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Activity worksheets LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Kidnapped Photocopiable
While reading 4 Underline the wrong word and put in the
Chapters 1– 4 right one.
1 Answer the questions. a David planned to go to Edinburgh to
a How old was David Balfour when he left his be a teacher in one of the schools there.
father’s house? ……………
……………………………………………… b David’s uncle’s house was very small.
b Where did David’s father want him to go? ……………
……………………………………………… c David found a letter with his father’s writing
c What was on Ebenezer’s kitchen table when in it. ……………
David arrived? d When David woke up, the back of his leg
……………………………………………… hurt. ……………
d Where did David sleep the first night? e Riach was the first officer. ……………
……………………………………………… f Hoseason hit somebody too hard.
e What was Ebenezer afraid of ? ……………
……………………………………………… g David has to go to the roundhouse to sleep.
f What did Captain Hoseason do with the ……………
kidnapped children? 5 Finish the sentences with the right words.
……………………………………………… kindly church carried stairs sea
2 Put the underlined letters in the right place to glass top
make a word. a David met Mr Campbell near a ………… .
a David’s father was lrceevre …………… than b David could see Edinburgh from the
most village teachers. ………… of a hill.
b People looked ernyglsat …………… at David c There was no ………… in the window’s of
on the road. Ebenezer’s house.
c David kdieck …………… his uncle’s door. d David’s uncle spoke very ………… to him at
d David’s father had very little enoym dinner.
…………… when he died. e David climbed up the ………… in the dark.
e Some men on the ship were ermdersur f Ransome first went to ………… when he was
…………… . nine.
f Mr Rankeillor was a ewaryl …………… . g A man ………… David up to the seaman’s
g The ship hofutg …………… its way north in room.
strong winds. Chapters 5–9
3 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? 6 Match the questions (a–h) with the answers
a Mr Campbell was sad to say goodbye (1–8).
to David. c a What did the ship hit? …..
b There were no lights in the kitchen of b Where did the man with the French coat
Ebenezer’s house. c want to go? …..
c Ebenezer and David were alone in the c What did Riach want David to do? …..
house. c d How many dead men were there inside the
d There was a fire in David’s room. c roundhouse? …..
e The ship’s boy arrived at Ebenezer’s e What did Campbell want from Alan’s family
house with a letter. c and friends? …..
f David wanted to see the inside of the f What did Alan take to France? …..
ship. c g Could David swim well? …..
g The men on the ship gave David all his
money back. c

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Kidnapped Photocopiable
h Why couldn’t David talk to the old man’s Chapters 10–14
wife? ….. 9 Put a word or words on the left with a word
1) Money. or words on the right.
2) Four. stopped strong
3) Their land and houses. fell down well
4) Because she couldn’t speak English. excited under
5) A boat. hard easy
6) To France. quickly started
7) No, he couldn’t. over sadly
8) To get the guns from the roundhouse. ill bored
7 Match a name (a–e) with a sentence (1–5). weak got up
a Mr Campbell ….. happily slowly
b Appin ….. 10 Match the questions (a–h) and answers (1–8).
c Ardshiel ….. a Why did David run up the hill? …..
d James Stewart ….. b How did David and Alan sometimes move?
e Culloden ….. …..
1) Alan’s chieftain. c Why was Alan stupid? …..
2) Alan’s town. d What did Alan and David read in the paper?
3) A friend of David’s. …..
4) Ardshiel’s brother. e Why couldn’t David and Alan use the bridge
5) The place of a big fight between the over the river? …..
English and the Scots. f How did they get across the river? …..
8 Finish the sentences with the right words. g Who did Ebenezer Balfour fall in love with?
English drink shooting language cried …..
wood rocks smoke h Which brother did the girl marry? …..
a Shuan ………… a little and then went to 1) Because he took the wrong road.
sleep. 2) A girl took them in her father’s boat.
b Alan wanted a ………… for his sixty pounds. 3) To try to catch the murderer.
c David started ………… at the men with his 4) Because there were a lot of soldiers there.
gun. 5) About the murderer of the Red Fox.
d David used some ………… to help him 6) David’s father.
swim. 7) On their stomachs.
e David was tired and found a place to sleep 8) The same girl as his brother.
between two ………… . 11 Find words in 10–14.
f He saw ………… from a house to the a Something you can hear. (p. 25) ……………
north-east. b Paper money. (p. 26) ……………
g He found an old man who didn’t speak c A part of the body. It gets fatter when we eat
………… well. a lot. (p. 29) ……………
h He asked people, but he didn’t understand the d Something we use to cross a river. (p. 31)
Highland ………… . ……………
e Something you can write in. (p. 33)
f A place in the house where you can put
things. (p. 37) ……………

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Progress test LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Kidnapped Photocopiable
1 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? i c Captain Hoseason invited David to have a
a David was from Edinburgh. c drink on the Covenant.
b Alexander was older than Ebenezer. c j c The ship crashed into some rocks.
c Ebenezer got on the ship with David. c 4 Circle the right words.
d David was ill on the ship. c a David walked from Essendean to Crammond in
e Alan Breck’s clothes were very fine. c two / ten days.
f David didn’t shoot any men during the fight b Ransome had a letter / gun when he arrived at
in the roundhouse. c Ebenezer’s house.
g The English took away Ardshiel’s land. c c There were some men / guns in the room under the
h David saw people wearing Highland clothes. c roundhouse.
i David wanted to go to Stirling to see a lawyer. c d Hoseason wanted Breck in the roundhouse because
j Four men went to the Shaws to see Ebenezer. c he couldn’t use his sword / gun in there.
2 Finish the sentences with the right names. e Alan’s father / Ebenezer gave Alan the shiny buttons.
Ebenezer Captain Hoseason Mr Riach David f Alan liked / didn’t like Mr Campbell.
Ransome Alan Breck Mr Shuan Mr Campbell g After the ship crashed, David arrived first on an
a …………… gave David a letter from his father. island with many / no houses.
b …………… opened the door of the house of the h The lawyer with the Red Fox wore black / green
Shaws. clothes.
c …………… climbed up some stairs in the dark to i The law in the Highlands was the law of the
get some papers from a box. Stewart’s / Campbell’s.
d …………… took the captain’s letter to Ebenezer. j David’s clothes were clean / dirty when he met
e …………… was worried about David on the ship. Mr Rankeillor.
f …………… hit the boy on the ship. 5 Finish the sentences with the right word.
g …………… wanted David to work in the put ate carried climbed sold shot kicked
roundhouse. moved thought planned
h …………… lived in France but needed to see a At first, David …………… to go to Edinburgh to
Scotland every year. be a student.
i …………… fell from his horse and died on the b David …………… some food when he arrived at
road in his lawyer’s arms. his uncle’s.
j …………… asked for a bottle of wine because it c David …………… a lot of stairs to find some
was a happy day. papers.
3 What happened first? Number the sentences 1–10. d Captain Hoseason …………… the kidnapped
a c Alan and David fought and killed some of the children.
seamen. e Two seamen …………… Ransome down to
b c David found a house and the family were very David’s old room.
nice to him. f David …………… one of the men in the stomach.
c c A girl helped Alan and David to cross a river. g David …………… about the clansmen’s love of
d c David now had his own house. their chieftain and understood.
e c David and Alan read about the murder of the h David put his hands on the wood and ……………
Red Fox in a newspaper. with his legs.
f c David met his uncle for the first time. i James’s wife …………… some of the papers on a
g c David swam to land. fire.
h c The Red Fox died and David met Alan again. j Mr Rankeillor …………… away from the wall and
Ebenezer saw him.

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