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1. Title: Development of High-Speed 3D Printer for Enhanced

Addi ve Manufacturing
2. Objec ves:
- Design and develop a new 3D printer model capable of significantly
increasing prin ng speed while maintaining high-quality output.
- Conduct rigorous research and experimenta on to op mize the printer's
hardware and so ware components for enhanced speed and performance.
- Validate the effec veness of the high-speed 3D printer through extensive
tes ng and evalua on, comparing its capabili es to exis ng technologies.
- Collaborate with industry partners to iden fy poten al applica ons and
market opportuni es for the new printer model.

3. Methodology:
i. Research and Development:
a) Analyze exis ng 3D prin ng technologies and iden fy
areas for improvement in terms of speed and efficiency.
b) Explore advanced materials, hardware components, and
so ware algorithms to op mize the prin ng process for
increased speed.
c) Design and prototype mul ple itera ons of the high-
speed 3D printer, incorpora ng innova ve features and
improvements based on research findings.
d) By using faster extruders, more powerful motors and
enhanced cooling system we can enhace the overall
speed and performance.
e) By upgrading mo on we can enhance the speed.
ii. Tes ng and Valida on
a) Conduct comprehensive tes ng of the prototype printer
to assess its speed, accuracy, and reliability under various
prin ng condi ons.
b) Compare the performance of the high-speed printer to
exis ng models using standardized benchmarks and real-
world use cases.
c) Iterate on the design and func onality of the printer
based on tes ng feedback, con nuously refining and
op mizing its performance.

iii. Collabora on and Market Analysis:

a) Engage with industry partners, poten al users, and
stakeholders to gather feedback and insights on the new
printer's capabili es and poten al applica ons.
b) Iden fy key market segments and industries where the
high-speed 3D printer can provide the most significant
impact and value.
c) Explore partnership opportuni es for commercializa on,
distribu on, and further development of the printer

4. Social Impact:
a) Increased Produc vity: The high-speed 3D printer will enable faster
produc on cycles, reducing me-to-market for new products and
innova ons.
b) Cost Savings: By accelera ng the prin ng process, businesses can
achieve cost savings through reduced labor and produc on me.
c) Accessibility: Faster 3D prin ng technology opens up new possibili es for
small businesses, entrepreneurs, and makers to bring their ideas to life
more efficiently.
d) Innova on: The development of high-speed 3D prin ng technology will
drive innova on across industries, unlocking new opportuni es for
product design, customiza on, and manufacturing.

5. Timeline:
- Month 1-3: Research and analysis of exis ng 3D prin ng technologies,
iden fica on of key areas for improvement.
- Month 4-6: Design and development of prototype high-speed 3D
printer, including hardware and so ware op miza on.
- Month 7-9: Tes ng and valida on of prototype printer, refinement of
design and func onality based on feedback.
- Month 10-12: Collabora on with industry partners for market analysis
and poten al commercializa on opportuni es.

6. Budget details:
Microcontrollers(Arduino MEGA/Due and 8000
RAMPS board RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu
stepper motors(3 for each axis and 1 for 7000
extruder) and their drivers A4988/DRV8825
Wires and connectors 1000
Heated bed 3000
Frame and mechanical components 4000
Display and bu ons 2000
Sensors(temp and bed levelling) 2000
Hardwares and fasteners to assemble it 2000
Cooling fans 2000
Extruder motor, extruder gear and hotends 5000
Timing belts,bearings,linear rails 6000
Frame materials 5000
Extruder filaments 3000/kg
Total amount 50000
7. Expected Outcome of the Project:
- Successful development of a high-speed 3D printer prototype capable
of prin ng objects at least 2x faster than current technologies.
- Valida on of the printer's performance through extensive tes ng and
benchmarking against exis ng models.
- Iden fica on of key market segments and applica ons for the new
printer technology.
- Collabora on with industry partners to explore commercializa on and
distribu on opportuni es.

8. Expected Patent:
The uniqueness of our high-speed 3D printer lies in its innova ve
combina on of advanced hardware and so ware op miza ons to
achieve significantly faster prin ng speeds while maintaining high-quality
output. Key features include:
- Enhanced mo on control system for precise and rapid movement of
print head and build pla orm.
- Op mized slicing algorithms and firmware for efficient u liza on of
prin ng resources.
- Unique cooling mechanisms to prevent overhea ng and ensure
consistent print quality.

9. Details of project group:

1 Lead Pallav 2023ugmm041 MME 8294264992
2 Member Sanjana 2023ugme054 ME 8658337435
3 Member Ankit 2023ugmm082 MME 7461064273
10. Mentorship details:
Dr Vijay Kumar Dalla Asst Proff ME Department
Dr Jichil Majhi Asst Proff MME Department

11. Abstract of the Project

Our project aims to develop a high-speed 3D printer capable of
revolu onizing addi ve manufacturing processes. By leveraging cu ng-
edge hardware and so ware op miza ons, we seek to significantly
increase prin ng speeds while maintaining the high quality and precision
demanded by various industries. The project will involve extensive
research, design, and tes ng phases to op mize every aspect of the
prin ng process. Through collabora on with industry partners, we aim to
iden fy key market opportuni es and poten al applica ons for the new
printer technology, paving the way for enhanced produc vity, cost
savings, and innova on across diverse sectors.

12. Current Status

At the current stage, we have completed the ini al research and analysis
phase, iden fying key areas for improvement in exis ng 3D prin ng
technologies. We have also begun the design and development of the
prototype high-speed 3D printer, focusing on hardware and so ware
op miza ons to achieve our speed targets. Ini al tes ng of individual
components and subsystems has shown promising results, valida ng the
feasibility of our approach. Moving forward, we will con nue to iterate
on the design and func onality of the printer, with a focus on rigorous
tes ng and valida on to ensure its performance meets our expecta ons.
Addi onally, we are ac vely seeking partnerships and collabora ons
with industry stakeholders to gather feedback and insights that will
inform the further development and commercializa on of the printer
13. Role of group members in execu ng the project:
1. Wri ng G-code for 1. Research about the 1. Developing the
movement of model. model.
motors and extrude
materials. 2. Solidworks for 2. Managing the
making parts of 3d efficiency.
2. Managing the printer.

3. Ensuring the
hardware and
so ware fusion.

Name and signature of students and mentors

Pallav suman Sanjana Shasani Ankit kumar

2023ugmm041 2023ugme054 2023ugmm082

Dr Vijay Kumar Dalla Dr Jichil Majhi

Assistant proff Assistant proff
Mechanical engg department Department of MME

Project Title: Development of High-Speed 3D Printer for Enhanced

Addi ve Manufacturing

It is certified that
1.The same project proposal has not been submitted elsewhere for financial support.
2. We undertake that spare time on equipment procured in the project will be available to
other users.
3. We agree to abide by the SoP notified by the R&C division of the institute.
4. The Project work proposed in the scheme/project does not duplicate the work already
done or being carried out elsewhere on the subject.
5. We agree to abide by the terms and conditions of IPR policy of the institute.

Name and signature of students and mentors

Pallav suman Sanjana Shasani Ankit kumar

2023ugmm041 2023ugme054 2023ugmm082

Dr Vijay Kumar Dalla Dr Jichil Majhi

Assistant proff Assistant proff
Mechanical engg department Department of MME

Date: 30.05.2024
Place: Jamshedpur

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