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SGOXXX10.1177/21582440221094609SAGE OpenMeena and Geng

Original Research


Dynamic Competition in
April-June 2022: 1­–10
© The Author(s) 2022
DOI: 10.1177/21582440221094609

Telecommunications: A

Systematic Literature Review

Megan Emfosi Meena1 and Jiaying Geng1

Telecommunication is the most competitive and fastest-growing market in the globe. Dynamic competition in telecom is
produced by battle among companies to produce more reliable or more economical commodities. All developed countries
such as U.S, Canada, and China are developing policies to reduce the rivalry among big corporations. The main objective
of this paper is to outline the appropriate studies pertaining to Dynamic Competition in Telecommunications with the
intentions of revealing what has already been investigated on this subject, as a medium of conducting future research.
Moreover, we will also review the impact of competition on customer satisfaction and service quality in telecom businesses.
Our literature review is based on 60 renowned research publications from 1990 to date, synthesizes the crucial details of
competitive interaction in the telecom sphere.

dynamic competition, telecommunication, monopoly, telecom reforms, customer satisfaction

Introduction levels (Budimir, 2014). The telecommunications industry has

already contributed to economic growth (Jamison, 2009),
Recent years have witnessed unprecedented growth in tele- education, medicine, e-governance, and agricultural develop-
communication over significant distances. The tremendous ment. Almost all the industries nowadays are using Telecom
influence of the telecommunication sector is recently exam- for performing their operations and processes in their best
ined by many researchers and economists (Katz, 2009). The manners.
intent of this systematic review to give an in-depth analysis of The era of telecom originated with the discovery of elec-
dynamic competition state and trend. Although this issue has tromagnetic waves by Clark Maxwell, in the 1860s which
received less attention in recent years, we have shown that the was later called Radio wave by Heinrich Hertz. It was
technique chosen here has unearthed several caveats that noticed that these waves can be utilized as information car-
were previously overlooked (e.g., greater quantity of papers, riers. The very first breakthrough in the telecommunication
higher proportion of empirical papers). In light of this, our was First Generation Cellular Network after the invention of
research intends to examine dynamic competition in the the cell phone in 1979 by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone
telecommunications market by analyzing pre-existing sta- Corporation (NTT). Proper wireless communication is
tistical data and academic sources via a thorough literature established with 1G in the form of analog signals (Paudel &
analysis. Telecom has changed almost all roads of individuals Bhattarai, 2018). In 1990, 2G gave an exponential jump
such as culture, education, social, and even political lives. in subscribers with the convenience of Short Message
Telecommunication has launched many devices such as tele- Service (SMS) by employing Global System for Mobile
com towers, routers, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Communications (GSM) technology. Some additional
fiber-optics, smart TV, smart radios, antennas, and smart- features were faxes and voice mail (Ru & Gupta, 2015).
phones. The device which captivated most in the telecom sec-
tor is the “mobile phone.” From sending an email to track 1
Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan, China
appointments and contacts, mobile phones have become
an indispensable part of individuals (Samaha & Hawi, Corresponding Author:
Megan Emfosi Meena, School of Economics and Management, Anhui
2016). Why is telecommunication developing so quickly? University of Science and Technology, No. 168, Tiafeng Street, Huainan,
Globalization has overcome the distances and accelerated the Anhui 232001, China.
telecommunication processes on national and international Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of
the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 SAGE Open

Figure 1. Speed comparison between 1G and 5G.

Source. Speed comparison between 1G and 5G- Earthlink (2021).

A hybrid network 3G using Frequency Division Multiple This is because digital platforms are bidirectional in nature,
Access (FDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), which means that platform providers must entice both cus-
and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technologies tomers and developers of complementing apps to prosper.
was an enhancement over 2G as it boosted its speed up to Regulation and antitrust enforcement are likely to be success-
2 Mbps (megabits per second) and also it presented extra ful if they are founded on a thorough knowledge of how two-
services like live streaming, video calls, 3D gaming, naviga- sided markets work (Belleflamme & Peitz, 2010). Nevertheless,
tional map, mobile TV, and much more. The fourth-genera- from a dynamic standpoint, the regulator should evaluate the
tion (4G) renders the fastest communication by packet tradeoff between the favorable impacts of access restriction
switching and furnishes a complete IP-based network. It on short-term competition and the detrimental consequences
utilizes Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing on investment expansion and sustainable innovation.
(OFDM)/Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Furthermore, this comprises a raise in competitive rivalry
(OFDMA) to distribute network resources among possible and quality improvement.
users and offers ultra-low latency compared to 3G. Long Former European Commissioner for Information Society
Term Evolution (LTE) and WiMAX (World Wide and Media stated that “Effective competition is the key for
Interoperability for Microwave Access) are their dominant current and future success.” (“Effective competition in tele-
technologies that guarantee QoS and data rates (Kharbuli & communications, rail and energy markets,” 2011). The tele-
Sultana, 2018). A 5G compromised with hyper-connected communications industry has often encountered a natural
vision and the next-generation radio access technology monopoly in the market. But now the telecom industry is shift-
with broader implications and massive Multiple-Input and ing from monopoly to dynamic competition through the regu-
Multiple-Output (MIMO). Speed comparison of all genera- latory process. The telecommunications sector has been a very
tions is shown in Figure 1. dynamic, innovative, and technology-driven market since the
To grasp the telecommunication sector’s dynamics, Noam 1990s. Deploying more cutting-edge services will have an
(2010) advises considering three eras of telecommunications: impact on future pricing competitiveness simply because
The first being based on copper networks, had a monopolistic competition takes on several dimensions. When the competi-
market structure and was either owned or controlled by the tion escalates, the state lowers the prices of services to con-
government. In the 1980s, the partial liberalization of the tele- struct a fairer market to a wider populace. The regulatory
communications industry in the United States ushered in the process promotes the competitive market discovery process to
second generation, which emphasized commercialization/ circumscribe an acceptable outcome for all the contestants.
privatization, liberalization, market access, and competition. Price and quality both can be regulated accurately by dynamic
Markets in third-generation telecoms are gradually becoming competition. Customer acquisition costs are used in the busi-
an ecosystem of both licensed and unregulated entities ness to produce new consumers and also preserve the existing
(Fransman, 2010). Technological advancements, most notably customer to survive. Privatization and liberalization have
the migration to an all-IP world, have facilitated the emer- changed the telecommunication sector in a phenomenal way
gence of new dimensions of competition for conventional tele- globally (Beard & Hartmann 1999). In Latin America and East
coms, dubbed “over-the-top” (OTT) competition. Thus, as Asia, privatization, liberalization, or a combination of both
technology advances, digital platforms provide new issues for played a significant role in telecom reforms (Ratto-Nielsen,
regulatory and competition authorities, since applying tradi- 2004). The mobile industry also remarkably expanded over
tional “one-sided” thinking to two-sided marketplaces may time due to privatization and dynamic competition such as
result in incorrect judgments (Belleflamme & Peitz, 2010). Apple and Samsung (Cecere et al., 2015).
Meena and Geng 3

Table 1. A Summary Active Users and Yearly Shipment of

Android From 2012 to 2020.

Year Active users Yearly shipments

2012 0.5 billion 0.8 billion.
2013 0.7 billion 1 billion
2014 1 billion 1.2 billion
2015 1.4 billion 1.25 billion
2016 1.7 billion 1.28 billion
2017 2 billion 1.33 billion
2018 2.3 billion 1.3 billion
2019 2.5 billion 1.05 billion
2020 2.8 billion 0.8 billion

Source. IDC, Google, Gartner, Strategy Analytics (2021).

Android which was officially launched in 2007 dominates

the global market share having a share of 73% of all smart-
phone users as of June 2021 (“Cell phone sales worldwide | Figure 2. An overview of the old telecom industry.
Source. An overview of the old telecom industry - World
Statista,” 2021). Android had 2.8 billion unique subscribers Telecommunication Market (2003).
at the end of 2020. A summary of active users of android and
shipment is shown in the Table 1. But recently, Apple’s
iPhone 11 and 12 gaining more attention from customers due The leading monopolists in the early 90’s were American
to their unique characteristics. iPhone has a greater percent- Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in U.S, Nippon
age of users in the UK where Android and iOS both fighting Electric Company (NEC) in Japan, France Telecom in France,
for the most market share (Curry, 2021). Top-quality services Deutsche Telecom in Germany, and British Telecom (BT) in
render customer’s gratification and support to recommend to Great Britain in late 90’s. The monopolist in India was Bharat
their friends and family and also lessen criticisms (Mägi & Sanchar Nigam Limited before 1991. (Fransman, 2001).
Julander, 1996). Market competition in the telecom industry Domestic and international competition is thriving at all
is based on customer demand which rapidly rotates every levels. With the rise of globalization, more and more competi-
day (Klaić & Turek, 2002). For example, Android phone had tion is coming from international sources. In the U.S, the
more demand in the market than Apple’s phone like in 2018, extraterritorial implications of competition and antitrust
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) partners sold enforcement are becoming increasingly commonplace
1.33 billion units of android devices. It can be witnessed that (Portuese, 2021). Antitrust is also used as a mercantilist and
competition between different operators’ awards users with a industrial policy weapon by several countries, for instance,
variety of innovative services at an optimum price (Kavran China. Antitrust law enforcement must embrace dynamic
et al., 2012). Demand for telecommunication services is competition rather than rely on a static model. It’s no longer
growing in developing countries due to dynamic competition acceptable for antitrust authorities to ignore the role of inno-
and income growth (Garbacz & Thompson, 2007). vation in fostering competitiveness. Ultimately, a more prac-
tical and less formalized model is needed for antitrust
enforcement and institutional principles (Portuese, 2021).
Literature Review
After structural changes, the industry has transformed from
This literature review identifies the holes in the past studies monopoly to a competitive market and is still developing
and seeks to fill the remaining gaps. The telecom sector has (Starr, 2019). Telecommunication reformation initiated with
undergone significant changes since 1990. Before the 80’s, privatization, total liberalization, and dynamic competition
Telecom service providers were monopolistic linked with (Tobbin, 2010). These reforms intended to inject competition
political sensitivity, produced huge entry limits and bans. into the markets previously ruled by monopolistic corpora-
Many scholars highlighted the inefficiency of the monopoly tions (Yoshimats, 1998). In the UK the duopoly terminated
and explicated the demand for reforms (Melody, 1997). State after the publication of the Government’s White Paper,
monopolies greatly hit the telecom sector by delivering poor- “Competition and Choice.” More clear and appropriate poli-
quality products and services in the early 90’s. State-owned cies were fabricated by the introduction of privatization. Why
infrastructure monopolies have encountered depreciating privatization? Privatization can enhance the firm’s perfor-
decided facilities, low labor potency, lower service quality, mance and may not suffer from inefficient operation due to
continuous revenue deficits, poor investment, and severe political oversight. It was proposed to eradicate the monopoly
obstacles of fraud (Kessides, 2004). The old telecom industry and develop the effectiveness of the telecommunication sec-
faced many glitches which are presented in the Figure 2. tor (Karamti & Kammou, 2011). AT&T ended its monopoly
4 SAGE Open

Table 2. Verizon vs. AT&T.

Verizon AT&T
Unlimited plans Start unlimited plan (more cheaper) Unlimited starter plan (fastest network)
Family plans Better coverage Faster data speeds
Coverage Almost same with stronger at rural west and Appalachia More reliable than verizon while testing
Speed 32.2 Mbps for download speeds and 12.89 Mbps for upload 28.9 Mbps for download speeds and 9.4 for
speeds upload speeds
Military discount Extends to the whole family Only for spouses
Devices and phones Latest devices from Apple, Samsung, and Google Latest devices from Apple, Samsung, and Google

Source. Abbott (2020).

status by connecting the third-party device to its rented tele- must be up to date for gaining customer’s loyalty and satisfac-
phones in 1968 (“History of AT&T—Wikipedia,” 2021). tion. Along with the core products, technical solutions and ser-
Numerous countries have experienced partial or full privati- vices are also important in the telecom sector (Roos &
zation of telecommunications. Noncompetitive industries Edvardsson, 2008). A modern example of this profession is
with natural monopoly elements cannot channelize owner- Hewlett Packard (HP) which is now larger than other big
ship from the public to the private sector. Private firms are giants IBM and Oracle due to its innovative technology and
more efficient due to competition because policymakers rec- regulatory reforms. A similar case with Vodafone in mobile
ommend that competition can considerably develop monitor- telecommunication, it has also absorbed many other brands by
ing opportunities (Boubakri & Cosset, 1998). For example, providing quality services in the telecom industry (Stone,
the value-added-service market in Australia was almost com- 2015). When competitors are offering similar services, they
pletely controlled by international members such as Sprint boost up their value by Value-added services (VAs) such as
International (US), GE Information Services (US), entertainment, caller tunes and alerts, friends and family pack-
BT Tymnet (UK), Easylink (owned by Singcom and AT&T— ages, missed call alert and call block facilities, insurance cov-
the US), IBN Information Network in 1996 (van der Vlies, erage, conference call, and online service to develop markets
1996). Structural changes initiated the improvement by intro- (Nekmahmud & Rahman, 2018). If we compare the two wire-
ducing competitiveness, liberalization, and privatization less carrier Verizon vs. AT&T in U.S in 2020, it’s hard to
which introduced many competitors in the market by dimin- decide which one is better as both have added so many perks
ishing political control. In 90’s, Direct Dial Information it can be understood in the Table 2 (Abbott, 2020).
(DDI), Japan Telecom, and Teleway Japan were the three Smartphones have the fastest growing market segment in
main competitors in Japan. On the other hand, Microwave the telecoms industry. Smartphone competition awakened
Communications Inc. (MCI) and Sprint were competing with the introduction of Blackberry in 2006. Later Apple and
AT&T in US (Fransman, 2001). The capital-market discipline Samsung battled on patents and designs in 2009 (Cecere
and competitive atmosphere enhanced the performance of et al., 2015). Smartphones have made communication easier
privatized firms (De Castro & Uhlenbruck, 2018). The 1997 for both urban as well as the rural public (J. Lee et al., 2001).
World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Basic According to The Mobile Economy Report 2020, a total of
Telecommunications Services launched a distinct period for 6 billion unique mobile subscribers at the end of 2025.
telecommunications competition in 72 countries. That seems Moreover, there will be 1.8 billion 5G connections by 2025
to be, as the government’s influence lessens—the extent of (GSMA, 2021). The smartphone penetration rate is climbing
privatization rises and the competition between enterprises up every day. Before, 38% of the world’s total population
intensifies. In all these countries, the prices were dramatically was using smartphones in 2018, which was calculated 46.5%
decreased due to open market competition and new foreign in 2020 (“Cell phone sales worldwide | Statista,” 2021).
suppliers (Fredebeul-Krein & Freytag, 1997). AT&T is a leading company in telecom having total revenue
Dynamic competition brought many new players in the of 171.7 US$ billions but on the other hand China Mobile is
market. A “contestable” market encourages new entrants to prominent in total subscription. Top 10 telecommunication
enter, which in turn encourages innovation and growth in the companies in 2021 are given below in the Table 3 with their
market. In late 90’s, WorldCom, the world’s best global tele- total revenues and total subscription.
coms network, not only defeated AT&T but also gave a tough The growth of telecom industry can be observed by statis-
time to the Big Four Companies BT, Deutsche Telecom, tical analysis of the revenue of China from June 2020 to June
France Telecom, and NTT. Later on, Qwest, Level 3, Global 2021 as shown in the Table 4. A report identified that there
Crossing, Williams, and Viat also emerged larger than were more than 1.5 billion mobile users across China by the
WorldCom. New participants such as City Of London Telecom end of 2020. Main reason behind all these growth in telecom
(COLT), Energis, and Mannesmann performed similarly in is the competition between big fishes in telecom industry
Europe (Fransman, 2001). Telecommunications companies (The Mobile Economy—China, 2021).
Meena and Geng 5

Table 3. Top 10 Telecommunication Companies With Their Total Revenues and Total Subscription in 2021.

World Total revenue Total subscription

Rank Company (US$ billion) (in millions) Country
1 AT&T $171.7 176.74 United States
2 Verizon Communications $128.2 120.32 United States
3 Deutsche Telekom $122.3 199.71 Germany
4 China Mobile $116.8 940.86 China
5 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone $107.1 79.67 Japan
6 Comcast $103.5 19.35 United States
7 China Telecom $57.0 352.55 China
8 Softbank $56.8 29.2 Japan
9 Vodafone $54.4 311.7 UK
10 América Móvil $52.7 280.72 Mexico

Source. “World’s largest telecom companies by total revenue—Wikipedia” (2021).

The large varieties of the industry during the last decades Table 4. Revenue of the Telecom Sector in China From June
have totally modified their rules and structures of the telecom 2020 to June 2021.
market. The most common competition factors in telecom Sr# Month Total revenue (Billion Yuan)
market are Communication and Coverage, VAS, Price and
Tariff Structure, Convenience, Customer Service Care, Sales 1 June 2020 118.55
Promotion, and Customer Satisfaction on Loyalty (Cecere 2 July 2020 110.04
et al., 2015; Giachetti, 2013; Minov, 2014; Nekmahmud & 3 August 2020 112.58
4 September 2020 107.50
Rahman, 2018; Venkatram & Zhu, 2012). Why people use
5 October 2020 109.51
Android phones? Because its user friendly, affordable com-
6 November 2020 112.82
pared to iOS, and people are satisfied with its size and feature 7 December 2020 111.3
(Haris et al., 2018; Ruqiya et al., 2020). Dynamic Competition 8 January/February 2021 117.75
always enhances the industry’s economic efficiency, contrib- 9 March 2021 122.83
utes more opportunities for users, and promotes innovative 10 April 2021 126.11
growth of modern telecom services (Huang et al., 2015; 11 May 2021 126.45
Zanfei, 1992). Many researchers have found that in both 12 June 2021 140.63
developed and developing countries, competition played a
Source. “Cell phone sales worldwide | Statista” (2021).
central role in expanding mobile telecommunications
(Jamison, 2009; S. Lee & Marcu, 2007; Waverman et al.,
2005). Competitiveness Factors in Telecommunication that consumer satisfaction, and service quality. It may also be
are customarily associated are VAS, change in a sales promo- useful, particularly when evaluating the notion of a new fish
tion (Nekmahmud & Rahman, 2018), political fluctuations, entering the market; it may be conducted on the basis of
technology improvements (Feizi, 2019; Dastidar, 2015), other important variables, such as market share, profit, or
deregulation facilitates (Todeva & John, 2002), intensity of average staff size. Further study should involve the use of
rivalry (Lapersonne, 2013) changing customer tastes, global- other significant market concentration indicators, such as
ization, and cultural changes (Lehr, 2014; Pandiya et al., the index of dominance or the entropy index, to assess
2012), (Baruah et al., 2015). Nowadays firms are endeavoring changes in the market and competition after the introduction
to capitalize on 5G technology. Key players for 5G technol- of new fishes into the telecommunications industry.
ogy are Huawei, Fujitsu, Ericsson, Apple, Nokia, Motorola,
ZTE, Emerson, and Cisco Systems (Jaisal, 2020). Some com-
panies are using social media tools to gain advantage over
competitors in telecom industry (Afful-Dadzie et al., 2014; This research work is designed to measure the relevant studies
Thomas & Barlow, 2013). This might be a sign that techno- about Dynamic Competition in Telecommunications with
logical advancements are being spurred on by competition. the purpose of exposing what has already been studied in
According to the literature, traditional monopoly and per- competitive factors. This research is based 60 renowned
fect competition theories may lead to erroneous conclusions research publications from 1990 to date. Primary data was col-
regarding market behavior when used in dynamic environ- lected from internet by using Google Scholar, ScienceDirect,
ments. Our analysis may aid in determining the influence and main digital libraries such as ACM, Institute of Electrical
of dynamic competitive processes on market structure, and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Xplore, ResearchGate,
6 SAGE Open

Table 5. Geographical Structure of the Reviewed Studies. In total 60 research papers were selected, 12 about
Market Competition in Telecommunications, 8 about Mobile
Country where the Number of
Number study was conducted research papers Telecommunications, 8 about Measuring the Competitiveness
Factors in Telecommunication, 6 about Impact of Telecoms
1 USA 14 on Economics, 5 about Telecom Reforms, and 5 about
2 Canada 9 Telecommunication Development, while 11 other studies
3 UK 9 of Competitive analysis of telecommunication industry.
4 China 8 Monopoly in telecommunications were studied from 5 old
5 Japan 8 papers. Our review only deliberated the big competitors in
6 India 6
telecom such as AT&T, Verizon Communications, China
7 Australia 2
Mobile, Vodafone, Samsung, Apple, Huawei, and some oth-
8 Germany 2
ers. An overview of percentage about all the research topics
9 France 1
are showed in the Figure 3. Most of the data were collected
10 Denmark 1
Total 60
from Wikipedia and authentic telecom websites. Majority of
our reviewed research studies are post-2015 publications.

Springer Link, and DBLP. We used a snowballing approach to
reviewing relevant references from reviewed studies so that This segment addresses the Dynamic competition and impact
we can expand our search results easily. A search was also of competition on customer satisfaction and service quality
conducted in the Journal of Telecommunications and identified through the systematic literature review in depth.
Information Technology of different countries, as the majority The literature acknowledges that the telecommunication sec-
of papers covering telecom competition were published in tor has experienced a natural monopoly for a pretty large
these journals. We used search terms as “Dynamic Compe­ time. With the passage of time, deregulation, privatization,
tition in Telecommunications,” “Competition in Telecom,” and liberalization in the telecom industry upgraded produc-
“Competition in Telecom Providers,” “Impact of competition tivity, modernization, and consumer welfare. They not only
on telecom sector,” “Competition Policy in Telecommunica­ lessened the price but also ensure fair market access to the
tions,” “Nature of competition in telecommunications indus- end-users. Competition is a frequently powerful statement in
try,” “Competitive analysis of telecommunication industry,” the telecommunications system. The review showed that
“Telecommunication competitors,” “Systematic review of there are two prominent reasons which have increased the
telecom industry,” and “Market analysis of the telecommunica- competition between rivals. The first one is economic glo-
tions market.” All the searches were always linked with “in the balization and other one is up-gradation in technology. We
telecom industry,” “telecommunication sector,” or “in telecom have seen that vertical separation and monopoly harmed the
market” to ensure the domain of interest. After identifying and customers that were assumed to benefit. Telecom industry
deleting the duplicates, we next reviewed from the resulting only fits in dynamic competition rather than perfect competi-
titles in order to locate additional relevant papers. Our review is tion considerably due to the fact that perfect competition is
not restricted to one article per country. We have picked more inherently static, meaning that it does not take into account
than one article from some countries such as China, India, UK, shifts in technological advancements, innovation, or varia-
and the United States of America. tions in consumer tastes.
The systematic review strictly went over a deep selection Dynamic competition between market players has pro-
pattern. Research papers were only nominated from well- moted allocative efficiency, technical efficiency, and dynamic
known journals of telecommunications to ensure excellence. efficiency. According to this account, the evolution of tele-
The scientific paper selection was strict from 1990 till 2021. communications networks is one of increased competition
The selection criteria were more narrowed down to specific from varied sources, as technological advancement has intro-
regions including U.S, U.K, China, Japan, Germany, India, duced intermodal rivalry to formerly different forms of net-
and some other famous countries only. Moreover, items in work infrastructure(Manne et al., 2021). In the wireless
English were chosen to be reviewed. All those papers were telecommunications industry, this means that individual
excluded which has low impact factor and also those focus- enterprises have larger incentives to make capital expendi-
ing on components and functions of telecommunications. In tures that allow long-term competition via increased infra-
the final procedure, 75 studies were selected from different structure and technological ingenuity, which affects the
databases and these papers were reviewed closely based on variety, quality, and quantity of services available to custom-
aforementioned criteria for final selection. The next chal- ers (Stapp, 2020). Among the most fundamental determinants
lenging procedure was the categorizing these studies. A that affect competition in the wireless marketplace is the
summary of the geographical structure of the reviewed introduction, continuous presence (or absence), and customer
studies is presented in Table 5. use of Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs; Woroch,
Meena and Geng 7

Figure 3. Percentage about all the research topics.

2020). The facets of dynamic competition are that it occurs critical instrument for promoting market competitiveness.
sequentially (as opposed to concurrently) as a result of tech- While several variables impact market performance, market
nological changes or consumer trends and preference ascer- spectrum assignment as a finite resource would be recognized
tain that such markets are habitually transformed by a new as a key element. Therefore, spectrum management should be
flow of products and services, a technique that not necessarily guided by a broader vision that prioritizes strategic objectives
benefits incumbents (Manne et al., 2021). With dynamic such as expanding coverage, enabling optimum use, and culti-
competition, both newcomers and incumbents invest in new vating market competition, as this is critical not only for the
product and process development, as well as other changes to telecommunications sector, but also for the digitalization of all
adapt (Manne et al., 2021). As a result, it is reasonable to other sectors of the economy and society (Woroch, 2020). As
argue that in an environment of dynamic rivalry, innovation, a result, another aspect of spectrum policy to address is its
and competitiveness are inextricably intertwined. function in competition policy. Similarly, all stakeholders in
When it comes to competitiveness, elements such as com- these types of procedures should collaborate with the competi-
petitor number and the existence of one or more dominating tion authorities to ensure that spectrum utilization promotes
enterprises may have an influence on market structure, effective competition.
although this is not always the case. Mobile market competi- In the Corona Virus Disease (COVID)-19 pandemic, the
tiveness may be better gauged by analyzing the percentage competition increased between different companies to
share of a single operator over time. From a competitive stand- deliver quality online learning and remote work. The factors
point, the market operator number and their subscribers pro- which played an important role in promoting the competi-
portion number are not enough to give the complete picture. tion are Technology Innovation, Government Regulations,
Corresponding with the telecommunications sector’s liberal- VAS, sales promotions, number and size of competitors, and
ization, spectrum utilization has become a critical aspect in the brand loyalty. Furthermore, researchers revealed that price
development of mobile communication services. As just that, structure, quality of service, the influence of friends & fam-
spectrum distribution has become a critical vehicle for public ily can inspire customers toward telecom brand switching
policy in terms of expanding access to telecommunications, behavior on a national level. On the other hand, dynamic
promoting network expansion, and accelerating digitaliza- competition also boosted complex challenges for telecom
tion (Woroch, 2020). Additionally, spectrum allotment is a policymakers in past few decades. The main challenges
8 SAGE Open

were the determination of services, financing decisions, and Conclusion

price arrangements. Large national carriers of telecom must
consider all the eight key market segments (residential vs. The telecom sector has encountered a comprehensive trans-
business data telecommunications; national vs. international formation in the last few years from natural monopoly to
communications; voice vs. electronic data transmission; dynamic competition. Most of the telecommunication indus-
fixed-line vs. cellular services) to develop multiple strate- tries recently underwent rapid deregulation due to rapid tech-
gies to earn a competitive advantage (Todeva & John, 2002). nological innovation. The deregulations in telecom have
Our review concluded that two countries USA and China are made the home market statuses more competitive in many
leading in telecom. World’s largest telecom company by countries. As the competition is expanding, prominent play-
total revenue is AT&T (“History of AT&T—Wikipedia,” ers are reducing their prices and presenting more quality ser-
2021). Samsung was regarded as the top smartphone com- vice to the general public. Due to dynamic competition,
pany at the end of the first quarter of 2021. The telecommu- telecom operators are trying to discover fresh competitive
nications industry is one of the largest donors to the positioning tactics that would support them to obtain the
extension of the economy in developing countries. Many upper rank in the market. Particularly, big fishes in telecom
countries are continuously striving to improve the industry are creating a position map and defining new boundaries in
by declaring reforms and regulations collectively such as the market. Moreover, they are also trying to convert the cus-
International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The most tomer experience into value by offering new products and
valuable research work for me was “Effective Competition verticals. On the big picture, telecommunications companies
in Telecommunications, Rail and Energy Markets” done by are still experiencing a sort of natural monopoly by stopping
Christian, Paul, Georg, Florian, Günter, Stephen, Benjamin, early entrants from a significant benefit. We can make a final
and Anton. They have discussed the exact matters which are conclusion from our research that telecom industry can
mainly affecting dynamic competition such as dominant increase economic welfare by applying comprehensive ana-
players, infrastructure sharing, and network externalities. lytical framework to escape regulatory myopia.
Operators’ degree of infrastructure deployment is critical for In near future, telecommunications companies will see
competitiveness and coverage extension. Telecom compa- more competition as they have already started using neural
nies are mainly focusing on communication coverage, sales networks, Blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and
promotion, and customer service care to survive and growth machine learning with advanced sensory digitization to pro-
the market share. mote customer service. A 5G and Nano technology are the
The telecommunications industry, as previously said, is future of telecom which will play a leading role in shaping
anything from static in today’s world. Schumpeter’s dynamic the industries of the future. Future trends in 5G will enable
theory of competition emphasizes the “creative destruction” Massive machine-type communications (mMTC), VR con-
of old incumbents by newcomers, who are commended with tent streaming, AMCOP, Quantum-Safe Cybersecurity,
dominating market positions until they are superseded by Cloud Management, and Edge Computing. Cloud comput-
the next phase of insurgents (Schumpeter, 1942). Innovation ing will provide telecom sectors new chances to grow the
and market dynamics are still emphasized in Schumpeterian ICT value chain in near future.
economic theory today, which goes beyond the typical neo-
classical approach of analysis to produce new economic
ideas and models. Examining the dynamics of competition The authors would like to express their sincerest gratitude for the
in a certain market in order to determine how various firm excellent advice from the editor and anonymous reviewers.
tactics influence the welfare of consumers is an economics-
based approach (Gual et al., 2006). There should be close Declaration of Conflicting Interests
scrutiny for the long-term welfare of consumers and ingenu- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
ity incentives when considering the possibility to develop an to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
interconnection regulatory framework for digital platforms,
given their more inventive business style and dynamic com- Funding
petition (Huang & Qiu, 2022). In this review, we support the The author(s) received no financial support for the research, author-
idea that telecom regulation calls for a “more economic ship, and/or publication of this article.
approach” as well. Neoclassical analysis and an emphasis
on static efficiency are no longer sufficient for dynamic ORCID iD
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