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Semester Plan 2020 / 2021

Class/Level: 7 grade Semester: The First
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Magazines Pages: 7– 16 Number of Classes:
Time: September Unit: 1

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
Students are expected learner's Discussion Performance- Check list I feel content with
to : Book based assessment ...………………………
1. predict the meaning of ...………………………
new vocabulary Matching items
items . Activity Working in with words\
Book groups 0r pictures
2. talk about the family pairs . Communications
and introduce her / him Rubric
self . C.D critical Writing Challenges
thinking A paragraph ...………………………
3. To read a text about ...………………………
The portrait project . Wall Chart Doing the Observation ...………………………
4. To practice the simple
present and present Chalkboard Playing Games
Suggestions for
continuous in describing Direct Rating
events . questions Exams Scale
5. To write about features Flashcards ...………………………
of interviews . ...………………………

General information about students:

Supervisor Date:………………...Signature……………………

Prepared by: Rehem Alqaimary

Form # QF71-1-49rev.a
Semester Plan 2020 / 2021
Class/Level: 7 grade Semester: The First
Subject: English Language Unit Title: City life . Pages: 17 – 26 Number of Classes:
Time: September Unit: 2

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
Students are expected learner's Discussion Performance- Check list I feel content with
to : Book based assessment ...………………………
1. predict the meaning of ...………………………
new vocabulary Matching items
items . Activity Working in with words\
Book groups 0r pictures
2. talk about a family pairs . Communications
member’s childhood . Rubric
C.D. critical Writing Challenges
3. read a text about thinking A paragraph ...………………………
the man at the fountain ...………………………
Wall Chart Doing the Observation ...………………………
4. practice the simple past exe.
and past continuous in
describing events . Playing Games
Suggestions for
Chalkboard Direct Rating
5. write about the features questions Exams Scale
of descriptive ...………………………
paragraph . ...………………………
Flashcards ...………………………

General information about students:

Supervisor Date:………………...Signature……………………

Prepared by: Rehem Alqaimary

Form # QF71-1-49rev.a

Semester Plan 2020 / 2021

Class/Level: 7 t h grade Semester: The First
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Life at the edge Pages: 27– 36 Number of Classes:
Time: October Unit: 3

No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection

Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
Students are expected learner's Discussion Performance- Check list I feel content with
to : Book based assessment ...………………………
1. predict the meaning of ...………………………
new vocabulary Matching items
items . Activity Working in with words\
Book groups 0r pictures
2. talk about some of the pairs . Communications
plans for the week . Rubric
C.D. critical Writing Challenges
3. read a text about thinking A paragraph ...………………………
The endangered ...………………………
animals in the north . Wall Chart Doing the Observation ...………………………
4. practice the future tense
: will predictions . Playing Games
Suggestions for
Chalkboard Direct Rating
5. write a report by using questions Exams Scale
notes . ...………………………
Flashcards ...………………………

General information about students:

Supervisor Date:………………...Signature……………………

Prepared by: Reham Alqaimary

Form # QF71-1-49rev.a

Semester Plan 2020 / 2021

Class/Level: 7 grade Semester: The First
Subject: English Language Unit Title: Advertisements Pages: 37 – 46 Number of Classes:
Time: December Unit: 4
No General Resources& Instructional Assessment Associated Reflection
Outcomes Material Strategies Strategy Tool Activities
Students are expected learner's Discussion Performance- Check list I feel content with
to : Book based assessment ...………………………
1. To predict the meaning ...………………………
of new vocabulary Matching items
items . Activity Working in with words\
Book groups 0r pictures
2. To talk about what have pairs . Communications
you done this week . C.D. Rubric
critical Writing Challenges
3. To read a text about an thinking A paragraph ...………………………
adventure sports centre Wall Chart ...………………………
Doing the Observation ...………………………
4. To practice the present exe.
perfect tense .
Chalkboard Playing Games
Suggestions for
5. To write a paragraph Direct Rating
by using the perfect questions Exams Scale
tense . ...………………………
Flashcards ...………………………

General information about students:

Supervisor Date:………………...Signature……………………

Prepared by: Reham Alqaimary

Form # QF71-1-49rev.a

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