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1 Assignment 7 1 of 6
Reading Comprehension
Remedial reading and comprehension

Text 1

Dear Frankie

Hello from Macau! I’m writing from Coloane. Amy and I are resting our
tired feet in a small tea shop. We're enjoying tea with Portuguese egg
tarts, and we’re feeling good.

5 We walked around Senado Square this morning. The square itself, with
Flat 9C
its beautiful stone street, is a must-see in Macau. We took a lot of selfies
there, with the old Chinese and European-style buildings in the
Garden Estates
background. Next, we visited the famous Ruins of St Paul’s. They are
actually the front wall of a church that burnt down. We walked around
10 them for a short while and then took a bus to Macau Tower. The view
from the tower was amazing.
Hong Kong

Amy is going to take me to a place famous for pork chop buns. Then,
before we go home, we’re going to buy you some almond cookies as a

15 Best
S.1 Assignment 7 2 of 6
Reading Comprehension
Remedial reading and comprehension

Text 2

There are some places in Hong Kong with many shops selling
HONG KONG’S similar goods on the same street. Below are some famous


Antiques Hi-tech goods Sports shoes

Hong Kong’s Hollywood Road Hong Kong has many places Fa Yuen Street in Mong Kok is
5 has nothing to do with films the that sell hi-tech goods. For those the place to go for sportswear
Hollywood in America. Instead, who do their research well, they and shoes. It is a great place for
starting from around a hundred 20 should know that the best deals 30 street food, too. The place is
years ago, it has been filled are found in Sham Shui Po’s always crowded from the early
with many antique shops. Close computer centres and around afternoon. It is so busy that it is
10 to the harbour then, it was a Apliu Street. They are great hard to believe it was once a
popular meeting place for places for electronic parts at flower field just outside the
sailors and traders to sell 25 reasonable prices. 35 Mong Kok Village in the past.
interesting things they collected
on their sea travels, like old
15 vases, fans, jade pieces, etc.
S.1 Assignment 7 3 of 6
Reading Comprehension
Remedial reading and comprehension

Text 3
Advice for a friend’s visit
5 Help guys! My friend is visiting HK for two days next week. I need advice. What can
we do together while she’s here? She loves nature and wildlife, and is also crazy
about food and shopping. Thanks!
Take her hiking on Cheung Chau. Then enjoy a seafood meal at one of the restaurants
10 by the waterfront. Walk along the streets nearby and shop for souvenirs afterwards–
should be fun!
What about the Ladies’ Market in Mong Kok? It has great stalls with cheap goods
and yummy street food.
15 Kasper
How about a ride on the Star Ferry between Hong Kong and Kowloon at sunset? It’s
a great experience even for locals. Then take her to watch the light show by the
waterfront in Tsim Sha Tsui.
20 I suggest a day trip to Tai O on Lantau Island. It’s the best way to enjoy nature. Try
to go on a weekday.
Bob G
The Peak, of course, on a good day. The view from the top is amazing, day or night.
25 Hmm… A nature lover. She’s going to have a fun time visiting Mai Po Nature
Reserve. The rare black-faced spoonbills spend the winter there. There’s a good
chance you’ll get to see them there.

Text 4
Portuguese Egg Tarts Doris Thistle Almond Biscuits Wilkie Jones
Creamy and warming All over Macau
Like golden morning sunshine These tiny crunchy biscuits
Melting in my mouth Sit on wooden trays
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S.1 Assignment 7 4 of 6
Reading Comprehension
Remedial reading and comprehension

Exercise 1 Answer the questions below using the information in Text 1.

1 Where in Macau is Alicia when writing the postcard?

2 Why were Alicia and Amy resting in the shop?

3 What did Alicia and Amy do right after their visit to Senado Square?

4 Which of the pictures below shows the food that Alicia has eaten at the time of writing?
Circle the correct picture.

Text 2

5 Name THREE examples of antiques that can be found in the shops on Hollywood Road.

6 Based on the information given, decide if the following statements are True (T), False (F), or the
information is Not Given (NG).

a. Sham Shui Po is not a good place for hi-tech goods.

b. Hollywood Road is popular with film-makers.

c. Some people selling things on Hollywood Road in the past were sailors.
S.1 Assignment 7 5 of 6
Reading Comprehension
Remedial reading and comprehension

7 Complete the paragraph below about themed streets using the information in the text to help you.
Use ONE word to fill in each blank.

There are many themed streets in Hong Kong that have shops selling (1)
types of goods. For (2) and (3) , there is Fa Yuen
Street in (4) .

Text 3

8 Why did Bianca write that post on the forum?

9 How long is Bianca’s friend going to stay in Hong Kong?

A one day
B two days
C one week
D two weeks

10 Write down the activities Mo suggests in the order they would happen, with the first activity in
box (a) and so on.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

11 What does Kasper think Bianca and her friend could do before watching the light show?

12 How does Bob G describe the view from The Peak?

S.1 Assignment 7 6 of 6
Reading Comprehension
Remedial reading and comprehension

13 Below is Bianca’s email to her friend who is coming to Hong Kong, but there are some
mistakes in it. Use the information in the text to help you correct them by writing the correct word
above each underlined mistake.

Hi Pat

I have some ideas for your 2-day visit. First, let’s go to Mai Po Nature Reserve since you like

(1) food. You may be able to see the (2) white-faced spoonbills ‒ they’re there for the

(3) summer! We can go (4) sightseeing at the Ladies’ Market after that. Things are (5) expensive and

there (6) isn’t street food to try. On the second day, we could take the Star Ferry to enjoy the

(7) sunrise as we cross the harbour. See you soon!


14 Which of the suggested places and activities do you think Bianca’s friend would enjoy the most?
Explain your answer with information given in the text.

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