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A World Beyond The Closet
It was a Sunday night, Hazel went to her room, turned off
the lights and jumped on the bed. She closed her eyes and
tried to sleep.
Suddenly Hazel heard the wind gusting…
“WIND!!” Hazel exclaimed. Ignoring it she tried to sleep again
but the room became cold and colder. She got out of the bed
to search for the source. It might have been the window but
the window was closed tight.
Hazel turned around and found her closet was the source of
the cold air and also the sound of wind was coming from it.
Slowly Hazel walks towards it and puts her hand on the door.
The door was freezing cold. She hesitated to open the door
but she opens the door slowly.
A bright light blinded her for a second as she tried to cover
her eyes with her hands. As the light faded, a big wobbly
shaped h o l e appeared at the bottom of the closet. Through
a hole, Hazel could see bright white clouds and ocean blue
color shining down below the clouds. It was a very beautiful
but an unrealistic world she witnessed. Suddenly dark blue
appeared from the hole, into her room, grabbing her legs
and pulling her into the mysterious world into the wobbly
Hazel tried to escape it’s grab but she felt like her head was
getting heated up and her body weakening each and every
second and finally her vision went hazy and she lost her
She felt as if she was flying. As Hazel opened her eyes, she
could her own two eyes. She was falling from a 10,000 foot
high. She saw a black and silver figure flying across the sky
below and she felt difficulty to breath. Suddenly everything
went black again.
“Too bright’”, Hazel thought, flickering her eyes. It was a
bright room with a soft couch, a staircase beside the couch
and the smell of a winter morning. Right next to her was a
big open hall with a main door having a window open beside
it. Cold air was gusting through it. Hazel sat down on the
couch she was laying on. Everything looked unreal to her.
Was she dreaming or perhaps the fall was real and she
Suddenly loud footsteps rushed down through the staircase
and a young girl with a long dark brown hair and lime green
eyes jumped through the staircase holding an old piece of
paper in her hands with a big smile laughing at someone
else. Who also seemed to be running down behind her from
the stairs, it was a boy with a dark brown hair and emerald
green eyes. He jumped down the stair behind the little girl.
He seemed angry but he asked the little girl in softest way he
could ‘Give it back Hallie, you don’t know how vital that.
“I will if you help me with my training.’ Hallie replied. ‘From
the past few days after you discovered the lost map of the
unlawful you have been ignoring me, you think I don’t know
what’s going on behind the ‘Oak Walls’, I am not a kid
“Oak Walls..?”, Hazel whispered to herself.
“You are awake? How are you feeling?”, The boy asked.
“Who are you…?”, Hazel asked not sure if this was all real
now. “Oh Sorry I should have introduced myself first. I am
Alex Lockwood and there that’s my little sister Hallie.”
“See you are again ignoring me.”, Hallie yelled from the one
end of the room to her brother. And her lime green eyes
slowly started glowing brighter. Alex turned towards her and
replied, “Can you just wait for a minute and be careful with
the map.”
Alex’s emerald green eyes also started glowing bright. He
glared at his sister’s eyes. Hallie’s bright eyes started
flickering dimmer and dimmer by each second.
Hazel heard footsteps from the door which was on the other
side of hall. A boy with silver white hair and silver cream
eyes walked in holding a cup of hot coffee.
“Please don’t start it in the morning you guys.” The boy said in
an annoyed way. He gave Hazel a sharp quick look and back to
Alex and Hallie.
“Stop it!!”, he said commandingly. His silver eyes also
started glowing brightly and Hallie’s eyes stopped flickering
and went back to normal.
The silver eyes turned towards Alex and his eyes also went
back to normal and then his sharp silver eyes turned towards
“So you are awake, I am Kai Galean and you are..?” Kai
asked in a sharp tone. It scared out Hazel but she stood up
replied, “I-I-I am Hazel Levesque”.
Everyone was now watching right at her and Kai asked with
his eyes still glowing brighter and brighter, “And why are you
“I don’t know , I don’t really remember anything.” Hazel
Hazel gazed right into Kai’s eyes and asked, “And who are
you exactly?”
Kai must have realized what she was talking about. He
closed his eyes and opened with his normal silver eyes.
“That’s not the important question right now, the question
should be what are you doing here?” Kai said.
Hazel was now frustrated and said “I don’t know what I am
doing here. I don’t even know what this place is and what’s
with your blooming eyes? All I know is that the last night I
saw a world beyond my closet and a dark mist pulled me into
this mess.”
“A dark mist?”, Kai and Alex asked her at the same time.
“Yes, a dark mist grabbed my leg and pulled me into the sky
and the next thing I knew was that I was falling.” Hazel said.
Kai and Alex both shared at each other. “So….” Kai’s words
were cut off with a loud nock on the door which opened up
and a girl
with a shade of light and dark brown hair and an ember red
eye walked inside the hall in panic.
She looked at Kai and was about to say something but her
ember red eyes turned towards Hazel instead and her words
changed to “Who might you be?”
“I am Hazel Levesque” , Hazel replied.
“I am Lucy Carlyle, Nice to meet you.” Lucy replied.
Lucy then turned to Kai and said “We need to get out of here,
the protected walls has broken apart and the war has begun
and we need to hurry up.”
Kai raced towards the nearest window looking outside, a dark
smoky cloud appeared just a few miles away. Kai in a
pressurized voice said, “Alex go get the important stuffs from
the rooms and be back in five minutes. Lucy please get the
vials from the back and be ready. I will be back soon.” And Kai
rushed out the door towards the smoke.
Alex and Hallie rushed up the staircase and Lucy towards the
back of the room.
The hall in which Hazel was standing was now empty and
silence spread across the room. Hazel wondered trying to find
all the information she gets and was trying to sense
everything. She stood there feeling living every moment and
feel that things were real. The smoke traveled a few miles
away. The people she just saw and the fall the closet it was all
real! This made her overwhelmed with panic, confusion and
The air around her got colder and the room went dimmer and
dimmer. Suddenly she heard footsteps coming from the
staircase behind her. Hazel turned around and found mist
appearing at the edge of the staircase. It was the same dark
The Call Of The Shades
A dark mist was crawling down the stairs, behind it a heavy
metal footsteps sound followed a non-human figure with
black hoodie came down the stairs making every footsteps
whisper in a dark and dust heavy voice.
Hazel was stumbling as its voice whispered. “The fallen
Hero…The Cruel fate…The Golden Eyes…The Cursed
Blade…The mark of Blood of The fallen Hero…The world will
see The Golden Hour… A cursed fate never to be Broken…To
Live you Shell Die…!!”.
It repeated the last line again and again “To Live You Shell
The black figure was now right in front of her its head and
whole body was covered with an old dusty dark hoodie. It
moved its hands towards and took out a long bright golden
blade from its sleeves. Hazel saw something written on the
blade ‘PROPHECY’.
She was not sure how she understood it as it was some
random symbols.
The figure stepped a foot front still repeating the words,
Hazel took a step back but unfortunately she was already at
the end of the room. The figure raced towards her with the
blade in its front, trying to stab Hazel. Scared and terrified
Hazel closed her eyes and yelled out aloud for help.
Hazel kept her eyes closed with her hands. There were
footsteps racing down the staircase and beside her. She was
afraid of thinking there might be more figures. Hazel kept her
eyes closed but nothing happened to her.
Someone softly removed her hands from her eyes and she
say some figures standing in front of her. It was Alex
followed by Hallie and Lucy beside him.
Hazel was so glade the dark mist vanished. Alex gave his
hand and she got up. Everyone around her questioned her,
she could hear Alex’s worried tone asking, “What
happened? Are you ok? Answer me.” At the same time Lucy
asked, “Why did you screamed?” and Hallie questioned,
“Are you injured?”.
All the questions by the people she just met and the strange
thing that just happened all together made her confused. She
felt tired and dizzy and couldn’t stand anymore.
The room when silent as everyone understood her situation.
Hazel wanted to tell them what all happened in their
absence. She dared to say with a shaky breath, “There was
this thing saying this all things about The Golden Blade and
golden hour the fate and there was this figure black figure
covered with dark mist and…”.
Lucy asked Hazel in fright, “A black figure?”
Hazel nodded observing Lucy’s and Alex’s faces. Lucy looked
at Alex as if she knew what it was and whatever it was they
felt uncomfortable hearing about it.
Lucy looked back at her and asked, “What did it say to you?”
Hazel continued… “It said about something about a fallen
hero and cruel fate, golden eyes and cursed blade, and
also something about a mark of blood and golden hour
“And?” Lucy asked when Hazel didn’t finish her sentence.
“And it started repeating the same words, ‘To live you shall
die’ and the figure with a blade vied towards me.” said Hazel
with a terrified tone.
“We are happy that nothing happened to you. Relax and
don’t worry about it” Alex assured her. Hazel’s eyes
followed towards the staircase.
Suddenly a bright flash of light brightened the house through
the window. Everyone covered their eyes and the door flung
open as Kai walked into the house with a small scratch on his
forehead and was bleeding.
“We need to get out of here as soon as possible. Is everyone
ready?” Kai asked.
“And what’s going on here, did I miss anything in my
absence?” Kai asked with a confused face.
“We will discuss that later. hurry up we need to leave!!” Kai

The Run

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