai~s +~~~are~ Icy lP~ca~~rt~► ~2r~~
Se as cnmpEe€e and accurate_as p~assatiie~
3, i7o any ~rsd'rtr~rs ~r+~ ~1~isn~ ~ us'~ci ~y ~4~t ~'~ }t~fp~tiy?
■ t~t~. C4 tk tit+:s t~trx and suTicz~it pa~~: 1 csf this faa~ irs Chi cr+ur# t~s~fh cie~t~s's o~hefi s~~edutes. G~~io~ teas nvttairsg eSs~ fo re~sitt can i3iis ttxm,
D Yes. ~~ti are X11 of ~#~s inf~ratt~tic+st 3s~;anv,

#~fsc~~! ~Qarn 2L~5C1 ScF~etiu#e D: ~r~iittrrs ~Vho H~v~ ~I~eens S~c~rre~f bj Property ~~~~ 7 t~f 1
;an:~t; [;rny,5rr. (ri 1~~6-2~1°4 ~i~i ~a"~~, f.k~ -sv~+~.+~°.Le~.;.3sn,.r.;.aa
s~. [:~,-s; C::se E4.rssft,L'Z~
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 7 of 12

i?€~bior r~am~ tact Netts. ~L~

13~tt~d a~ie~ ~'~s~kru~i#cy Cauri icr C.~~e: CEtdTR~E 9i5T#~t~~ ~F CALaFORPdiA-L;A,

Cas€ zra~mb~r try }ncr~a~,t x:19-b4~~9~6~3-C3E°t

~ {;h2 i# it~7~ i~ a~~
srttert~tt ~iii:~~

~~~~~~ ~b~~ ~~~~~~

~~i~c~.t~~ EIF: ~r~~i#+c~r~ V'~'~~ ~~ve t~~ cu~~~ ~~irr~~ ~~t~~
~ as camp #e ans~ aG~urat~ sx pa~srtsi~.1J~~ Part 3 for crstlilots wi~3~ Pft#f3RtTY unsecured ciat~nssnd F~iK 9. for er~titars vtFttr h~L3i~JPFttC3Ett'R'X unst~eur~t4 ~1~{ms,
Lisf tE~s atE~r pariy L~n any execuiary cQ~fr~cts or e€s~xpi~~c# #r~s~s #tt~t Cau9d re~uS# in a elai~n. A&~o ii~t executa~yr c~~ tracts an Schs~rite A/Q: Assets - Reaf ~r~d
Persorsa~ Pra~ft3'(fit~"rcial Fcsrm ~~At£3~ arcd mn Sc~rsd~lm G,~xixtt~t*~ry ~~n~trts~tS ! lJ~texp~ied Le~~es {C}#t cle3 ~`<rm;2~SG}. tdumE~r the entries is~ Park 3 anc3
2'rri thebnxe~ on [Eee 1eR. f~ mares ~p~ace "rs ne~d~d fatPart ~ ~r R~rt 2, fiti ov#and ~#i~titi tt'r~ i0.tlditi9rs~{ Page 4f that Pad I~el~tt~d in this #~nraaa_

•- Ll~f Ati Credst~r~ vrifh PR[t3F~tTY U~sec~fr~d Cd~ims_~._. _._~_

7. C~a any trrtiEt4~s have pri~rsty ~a~secu~sd clsims?(~;~1 U.S.G.:~ iei'37j,

No. ~'so to Part 2_

~, Last tip aiph~~~tic~t order all crEditoss who ha~uz ejr s~c~r~ clairri~ t~?ai ~3'a ~attit3ed to pr#ai tY irc +~to~Z:#iin Ott 3i><h~ ~eUtex has.rtr3rn iha~r ~ ~r~*ai;~ars
~nt~ }~ricx:'~ty ~s^.~cur~cY cta rs, fitl ~i arxf atti=,ch ~he'~d ~..,nai F ~i Fait 3,

TotaE c€aim Ptioi'st~r ~m~~xii

,.,_ ....
21 ~ Pr:nr2r cretfra:'s na:~n~ and m~slirs?~ ~c5tir~: r;~ €,t the ~s~i:tia~ fi`:ng dais, tn~"~i;ti i5: ~r~l.€~Q
....~...............r...__ ._.
~ttl~i4b~tt14£19g D~V~Q~~t#2l1~ ~}~{)~. Chr-rk~'SErtata~.y.
~~rakruptcy Group ~~1C 92~ Clc~+,t;:~~
~.t,~. ~t)X ~+~$~~LE ~ tFniauir~feri
S~cr~~n~nto,~A :x#280-~Uq1 ~ r;e~~ae~

a 'SIC(-F Ett
~a:4$ i,1f ~~:Nv'S G~i.77a tkJ$s pfii~~S ~i}f tfl£2 G.~r.3y11,T7'

T'!JP Ii'~'~Ctti44dl~~Z111a~~ ~,1tk~~t3S8'.3..SSI3~~/

La°3Y d Giy ~ ~€ ac~~nt r:urn~~r t.~ ih~:~~~m Wstt+~ci to ofFs~t?.

SpeccFc' ~ad~ s:;bsr~~e7 <:' r~'r<4~S24YY ~ Na
UJi,yE,d:.2fP,C~+^.s£UF}1'. '1'd I~.:S.~. +~ 5Q7(3)f8'1
D Yes

._. , A pp~pn
f ~.~ ~ }~f~J(4'} Y:63~ii4'IS C,3A"flE* 3i'IC~ Rld','~IR~ ~iC16.(@56 'GS~ ~l~ ~CFi". y~~~tGF% ~}ii5{~ ~-9fF~: f}tP_ G<3fIf5 15:-
l ~il..~~ v7V ii+i
.~_. ,...____...:...~.._
~i1XP.'CiC 9~i~rT!<32 $r~}~.
- ~"'T8T4fvi i~$~ ~a~`~ L}~?C~~`~.

~3~nkrupf~y atEC#t'+Stt, t~dlS; A-3441 D ~csn:ic~~a;~t

~~tC}'r~it~l~f1~Q~ ~.r~i ~'~$~~'~~r

J~ Q C}:~S~e~:£-z#

s'2~"~ ~:d~`,c"-3 Ceti Svc.', inc~~n~~ Ba3s~~sle;tie Cl~inti

for infeirrr~atian~l purpus~~ onty
Ca:t 4 c=~,:;; cif ~r~,4nt nurt~~r 'ss G'~s claim ~at~i~t to o*fs~.
~}l+_li'27}' u~:uf~9 ~U~73a=✓ti`'.Yri Oe ~'~'ai~1f24~~ pdp
'f1S4at::C~ fl~A.ii'(1; '~~i $..~.~.L, v{
J~'~dS(~i 1.
~ '~'es

~ffi.ial Fn-~^~ Z~f6wr~ 3Ctt~dvte CIF: ~xeditors ~Itlho Navas Ufi turd C€alms ysgn ? ~~
~ tOZSf i3r3i C~~a;~kv;;3:.y
?i~~,~t'v.~'r.,N}`*:gh1(rifl3fi>0~9$~~t C:354~.=LC-vtva+:.~~:.,,~',a <;srr;
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 8 of 12

~7~~tar Gat.i~ews, LLC G~~e nu~i~rq~-~~~,} x.99-~k-'(4693-~R

i ~,W ~ Pt~r ty ~'esd~iar's ~t~m~ att~ r~:ail~i~ ac3~9re~ As of thr ~,e!it~t~ firing date,.h.~ maim is: ~O,~Q SQ.flt~
I€~tern~(fteve~ueService ~n ~r~m~r~~~'

F'hit8de3p1tla PA 1944-1346 ~ uni:~u~~~tea

Q >p~.t~I

CSa~ ~~ da•`.es dam? ~~as in~tt:ram Bss:~ iar :ham claim:

Ftir inf~rma~ic~~~l pines onFy
Lasi 9 ~~asof accau~rt numtxVr Is the claim suti;_ct trs a~.e[?
s i'y Ccid~ stt~+:~ii~zt +sF PFt{~TxfT's' ~ ~~
svts~c~i~r~ckami: i1 U:~a.C. ~° at~7{a}~}
C~ Y~

~~2 ~ ± F'rieriF~r cr~iza~~ n~m~ ~rm9 maS~ng sddr~~s Ru e,Via_ p~i~,n f~lirxg da:~. t?i= cl~;sss is. ~(}.Qa $~.OLE
......~ Lrss Angers ~~us~tty ~"ax G~Fi~tor
fit]~~x 54'!9+~ f~ c~,~m~~~+
Lr~~ A~r~~~~es, ~~t D{~~€-t}C}98 C3 ura ,~;t~te~y
D ~,~F~~d

~3atEs ar rt~t~~ c'.~~f ate ~eurr~tl basis ca Ehn ~s~#rr;:

~~ar anfArm~#r~nai purpc~s~s Dilly
Lass 4 iiig~ c# acc~mr s~wriasr is trig ~?a~m ~uaj~t tc~ a~~~z'~
~a ~p.C9t't~ ~Lt~"a~'t~n of PftEi7RiTy ~ ~~
un s~eti r,3~ur~- -t ~ tt..S.G: x.547{aj ~?
~ Yes

y.5 (~taxi~t ~rc~rtxs~'s ear~i~ and m~lin~ sd~rz~s :ss o`the ~tkin.~ f<:'ng dam,the eiaam is: (} ~~i.i}£l
~_~-mm~ ~~at~ E3caa~e3 of Equ~~izatic~n c:~~c~ ter, tr.~,~~:~y,
Ac~~u~t In€~rsn~ii~r~ {gaup irA{~ ~9 C~ c~r~r~~:~t
P~ ~oX ~42$?9 ~f unt~~ir;~~t~a
~acr~r~rttQ,~~ ~7~-~fl29 L~ t~;s us

RatE ar gates d~tfi ~;as ~n~urew~ G~9~~ fay tA~ C.3i~t,

~+~r ~rtf~ t~t~c~nai purposes onty
List ~ dv s :sf ~r_~Aur.3 rt.imbea i~ the rtatrn ~.~k~;P::t to a~.ei?
~f~, CA;,~ ~ar3 ~es,o##~t?fiE~Rr~-Y 1~ ~~;

List Ail Crsditoa°s sRrith NC►NPt~EL~R17`Y tftr

3, Lid# itti atph~Ae'I:E 3 girder ~:It of Yh$ a i~ors nth r~un~riur~~+j sl~.'str~S: if ilk g~~g r~us~ i'~ar. ~ Sr '~,> uu3t~ na»pricsri~ ts~ei~^~ C!~Atts, iii
out and a#i~,.~ #~'~,~~u'~irin~ ~ag~ rif ~ar~ 2_
Amouest of c€~~t~s

~ 3 ~ __v~ ~3~a~apa~iari~g c "stars crante Liszt tn~a~E~n~ aticites~ As oohs gatiti¢n Ming c~atF: ifi~ ~Ezf~r9 is: ~.'r,~:~ ae t4aFap~`,~: ~~~$,~1~1,{}s
- --
5$1,'~ 'f~fi11~~~E? ~if~ ~~V4~ ~~1~ ~ dJnliq:,~idat~d

tT.~te~~) d~bgmss 3ncur~d , 2€~9 7-241$, Sass fort?~a clai~ra: ~OCi~~t I.OaYI~t~
L~~f ~ d~pEt,~ csf aztv~~rt z~tunt 4
!~ the claim ~s~ijFVf to aKa~#? ~.'U ~ YES

~.2 ~ i~~nprtocity etedat~,r~ dame anc! a~tai~ir~ a idn~ Am. of the pe£itiaan fifin~ date. the t3xirn is u~th ~„~~ta~~;:
~ Gc~^:s~err~
af312 ~'~tr~pl~t .- City Sfv~# t32 ~ ~tn;~s,~ih~~c-~
Tett1j31e G`i#y, ~~l ~31'~$t~
~a~(s) ~f$c~t was rrrci~ti~d 9#28l211°~7~ basis €ar ih~ c!a€m: TS10Yt~~+ ~+.~+~P1+@t1
C.asY4 diflats of actdiihY attr'~t ~~
is thR ciairrt sut+,~ct IU bY~C!~ No ~ Yes

t}f#~;~s4 r"c~rrr> ;~s'yS ~:`F SchEtdu3e Elf: Crec# fi~sra b'~ho ttavc Urrs~eut~cf ~tsim~ gsge 2 of 4

rp~~}!:~ iyt 1~:+-$0's$ £m^,1 C;a~@. ~Ls^_ -itnW.Y bn..c..~,:s+.e r~rn

cL'.xs~;c~ C lies; G .._ 3.:;:~2'!t~:ScY
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 9 of 12

p~lor tsat News

-,~.~.~ +;asp n~mb~r i~~r~skn) 2:19-b~ta1~~~"~-BR

~ .4~a ,,~ Ncnprio~i2y cr~riiiar's narr~ ~rs~ maiking address A.~ 01 ttFe p~tntxos~ ~!?eag ~a~k€, ttxe claim is. Cry -a ~"x~t~,:At S {3af }~}(1.(}~
~~PC>tT1E S~~TkC~~1~~UYd~+ ~ Conting~nx -^ -J-
,~ttn Raechel ~t ~adala~e~tti
~ s.Jr.~~qu~s?~~
cla Kir~C Huth L~n~Q ~ Sad~a~arrt~nti
19500 Mali Rd wife '€~4
C1intQr~ ~i'c3tttr~ship~ 1484t3~ ~aa~s fir t~r~ ~~vim~ ~c~-F'~~~hff in..~nd,,,~n~ laa~r~ufi ~staa~tst debtor ss~kinQ
~:~ta{s} detrf eras Incurred _~l`~41261~ d~mart~s flf 58t1i~ QtJB tian~hetuf~~ v. ~cst~Ns~s LLC Cage na,
Lasfi ~F x3i~ets of a~~osa»! numks~r ~ '~-cv-ifiS~~-L.3iN ~A~ (E~siern tJisirict ofi ~fect~i~~n~_
!s i#~e open ~~s5jces fo aff~t? ~ Nr p Y~~

{~s ~t ~!' NOnpr'st7c^ity c~~c9iYor's nam~a and mailirsg addr+~ss i+Ss of t#~ }reE in filing daf~. the c~ sisix 3~~ Grrc~t e:.° trat apAY. ~.I Ct~CS~d~iit

Attu F~a~ch~t PA ~as3a~amer~ti ~ urt~u o~
6J~s ~Crk ~{rs~~ t,attg~ ~ ~~~18[drr3enf~
195~~t ~ta11 Ftd wits 9~?t1 ~ ot~
Cliritvn Toxrnship, ~'E 48U3$ ~ t¢r~t,er~arn: +Ca-P~aEnfPf~ in t~nt3i~g ~~~su~t t~sf~r~ ~kxsove a{~~[rrs~
tT~te~s)debt eras incurred ~~4f2tt1$ . c3~fst~~ se$kin~ darr~~~e~ of 84d~.4Q~. ~'~s Clarrn Asncaun€far dame
Last4 di~i~ at.a~to~+r~t rsumb~r=
r~ ~.r~t du~ti~~#ed hire bu# t,s eti as "unkno+~ur~".
is Li ra c3~€rtf sut~~e~k W 4~St,-;'~ ~ Iva ~ Yves_

3.§ t4unpr'rority cr~diYa's asarii~s and_ma~€itsg ~ddrErss e~ o~il~rs {~Eiti<xfs ~it;~g date: Cts~ ctaisrt 3s; ~?z.~xa«':Y~ z~.aa. ~~3.E}~

~ ~"`dit'i.SE"C
92fi~°~ I p~risl Nor 5#e F'126 ~ 1€t~ud3tfd
s~i'f~a1 ~E ~~?fiC1~S, ~~: ~~~i~~ ~_C}ispiztad
C3ats~s~ r5~~bt ryas inov~ez~ W ~S~Es fot f3~e e~azm: ~~?~' CiDtlftCc'StICt~Lit'~SQS~5
Last ~ dFgit~ ~f ~~e~sunF number _
[;~ q3°~ chi m ~u'~}~rt ~ r ye,°? ~ t~4~ ~ Yes;t~un~ri~triiy cn~d4tc~['s rtafne and setaitiis$ aridisa~ a~ csi tfie ~ti~tcix~ ~3:tng ~a4s> t#r~ s4a'un is- a:e:.~s: na r~ •~ s~:~:rn. ..,_...~.___- [St1k~~4Afi?

0 C4nAiu~~i
~tft~ ~c~P~ ,~ ~'s3t~~ ~1 iln~Fgv~its~f~tf
~a?64 l~~t4£~ SSflaTti C}t St1#t@'tt►9 ~? ~. ~e~
Lai Vegas, ~+i'sl ~J'f'E7
~.tais tAv the ctaim: r~~~r~~ SECVPG~S [Trt?YFtfBt~,~(3 L~~r.~s?i' !"@ pQtlS~ttiQv
C'r~u+(~} dabt vdas atttss€tact _ ~(t~ t~il t7i ~I~~l~r'lf1
F.~~t k dit~ts of acc~urtt numYs6t
is :i°saa ~#~im S~a21yi-CY is c~Es~4? ~ ~!a Q Yea

L"tit Others iouBa ~6btift~rtl f~bcrut Uns~tcure~t a taunts

m. «stud are cniirst~i<>r ~s,~rc~~s,

d~ L.ia~ in a}~rts~b~?i~uf osier any airs vuha mug ~ !~ rtnilfsed for claim s iistsd "sri P~tt~ '~ and ~_ E~iarrples ~ en ~ti~s~ t~tztz ad ~-
~s3.`~n~ss ~` ~ ai;ns t~„s~4 :~t~v~, a:,d a4:c+zr~ps 1c*r uas~^~~r~;f L:~;4ors.
rt~d~d, copy the next page.
}f rye+ aEh~rs need Eo be rtotifro~r% toy the debits Iis~d'sn Parts 3 artd 2, ~4 ~t f13S ou# at ~a~bmi#. €iris paw. ~f ~ddst~onal ga~u~ ~r*:
{3n v~etti~h [ins {~ Parti. flr Fart 2 "ss ~v ~ digit3 0#
t rn~ ~1td trs~ill ,~~}df
re~a"~wf sre€ft"~xt'[it any) lid? src4urtt nsrm3i~r, ii
~re~sfa€°tr°, LLB
t~~e ~3.2 _
318 t~ G~rsc~~ ~t ~~D$
parson Ci°ty~, i~IV $9?41 ~I r~~ i:st~~. ~~~f<a ,.,. ..._

~:~ J~rarne tiangiaetu~~

A~t~ Andr~+ar B 5 cnecr~~n ~.~e -~y3. —
c!a Si~mrn€rrnan lc~a#iify E~ C2ues.a~3a ~ ~~ ss;~~ ~k~~~ ,~
CJ~11~a^> ~: 7295

Fa~yer 3 ~E 4
O~Cia; ~c:m 2C9a ~:>i- Sch~dvt~ ~1~: CreQitcsrs 1Yhu NaYt+ Ur~stcurefl CSa6ms
~ &~st Gaze e~a~~rset~;<,j•
cc~^~a:r C:~~~ysw :rt ? ~~2~ t~ ~.:,` ~~.~»,.. t..4,C .. xv<~:•.te~~~§~ rr.,~
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 10 of 12

t~i~!or ~;~t ~d~t._,LLB ~asenuzr~~~r{;s~ ) 2;99-ks~C-'~4~93-~

___________..._ ~ W_
fu me aa°ccf tt ai~aigatfdte~s ViE *&'~'f➢CIi F~7ib' 4i'! P~TYf 'Cis Pd#'S s~ Es~ 1.3?+~ 4 CIEL~t~S ~~-- .
~eF~4~{ ~tfFf1;~C~{t~ $E€3~'~ ~552$C~"f - . . ~ $~.C~'?it7Yt 37aEm~Cis I'f
.. - ~ 3Ffy
a.3 J~irt~lllaa~~~ti~tu~a+~
~tv ~ammerrn~n,AAc~affity ~ ~uesada u~~=
Aftn A~tir~v~r ~,Somrn~rrr►an
~l f~:sit :~: xp~~n
3$'!1 fiur#i~ ~ €x blvd Suite `~4lttt
t?at~a~, TX 75219

Tirtai Amounts of tine Pr~ari#yi end ~ionpr~ora E1ns ured ~I~i~S

~. a4c3c3 the ~It~4u+i~~ ~# pt ~Eyty.~fitf sinn~ik+ri3y stnaecure-d elaims_
Tot&1 ~f ~3~srn arrlav~s~5
Sa:Tnis!riaims #rnm PaR'F mss. 5 f},~0
s~. r~;~ c~a~~s e~~ ~~~z sty. -~ s 9z~i7$,.'~.1 Q.D~'

s~ r~t~a ~e~a~ 38~ ~ ~ i~ e ~'t,178,21f}.4~

L_....w~ :.:...~..................._.V.._._..~._

t:~ffr.~al Frt^r c^~E =t~ ~.t~e<Svte FJ~: Creditors Y~ho Nave U~sstuted Cta rns P~~s 4 of d
3~c:3 r'.::sc Eisnknytcy
$nhco'a~e ~'wfiyt"rah'; tai ;~,#_..101p {3ztsi C:~~. Ll'~..svars tas:._:~.c.c~i~o
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 11 of 12

~~~toe name Gtrt ~~i~+s, LL.~

United 5tat~s 6~nlcrup3cy ~cnir# fc~r ths: C.~N7RFsL ~SIS7RICT t?F ~AL1~t7RiVi~.•L_A.

G ~ n~mt,~r ~~t knur,~) 2;'E9-~k-~46~~•Sti

Q Chi;:; if thd5 is apt
emended fiSigig

~~hec~ul~ ~: E~~~u~~ ~c~r~tr~~t~ ~r~d ~ln~x ir~c ~~~s~~ ~~~~

~e as ~~m~~ and ac~urat~ d5 possi3aie: it more space ~s rieedecl> copy and ~Ytach #~e arlc?~t`sonai pag~z ~urntiQr tie er~tr ss cr~ns~cu#9+re1y*.

1. D~s+~s the de#tor hive ~rr~y ~axe~u#ary co~tr~cds ar ~~a$xpi~d gases?

f~ Pir, Ci~eck tt~i~ laax arzd die This ferm virt~h a t3abt~r's crtf~e~sc~~du#es.. ~~~se is non# ~:ing else to repv€t on ibis tarm..
~ Yom. FiFi itt all c,# the in(orm~tirar~ bskrnrf ~ve~s ~ fh~: ec,~tEac#~ o~ I~as~s ~:~ listed an Sc~ied~r e ,~sfB: ~isssts = R~+a7 ar~~~~rso.~zaP Prra~tt}i
{~3fficia:? Farm 2av~6E9~,

~.t»i~f'al~ ccl~fra .~rt~t ur€exp'st~e~f ~~~ ana9 maifir~g ~r~ti~ss:.iar aif c~her;aart3~s ~vl
- ~~t~i~ the debtor his ~~ ~xec~sta~+ car~ra~t ~r ur~x~Zir~

2.1. S€~'e ~ar~at tt~~ ccsntra~t ~r ~3a ~n n~sme far Gof

i~a~ is fcr arrt~ fi~~ n~~ure ~f , Ns~v~. i:.l.:C regi~t~r~.
t~~ d~btar's inter~si ~sritfii ~ui i~i€ary, L.~.C;
~otnev ,~t~t. term r~tr?ait~irt~ &1:~9f~Q~4.
Lis# tk~ ~;onir~~t ~umb~~ ~sf air. °{44~a~ ~i1 H~ytt~re Rd 5#e 22~
gawe~nr~er~t c~ntrac# ~~at~d~te,I~~. X5260

C?ffi~,i~t ~vrm 2C1&C~ 5cti~ciut~ G: Exeeut~r}f ~ar~te~efs and t3nexp"rr~ci [,eases ~'a~e E of 't
; ..LiC-ata•~r;~t~:.u~rtnm ~~s;f.:~s9.reiu~Rcy
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 9 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:52:16 Desc
Main Document Page 12 of 12

L3~bte~ name Got Mews. L~.G

United Stites B~n~r~~tcy ~auctfag the: C~P~z~i.4i I?ISFRlCT {5F i,1aLiF~Rk~tt~-l.A.

Cas~nunt~tiFtkr:.~var~i Z:19-~3k^i46~3-~R
~ Ch€^~k ~± th'ss ~s ~r~
~r~~~~d f~lsa~

~i~~ia Fflrrr12Q~F~
~`~h~dule H: ~~ur ~~~~~tc~rs ~~~s
~s ~s ear~tpk~t~ and ~c~ur~de a~ }~assibt~. It rr~ore s~~G~ i~ r~~~c~~i. ~+apy-the A33di~i~na! P~g~, numbering the entries Ga~ts~~uii~.~e£~. Aftach th e
Rddifiorr~st Page to t~ris ~S e.

1. I!a your ie~eve any cocf~b#o~7

~I hcr:Ct~Ack tars brtx a+~~ su~cr~i~ ih±~ {~~rcn tc~ the cau~t srfi~.Y~ t#~ ii~4a~~'s a#t~e~ ~:ifuies.; ~#cki'i~r~ ~#sa reds to be ~~~s:~~~ on this form:
~[ Yes

~,in Ccslurttn 1;Cis3 as cc~dnbt¢rs ail of ttia p~pf~ or entities ~rh+~ are aiso i1ab~€ ftrr ~r~y d~~sts fisted by fire d~~trar in the sahe~ivfes flf
Ct~diior~,Schtsduias €7-G. Enciude all g~aflr~ntors ancf ~c~-c~tigcrrs. trt Go6umrr ~. ident"shy the ct~tf~iw to tiehsa~rn tis~ det~! is s ,~ and e~~~ scher3u>~
on x~hSch tha saeciitar i~ k~~t~. [€ ih~ ce~de~,or ds liabi~ ars a deb# to mare thsn €ire ~r~Si~cs~, list e~~;h ca~edsi~r ~~parat~i~ in t;~;uanra ti
~r,~urrir~ 3:~szd~3it~r leirrt~s ~; rs~difis~

name 3~silit~ A~t~9t~2~~ ~~ C=her.~c alt s~1~c#ut~s

(fa~~t ~(~ly:.

~.'~ Char{mss Johnson ~f312 Te~ipie Cif}+ Bt~d,~4U2 ~~nc~aZZa.Les~:sl ~~

T~mpte Cit~> CA 917$0 Gr~+up ~LLC ~It ~~ —._.~_.~_
L:~:sted h~~e out of abudance i~f cs~ut~an ~ C3

C3fi~icial ~orr~ ~f?~3H ~~he~3u3~ H: Your Cotiebfc~~s Pa~~ 1 ~f 1

a~: kxv3r^Cc~aten n:{c i5'6+a-i`iiS•.fi gc', C:i~'~, i_tC" -'~exv~.b!~3iC33-?..fin
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 10 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:54:58 Desc
Main Document Page 1 of 8

i3~htor ~carn~ taut N~tv~~ LLB

tln u~f St~le~ ~nkiup cy Curt #ar ih$~ ~~N wRAk~ ~I~7RiCY C?F C~LIf~~Nl~'s-L_A.

~as~ number {~~ knc,M,) 2:1~-$t~s-"~4~93-BFS

[J Ghs~~t tf this,
i ~n
amc~3 Elr~

~t~~~r~ent ~f ~ir~aa~~i~i A~#i~~ far ~o~-1~adividu~l~ ~i~in~ fc~r B~~~rr~~+~~~ o~~~

7h~ ~f~ht~r must a~asw~s~ av~rgr c~~estiacr.{i iriar€~ space is neecf~ci, attach a spar s1ie~Y ~a this fsarm. t3r~ the #off of ~n}r a~ditronal ~ae,3~~;
~v~if~ the detx~ar`°~e artid case number(~ knov~n}.


i ~ Gne„~~ s~~rgr~ir~ from f~u~rie

[~ done:

#ci~rfs~y ih~ 3ssgia~~~n~ d ink da~~ e€ the +3ebtor'~ fi~cat year, 5our~e~ rrf re~ueri;; G~os~ a~~e~ua;
t~skafc~s r~aayr kse a r,~## d~r g~~r Ch~c}c a#€ tiaaf ~p~ty ~,ti~ia~a i sms d

~r~m t#~~ he~i~x~iri~ t~ft~ ~~s~al gear t~ ti~in~ date: ~s pa€ ng a bt€s6i~ess 5~,~~
Frc=m "(t~fi~fl99 t€~ ~~!'rne~ C3ate
C~ :~~er

for prit~r year; L7~3r~tn~ ~

~rr~m 11fl9#2~~$ fa'~2t31t2Q't3
~7 d~tzter

far y~:ar t ~+~r~:~ ~#: ~ 4g~ratis~~ a tiu~ines~a X9,299,05

~r~m ~If~1l2Q#T to 1 9f2t~97
~ t31h~r
.,.......,.__--------~------------ -------_—___ ,.,...,.,._n.,~_._._.
~. fan- 'rn ~~r~nu~
Entlr,~de revet~L~ r raikersg a# a+.~~th~~ €3r~i reves~u~ is t~xflbte. No~a-~hc~sr:~ss irn crm~ enay arac}ude ~rt~s~~s[; ds.~ends. rn~~~y ~ot~~C4 €elm ~uasuits,
~rw3 ~oyaiti~s. List each source arfd the grads revee?~ae for e~c~ ~?~gi~rdtely. Carr not snc!~d~ re~tea~u~ t~s#~a~ iz~ laze 'f.

■ 1V.nne:

Qese~iptiors rif s~~rc~s of taewm~ue Cas'tsss r'eva~tst~s €rout

{b~~ie t tr, €~ ~sid

UsE G~arfi.~{n Tfaet~€s€~ A~ade Before ~itin~#car ~ankrtap~cY..~..___.___

~. G~rt~in g~yrneret~ ~i tran5f~ra to ~r~3stOrs ~vithCn ~Ei days h~tors Ming this ease
i si ~ay~sTa~ntu csr ~rans~ers~-i~cts.~i ~x n~ r~;irn~us~rr~$nis--ice ar~y ct~ it~r; at;yet than r~~uiai ~mp;oy~~ r~, auiti~in 9~ ~J~ays b~t~are
lie+g t~tis r. un~sa the $ceg~t~ v~&~:~ of all prcp~riy trans€er~~d to than ere~itcr is iFss t3~ar~ $6;925. {TE~~s ~r~tr~unt m~~ try ~ci~ti~te~ 8n df~t1122
sn~ ~very,3 ye;~rF attar ttz~t avi~h respect tip cases ;at~d can csr a'~zs tf~e ~aiv of act}usPmer~t.~

~l ~o~i~.

Gr~itet`~ 3~t~ ~ anti Aiisi ss ~}a#es Total-arn~unt txf ir~1u~ €tea~rsa3s1`oa^ ~aym s2 uris~:nsf~t
~h~''r,~(ill tfi~~ aFR1Y,

t~ic~1 ~a;tt,dfl,7 Stat~rners4 of F ra~aelat Affs'trs fie N~i~-indi-viduaEa Fitien~ liar ~a~kru}~te~ };~g~ 1

$.~itK~a=.s t:~~~ra.,~ht;ct t!~~..2~i'E <- ?3c;t £azc, L€.0 = ~:sxw.b~.•3.Sc:~sr.crxr,. ~c,st ~~4r f33~rarc:~r.~y
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 10 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:54:58 Desc
Main Document Page 2 of 8
~~3~t7( '~'LD~~~~1/~is~ L~.{r ~£7^ ht.tt11~°~; ,'i;#:rn~wni ~:~~^~~{^~~~~.~~~~

Cr~dt~QY~ N. at~c~ Adx#ress. dies T~~a3 arr,Csuni ~f~3ua Fts~~stsa'ts 9~f paytraea~t Qs tranSf~r
~: ~c at!thad a~ai~y
~. ~ Rand z~ Legal ~ror~~ P~~;C ~t~~t~t5 ~~8,1~6.4~ L~ S~c~~ ~~i
Atin A$~r'C .~ l~~t~d ~ ~'~'~,2~(~.i3~ ~ U~s~cvred ka~n r~~ay~n~r~t~
2784 Like ~~h~r~ Cdr Suite ~Q~ X15149 ~ Supt.#firs ar i~n:~rs
~.~~, Idly 8~'i17 5~6,~~8,(1~f3 p Sv~~tia~s

~Jar~{~fi~etur~re v. Got 4~ews1 LLCM

~a~e no.

~East~rn fl~strl~t of h9ict~i~an}

Inc€ ret~t~ci ~~aE Ap~t~af no.
19-196 (6fh GircuiE~.,.,.

E3~ft~i€.t~~, ~i~t, E~i~Pft~sYld ~i lt~~~iS'z 4,`~~19~ ~i3,~3~v,~0 C~ S~cu eef cab#
~'~O'O A'Jk E7~'C~'SB .~
i~.t3CS ~+~~r~~.J.~~ I~ Ut~SeCt1Tt'd I#}~tl (d~3Ch~R'K't't~~
13t~ Fltsur ~3 ~up{at~~rs or vt;n:;t~r~
Lcss ,Anget~s,~A S~OSi•~9 C~ ~enr:r.~s
■ t~efbegat f~~$ o~ ~1~,AI3€3
4aar t~ankCu~?tc~r fitin_,,t plus fiEiraf.~
few cif X33&.O!!

prn~rican ~.xpr s ~~f1~ ~~4t}52.62 ~l 5~.~-,red ~ab3
F{? Bf3!£ OGU3 ~~"~;~~t}.t~t~ ~ ltststcutr~d tca~r r~~ayments
Lcss 1~n+~el~s, CA 90~}96n$~Q~ +~#23!19 I Si:p~,t,ers cr ~~fd~rs
~7,l~~lil.flQ ~ Ss~rv~s
+~4$ R ~#h~~ +Cr~Ciitcard d~bf .M...._,..

4, Ra3~rnest~ ~C utt er iransf~rs of prrr~r4y ride sr~ithen 'f ~e$r f~Es~ filing ti~Is e~5e Ci~ai ben~~teei any insider
~i~~ ~s~;rn~nts cr faanst~rs„ ire3uGirxg ~xp~ns~ t~i~nbutsem~t€ts, a+~ii~t~ 1 year be#tst~ ftfitt~{ this ~~~ a~ c3~iaEs ru~~ttf ~ ark ~r~sider or guarar~S~ef3
c*s casi~t~ci try. ern in~ide~ u~v3~?ss i~~ aggr~aiv va~~€e ri ~~ prz~E~ih! 1~~nsf~:rred to.oe ~r.the R~fi1 ~f the ~r~s~d~s is(ass thx~n ~~;~~~a.(~t~is ~i°n~sunt
¢nay tie adjz rst~r~t crn 4tC~tf''~2 ar:zi every ~ y~~a~ ~~t~r that ~#tlg.reg i ~~r ea~~:s fish[ +fin ar a~tE.r iise d~t~ at ~djusirne~I,j t5~ rout tr~ed:~c~e anY ~Y~~ts
t st~~ "sa tirs~ a, trrsivcrs anr,~ad~ ~~fi~~r5, i~ire~eitri~s, ~nrf anyone in cr~rilz~l bf ~ c~tg~ra#~ debtor anti thsir t~€~tii•~x; ~~rser~? ~iattrters ~f a ~rtrr~astci~
debts~r and heir ret9E~ves. afi~k~~isu of the d~tslar ~r~f ~Rsirl~rs s~f ~,~~tt ~ffitiatas; anii any ma~~g€rsg ag~r~t a~€ t~-,~ ~btor. t1 U.~.C, ~ 1f}1 d3'1).


tnsIc~ads reaei~e and ~dcfre~~: t T~t~I aan~aur~t'r~~ v~iu~ ~ason~ far g~Ym~r~t ~a'tYan~f¢u'
Rafat~~[is~ii;i #Cs it~29t+~r

a: k~~~ros~~sdons, fc~r~~#osures> ar~cE r~#ur~~

Lis? ill ~;o~~,~+ o;;i~~ ciehtar t~a~ t~s ab~ined t>y. a crec3~t~t a~sth ~t i }~a~ ~Fote C~Ii:ng this ctis~;{7c#u~~irict pr~p~rty szpcxs~sseai by a credi ar, Braid ~t
a zorz~zosut~ sa'~, fra~~fv~r~sd bya o~ei! in fi~ia pit #rx~~€.ost~r~ :sir r~Eurn~ci t~ t3~e sett:, ~t~ secs{ iris#t~t#~ p€operEy tilted sri 14n~ 6~

~ ~~~r~

Gr~ciii~~~re~e anx~ ~dc~r tT~scritse ~f tYte Pro a~jr Dais Va1u~ of Fro y*

~. ~ato€ts
Lic#any ~r~:c#"star, iriclu>~~rig a t~~nk ar fi~~r.^.~a! `s~~#ilutior~, that t+ti#rriri 94 days b~~ire fiiirig this ~asA sc-~ card of saah~nvise taak ~nyrtPting fr~;n ara ~~;txtnt
e~f the ci~~t~r ~u ittaat perngiscsan Q~ refi rs~~9 to rn~k~ a payrrr~nt ai;h~ r3~b!cr'~ d r~~.tiar~ #r im ar,a~vun# ~C tM~ dPbta~ b~c~~.~ss~ the da~t4r ~s+mod ~

Credifta~'s name end acfdr~s i1~sc~ipti rs~ thhe ~Ctikrt c~t9itor #trok: C?ata aetic>at v,~s Amcru~it

~~~1 Acii~~~~r Ass_ tc~nanent~_:._._...~ ..:._

G?tfi:~~~ ~trr'~r~ 20? St~tern~n4 0~ ~irr~n~a~l &fFs ss Pr~r Phan-fndivicku~ts f t n~ tar 8anreug~tc`I D~~ ~
,;-c;v.•~:n r6C~s`~"~(ch '~~?5.3n?~~3t~:.Gsk~~ llE: -v,~v k~s` F,~..; ~:u~..,~ i#~r~a;~Y,cy.
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 10 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:54:58 Desc
Main Document Page 3 of 8
t~eti~er fa~i$ News,~.LC t;sse a~:,m4~r ;~:~.,;~s~ 2.19-bk-i~B93-B~i

7. E.~gai pct ins; adminastrativs ~resx~eedinc~s, court action,exec~tir~n~, atE~chmar~~,or grsver~~rt~n~t audits
Lisa the kegaS ac#1ons, proce~dinas; dnv~~l ga°~on~, ar"oitra~ors; rrted ati4ns.ana auds'ts ~p fed~~:1 or sE~t~ a~~~~i~~ ra yri~icY~ 4~t~+ €i~btc+~.~rss invni~~~d
irr any ~ariiyevitFti~ I year More filing this case.

~t N~ :

~~ fitly At~u~ s~3 r aga txurt o~ sncy`~ txam~ d Sta3c~c utcam

C ~i kser ade#r~s:
,.i: Van3;fteluvsrev.~AtN~~s, . het ~nEtaed Sfat2s i~istraCt Gourf III Pencssra,~
Ll.0 C~3Ri~( 17i5tYiC~ €ff ~li~i~i~~t't ~ ~n ~gvp~..,al
~+~58 i44.' 23~! V1f L~~a~e#~E? ESIYI~F
~I C.Jra~$u,~~d
Ra~irrs 737
t?~efirvit, ~4! ~$~~6

~.2. ~/ang~~#wore v:Gai ~is~rs, ~~l~~ed ~Init~i Sides Caa~r#'at D P~rid~zg

~~S~at of thc~ for the Six€h it'~uit
~1 Con~liic~~
~Clr~uitj denial of the P~ifter sf~~i~tt L .S.
anti-5L~P1' Caurtfi►c~~~~
mfit on ire- 1~tI ~a~t Fifth Street
underiyir~~ aetior~ ~inc'rrina#i, .C?H d52EJ2

$o A~si$nrnents acid rec~iver~~ip

{.i:st and p€opert~ in ~3re kends es! asp assi~~~ !~a thc~ 9x~n~~t ~f rr~c(itors dirr~rig ff-i~ ? ZU clays tr~for~ tiling t}~is r.,~se arsd ar~y. prnpesty in d ~~ ~~r~a +~t a
r~zcszuer: ~.ustodi~r~; or ath~r ceaiFrt-~Pi~ z~t~si a~~~t kviit~in 1 t~f filing tt~i3 ~e:

~ IVesrr~

~Ge~taf►i Gbfts and Cha[i#~~ite Crs~tributiar~S

3. a3t gam tax t6~~r&iab~[e ccrnir~buti~ats Yh€~ s~~btor c~a~va #a ~ r i~i~nt va*3thirs 2 y r~ before filar~g titt~ ~asg ir~r~a~ ~iaggrega#s va1~x~ ~3
#Pti~ g`t~5 ~ it~at r~tpE~n[ is. tess t#tan S'E,f}{34

~M {dzscte

R p~s~r€L`~ s rtt~ ar~d ~ddr~ss D~scr~pt~ort of the ~s'fis ssr ev~str~bul#a~►s _ ~7~t~s ~t~e~s ~i~tus

_ C~ #n I:oss~s

i.~. A[I tc ~~ (roam #'rr~, tuft, or oih~s casualty r✓ithzs~ 9 year ta~for~ tr1it~~ ll~as case:


trip ~ ~F t~~ ~s'!~~~'t~f last snd +4m vurii_a~ payit~~~sts ~s3~+~1 tariR~_ toss [~atss rsf ~os~ '~xiu~ of p s~►ty
hcrw ih~ #cam ~ccttrr~d tas!
N gnu harm t~t~ d p~ynt~r;~5 to eavix fh~.mss;~s
c~:rn~4e,toYri isrs~~i~tcfs> ~~~riti~sr~ e,~srg~n&a~iian. sr
t €~3~dy. l~f the 4~:al.sactaw~6.:
Lift ufs psi +~ rrjS G-tp~J fi~,ds~ form t~u"A~€ j5' G~utt
Fi~B' ti;s~:ts4.f~t~d sr,~d f>ersan~: ~rfiyJ..

+G$rtain f~~~rmenfs or Trr~c~s~et~

31. P,myrtsen~s se{~t~d to ~ir~knip2ey

C.ssi a~~~ P~ym~ts of ~ar~y 3r oth~c trar~sf~rs of pr~p~ry rn~d~ ts~ t~t~ ci~#~t~x: ~s ~~sats acii~,g ors beha{s i~f the debtar wsthin ~! y~~r i~fr~fs tt ~ i.tin~
a# ~h~s ca~~ tD .another p~~s~a or ~r~t:ty, inr{udirYg a~~orr~zjrs, th~1 ter ae~itai r_.ansu€tic€ about d~bi rgriw~iidafkora or res~rurtun".~; s~gkir~g bankr~a~tcy
e€~S~e€. ar fetir~ a bartkru{~4cy ~~.

D ~ton~.

4°Iftsa was #~a~#. car ~rrhra €vact if i^~t sn~n~p, c~sc~+f~e ar~y pr~reriy tra~ssf~rte~ i3a2~ Tafal ~~ount dr
the tt~~~~~a~'~ vaEu~

~i~sat ~a~rrt 24a w#~t~h5ent of fir~anoiat A€E~`sr5 #or Nars~r+c3rwfdua,s FiEing for $~akne~rtey- ~~3ge 3
:nr'.-,~ar~ Ciryri .:tt;e) .~;ci-2:itts Frsst,~:~. l.i.0 ~ wuh ~!ea,,
: jest Gas._- ~a~~iru;~r:.4,
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 10 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:54:58 Desc
Main Document Page 4 of 8
t~e~tz~r ~~t ~1ews, t.LC Case numt~€;,rR.~,F.rit 2:x'3-bk-14653-~.iR

too ~v~s p~i~ a~ vrht~ r iu~i 1f ant mare~y,d~cr'b+s any pr~{~art~r tr~s#€~~r~:d ~)a3~ 7ca~t aaataur€t ar
theCraa~t~i'? v~~~te
X 9:1: 423}2[t19
i sEud~s fee
I~~nnin~, ~iil; £?iarrtond E~ ra# ~~~,LtDt#,
K~rif~tz plus
9~4#Q A~r~ ~f the Stars ~335.i1£3
~ 9tit F'3o~r~r Eaankrugtcy
Lv~ Ang~t~s, ~f~ 90t}67-2~4 ~iin~ fs~ ~1~;33~,#3~

Erna3i or iti~trsitis ~s€iiTess

}nt~d~tik cot» ..~,.._, .,...,._~
c~r~~c#e 4th p~~rr~3e~~ i4 nutelk ti+rfi

72 ~t4-set#E~c trusts of ~rh~tr rtes deY~to€ is a Ysscr~fiei~ry

List anp ~x2~,r~~nis ar tans€~r~ of ptex~ri~ rn~d~ by thre d~~atar ar a persa~r acEir~ c n b~ha!# csf the ds~#or :vrthirt i(7 y~~rs b~€~r~ 4F~e fr~t~g od thas rasp
#o a s~~Csr~~i~~d trust rn s€rrsi~ar €fevie~_
U~ rtof i~Fu~ t~an~Eers adr~~s#y li~t~d Sri Yhi4 ~ta.~erri~sri;

i t~,~n~.

Ata~te +af trtts~ ctr s~vi~~ t}~S~til~ arty P+`~F~~Y lrax~s~~rrgtf D~a~~g tra f ~`ota3 antctrarst or
ttrer~ r~~d$ i~#i#~i

13. Tr~ac~sf~r~ rtrrt alr~a~ty tiSted an.#~i3 st~~rrrertt

List any fr~ns€~:ra of mc~n~y aa~ oar p rix by sale, Sz~d~, csr ~n~+ c~th~r rti~an~ rr:ade~ ~y tote ~~bior or a perscsr~ ac~r~g ors beha~.of 1~e s~~6s~ ~+itd
2}tars t~#ure the Thing tsfi this c~s.~ to $pother p~rs~~t; ath~r tlt~rt paup~~y trasis crrc*~ i~~ the c~rdsr~~ry course of bu~i~~ss~ or f;~a~ta~J ~ff~ixs; !n~#ut#
hrxth outcE~P,t 4tansf~rs and tr~ns~:rs made a~ ~ ~t~. ~}fii rnR i~~~e3~r~~ ~stt~ or ~ansfees ~:e•,nflust~+ ti~€e~f ern thafa st~t~rnent.

■ ~ct~_
O ra ~c~iv~1 tr~sws# E7~ser'spfit~r~ ti4 €~tsAe~ty tra~s~ei~red cis L3ate t tsf2sr 3's~~1 ~rrrou~t isr
A~tdre paym~trrt~ rae~i+sed or debts gr~id'sn exefi.arc~e rues rsaad~r it

Pr~viaus 6~oc~ficans

14. i'icviau~ ~ddrzs~e~

E,is~ ~fi ~;~vi~us 9rt~~€~ t~s~d b~ tfi~ d~atrsr v~itt~sin 3 y~~rs before tilir~ tt~i~ ~r:~ i~te da:e~s the ~ddr~sses >vere u~ecl.

C4 pis rent a»,~tY

r~s~#r~~ t3ates of s~~u a

i~.g ~77't~ ~ssa Air~ntte 2C3~~
~Ic~vis. Cat ~~~~l9

Hearth Cafe 8srikrucrt~ies

~5. t~att~ Gary ~anktt:ptci25

F5 gh~ d~fa~c~r p~im~ri#y ~~gag~d is ~erin~ s~zvi~~s a:n~ ~~t:c.: fesr:
cii~n~si~~ crr treaEiixg i~j~.sry, c~~f~rmi'y, or disec~s~, esr
~ovi~inQ si~y surgtcaf; p~y~hdairiw, chug ir~~#mat; yr abst~vic ~~r~'~

~ t~_f.,fl tCt PBfI ~.

~ Yes. Fitt sn chi intormat an i~la~u.

C1'~'tri~ ~rrm 7t77 ~tat~rrena rf ~Ina~cia3,~.iieirs fns Nan-int3`sveduat~ ~t ;n~ fce 8an~r~ptcy ~33e 4

,.~,::aa:~: Ccv~ry:i„':: tc; Y9cr',,.iv~ E'~*,..E~~c: LLl:• a~vu~+v_ta,-3SrzFsrr,-t

, Frc:si C;+<e (
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 10 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:54:58 Desc
Main Document Page 5 of 8
t~Abiaa Got Nevis, LLC Gafi~ t~+.ern r ;.;.E„a4)n; Z,~19-tai+:^14~i~'a'~R

~asi~"~ty nasrfea€tai ~t~dt ti~tut~ ti~~ite bii5e~~ ~~~t-dis4tt, ct~l ~~~ tYt~a t~f ~~rstiras tf dttb2csrpsovi~e~ me~i~
r~~rt~~ ~+rovid~s ark h~~in~;nurn#r~r cif
patients. trs c4etsfi~r's ~~ri±

P~rsanal3~t Wsntcfia6i$ Fntorm~#ion

1~. Gtcs~s tt~e d~trtoi ~oltec4 anc~ retain person~li~ Edet~Gfrab~~ irrtur~naf~vn cif c~asFom~~?

~ ~.
~ ;f'~s, ~aG~;e iYa~ rra<.ur~ afi tYsa information c~ll~ted and ret~'sr~~d:

77_ i~Vithin B years b~tssr~ fi€ir~g this ~as~,i~atre ar~y esnpt4y~e2s tY4 f~?e ~e~i~t list ~Sarticipants in any ~RtSA,~0'f ~kj; d03(b).~r o3t~~r ~n.SiC~rt of
~rr~f~t~ha~ir~g pian rnad~ ~va:iiabla try the c#~ebtgr ~s ~n a~ng~€aye b~n~#~t?

i~tt~. G4 t~ Park 1Cs.

C} fps. C1~es tt~e deC+tur se€vs a5 ~iiaR ~rlmir~isCr~t~ic7

- + Certain ~arearicta~ Ae~ounts;Safa~~rsrt 8s~xe ,anti S8t>~2q~ t7nat~ ~ ,, __.____

18: C€o~sd fir~anciat. aeccrunts

w"fithin 1 y~~r l~f~r~ fitrn~ this case, ~ter~* any financial accounts ar en~tiUm~nt~ 3~ic( i~ €art? d~b~~~'~ nano;car tr~r tha debtar'~ r~r~it. i:Iffaecsy sa!d,
m~xf~d< ~`t 3~~tFtsftrrsd?
inc~~d~, sdvirs~s, rnon~y market. ~r utft~x ~irian~~! aer.;ounts~ c~: fic~tes rs€ ~e~szzsit: and sl-aar~s iri ts~nks. ea~c1~3 unsu~i~. br€~ka~g~ Fruuses;
ctiop~retives, ass i~tio~s, anti oth~~ finanr a! mstrkutiar~s:

C3 hone
FYtt~€3CI~~ Ii'tS.~FLiS~lO?I #3.e'~T).T#'~~IIL~ S~ ~.C~ii,~t`~S C!~ 'Tj~~.tTY 3~f.OLT~ SJ1' ; ~3~@ ~CGtT12iY$ ssY3'~ ~ ~$S~~ Y'F3:~1lEL"$
~ci~e~s~ arct~er~t n~€m ~rtstrt& Ott clas~d, srxt~l, betties e3~xs{a~g ~r
e~ttsv ,~e ts~ri~f~
t8.1: ~F~l3Se XXX7t-5~5~ ~ ~~~~~~ ACcatttt# GiLs~~~ ~6~,~B~U'~_33
,~Porg.~n Ghas~ B~t~k, l~fA 9t21J18,
PEA ~O?f ~.~~E}~°~ C~477~lRii7~'~tEFTt~~
~ P~oa7~y P~ar$S~
Cet~rn~~aS,t~N ~2'3~-~~51 ~f8~~ite~i int~a
C~ ~37LR3i~f ~ ~s~'~i~dCGCJi3.t1~
~I G~tt4t~~°~ ~ X11212{14$

~ 3, Safe d~pa~it hexes

~~s~ ~np ~zfe cfepo~t3 t ax ar tither ~Ap~sitt~ry ~rrr eariti~at each, as cthec v~Iua#[es the d~btti~ ausvv ~a5 of dirt have ~eithia~ 'I yzar b~f~r;? fi3ing this

~ t~nn~

pers3tbry }nst~tut3on rz~an~ anef ~sidr~ss ld~ar~ies.~f ~rt~a~re ~i3h ~r€p3frsn a~ t]~~: crrr~te~ts Cks yQu still
~ I`t~V+a SST

2Ct. Elf€-grerr~ise5 storage

List any p-a~~g k~~t in stor~~~ units ar v~aret~~usss w~ifhrn 9 y€ar #~fi~r~(ding ibis rases. i?~r.nctt ~t~fu ~~~i3itsss that aze sr~ a past of a bvi~din~ in
wtzi~h t~~. dzt~tcu do€s busr~5~.

■ hlr~a~~

Fa~iiity name ~?id acic3r~~s i4~atr~ of a~yane ~+, €t93 tls~c~~stton afi ~e ~tsrrlen#~ LSrs yon ~k ii
~cc to et ha~re in?'

Pro~rty tie t~ebAt+r Hatds at Confrols'fh~t fh~ f7ebts3r ~s~s West C1va*n

G€'iniuz farm 2G7 Sty«e~Y~t of F3nancisl Affaic~ fog Hu#t-ltsdnadusls Filing fvr $ankna~st~'y }~~~ 5

G ';vs.,re Cctr;<riu':t (v~: itu5-~i~;E! r<N; t».~,.•,. t,.t.0 -way:>~.k:=ai>.;zz~.r.~m 3eYt ~:~n ~','^.kr:.;~%ti},
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 10 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:54:58 Desc
Main Document Page 6 of 8
G~btot GRt ~"+~,'~. I.L. C~~e €t~rrt~.~r „er.~;oT, 2 ~9 ~~L=1$93-Ei~t

2t. fli~apercy held far a~ath€r

List ars+~ prapsrYy Ihat the ci~iifor ~tt~lc4s at r.+gr~tr~£s 11ta~ a~~ffser entity° a~n~t~. Ir'cc,ude ~rsy pr~~rly b4srry i~om taetetg stzr~~d fart cF hetd in #fi t. bo
not ~s#9~~s~i car c~rsfed pri~rty:

■ Nni~e

C~~afs~bcsiif ~nvro~rr~ent I~iarmat3csry

Far tip p+~rpca a~ ~'a~t 12, the icf?kovrai~ e1~f[~titiar~s i~g~ky:
~rrvr m~entsl lsa~rinsand stalv~e c~ s~vern~ner~tai re~~iati~rn Via# co~cems ~ilEi r'~cn; c~~rkam€naia~~. or hazarda~ ma#eri~~,reg~rr~i~ss cif the
rr~ciiiurr, ~ii~c;ad ~~ir> i~~d, vlat~r; or anY bt~F~t rre~~:umr.

Sifts m~~~rs any t #a~snr f~laty,~x pro may. ir~eiu~iric~ ~iis~~al sits, Y,~at the de~rtcir i<~vs~ o~~~s, c~rat~s; ~r Arta#iias a:that tt~Fe rfebiar farar~iy

h'aaart#~us tz~feriat rt~~~n~ ~~sythir~ ttr~t are ~nYircrnrrrent~i hax~tdr~us as toxic;~r duct ~e~ ~s a p~E~u~nt, s~ott2ar~rc~r~L ~r a
ssrriii~tf~ harr°i~~ui ~hst~is_

Repcirt ~1C nu#ices, rs#gas ,end prt~c~edings kna~~rs,ra~}ar~iiscs ofitbrfren fhs~ accurr~d.

~2, t#a~ the d~t3ti3~ ¢sin ~ ~€°Cy cn any judiGa~l ter ~drninistratfve ~rm~eadlr~g unc~r ~y ersvfr4nme~t~l 3~~c? l:nclud~ s~tEE~trtents atnd orders.

~ hlv.
~ 1'~. Pcrvid~ c#v4a~ls be3oza..

C~~~ ti Court ur a~anc~ narc~end I re c~ithe ~ tus cs~ ea~a

e r~~rFirt~t' ~~fd~

23. His any gav~€r►~n~al-unit afhe~wri~ nrs#ife~ tta~ s~~btc~r fhat 4~ cfetrtr~t rn~y b~ liabi~ mot' ~r~t~r~i~aiFy iiab9e utteF~r mr in xiaEafian'c~F ars

■ tea.
Y~~: Pre~viide d~'aais beip*~r:

5it~ ~ ~r~i3 a~# ass ~e~na~rtf.3# unit t~a~ri~ arsd ~rnrli~ms~rtaf i~vr; ~ Imo tl~~ t~! tt+~3ic;

2~. ~i~s the (~#st~r t~z~iF€~t3 ariy ga~w+~rnrr3er~taf tiesit ~f any relsa~~ cat hazardous m~3eria37

~ 3dzt_
C3 `~'~. Prcrr ci~tas lo~~s.

s)3~ 1°~stn~ :rtii~ ~d~irass i~av~z~n n~t ianat r~am~ ~r~~t ~ai~vimn~i~nt~l dam, ifk~r ~trt n~~f~c~

E}~takEs A~crut ih~ F1~bici~'s Busin~s~ ~r Conra~tiAns #a A~nv g~xsln?~s

2~. f}ther b~sas~~ssss sit vai~F~H~ the d~btve tree ar hay hid ~n int~rre~4
List rzny busit~~s 4~r win ifi?e cle3~tesr teas an ~s>r:~~r, ~ar`tnEr, a~r<~~r, ax Q+~eraris~ .~ perso:~ in rt~rr3r~l i+»zhin ~ }rears Get~ie filing this easy
l~cliscfe Et~ss in#c~~ f~zt ~r~~ if a~r~~d~r i~at~c{ ari i~~ S~~S~tut~.s.


~us3~sa, rvarr~ ari~r t# ri:be fhe riatu~e n# tfi~a$ h~sirax~ss Er~t:p{a}~er 6 ti~~ca#it>rt ~uts~tr~
~3O itG~ Ffet"~Ut~." SRI U~4~* [~`,irit~f.Df j'~Gi~+:.

f3~4€~'d E2tJSE17f:S'~ EXY6'~0t1

28~ Scsa~~Csx r¢cnrds, and fna~ciai sty#~mgnt~

2~x~; Lift ~tl ~e~r~untants and bc~es~Ckee~rs: ~rrtic~ rs~air~t~i~pd €~e deb~a:'~ #~c~#c~ aril r ard~ within 2. years. k,~es~re ~hnr~ tttfs ~~e.
~'1 ~rast~
N z~ anci ac3drs [}~#e of s~nrte~

~rirr= form 2G7. St~iemerci of Fircrttrcaa! ~lffiair fnr 1don.dnd'e•.ictuals ~iEing far Banficru~itep ~.ag_ &
S~."~~zC~`-'~:;'r+rttc}Sa~Z~3iyi5~stC~.,a;.t.EC-w~,a•a:sra~..~_ccr„+ Ems.;;~;,33e 6S.'tS,its:S1:Y
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 10 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:54:58 Desc
Main Document Page 7 of 8
D~bror G~f ~et~s LLC 'F~`c'f~a~ f7U3Ti~`P (kSm7:c:a7 ~.'f9-yak-1 693-BFi

~sm~ snd ~d~res~ t7ate oaf +ice

~sa.~t. Charts 3ai~n~a~ ,Sanuary X417 fio
v$'~ 2 T~mpl~ Cifiy 81vd #4~II2 presec~~
~'~rttp~~ Gi~~~CA 97$(3 ._~n~_ _r~..

~~b, 6~~f ~i! isms ~rsnd~viduals wfir havc>, aud~ecf,~azr~gi~s3, c~ revsew~d de~f~r`~ ~~oks t~fa~~ot~rst ar~d rec:c~rds ~r g~re~are~ a fi~an~i~i s~aie~r:~r~€
~vishsn ~ dears ~ic~r~ ("riin~ ihi~ case,

~ Nane

~ia~e ~n~t add ~ Date afi sar~acaa

~~b.i: George €~ipp~~#, ~Pf~ Zt3~9T-2iti8
~~~8~ ~ai~t~sas React ~ZQB
~atat~as ,~A 913th

2:~,:i.ss1 ~!t (i.rris r3~' nd vid~~1~ srha sr~i~ ~ss~ssior~ cs~ #ice c~~~~us's F ks of accoun4 3nci r~c~rds ~n~h~n thin base rs isi~*c#

~ AI~z~

A~atnB and address t# aray twoks ~f a~co~nt ~~d tat act

unaysiik~bfe, ezcpt~irt vv#~
."~~c.~. GharTes Jo~rrtsota
5$42 Tett~~te ~"st~,~ £i~vd 4Ct2
.~__ Terr~pis!C' .CA 9'f78t1. _.....__.,__._
_ _~`l~~___.__....~... __.............w._._______ _._._ ...._,,.._~__..

2Hd: List aii fin~rsc iistitutict~s; cr~it~; ~~cf crttrer psr~e~,ir~l~i rcg t' *e~nti~~ aril tracts ~er~i~s: tea w~~c~rr, the rl~btor issued ~ ~n~.nca~t
s~~'ticm~ait v%thira 2 years r~ fitirr~jth"ss case.

■ None

4,f~art~s a~~f a~[~f€+~~

27. tnven3ori~*s
h1av~ srsy inven Qri~s n# Yh~: detafor`~ prcrp~rt~ ~~tt taken w tits'n ~ ye~tsdare fr€~n~ ihis cafe

~ Ito
CI l~s. dive the ~~i~iEs abo~i the trssrn rnvst r rit ~~v~r~tnri~~.

~a~°n~ of t3~ ~a~ i?r}ic~ s~~Oarv~~ri"ties E~~Casx~ s~ the ~a~e ~€ ilven~ca~ry T#°~ c#~I~ar arssountsr~t3 beers(mist; rnarkst~
Fm tos`y' oro~c+r t~sisj~f ex?ch insr~sator~+

~8_ L:ss# itt~ d~htnr's ~~i~€~rs, atirr~cttirs. m~n~gir~g atitembsts,get~~ra8 part~ters> membQ~ in corttsol, can3coEEirtg Sharehatd~rs.ix oih~r peo~~
err ~Cart2resE Qtt~~ d~btcar at #~t~ time erg tt~~ fii6rt~ ~f #his case.

~rsi~ r~dttt ~'rwsit~tsn and rua~izire of ar~y `;G a€ sxter~~~, irF

antergs# any.
Charms ,Itih~~o» 5$~~' T~rrt}~!e ~it~ ~3~vti #4tI2 P~Eat7aging ~4~;mber
Tert~p€~ City, +CA 9'[78t~

2~. Within i year before fhb fiirt~ ofii~i~ case:-dit! fire debta~ haves a~cers,dire~te~r~, ~n~~agir~g mert~bers> 3~neral partners, mezm6ers iri
cantro# v~ tine d~b4~ii~; or ~t~~ret~oE~~r~ in ~i~ttt~t cs~ t cfebtar 4vh~ r~o (vr~sr ha}sf fh~s~r gosztir~ns?

~ N~a
D Yep. r~enrity a~*s.

3Q. ~'ayrrs~nts, d~~trihutresns; ar tivifhdr~ev~f~ erQti[t~rd ar given tc sttsid~r~

lhitttin 1 year ~a~f~re ~~lin~ this caste_ did t~~ ~E~bttr* ~rnvid~ ~n insit~er v.i~ ~r~t~;~ ire ~r+y far~~t, int.t{l~irr~ s~?os}~: cth~r c~~r~~a,~ns~ticn. ~irae4~s, ~ir.iug+es..
fc~n5< Cr€~its cry io~ns,_sttz~~ r~dern~#ar~s, anri ~pti~s~s ~xeEois~~?

~"'rcia~ Firm 2(r~ St~temenf of Einartc~~i Affxis~ ter ?tondnda~rb~i~aals ~ €inr~ ic~r 9aakrupt~y ~a~t~ 7
~;?~~rra: Cc~;°~n ;. t fc} ~~~3-2 t3 c,?e n ~:~:r.G~.~.~h~v,xzstras~.c,~:>~ °eft ^a:a= ~»luu*;-y
Case 2:19-bk-14693-BR Doc 10 Filed 05/08/19 Entered 05/08/19 15:54:58 Desc
Main Document Page 8 of 8
€7~at~w _Gqf tde~tsR_LL~ . . .. ... .. .. . ...... ..._. ._ Cass nLmbectr~;:~„~,) ~;~J~I~t-~df93-~3f~
..:~~.~.~,._ ..._.____m--

~ t~~
~ Ye:,;}~ntifiy be au.

I#a sad a~dres~ o~ roc ~s e~4 R.rnoirnt e~# rritsrr~y ~r d ~ri~T4~n ~t$~,va3~~,a€ R~~son iirr
P~P~`tty ~tc~xz~sr#~ t v~rtu~

~1, ~~'i##ai~ ~ y~~rs t~ef~te Ming Phis caste, has[4~~ t3ub~r been a m~+r►bes of sty c$rrscsli~ta#et# group for taac pur~►os~s?

■ Plt~;
0 Yi?~. 8t4ett#izy hrelc,v.

~#~me ~sf~e ¢i~Ysisnt ~~rp tiui~ ~srrp#r~y~t ~ti~t#zfa~atIt~ ttttrra oPtlts ~ss~n#
~ ~

32. #tin ~ y~ara before fif9ng ~i~ cam, t~a~ the cieb3ar as an er~ap~oyer b~aen;~€s~onsihte €or ~ont~hutit~g #c~ a p~rtsic~n fund?

■ [.o
d 's~], 5~~i~Sl~~~~ii~TV~.

t~~rr~~ at 1318 last i3snst ~~j~ksy~ Ict~n23ficat~rsa~ numL~€ nfl3i~ {~as~errt.


~~ .~t~n~turaa~dDs~laratiost ^__~._.~~_~~,~._..

itVAR~3CNG ~- Bgraicntp~r~ fra~sd is a ~rious c~in~a. ~lakir~ a ~4se ~Ea3eni~r~t, can ~isn~ Fra;~rty~, rar ctbE i~i~ rtey sir prop€rty by €read in
conr~c~^~a w~tlt a bat~krup#cy cAse c~~ resirtt iri tins up ire S~r00,QQtt asr imp~isos~me~t f+~r up to 2~ y~~~~ ter i~otti_
98 #3.~.^~: §§ a52~ i?,43, 7519 end 357's_

1 hive ~x~n~ir~ed t iricxrr~7a~cin in fhis St&terr~ent n€ Fr"rT~r~cia~ ~@~afrs anet an}r a#f~chi~nts an~i hr~'v~ ~ r~~~~:'4~h ~d~af that i€~icrsrnat ss irve
end €.~rreci.

4 d~t~t~ urt~~r ~rn~fit? of psrju~y tf~~t t~~~ fffre.~~i:tg is tr~.z~ end cr~rtgct.

Exucu2ecl rt ~Sy ?r {!'f 9

----'' Ciu~rt6s Jrs~r~SOn _.~._,....u. ,..:.. _.

~ naEut~ ist irr ~ictu s g~in~ an t3eh~tf of fhe d~htrrr
a Printer iaain~

f~os~~ rr r~tationship t~ da~~s,or 1~l~r►ar~gin~~~srribsr

Are a~ztditianal pages to S#~f~in~nt oaf FPnar~ci~l.~ffar`rs fqt Nvtt-tradtvkfuats Fift"rrg far 8,ankruptoy {[tft~~ial ~~rm 24T} a#sch~?
~I A#c~
C1 Yss

Cncdal Fom 2 17 S#atGr~texst of financial APia~rs Eor_t~+~i~~Snd#sr;dusts Fling fir BanEcntpf~y E *~

$Cf4`h'S.:Z' ~3j>Y~~~S_'e:" ZC) q~'~:-K (,liV G.~.~ (i.'<'€'.:. ).G'N)k`it'.L+N3.<434"o?.CYt,
I 8?Yl i~3fr?{~id!{3!.fS4.+`GY

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