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Worksheet - The world from a socio-economic perspective

The following tasks are to be completed using the enclosed article. Read the text carefully and then
complete the assignments! Make sure the wording is easy to understand!

1) Partner work: Define the following terms!

Gross domestic product:

It measures how good the country’s economy is from investments and services the country provides.

Gross national product:

This includes the income from the people, and it doesn’t matter if they’re foreign or not, it will be

Human Development Index:

is a measure of a country's level of development and is made up of three components: Life
expectancy, education and GDP. It focuses on how much can people achieve in their life.

2) Individual work: Task for the diagram on page 3: Austria is ahead of Germany in the left-hand
diagram, but far behind Germany in the right-hand diagram. Explain this fact!
Because Austria in the GDP diagram has fewer people compared to Germany and it shows that
Austria has better GDP per capita but since they have fewer people the total GDP is much lower than
Germany because Germany is bigger and has more people living in it.

3) Individual work: Compare GDP per capita and HDI as a measure of prosperity and name aspects
that are or are not included in the calculation!

GDP per capita is the average income per person per year and HDI is an index of quality and
development measure, and it includes GDP in it. It’s more focused on how people are doing in
education, Life expectancy and GDP.

4) Partner work: Develop your own "prosperity metre" and name factors that should be included in
the calculation!

GGM(Gross Global metre)

-Life expectencay
-Working hours

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