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The 24-Hour Activity Cycle: A New Paradigm

for Physical Activity
Stanford Center on Longevity, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 2Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity,
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA; 3School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, Arizona State
University, Phoenix, AZ; 4National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; 5Behavioral Sleep
Medicine Clinic, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; 6Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL; and 7Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

HASKELL. The 24-Hour Activity Cycle: A New Paradigm for Physical Activity. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 454–464,
2019. The physiologic mechanisms by which the four activities of sleep, sedentary behavior, light-intensity physical activity, and
moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) affect health are related, but these relationships have not been well explored in adults.
Research studies have commonly evaluated how time spent in one activity affects health. Because one can only increase time in one
activity by decreasing time in another, such studies cannot determine the extent that a health benefit is due to one activity versus due to
reallocating time among the other activities. For example, interventions to improve sleep possibly also increase time spent in MVPA. If so, the
overall effect of such interventions on risk of premature mortality is due to both more MVPA and better sleep. Further, the potential for
interaction between activities to affect health outcomes is largely unexplored. For example, is there a threshold of MVPA minutes per day,
above which adverse health effects of sedentary behavior are eliminated? This article considers the 24-h Activity Cycle (24-HAC) model as a
paradigm for exploring inter-relatedness of health effects of the four activities. It discusses how to measure time spent in each of the four
activities, as well as the analytical and statistical challenges in analyzing data based on the model, including the inevitable challenge of
confounding among activities. The potential usefulness of this model is described by reviewing selected research findings that aided in the
creation of the model and discussing future applications of the 24-HAC model. Key Words: SEDENTARY BEHAVIOR, SLEEP,

uring the past decade, evidence has continued to (LIPA), so only general recommendations are possible to
accumulate that a person_s behaviors during both guide time spent in these behaviors (3). In this article, we refer
sleep and awake time have important consequences to these four categories of behavior as ‘‘activities.’’ In this
for health and quality of life. Robust evidence on the health context, ‘‘activity’’ is a term referring to any behavior that
benefits of optimal patterns of sleep and moderate-to-vigorous consumes time during the day (as used in time-use surveys),
physical activity (MVPA) has led to specific, time-based as opposed to a physically active endeavor (4).
public health guidelines for both of these activities in adults Current public health recommendations in adults deal sepa-
(1,2). Less evidence is available about optimal patterns of rately with sleep, sedentary behavior, LIPA, and MVPA over a
sedentary behavior and light-intensity physical activity 24-h sleep and wake cycle. This reflects that fact that much of
the data published to date deals with the relationship of specific
health outcomes to time spent in only one activity during a daily
Address for correspondence: Mary Rosenberger, Ph.D., Stanford Center on
Longevity, Littlefield Center, 365 Lasuen St, Stanford, CA 94305; E-mail: 24-h cycle. Studies generally have not considered the potential interrelationships of activities with each other. However, some
Submitted for publication August 2018. evidence suggests that time spent in each activity can modify
Accepted for publication October 2018. the health-related influence of time spent in any of the other
0195-9131/19/5103-0454/0 activities. For example, increasing time spent in MVPA sig-
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ nificantly reduces the negative cardiometabolic health conse-
Copyright Ó 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine quences of sedentary behavior (5). In youth, it seems as though
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001811 the relationships between MVPA and sedentary behavior


Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
might have a different effect on health compared to the same Introducing Component Activities of the 24-HAC
relationship in adults (6). Several comprehensive 24-h guide- and Related Public Health Guidelines
lines for youth and early childhood have been published in
The four basic activities of the 24-HAC model are sleep,
recent years (7,8).
sedentary behavior, LIPA, and MVPA. Although this article
The development of device-based measurement tools and
does not subdivide these activities, as seen in Table 1, LIPA
the need for more comprehensive behavior recommendations
have spurred the creation of a new paradigm of daily activities may be divided into very light and light activities, and MVPA
connected through time and physiology in a 24-h cycle (9). divided into moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity activ-
This new paradigm—the 24-h Activity Cycle (24-HAC) ities. Thus, the 24-HAC is a comprehensive model of daily
model—is intended to help characterize an optimal 24-h pattern activity. Other health-related behaviors also occur within the
of physical activity for health and quality of life and aid in 24 h (e.g., diet, smoking). However, the 24-HAC focuses on
creating future public health (or individualized) recommenda- activities that are physical behaviors, primarily time-based, and
tions. Because of the volume and novelty of research in this area can be assessed with wearable technologies, as seen in Figure 1.
in adults, this review will focus on this age group. Although Definitions for these activities and the evidence of health
the youth are not the focus of this review. it is important to risks or benefits are included in Table 1. Evidence is lim-
acknowledge the application of 24-h cycle research to youth ited, however, on the ideal daily balance of each of these
and youth guidelines (10). The discussion that follows defines health-promoting activities to maintain optimal disease preven-
the 24-HAC, reviews the relationship of each activity in the tion, weight maintenance, and physical function and perfor-
cycle to disease prevention, outlines recent findings with be- mance. The 24-HAC is intended to create new opportunities
havioral synergies, and describes innovations from inves- to better examine daily activities, their interrelationships,
tigators who are already examining activity on a 24-h scale. and how they may synergistically contribute to optimal health
This article also discusses measurement of the activities of and well-being.
the 24-HAC and the analytical and statistical challenges in
analyzing data based upon the model. The potential usefulness
of this model is described by reviewing selected research
findings that aided in the creation of the model and discussing Human sleep is a naturally recurring and easily reversible
future applications of the 24-HAC model. This article reviews state that is characterized by reduced or absent consciousness,
the most recent evidence on sleep, sedentary behavior, phys- perceptual disengagement, immobility, and the adoption of a
ical activity, and health in the context of the 24-HAC, with a characteristic sleeping posture. Regulation of the sleep–wake
focus on measurement and health promotion challenges and system includes homeostatic and circadian components (15)
opportunities. In addition, consideration has been given to and is modified by physiologic (16) and environmental fac-

bring together studies representing a complete interdisciplin- tors (17). The sleep–wake regulatory system is comprised of
ary research cycle based on available tools. two independent systems (sleep and wake) that originate in
the midbrain and project throughout the brain and body. Re-
views of this neurobiological system are described elsewhere
(16) but, in summary, sleep is regulated by a set of sleep–
In April 2016, the Stanford Center on Longevity hosted a wake switches that are at least partially controlled by the
workshop entitled ‘‘Wearable Devices & the 24-h Activity neurotransmitter orexin (18). The circadian system is com-
Cycle: A Framework for Developing Daily Activity Recom- prised of a central clock as well as many peripheral clocks
mendations,’’ which convened researchers and industry leaders that work to maintain regular rhythms (19). A model of sleep
to examine a new hypothesis, namely, that health recommen- regulation that combines the sleep–wake and circadian pro-
dations would be more effective if they could include all cesses has been proposed by Borbely (20).
established health-related activities (sleep, sedentary behavior, Sleep physiology affects health through total sleep time and
LIPA, and MVPA) experienced in a daily cycle. This was a shift sleep quality (Table 2). Insufficient sleep is related to weight
in paradigm from traditional activity recommendations, which gain and obesity (21), cardiometabolic disease (22), mor-
have been created separately by individual research fields (11). tality (23), and other negative health outcomes (17). About
The Stanford workshop stimulated a symposium at the one third of the US population reports averaging G7 h of
2017 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting sleep per day, below the recommended amount of Q7 hIdj1
entitled ‘‘Wake up! Optimizing Physical Activity, Sedentary (1,24). Insufficient sleep also is related to deficits in cog-
Behavior, and Sleep for Better Health.’’ The symposium nitive function, which can impair physical function (12). In
presented the 24-HAC and the science supporting its de- addition, poor sleep quality (defined in Table 2) is preva-
velopment. In collaboration, Stanford conference organizers lent in the population and contributes to the sleep–health
and American College of Sports Medicine symposium relationship (17). Lastly, sleep exists in a social-ecological
speakers have refined the 24-HAC model, collated literature context, such that a number of factors are known to be as-
relevant to the various aspects of the 24-HAC and presented sociated with the increased likelihood of insufficient or
it in the form of this brief review. poor-quality sleep (17).

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Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Definitions, MET levels, and evidence for the association with health outcomes for activities of the 24-HAC.
Activity Definition METs Health Outcomes
Sleep A naturally recurring and easily reversible state that is characterized by ~0.9 Strong or moderate evidence for higher risk of:
reduced or absent consciousness, perceptual disengagement, immobility,  Weight gain and obesity
and the adoption of a characteristic sleeping posture  Diabetes
 Heart disease and stroke
 Death (1)
Sedentary behavior
Sedentary behavior Any waking behavior characterized by an energy expenditure e1.5 metabolic e1.5 Strong or moderate evidence for higher risk of:
equivalents (METs), while in a sitting, reclining, or lying posture (3).  Early death
Sitting A position in which one’s weight is supported by one’s buttocks rather than  CVD and CVD mortality
one’s feet, and in which one’s back is upright (3).  Type 2 diabetes
Passive sitting Any waking activity in a sitting posture characterized by an energy  Colon, endometrium, lung, cancers (12)
expenditure e1.5 METs (3).
Reclining A body position between sitting and lying (3).
Lying Being in a horizontal position on a supporting surface (3).
Very light intensity Any voluntary movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in 1.5 to e2.0  Compared to sedentary behavior, lower risk
energy expenditure (4). of early death (13)
Active sitting Any waking activity in a sitting posture characterized by an energy
expenditure 91.5 METs (3).
Standing A position in which one has or is maintaining an upright position while
supported by one’s feet (3).
Passive standing Any waking activity in a standing posture characterized by an energy
expenditure e2.0 METs, while standing without ambulation, whether
supported or unsupported (3).
Light intensity Any voluntary movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in 1.5 to G3.0
energy expenditure (4).
Active standing Any waking activity in a standing posture characterized by an energy
expenditure 92.0 METs, while standing without ambulation, whether
supported or unsupported (3).
Moderate intensity Any voluntary movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in 3.0 to 5.9 Strong or moderate evidence for lower risk of:
energy expenditure (4).  Early death
On an absolute scale, physical activity that is done at 3.0 to 5.9 times the  CVD and CVD mortality
intensity of rest (14).  High blood pressure
On a scale relative to an individual’s personal capacity, moderate-intensity  Adverse blood lipid profile
physical activity is usually a 5 or 6 on a scale of 0 to 10 (14).  Type 2 diabetes
Vigorous intensity Any voluntary movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in Q6.0  Metabolic syndrome
energy expenditure (4).  Bladder, breast, colon, endometrium,

On an absolute scale, physical activity that is done at 6.0 or more esophagus, kidney, lung, stomach cancers
times the intensity of rest (14).  Weight loss (when combined with
On a scale relative to an individual’s personal capacity, vigorous-intensity reduced calorie intake)
physical activity is usually a 7 or 8 on a scale of 0 to 10 (14).  Prevention of weight regain
 Weight gain
 Dementia (including Alzheimer’s)
Strong evidence for:
 Improved cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness
 Improved cognition
 Improved quality of life
 Improved sleep
 Reduced anxiety
 Reduced depression
 Reduced risk of falls and fall-related
injuries (older adults) (12,14).
CVD, cardiovascular disease.

Sedentary Behavior time show adults participating in less sedentary time (6 hIdj1
compared with 10 hIdj1) have lower risks of mortality (29).
Sedentary behavior (Table 1) is related to health outcomes
Investigators have examined whether participation in MVPA
independently of MVPA (13,25,26) and has an unknown
relationship with sleep. Several studies show time recalled in can eliminate the health risks of sedentary behavior, and the
sedentary behaviors, such as sitting and TV viewing, increase answer may be yes, though very large amounts of MVPA (e.g.,
the risk for all-cause mortality. A meta-analysis of six pro- greatly exceeding guidelines) may be needed, and only in
spective studies showed higher amounts of daily total sitting highly sedentary individuals. Limited evidence exists on the
time was associated with greater risk of all-cause mortality (27) physiologic mechanisms of sedentary behaviors (30), but two
and a meta-analysis of 10 prospective studies showed prolonged reviews (5,27) show the risks of sitting on mortality are atten-
TV viewing time might increase the risk of all-cause mortality uated when participants are physically active. A meta-analysis
(28). Similarly, studies using accelerometers to estimate sedentary of high levels of sitting (98 hIdj1) indicates that risks are

456 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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about a 20% lower risk of mortality, with most of the risk
reduction coming from the groups who are not participating
in large amounts of MVPA (29). A prospective study of older
adults showed, through self-report, that replacing sedentary
time with light-intensity activities such as household chores,
gardening, and walking were associated with longevity (32).
Finally, a study of a representative sample of Swedish adults
showed that replacing sedentary time with accelerometer-
measured LIPA was associated with decreased mortality (33).
Hundreds of studies have confirmed the relationship be-
tween MVPA and health and have linked MVPA to im-
provements in a wide range of conditions, including heart
disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes (13,34). In recent years,
this research has expanded to include strong associations
with brain health, including reduction in dementia and
FIGURE 1—Defining the activities (blue) and the research purposes Alzheimer_s disease, as well as improvements in mood dis-
(orange) for creating a 24-HAC model for research. orders like depression. Newer analyses have shown that
MVPA is associated with reductions in the rate of 13 dif-
attenuated when people engage in weekly moderate-intensity ferent cancers (35).
activity of 60 to 75 minIdj1 (5). However, sleep and LIPA
were not considered in finding this balance. Results from Public Health Guidelines for Sleep and
these studies may provide a starting point from which to Physical Activity
consider developing public health guidance for sedentary
behavior that take MVPA into account. Guidelines exist for healthy sleep targets for adults. The
American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research
Society jointly recommend at least 7 hIdj1 of sleep for
LIPA and Moderate-to-Vigorous Intensity
healthy adults (1). National guidelines do not exist for sleep
Physical Activity
quality, but considering known risk factors for sleep disor-
Light-intensity physical activity is relatively undefined ders, healthy sleep should consist of a sleep latency that is
and usually considered as ‘‘other’’ movement not described not too long (typically fewer than 30 min), fewer than four
as sleep, sedentary behavior, or MVPA. Housework, shop- awakenings during the night, and sleep that feels restorative
ping, cooking, easy gardening, and standing around are ex- without leading to sleepiness during the day (36).

amples of activities usually categorized as light intensity. The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Participation in LIPA makes up much of individuals_ daily provides recommendations for the amount and intensity of
activity profiles (31). physical activity needed to obtain substantial health benefits
Several prospective cohort studies show participation in (2). For adult aerobic activity, the guidelines recommend a
LIPA is associated with improved survival or decreased weekly dose of at least 150 min of moderate-intensity phys-
mortality. An accelerometer-based study from the National ical activity, 75 min of vigorous-intensity physical activity,
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003 to 2006 or an equivalent combination. The evidence supporting the
showed that adults participating in 5 or more hIdj1 of LIPA, Guidelines is taken largely from studies in which participants
compared with those participating in less than 3 hIdj1, had recalled their patterns of MVPA. At the time of the 2008
TABLE 2. Terms and descriptions of variables used to measure sleep.
Term Description
Sleep period The time of day typically reserved for sleep. This is usually characterized by a typical bedtime and wake time.
Sleep (onset) latency Length of time between going to bed and falling asleep.
Sleep duration or TST The total amount of time that a person is asleep. Currently, this is the main measure used in sleep epidemiology and sleep guidelines.
Sleep deprivation An acute reduction in sleep duration from baseline. This typically refers to an experimental manipulation, whereas ‘ sleep loss’’ more commonly
refers to real-world reductions in sleep duration. ‘ Total sleep deprivation’’ refers to a complete loss of sleep for a given sleep period. ‘ Partial sleep
deprivation’’ or ‘ sleep restriction’’ refers to when sleep duration is curtailed but not completely eliminated.
WASO Amount of time spent awake after sleep onset and before the final awakening, usually in the morning.
Sleep continuity Quantification of the timeline of sleep, including time into bed, sleep latency, number of awakenings during the night,
WASO, time awake in the morning, and time out of bed. These values can be used to compute sleep duration and sleep efficiency.
Sleep efficiency Percentage of time of actual sleep in a sleep period.
100  (TST/(sleep latency + TST + WASO)
Sleepiness The likelihood that an individual will experience difficulty maintaining wakefulness when sleep is not appropriate (e.g., during the day). This is also
referred to as ‘ sleep propensity’’ and is differentiated from ‘ tiredness’’ and ‘ fatigue’’ in that it is defined by a likelihood of falling asleep, irrespective
of subjective feelings of energy level.
Sleep quality A nonspecific term that describes how ‘ good’’ or ‘ poor’’ an experience of sleep was. This can be reflected in impaired sleep continuity or sleep
architecture, or daytime dysfunction, such as not feeling refreshed in the morning or experiencing daytime sleepiness.
WASO, wake time after sleep onset; TST, total sleep time.

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guidelines, evidence for recommendations dealing with sed- categories that are mutually exclusive. The model depends on
entary behavior and light-intensity activity was insufficient. the ability to accurately measure the daily human activity
In the decade since the publication of the 2008 guidelines, a cycle for days at a time. Historically, the main source of in-
substantial amount of research has been published, and the formation on how people in free-living environments spent
2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Sci- their time has been self-report and this tool was unable to
entific Report (13) reflects these new findings, including sci- achieve the level of detail in data collection necessary to
entific evidence on physical activity and sleep, sedentary support a 24-h model of activity. This has changed with
behavior, and LIPA. The Committee_s report is being used as widespread use of device-based measures (i.e., wearables).
the basis for the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, Data collected from wearable sensors, particularly from ac-
second edition. celerometers and heart rate sensors, provide useful informa-
tion for documenting time spent in each of the 24-HAC
Introducing the 24-HAC activities. In practice though, measuring the 24-HAC is chal-
The 24-HAC uses a holistic approach to integrate the four lenging because individuals are unable to accurately self-monitor
health-related activities described above (i.e., sleep, sedentary both sedentary time and MVPA with the same consumer
behavior, LIPA, and MVPA) into a paradigm that compre- wearable because of limitations built into the devices (40) and
hensively describes the activities of daily life for optimum investigators are unable to comprehensively assess the com-
health (11) (Fig. 1). The 24-HAC is dynamic. Changes in plete 24-HAC with available research-grade wearables (41,42).
time spent in one activity will influence time spent in at least Suggestions of additional needs are listed in Figure 2.
one other activity. For example, reductions in sedentary be- The rapidity with which wearable technologies are devel-
havior (e.g., watching TV), may lead to increases in LIPA oping is exciting although it presents an additional challenge
(e.g., taking a walk) and/or extensions in sleep duration (e.g., for measuring the 24-HAC. The speed of technology devel-
going to bed earlier). The model also assumes interrelation- opment in wearable devices and the algorithms and software
ships among the activities. For example, participation in to support the devices is developing so rapidly that much of
MVPA may promote better sleep (37), which may in turn the validation research by scientists is outdated by the time
lead to better alertness during the day and more activity (11). the publishing cycle has been completed. In the future,
Several studies demonstrate these relationships. For example, physical activity epidemiology research as it pertains to the
in a 16-wk study in which participants logged daily activities, 24-HAC may be largely influenced by the ability to accu-
temporal associations were observed between physical ac- rately measure the activities that make up the 24-HAC (10);
tivity and improved sleep quality during the following night therefore, a discussion of measurement challenges for each
(38). In another study, greater sleep efficiency among older of the 24-HAC activities follows.
women was associated with increased activity counts and Sleep measurement. The most accepted measure of
sleep is polysomnography, a combination of electroencepha-

MVPA the following day (39).

A key goal for the 24-HAC model is to provide an inte- lography, electromyography, electrooculography, electro-
grated paradigm for unifying current time- and quality-based cardiography, oximetry, and measures of respiration (43).
recommendations for sleep and MVPA with emerging evi- Polysomnography assesses sleep at the level of cortical ac-
dence around sedentary behavior and LIPA. tivity and can be used to discern brainwave-defined ‘‘sleep
stages.’’ Although polysomnography is an indirect measure of
Challenges and Considerations in Using the 24-HAC sleep, it is considered the gold standard even with its important
in Practice and Research limitations. Most notably, it is typically expensive and burden-
The 24-HAC model combines sleep, sedentary behavior, some, and is usually conducted in a laboratory setting. Because
LIPA and MVPA into a new, comprehensive paradigm for of this, polysomnography can interfere with sleep and because it
describing the complex patterns of daily activities. Com- is rarely recorded over several nights, is not well suited to reflect
bining these activity types requires applying research habitual sleep behavior (44). Therefore, measurement outside of
methods and behavioral approaches from a variety of sources the laboratory is conducted using wearable devices, which esti-
to understand their independent yet interdependent associa- mate sleep time through actigraphy, using movement-detection
tions. The following sections discuss five areas that illustrate apparatus to assess patterns of mobility and immobility to
the challenges and considerations of using the 24-HAC: 1) estimate sleep and wake time. Although other measurement
measuring the 24-HAC; 2) analytic methods applied to the paradigms exist for habitual sleep, movement is still the
24-HAC; 3) associations between activities in the 24-HAC; most well characterized and most frequently used.
4) a combined approach to improve the 24-HAC activities Actigraphy was developed as an alternative to polysom-
through behavioral interventions; and 5) an example of how nography and is often validated with polysomnography. Using
research could be enhanced with the 24-HAC approach. research-grade wearable devices with algorithms developed by
sleep researchers, high rates of agreement (about 85% to 90%,
Measuring Activities of the 24-HAC
in diverse samples) are observed between wearable devices and
The strength of the 24-HAC measurement model is its polysomnography (45). Commercial wearables for behavioral
ability to classify and link activities into health-related monitoring have typically not shown the same agreement with

458 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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FIGURE 2—Example research needs and directions for the 24-HAC Model.

polysomnography (41). Caution therefore should be taken with Other sophisticated methods have been proposed for mea-
these approaches. Guidelines for the conduct of actigraphy suring LIPA (51), but devices used in research studies often
have been recently published by the Society of Behavioral do not measure posture, making the classification of seden-
Sleep Medicine (44). Given that actigraphy is the primary tary behavior versus LIPA prone to classification error
measurement tool for sleep research in the field and is also (41,47). Additionally, many consumer device manufacturers
used to measure the other 24-HAC activities, combining these combine all activity into their movement score, making it

measurements into a 24-h model may be achievable. difficult to distinguish between LIPA and MVPA (51,52).
Sedentary behavior measurement. Sedentary be- To accurately measure LIPA in the 24-HAC, efforts will be
havior measurement should be consistent with the definition needed to standardize the hardware, software, and algo-
of sedentary behavior provided in Table 1, as the definition rithms of device-based measures.
includes both a sitting or lying posture and low levels of MVPA measurement. Device-based measurement of
energy expenditure (46). However, most studies of seden- MVPA is associated with several health outcomes (13,53).
tary behavior rely on devices placed in body locations where Many consumer wearable devices (e.g., Fitbit, Apple Watch)
they measure body movement, but not posture (e.g., a hip focus on quantifying MVPA. Algorithms for wearable devices
accelerometer) (47). Despite less than optimal measurement, from accelerometry and heart rate have been validated on
strong associations between sedentary time and health out- numerous devices since the 1990s (54). A simple model for
comes are observed (13,27) To date, two validated devices consumers using wearable devices is to measure MVPA and
accurately measure body posture, but neither have been used use those numbers to create a goal for meeting physical ac-
in a large epidemiological study (48,49). Obtaining accurate tivity guidelines (e.g., the rings on the Apple watch).
24-HAC measurement for posture, and therefore true sed- Despite the extensive validation, the substantial health
entary behavior, from most wearables remains a challenge. outcome-related research, and translation to research and
The promise of the 24-HAC is that as other activities, such consumer applications, a number of challenges remain in
as LIPA, are measured more accurately with devices, the measuring MVPA in the 24-HAC model. First, the measure-
associated algorithms will be able to more accurately isolate ment of MVPA lacks consistency and precision. Although
sedentary time as defined in Table 1. research devices usually try to build algorithms and scoring
LIPA measurement. Time spent in LIPA is challeng- around the accepted 3 MET value as the threshold for mod-
ing to measure by self-report, and few consumer wearables erate-intensity physical activity, device-based metrics of this
measure or report LIPA (31,50). LIPA can be measured with intensity level vary across devices and consumer devices may
accelerometry, with LIPA defined as above the threshold for use a proprietary metric (e.g., Nike Fuel). Other challenges
sedentary behavior and below the threshold for MVPA. with MVPA measurement include body placement (48) and

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difficulties with specific activities such as cycling and swim- A second analytic method being applied to 24-HAC research
ming (55) whose movement patterns do not reflect their in- is compositional analysis. This method is derived from research
tensity. Additionally, validation of these devices outside of the based on topics such as geology and the composition of drugs
laboratory is challenging because of a lack of gold-standard and is used to determine an optimal contribution from each
comparison (41,42). ingredient (59,60). For the 24-HAC, the ‘‘ingredients’’ are ac-
As the interest in activities across the 24-h grow, and if a tivities, and the health outcome is disease prevention. Several
unified 24-HAC becomes recognized, it will be important to studies have used this approach (60,61), and Canadian 24-h
consider validity of a combination of device-based and self- Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (7) were created
reported methods for understanding the full composition of using this type of analysis (62). A difference between
activities (both context and actual activities performed). The isotemporal substitution models and compositional analysis is
level of validity will vary by the application and type of re- the assumption about how the covariates and outcomes are
search question; however, it should be noted that current con- related: isotemporal substitution assumes linear relationships,
ceptions of most devices and self-report tools do not consider the whereas compositional analysis assumes nonlinear relation-
integrated nature of these behaviors, and steps will be required to ships and transforms the covariates into composite variables of
fully leverage their capabilities within this new 24-HAC context. a whole. Both rely on traditional forms of regression analyses.
Given that 24-HAC research is still relatively new and
Applying Optimal Analytic Methods for the 24-HAC
unexplored, other approaches to 24-HAC data analyses, such
The challenges inherent in balancing different time-based as machine learning and functional data analysis, are expected
components and their relationships to health mean that new to emerge in the coming years.
analytic methods for physical activity epidemiology research
Understanding the Interrelationships among Sleep,
need to be developed to make full use of the 24-HAC. Tra-
Sedentary Behavior, LIPA, and MVPA
ditional regression techniques are inadequate because the
components of the 24-HAC add up to the 24 hIdj1, so the The relationship between sleep and MVPA is well
durations of the components are fully interdependent. In re- established. Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity is associ-
sponse to the increasing availability of 24-h data and interest ated with greater ease in falling asleep, greater depth of sleep,
in examining the components together, methods from other greater morning alertness, and better perceived sleep quality
fields of research have been applied to data from the 24-HAC. (37). Laboratory studies and randomized trials of exercise
Isotemporal substitution modeling, used to model the show modest but consistent improvements in sleep. These
substitution of food components, such as macronutrient or effects are observed for total sleep time, slow wave sleep,
food groups while holding total energy intake constant (56), sleep onset latency, and overall sleep quality, with the greatest
is a promising method. For physical activity, this method uses benefits among those with poorer baseline sleep quality and

linear regression to estimate the effect of substituting one type older adults (63). Additional relationships, such as how LIPA
of activity with the same time amount of another activity type. affects health outcomes separately from MVPA or sedentary
The estimates are obtained by comparing models with all ac- behavior, are largely unexplored.
tivity types included to those with one activity type removed. Surprisingly little research has explored whether sedentary
Mekary et al. (57) applied the isotemporal substitution ap- behavior is linked to sleep quality independent of MVPA. In the
proach to physical activity data from the Nurses Health American Time Use Survey, common sedentary pursuits (i.e.,
Study. The approach also has been applied to numerous other work commute time, TV viewing) were associated with short-
data sets using both reported, as well as device-based mea- ened sleep duration (64). In youth, video gaming and computer
sures of activities (29). In addition, isotemporal substitution use have been linked to shortened sleep duration (65). Delayed
models have examined the effects of substituting unhealthy sleep timing also appears to be associated with more self-
behavior (such as sedentary time) with healthier alternatives reported minutes of sedentary time and lower levels of free-
(sleep or physical activity) during the 24-h cycle (9). living physical activity (66,67). Individuals with delayed sleep
Most studies using the isotemporal substitution technique timing patterns report less routinized exercise patterns and more
are limited by accurate measurement of some but not all of difficulty making time for exercise. Excess sitting time (partic-
the 24-HAC activities. In addition, research often only captures ularly TV viewing) is associated with poor sleep quality and
behaviors of primary interest (e.g., physical activity researchers obstructive sleep apnea risk (68).
capture waking hours, sleep researchers capture sleeping hours).
Using the 24-HAC in Health
To address these limitations, 24-h accelerometer-based protocols
Promotion Interventions
are emerging, particularly with wrist-worn protocols (58), and
these devices show promise for improving inclusive mea- The 24-HAC has significant potential for use in health
surement across the 24 h as well as participant compliance. promotion interventions, although continued work is needed
However, it is rare and challenging for researchers to apply to identify the best strategies to apply it in these approaches.
methods and algorithms that can accurately quantify sleep, To accomplish this, innovative research designs will be nec-
sedentary, and more active behaviors within a continuous re- essary to parse out the unique and joint effects of changes in
cording of accelerometer data, as described above. behavioral activities across the 24 h (69). For example,

460 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

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effective strategies to optimize changes in multiple behavioral role of physical activity in fall prevention in older adults
activities are needed, such as perhaps identifying key motivating through at least four pathways (Fig. 3). Strong evidence dem-
behavioral activities among the 24-HAC. Sequential, multiple onstrates that fall prevention exercise programs substantially
assignment randomized trials can be conducted to clarify when reduce risk of falls and fall injuries in older adults (13). The
and for whom intervention strategies that target sleep, sedentary traditional framework of fall prevention emphasizes the bene-
time, LIPA, or MVPA may be most influential and effective. ficial physiologic effects of exercise on fall risk factors—in
Because the 24-HAC entails complex behaviors that are particular exercise effects on muscle weakness and impaired
influenced by diverse factors, effective interventions will need balance (pathway 1 in Fig. 3). The 24-HAC model posits that
to reflect a solid understanding of the multilevel individual, physical activity categories are inter-related, as shown in the
social, and environmental determinants that operate across the dashed box in Figure 3, and thereby emphasizes the possibility
24 h. For example, experimental evidence suggests neigh- of additional mechanisms. The separate arrows in the figure
borhood characteristics may contribute to obesity and diabetes support the plausibility of these mechanisms.
(70). The social (e.g., social connectivity, proximity to others) Pathway 2 occurs if the increased activity from partici-
and built (e.g., crime, street connectivity) environments are pation in fall prevention exercise programs also causes a
key predictors of physical activity (70). Taken together, these shift in time spent in sedentary behavior outside of exercise.
results suggest that the environment (both social and physical National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey acceler-
features) plays a role in health across the 24 h. For sleep, this ometer data show sufficiently active older adults engage in
includes the microenvironment (i.e., bedroom), where estab- less sedentary behavior (73), and a meta-analysis reported
lished sleep hygiene recommendations exist for optimal sleep higher fall risk in more sedentary older adults (74).
conditions. However, macroenvironmental features beyond Pathway 3 occurs if the increased activity of fall preven-
the bedroom, such as ambient noise and temperature, actual tion exercise improves sleep quality. A randomized trial il-
and perceived crime, and social capital, also should be lustrates research on the beneficial effects of exercise on
accounted for. Validated scales and objective measures of sleep quality (75), and fewer sleep problems are associated
these metrics within the sleep context have not been fully with fewer falls in older adults (76).
developed. Furthermore, only a few studies have described Pathway 4 occurs if fall prevention exercise reduces poly-
favorable environments to reduce sedentary behavior, such as pharmacy and use of sedative drugs, as it is well documented
the use of height-adjustable desks in the workplace (71) and that polypharmacy and sedatives are associated with fall risk in
TV and electronics restrictions in the home (72). Collectively, older adults (14). Evidence exists that higher amounts of
a broader contextual view of health behaviors that accounts physical activity are associated with lower rates of poly-
for their interrelationships and dependence on environmental pharmacy (77), and higher sleep quality should decrease use of
factors is needed to harness the interplay of the behaviors sedative drugs, as these drugs are commonly prescribed to

across the 24 h and inform health promotion interventions. improve sleep quality (78). Figure 3 also shows why it is po-
tentially important to study and understand pathways 2, 3, and
4. Fall prevention exercise programs historically have empha-
Using the 24-HAC in Research
sized strength training and balance training (14). To the extent
The 24-HAC has great potential to inform research. This that MVPA activates pathways 2, 3, and 4, research could lead
potential is illustrated by an example of its use in research on the to more emphasis on MVPA in fall prevention.

FIGURE 3—Possible mechanisms by which fall prevention exercise programs reduce risk of falls, based upon the 24-HAC paradigm. Activities of the
paradigm are within the dashed box and possible mechanisms of fall prevention are labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4. Pathway 1 represents the traditional
framework that physiologic effects of exercise modify fall risk factors, for example, balance training improves balance. Modeling fall prevention with
the 24-HAC paradigm creates the possibility of pathways 2, 3, and 4. These pathways derive from the inter-relatedness of activity categories, with the
model proposing that fall prevention exercise program could also reduce falls by pathways involving less sedentary behavior (during nonexercise time)
and improved sleep quality. See text for discussion of evidence that pathways 2, 3, and 4 are plausible.

REVIEW OF DAILY ACTIVITIES AND HEALTH Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 461

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Potential limitations of the 24-HAC. The application Finally, assuming that accurate measurement of the 24-HAC
of the 24-HAC model to future public health guidelines may is close at hand, the true utility of the 24-HAC can be realized.
have limitations. The 24-HAC model brings together several Using assessment of the 24-HAC in epidemiology research
scientific disciplines in different stages of development. For can lead to more specific recommendations, which in turn will
example, sedentary physiology is a less well-established disci- inform interventions (10). In the future, these recommenda-
pline than is physical activity research. To advance the 24-HAC, tions and interventions could also be personalized based on
it will be important to continue to advance the science on the specific activity level of the individual. This is the true
sedentary and LIPA. In addition, the 24-HAC model because value in creating a new paradigm for activity, sedentary be-
it combines different constructs (as compared with guidelines havior and sleep research.
such as for physical activity or sleep) may be challenging to
communicate clear recommendations. In the future, commu-
nications experts and researchers should consider working CONCLUSIONS
together to develop strategies to communicate the 24-HAC The 24-HAC model is proposed as a paradigm for research,
model to a variety of audiences to include policy makers and intervention, and public health recommendations. The 24-
health professionals. HAC model provides a paradigm for extending research into
Next steps for research with the 24-HAC. Device- how time should be divided among its four component ac-
based measures (i.e., wearable devices), improved data col- tivities so as to improve health. Thus, the model has the po-
lection methods, increased data access, novel applied analytical tential to extend public health guidance, beyond separate
techniques, and additional intervention approaches are forming MVPA and sleep guidelines, to integrated guidance for sleep,
a unique research environment for examining the relationships sedentary behavior, LIPA, and MVPA. However, Figure 1
between activity and health. In the previous sections we illustrates a research feedback loop that can be imagined with
discussed several issues in the use of wearable devices relevant the 24-HAC. Future iterations of the 24-HAC could include
to assess the activities of the 24-HAC model. Below are com- metrics that occur as part of a daily cycle and affect disease
ments on the general issue of assessing intensity are relevant outcomes in a population. Examples of these disciplines
broadly to all research with wearable devices. might include nutrition, circadian rhythms, timing of food
First, accurate measurement of the 24-HAC components is intake and activity, alertness, stress, fatigue, and a range of
still elusive despite the promise of combining motion and other related state indicators. The 24-HAC may improve the
heart rate measurement in one wrist-worn device. The tradi- understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms underlying
tional threshold analysis of accelerometer data has challenges. the role of sleep, sedentary, and active behaviors and their
The health benefits of physical activity are likely to follow a combined role in the disease process. This model represents a
more continuous pattern; therefore, intensity effects might be new paradigm, but it is rooted in science developed in separate

better modeled as a continuous function. The same is true for academic disciplines. After initially optimizing the 24-HAC
duration. Research on how to best model health effects from for health outcomes, one could imagine a roadmap to better
activity intensity and duration is a priority for future studies in health that could be specific to populations, and even poten-
the 24-HAC. tially to individuals. The promise of the 24-HAC model lies in
From a measurement perspective, the number of large da- an interdisciplinary approach to sleep, sedentary behavior, and
tabases being created using accelerometers worn for the full physical activity research for optimal health in a way that
24 hIdj1 is increasing, and with wrist measurement, compli- directly addresses people_s daily activity patterns. In the
ance is improved. However, this promising development for future, the 24-HAC may be used to educate audiences, in-
24-HAC research cannot yet be realized because of a few key cluding researchers, policymakers, and health professionals;
issues in processing large datasets with 24-h wear. For ex- inform public health guidelines on how people can best
ample, the timing of some activities is difficult to determine distribute their activity across the 24-h cycle for optimal
because of the similar signals that are associated with inactivity health and quality of life, and develop strategies to help in-
(sleep, sedentary behavior, and nonwear). Including accurate dividuals achieve this balance.
heart rate measurement in these large studies will go a long
way to address the deficits in analytics with an accelerometer The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. John
alone. In addition, improvement in the output from the sen- Staudenmeyer for his oral presentation at the International Confer-
sors to identify sedentary behaviors (based on posture) as ence on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement in
Bethesda, MD, 2017. Additionally, the authors also thank Dr. Charles
compared to quiet but active behaviors is a key to improving Matthews for his effort in organizing the 2017 ACSM symposium.
24-HAC research. Lastly, the creation of methods to assess M. A. G. is supported by a grant from the National Institute on Minority
health-related activities with all types of sensors, whether they Health and Health Disparities (R01MD011600) and the Department of
Defense (W81XWH-17-0088). The results of this review are presented
were built for commercial use (and therefore ease data clearly, honestly and without fabrication, falsification or inappropri-
collection issues), or research use (which may be more of a ate data manipulation. This review does not constitute endorsement
burden to participants), and independent of the current by ACSM. The findings and conclusions of this report are those of
the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of
model of software and hardware will create a more open the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control
research environment. and Prevention.

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