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Investing from

Europe Made Easy

How to build wealth and earn
passive income with minimum
stress & effort if you live in Europe

In cooperation with
This is an educational webinar. It does not
include investment recommendations.

Investing always involves the

risk of losing your money.

You remain responsible for

your investment decisions.

This webinar is not for American taxpayers.

Hi, I’m Tom Crosshill!
(Toms Kreicbergs)
Started career on Wall Street (UBS & Scotia Capital)

Co-founder of successful publicly traded

investment company INDEXO (IDX1R on Nasdaq Baltic)

Built all company investment systems

Managed 200+ million euro portfolio

Full-time investment trainer focused

on helping European investors
I grew up in
a family of
teachers in
Soviet Latvia

No one had

No one talked
about investing
Then I moved
to the US for

and got my
first job here...
At UBS on
Wall Street

It was exciting...

... and
I felt lost,
thought I wasn’t
good enough
But here's what I discovered:
investing is not as hard as people think

What people think: Reality:

like surgery like driving a car
The financial
industry says
it's hard

so you will
pay big fees
to have them
invest for you
I left Wall Street
after a few years

I moved back to
Europe, figured
out how to invest
from Europe (which
was a bit tricky)

And then...
I used what I
learned on
Wall Street
to co-found a

#1 by investment results Beating major Scandinavian

nationally since day 1 investment houses & others

Data source Based on performance of active pension plans Jul 3 2017 – Jan 31 2024. Past performance
cannot be used to predict future results. This presentation is not affiliated with INDEXO, Swedbank or SEB.
What if I taught you
the exact same
investment system

We used to deliver
results for clients

So you can use it to

invest your own money?

Investing is a long-term activity and involves risk. Even with an optimal strategy, results cannot be guaranteed.
And what if I told
you this system
only takes
3 hours per year?

Investing is a long-term activity and involves risk. Even with an optimal strategy, results cannot be guaranteed.
This is
what I do
full time
this for
Who this training is for

People across Europe Busy people who want to Locals, expats from outside
who want to guard against invest passively Europe, and nomads who
inflation and grow move between countries
their wealth (except Americans)

Beginners who are ready Experienced investors who

to start investing want to improve
First question:

If you’re
saving money,
why invest?
Why invest?

Guard against
Prices go up.
Is it a big deal?

1€ 1.05€
We have
a new tax:

5% of the total
value of your

every year!
Why invest?

Guard against Grow your wealth &

inflation earn passive income
do I invest?
First job on
Wall Street

I had money
for the first
time and
wanted to
"I studied
physics; I
don't know
Everyone giving
different advice:

"Day trade!"
"Buy real estate!"
"Buy crypto!"
"Do forex!"
"Invest in P2P!"
I thought

Real estate?

Too much
My friend got me
excited about
trading ...

(trading = buying
& selling stocks,
currencies, options,
gold, crypto, etc)
"This is so hard!"

Lots of time & effort

Lots of stress

Lost money
My mentor:


"Don’t trade.

"Buy something
that creates
wealth for you"
"What creates
the most wealth
in the world?"
"It's companies!"
exist to
wealth for
My reaction:

"Is it really
that simple?"
My mentor:

"How do
you think
"They invest in
#1 investment
of billionaires
by far:

Company stock

Source: Wealth-X Billionaire Census 2023

Don’t trade

Just buy
“How much
money will
I make?”
50 years
in global PER YEAR

Based on MSCI World data, Dec 1969-Jan 2024. Investing involves the risk of loss and past performance cannot be used to predict the future.
My reaction:

"Is 9% really
My mentor:

"Tom, you're
thinking like a
poor person"
"Poor people
think get rich

Rich people
think compound
The power of compound interest

10'000 USD


Investing involves the risk of loss. Past performance cannot be used to predict future results.
The power of compound interest

+ 900 USD

10'000 USD 10'900 USD

Today 1Y

Investing involves the risk of loss. Past performance cannot be used to predict future results.
The power of compound interest

+ 900 USD + 981 USD

10'000 USD 10'900 USD 11'881 USD

Today 1Y 2Y

Investing involves the risk of loss. Past performance cannot be used to predict future results.
The power of compound interest

+ 900 USD + 981 USD + 1069 USD

10'000 USD 10'900 USD 11'881 USD 12'950 USD

Today 1Y 2Y 3Y

Investing involves the risk of loss. Past performance cannot be used to predict future results.
The power of compound interest

56'044 USD

+ 900 USD + 981 USD + 1069 USD

10'000 USD 10'900 USD 11'881 USD 12'950 USD

Today 1Y 2Y 3Y 20Y

Investing involves the risk of loss. Past performance cannot be used to predict future results.
Which do you choose?

VS. 56'044 USD

10'000 USD

Investing involves the risk of loss. Past performance cannot be used to predict future results.
"So is 9% too little?

You tell me!"

My insight:

The quickest way

to get rich

is to invest & multiply

every dollar (euro)
that I earn!
Make money Buy stocks every dollar
But which

It's a lot of
work to analyze

and pick the

best stocks
Where do you
find the time
to invest in
01 02 03
The 3-hour-per- How to buy A surprisingly
year investing your first passive simple way to
system that gets investment pick the best
better results than in 10 minutes time to start
up to 90% of if you live in investing.
professionals. Europe.
The 3-hour-per-year
investing system that
gets better results
than up to 90% of
I was helped by
the right book at
the right time...
Meet the
index fund
You have
10 euros

Do you guess
which is the
best candy?

Or do you
buy a bag
with different
There are
a lot of
out there.

Which stocks
do you pick?
Index funds:

Let's buy
the whole

A bit of
every major
With index
funds, you
don't buy tiny
companies with
5 employees

but all the

listed on a stock
My first reaction:

"Isn't this a bit silly?"

But that
reaction was
With index funds
you get the
combined result
of all the major
companies in the
Some companies
do worse, others

but the
combined result
is powerful
9% per year
for last 50 years
in developed
world stocks?

That's basically the

index fund result!

Past results cannot be used to predict future performance.

Index funds
beat up to 90%
of other
They beat the investment
competition funds

Source: Morningstar Active/Passive Barometer Mid Year 2023, U.S. Large Blend 20 year period. The results across different
categories vary, but in all cases more than 70% of actively managed funds lag their respective index funds.
"I buy the
market through
index funds."

Eugene Fama
Nobel Prize in Economics 2013

Photo by Bengt Nyman, CC BY 2.0
"By periodically
investing in an index
fund, the know-
nothing investor can
actually outperform
most investment
Warren Buffett

Source: 1993 letter to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway.

Photo by Mark Hirschey. CC BY-SA 2.0
With index investing,
you get maximum reward
for minimum effort

Investing involves the risk of loss. Index fund returns are not guaranteed.
It literally takes
no more than

3 hours per year

Investing is a long-term activity and involves risk. Even with an optimal strategy, results cannot be guaranteed.
Built with
index funds
Make money Buy stocks every dollar
"Index fund...

That sounds
How to buy your first
passive investment
in 10 minutes with
just a few clicks
Don't copy 1:1
Broker & index fund shown
in demo is probably not
ideal for your goals, local
laws & tax situation
Let's buy iShares Core
a popular MSCI Europe
fund for Accumulating

Warning: This is NOT an investment recommendation. This ETF is shown for educational demonstration purposes only.
Watch the replay
for our brief

Click here

You can skip

ahead to the

Replay available until

3 pm Monday UK time
That's it!
Buy index
Make money every dollar
"Is now
a good
A surprisingly
simple way to
pick the best
time to start
We don't have
a crystal ball

But we can learn

from the past

When was it
a great time to
start investing?
It was never a good time:
There was always fear & doubt

1999 2005 2009 2016 2024

Dot-Com Housing Financial "Crisis War &

Bubble Bubble Crisis Coming?" Inflation & AI
Short-term the market was risky –
but long-term they were all great times to invest!

1999 2004 2009 2014 2019

Source: Tom Crosshill, based on S&P 500 data. Future results may be different.
Your profit
since 1999

if you waited
for the best
time to invest
"[Market timing is a]
fool's errand."

Robert Merton
Nobel Prize in Economics 1997

Photo source: Massachussets Institute of Technology, CC BY-SA 4.0
Average return
if you invested 7%
the same PER YEAR
amount every

Source: Calculated by Tom Crosshill based on MSCI World index,, Jan 1999-Nov 2023.
Past results cannot be used to predict the future.
Which do you prefer:

Stress out
and wait forever
for the ideal time?

Stay calm,
invest regularly and
get better results?
What have we decided?

Invest... stocks... ...using index funds... ... every month!

Beat inflation Invest in Just 3 hours Stay calm

and grow your companies per year for and invest
wealth. because excellent every month!
companies results.
create wealth.
Now you know
what it takes to
be a successful
The biggest
What would it mean
to you if you could
build real wealth

& live off passive


Investing involves the risk of loss and future returns cannot be guaranteed.
What would it mean
to you if you could

build enough capital

to buy a house
or start a business?

Investing involves the risk of loss and future returns cannot be guaranteed.
What would it
mean to you if you
could at least

protect your
money from
"the inflation tax"?

Investing involves the risk of loss and future returns cannot be guaranteed.
Now take
that motivation
and use it!
Pressing the
button to buy
is easy...

...but to get
good results
think about this
What are
the biggest
challenges for
index investors
living in
I used to
run short

loved them.

I thought
"this is nice!"
But later people
said they weren't
able to start

"Why is everyone
getting stuck???"
It turns out,
everyone was
trying to copy
brokerages don't
work in Europe

American index
funds are not
available in Europe
brokerages don't
work in Europe

American index
funds are not
available in Europe
of funds with
30+ different
tax systems...
Extra confusing
if you are an
expat from
outside Europe

or a nomad who
moves between
People say:

"Why don't you just

tell us what to buy?"

But in Europe
it doesn't work
like that

The answer
is different for
I asked:

What could I create

To make sure
you never, ever
get stuck

no matter where
you live in Europe?
Would you like
to go from zero to
index invested
In just a few weeks?

Obtaining this result depends on your following the training program step by step as
well as external factors which may be beyond our control. That said, the vast majority of
participants who follow the program step by step should be able to achieve this result.
You 6 weeks from now

in your
own index

You'll quickly go
from 0 to invested
wherever you
live in Europe

Important note: to succeed, you need to go step-by-step through the program without skipping anything.
Everything you need to start
investing and more

Step 1 Step 3 Step 5

Choose Investment Select Invest, Monitor

Strategy Broker & Rebalance

Step 2 Step 4

Select Purchase
Index Funds Funds
or ETFs
No need to
guess – clear
for every

Screenshare from

Easy to
follow video
tailored for
(including EU, UK,
Norway, Switzerland)

Created with

This program
works for

European locals

Expats (except

And nomads who

move between

Created with

"No one taught me investing at
home or university. I followed
people like Dave Ramsey online,
but they only talked about
investing for Americans.

Then I found the Index

Masterclass. It’s a fantastic
course for Europeans, really well
done from A to Z. I have already
made my first investments!"

Marion Couturier
Digital project manager (Spain)
"I was kept from investing
by various questions, lack
of knowledge, and the
fear of making mistakes.
Over the course of a few
weeks, the masterclass
fully fixed this situation."

Edgar Groza
Project manager, large utility
company, Latvia
"Excellent course. It gives
you all you need on how to
plan your savings, evaluate
brokerages, choose funds,
calculate taxes and more."

Marina Christofides
"I wanted to invest in ETFs, but
wasn't sure how to choose from
the thousands of funds and
many different brokerages out
there – or how to deal with taxes.

The Index Masterclass saved me

enormous effort (and money
likely spent on trial and error)."

Rolands Mesters
Co-Founder at Nordigen
"I already had good
knowledge about
investments, but I’m
Brazilian, and the program
helped me understand
investing from Europe, plus
it covered a lot of gaps I had.

Even though I hate spending

money, I’m really happy
I paid for this program!"

Igor Alves
Software Engineer at
You 6 weeks from now

in your
own index

You'll quickly go
from 0 to invested
wherever you
live in Europe

Important note: to succeed, you need to go step-by-step through the program without skipping anything.
You 6 weeks from now

Invested Know
in your what
own index you’re
portfolio doing

You'll quickly go You will be a

from 0 to invested confident &
wherever you relaxed investor
live in Europe

Important note: to succeed, you need to go step-by-step through the program without skipping anything.
"The program not only taught
me about ETFs, but gave me
a good view of the big picture
of passive investing.

Now I feel I have a solid

background when making
my investment decisions."

Haresh Chulani
Electronical engineer
"A friend told me – just
buy one ETF every month
and you're good. But how
can you trust your financial
future to something you
don’t fully understand?

After completing Tom's

program, I finally know
what I'm doing!"

Technical Product Owner, BOSCH
"I’m ready to pay for this
quality of education. If I was
actually illiterate in this area
a month ago, I am now able
to invest with confidence
that I’ve made good choices.

Of course, it would be nice

if the fee was lower, but the
time the course saved me
is more than worth it."

Juris Kalve
You 6 weeks from now

Invested Know
in your what
own index you’re
portfolio doing

You'll quickly go You will be a

from 0 to invested confident &
wherever you relaxed investor
live in Europe

Important note: to succeed, you need to go step-by-step through the program without skipping anything.
You 6 weeks from now

Invested Know Passive

in your what investor
own index you’re for life
portfolio doing

You'll quickly go You will be a You'll build your own

from 0 to invested confident & passive investing
wherever you relaxed investor plan for growing your
live in Europe wealth in 3 hours
a year or less

Important note: to succeed, you need to go step-by-step through the program without skipping anything.
"The Index Masterclass solved
a challenge that I had for
almost 5 years. I wanted to
invest my free money without
spending a lot of time doing it.

With this Masterclass, I

finally learned how to invest
responsibly and passively."

Peter Bodnieks
"My private banker offered
to manage my portfolio at
a cost of 0.70% per year. The
Index Masterclass taught me
how to build a better portfolio
with a one time cost of 0.05%,
with no yearly fees.

Compared to the money I have

saved, the program membership
fee is insignificant."

Manager at world leading
pharmacological company
You 6 weeks from now

Invested Know Passive

in your what investor
own index you’re for life
portfolio doing

You'll quickly go You will be a You'll build your own

from 0 to invested confident & passive investing
wherever you relaxed investor plan for growing your
live in Europe wealth in 3 hours
a year or less

Important note: to succeed, you need to go step-by-step through the program without skipping anything.
Our members include:

People living in Europe NOT suitable

(EU, UK, Norway, Switzerland) for Americans

Beginners Experienced investors

People with low starting capital People with a lot of money

People of many different professions Men, women of all ages

Anyone can learn it

20 minutes
6 weeks
a day
"This masterclass helped me
optimize my personal approach
to investing. I estimate it would
have taken me 2-3 years to find
all this information by myself. "

Valerij Barishev
ESELO LLC Managing director
Even if you did it full time,

gathering all this

knowledge yourself

would take you

3 months or more
So what are 3 months
of your life

worth to you?
What you're going to get

Become a confident 3 months

passive investor in 6 weeks saved
What else
do you need
for success?
The top problem
for European

is taxes. . .
Bonus 1:
taxes will get
easy for you
The Index Investing
Tax Workshop

1 2 3

Understand Reduce Simplify

your life:

Use our
country tax
"cheat sheets"

Important: Our tax "cheat sheets" are educational, incomplete, and may not be fully up-to-date
or accurate. They are meant strictly as a starting point to make your life easier.
Investing tax "cheat sheets"
included for:

Andorra Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Denmark

Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy

Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal

Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK

Important: Our tax "cheat sheets" are educational, incomplete, and may not be fully up-to-date
or accurate. They are meant strictly as a starting point to make your life easier.
Learn to
manage your
investment taxes

If you are an
expat or nomad
who moves

Important: Not suitable for US persons.

What you're going to get

Become a confident 3 months

passive investor in 6 weeks saved
4.5 months
Tax workshop – make 1.5 months
Bonus 1: investment taxes easy saved
What else
do you need
for success?
Hard to find
a good
brokerage or
Tough to
build your
first portfolio
Tricky to
keep good
for taxes
Bonus 2:
Practical tools
to make your
life easier
1 2 3

Global Inspirational Time-saving

brokerage sample spreadsheets
shortlist portfolios

Spreadsheet templates are educational tools. They are not professionally developed software. Despite
our efforts, the tools may contain errors and users must consider all decisions independently.
"I really appreciated all
the practical tools [...].
Everything you need
to take action as quickly
as possible!"

Kristap Skapars
Colliers International
Deputy director
What you're going to get

Become a confident 3 months

passive investor in 6 weeks saved

Tax workshop – make 1.5 months 7 months

Bonus 1: investment taxes easy saved saved

Brokerage shortlist & 2.5 months

Bonus 2: practical tools – save time saved
What else
do you need
for success?
Bonus 3:
updates from
your own
expert team
Live monthly
calls so you
don't miss
Program Updates

Brokerage Tax Index Funds

Reviews Briefings & ETFs
You will have a
on your
What you're going to get

Become a confident 3 months

passive investor in 6 weeks saved

Tax workshop – make 1.5 months

Bonus 1: investment taxes easy saved
10 months
Brokerage shortlist & 2.5 months
Bonus 2: practical tools – save time saved

Regular updates – 3 months

Bonus 3: don't miss important news saved
What else
do you need
for success?
any help?
Final bonus:
Get all your
and never
get stuck!
Get all your
questions about
index investing
answered in our
community forum

for 6 months

so that you will

never get stuck
Important: Expert support is available in our community forum for purely educational purposes. We will help you understand
any questions about masterclass content and the technical challenges of index investing. We are not legally able to provide
individual financial, tax or investment consultations. We will never suggest which specific funds you should buy or sell.
Get insights
from other

Important: Expert support is available in our community forum for purely educational purposes. We will help you understand
any questions about masterclass content and the technical challenges of index investing. We are not legally able to provide
individual financial, tax or investment consultations. We will never suggest which specific funds you should buy or sell.
"When something was not
totally clear to me, I would
write to the team. Tom's
support was immediate and his
explanations really wonderful!"
Alejandra Betancur
Nurse at the recovery room
Colombian living in Belgium
What you're going to get
Become a confident 3 months
passive investor in 6 weeks saved

Tax workshop – make 1.5 months

Bonus 1: investment taxes easy saved

Brokerage shortlist & 2.5 months 12 months

Bonus 2: practical tools – save time saved saved

Regular updates – 3 months

Bonus 3: don't miss important news saved

Expert support – never get 2 months

Bonus 4: stuck! saved
How much
would it cost you
in terms of lost
time and
opportunity cost
to do all this
What if you
hired a new
finance graduate
to compile all
this knowledge
for you?
At new graduate salary 1300€/month?
Become a confident
passive investor in 6 weeks

Tax workshop – make

Bonus 1: investment taxes easy

Bonus 2:
Brokerage shortlist &
practical tools – save time value value
(this is not the program membership fee)

Regular updates –
Bonus 3: don't miss important news

Expert support – never get

Bonus 4: stuck!
How much will
you pay in the
"inflation tax"

over the rest of

your life?
How much
are you
leaving on
the table?
How much will
bad decisions
cost you?
Choice A:
Mass product

Info only

We couldn't provide
you with support, tools,
long-term help

Investing involves the risk of loss and results cannot be guaranteed.

Choice B:
A premium program

To enable your

From zero to invested

in 6 weeks

With expert support

and all the tools you
need to be successful

Investing involves the risk of loss and results cannot be guaranteed.

What you’re going to get
Become a confident
passive investor in 6 weeks

Bonus 1:
Tax workshop – make
investment taxes easy
1'950€ 15'600€

Brokerage shortlist &

Bonus 2: practical tools – save time
One-time membership fee
Regular updates –
Bonus 3: don't miss important news
3’900€ (reduced pricing – previously
1497€ in 2022)

Expert support – never get

Bonus 4: stuck!
Open this link to pay by card
Open this link if you'd like
a VAT invoice to pay by bank transfer
Not what you

Give up
within 30 days
and we will
refund you
Let us know even
after 29 days,
23 hours and
59 minutes – that
is totally ok

you have 30 days

for your final
Is it worth risking
an hour of your time
to try a program

which will help

you build passive

that can serve you

for many years?
To learn, you need to invest something.
What do you prefer to invest?

Invest a lot of time & Invest in a step-by-step

effort to figure it out program with support (get
on your own (risk of started quickly, easily, and
delaying or mistakes) with much less risk of
expensive mistakes)
Keep in mind:

closes Monday
at 3 p.m. UK time

We admit limited
group sizes to make sure
we can provide quality
support to everyone!
Open this link to pay by card
Open this link if you'd like
an invoice to pay by bank transfer
Frequently asked questions
What is this Who is the target Where does the
program? audience? training take place?
The Index Masterclass is a Everyone living in Europe who saves You'll access the program via our
practical, step-by-step money and would like to invest it. private membership site where you
training program which will Suitable for locals, expats and nomads will discover training videos,
give you everything you need (except Americans). Our members screenshares, spreadsheet
to effectively invest in the include men and women of all ages templates, checklists and much
global financial markets using and professions, and both beginners more. You can access the content
index funds and ETFs. and experienced investors. whenever you like!

How does the When does the What else

program work? program start? should I know?
In our program, you will learn a clear Since the Index Masterclass is an The program is purely educational
step by step process for choosing online program, the good news and does not include investment
investments, building a portfolio, is that it starts the day when you recommendations. We don't accept
opening a brokerage account, sign up. Over the following 6 money for recommending investments
making your first investments and weeks you will receive access to or products. All investment decisions
more – all within 6 weeks. new training each week. will be made by you!
Registration Other questions?
closes Monday Write to!
at 3 pm UK time
Reg. no. 45403058991

Terms & conditions EU VAT no. LV45403058991

UK VAT no. 409317405
available at Switzerland VAT no. CHE-281.729.169 MWST
Rupniecibas str. 5-14, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia

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