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GDSN Implementation Guide

Version 1.8
April, 2022

IMA GDSN Implementation Guide – Prepared by Syndigo Page 1 of 18

Independent Marketing Alliance require all suppliers to be 100% compliant with the Foodservice GSI Initiative. General
information on the Initiative can be found at

This document is intended for all IMA suppliers who will be sending product data to IMA through the GDSN and have
subscribed to a GDSN Certified Data Pool other than Syndigo.

Suppliers currently publishing item information through the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) for their Retail
Trading Partners will need to populate additional data attributes to meet the IMA requirement.

Syndigo – Contacts

IMA GLN Information

IMA Production GLN: 0822486100018

IMA Data Synchronization Environment

Data Pool: Syndigo

System: Syndigo Portal

IMA – Contacts

IMA GDSN Implementation Guide – Prepared by Syndigo Page 2 of 18

Product Images Guideline Updates
IMA needs a minimum of 4 High Resolution images for each sku. 1 Primary image and 3 or more
Supporting images. The Primary image is the first and most important image on each product page. This image
sets the customer’s expectations. Supporting images help the customer to identify the product throughout its

1a) Styled / Plated - Primary (food)

1b) Out of the Box - Primary (non-food)
2a) Raw Form (food) - Supporting
2b) Worn (non- food) - Supporting
3a) Inner Pack - Supporting
3b) Used (non-food) - Supporting
4) Open Case, showing Inner Packs - Supporting
5) Closed Case, showing Labels and Item Codes - Supporting

For High Resolution Images

Minimum image size per side: 200 mm (8.0 in.) (2400 pixels)

Maximum image size per side: 400 mm (16.0 in.) (4800 pixels)

File resolution: 300 dpi

Square aspect ratio is maintained (1:1) for automatic processing

Main Product Image must be populated for at least one level in the hierarchy

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Publishing to IMA via the GDSN

1. IMA requires their Suppliers to publish all products that the Supplier would like to make available for
sale to IMA members. Items to include:
a. Items IMA members currently purchase
b. Items that Supplier would like IMA members to purchase in the future.
2. For the first IMA publication Suppliers to publish all products as “Initial Load”.
3. Publication labeling/branding scenarios:
a. IMA Label – publish with Brand Owner GLN set to IMA GLN. Please use the following brand
names in the brand field and ensure that case and spelling is
identical to what’s listed below:

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Implementation Overview
The following outlines the key steps to implementation:

Implementation Steps

1. Initiate the GDSN trading partner relationship.

a. Contact Syndigi to confirm your implementation option
b. Review the list of required attributes in this document
c. IMA will create a subscription based upon your GLN
2. Prepare product data for Publication.
3. Publish all products as “Initial Load”.
4. Investigate and respond to “Review” CIC responses.
5. Ongoing publications to be sent with “New” or “Update” status. To Inactivate a product, send as

Catalog Item Confirmations (CIC’s)

IMA will automatically return a CIC to the Supplier. The CIC sent will be based upon the following:

GDSN Response Messages:

Accepted: Transmission received and can be processed.

CIC Messages:

Accepted: product has been received and has passed IMA GDSN validations. This response will typically be
sent within a few hours after receiving the publication.

Reviewed: product does not pass IMA GDSN validations or product has failed IMA’s audit process and
therefore has data discrepancies to be reviewed and addressed. Reason for Review status will be transmitted
in CIC999. This response may follow an Accept message and may take several days to resolve.

Synchronized: product has been released by IMA to its Members and will be updated as revisions occur. This
response will be sent after all validations and audits have been successfully completed.

Rejected: product has been de-listed by IMA. The item will revert back to Eligible with an Accepted CIC status
(if passing audit) or Review CIC status (if failing audit) the following week. If required, item can be published to
IMA as a delete following the Accepted or Review CIC status.

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Required IMA Product Attributes

M = Mandatory Minimum subset of attributes that are required R = Additional attributes required to fulfill the complete C = Conditional
for publication. data requirement.

Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

Manufacturer Short
1 Short Description descriptionShort M
Product Description

2 Functional Name Functional Name functionalName M

3 Product Name Trade Item Description tradeItemDescription M

Additional Trade Item Additional Trade Item additionalTradeItemIdentificationTypeCode &

4 R
Identification Identification additionalTradeItemIdentification Value

Manufacturer Product additionalTradeItemIdentificationTypeCode(SUPPLIER_

5 Supplier Assigned Product Code M
Number ASSIGNED) & additionalTradeItemIdentification Value

6 GTIN Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) GTIN M

7 Data Carrier Type Code dataCarrierTypeCode M

Barcode GS1 Trade Item Identification

8 gs1TradeItemIdentificationKeyCode R
Key Code

9 UPC gs1TradeItemIdentificationKeyValue R

10 Country of Origin Country Origin of Product placeOfProductActivity/countryOfOrigin/Country M

11 Target Market Target Market Country Code targetMarketCountryCode M

Global Product
12 GPC (Brick Code) gpcCategoryCode M
Classification (GPC)

13 Unit Descriptor Packaging Level tradeItemUnitDescriptorCode M

14 Brand Name Brand Name brandName M

15 Sub Brand subBrand R

16 Information Provider informationProviderOfTradeItem/partyName M

Company Name
(Information Provider)
17 Information Provider GLN informationProviderOfTradeItem/gln M

18 MFG Name manufacturerOfTradeItem/partyName M

19 Manufacturer GLN manufacturerOfTradeItem/gln M

20 Brand Owner Name brandOwner/partyName M

Company Name
(Brand Owner)
21 Brand Owner GLN brandOwner/gln M

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Core Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

22 Height with UoM Package Height height & measurementUnitCode M

23 Depth with UoM Package Depth depth & measurementUnitCode M

24 Width with UoM Package Width width & measurementUnitCode M

Required at least one

25 Cube with UoM In Box Cube Dimension inBoxCubeDimension & measurementUnitCode C
level in the hierarchy

If Item is Ordered or
Gross Weight with
26 Package Weight grossWeight & measurementUnitCode M Shipped at this Packaging

27 Net Weight with UoM Net Weight netWeight & measurementUnitCode M At all levels except Pallet

28 Drained Weight Drained Weight with UoM drainedWeight & measurementUnitCode R

Is Item the Base Unit

Item is the Lowest Packaging
29 (Lowest Packaging isTradeItemABaseUnit M

Is Trade Item Item is Shipped/Despatched at

30 isTradeItemADespatchUnit M
Shipping Unit? this Packaging Level

Is Trade Item
31 Item is Sold to the Consumer isTradeItemAConsumerUnit M
Consumer Unit?

Is Trade Item Invoice Item is Invoiced at this Packaging

32 isTradeItemAnInvoiceUnit M
Unit? Level

Is Trade Item Item is Ordered at this Packaging

33 isTradeItemAnOrderableUnit M
Orderable? Level

Is Packaging marked
34 Packaging is Returnable isPackagingMarkedReturnable M
as Returnable?

Packaging Can Vary/Is Trade

35 Catch Weight isTradeItemAVariableUnit M
Item A Variable Unit

Is the Item marked

36 with a Batch/Lot Has Batch Number hasBatchNumber R

Is the Item marked as Is Trade Item Marked As

37 isTradeItemMarkedAsRecyclable R
recyclable? Recyclable

Are non-sold items Is Non Sold Trade Item

38 isNonSoldTradeItemReturnable R
returnable? Returnable

39 Item Availability Date Market Availability Date startAvailabilityDateTime M

Effective Date of
40 Information Effective Date effectiveDateTime M

41 First Order Date firstOrderDateTime R

42 First Ship Date firstShipDateTime R

43 Cancelled Date Time cancelledDateTime R

Minimum Trade Item Lifespan Required at the Highest

44 minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfProduction M
From Time Of Production Below Pallet level
Shelf Life
Minimum Trade Item Lifespan Preferred at the lowest
45 minimumTradeItemLifespanFromTimeOfArrival R
From Time Of Arrival level

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Core Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

temperatureQualifierCode(STORAGE_HANDLING) &
46 Storage Temp From minimumTemperature &
Storage Temperature temperatureMeasurementUnitCode
Max and Min with M
UoM temperatureQualifierCode(STORAGE_HANDLING) &
47 Storage Temp To maximumTemperature &

Quantity Of Trade Items Per One of pairs Quantity Of

48 quantityOfTradeItemsPerPalletLayer
Pallet Layer (NON-Pallet GTIN) Trade Items Per Pallet
Layer (NON-Pallet
Quantity Of Layers Per Pallet GTIN)/Quantity Of Layers
49 quantityOfLayersPerPallet Per Pallet (NON-Pallet
(NON-Pallet GTIN)
Pallet Ti and Pallet Hi M GTIN) at the Highest
Below Pallet level OR
50 Layers Per Pallet quantityOfCompleteLayersContainedInATradeItem Items Per Pallet
Layer/Layers Per Pallet
at the Pallet level is
51 Items Per Pallet Layer quantityOfTradeItemsContainedInACompleteLayer required

Use this for Unit Quantity

Quantity of Next
52 Quantity of Next Level totalQuantityOfNextLowerLevelTradeItem C if Lower Level Packaging
Lower Package Level
exists and has GTIN

Use this for Unit Quantity

if Lower Level Packaging
Quantity of Inner
53 Quantity Of Inner Pack quantityOfInnerPack C exists with no GTIN/ Must
be filled if Case is the
lowest level

Item in Inner Pack

Quantity Of Next Level Trade
54 Quantity (No GTIN quantityOfNextLevelTradeItemWithinInnerPack C
Item Within Inner Pack

Shipping Container Quantity

55 Pack Size Text shippingContainerQuantityDescription R

56 Net Content with UoM Net Content netContent & measurementUnitCode R

57 Individual Unit Minimum individualUnitMinimumSize & measurementUnitCode R

Individual Unit
Required if Case is the
58 Individual Unit Maximum individualUnitMaximumSize & measurementUnitCode M
lowest level

59 Minimum Order Quantity orderQuantityMinimum R

60 Order Quantity Maximum orderQuantityMaximum R

61 Order Sizing Factor and UOM orderQuantityMaximum & measurementUnitCode R

tradeItemContactInformation/contactTypeCode &
contactName & contactAddress &
62 Trade Item Contact Information R
nnelCode & communicationValue

packaging/packagingTypeCode & platformTypeCode &

63 Packaging Information R

64 Brand Distribution Type Code brandDistributionTypeCode R

Brand Distribution Trade Item

65 brandDistributionTradeItemType(AVP) R
Type (AVP)

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Core Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

66 Coupon Family Code couponFamilyCode R

Additional Trade Item AdditionalTradeItemClassificationCodeListCode &

67 R
Classification additionalTradeItemClassificationCodeValue

68 Preliminary Item Status Code preliminaryItemStatusCode R

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Publishing additional attributes to IMA via the GDSN
IMA will accept additional attributes if made available through the GDSN. The additional attributes have been
broken into two subsets of data including Marketing and Nutrition. Each subset of data has minimum
requirements for publication. Please refer to appendix A to review the requirements.

Appendix A

Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Required For Notes

1 Expanded Product Additional Description additionalTradeItemDescription M

Required at the Highest Below

2 Consumer Storage Instructions consumerStorageInstructions M
Consumer Storage Pallet level
and Usage
3 Consumer Usage Instructions consumerUsageInstructions R

Required if Trade Item Marketing

4 Trade Item Feature Benefi tradeItemFeatureBenefit C
Message is not present

Required at the Highest Below

5 Trade Item Marketing Message tradeItemMarketingMessage M
Pallet level

All valid code values are

accepted ORGNIC; KOSHER;
6 dietTypeCode R
Diet Type COELIAC; PALEO etc

Diet Type
7 Information dietTypeSubcode R

dietCertification/CertificationInformation/certificationValue &
certificationAgency & certificationStandard &
8 Diet Certifications R
certificationEffectiveStartDate & certificationEffectiveEndDate &

9 Preparation Type preparationInstructions M At least one record with

Preparation Type, Preparation
Instructions and Serving
Preparation Serving Preparation and Cooking Suggestions stated in
10 preparationTypeCode M
Container Suggestions Preparation Serving container is
required for Food Products at the
Highest Below Pallet or the
11 Serving Suggestions servingSuggestion M Lowest level

All valid code values are

Package Marks
12 Environment/Packaging Marked packagingMarkedLabelAccreditationCode R
Label Accreditation Code

13 Seasonal Item isTradeItemSeasonal R

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Marketing Continued:
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Required For Notes

All valid code values are

accepted CLONED_FOODS,
14 Growing Method Code growingMethodCode R FARM_RAISED, FREE_RANGE,

Genetically Modified
15 geneticallyModifiedDeclarationCode R
Declaration Code
Farming And
16 Information Farming Code organicProductPlaceOfFarmingCode R

17 OrganicClaim/organicTradeItemCode & organicClaimAgencyCode R

OrganicCertification/organicCertificationIdentification &
18 OrganicCertification organicCertificationEffectiveEndDateTime & R

19 Package Marks Free From packageMarksFreeFrom R

20 Order UOM orderingUnitOfMeasure R

21 Selling UOM sellingUnitOfMeasure R

22 End Availability Date Time endAvailabilityDateTime R

23 Discontinued Date discontinuedDateTime R

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Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

Allergen Relevant Allergen Relevant Data If provided value is Yes product

1 isAllergenRelevantDataProvided M
Data Provided Provided passes Allergen audit

2 Allergens Allergen Agency allergenSpecificationAgency M M if any Allergens stated

3 Allergens Allergen Regulation Name allergenSpecificationName M M if any Allergens stated

4 Allergens Milk allergenTypeCode(AM) & levelOfContainmentCode M

5 Allergens Eggs allergenTypeCode(AE) & levelOfContainmentCode M

6 Allergens Fish allergenTypeCode(AF) & levelOfContainmentCode M

7 Allergens Crustacean allergenTypeCode (AC) & levelOfContainmentCode M

8 Allergens Tree Nuts allergenTypeCode(AN) & levelOfContainmentCode M

9 Allergens Peanuts allergenTypeCode(AP) & levelOfContainmentCode M

allergenTypeCode(UW) &
10 Allergens Wheat M

11 Allergens Sesame allergenTypeCode(AS) & levelOfContainmentCode M

12 Allergens Soy allergenTypeCode(AY) & levelOfContainmentCode M

13 Ingredient Statement ingredientStatement M

14 Sub Ingredients ingredientSequence & ingredientName R

Nutrient Relevant Is Nutrient Relevant Data If provided value is Yes product

15 isNutrientRelevantDataProvided R
Data Provided Provided passes Nutritents audit

Please use codes starting with

US_FDA_NFP_2020 to indicate
Nutrient Format Type Code FDA Nutrition Facts Panel 2020.
16 Nutritional Information nutrientFormatTypeCodeReference R
Reference Other codes or blank value are
used for FDA Nutrition Facts
Panel Pre-2020

17 Preparation State preparationStateCode M

18 Basis Type Code nutrientBasisQuantityTypeCode R

Nutrient Label
19 contents and Basis Quantity nutrientBasisQuantity & measurementUnitCode R
measures (Calories,
Proteins, Fats,
Sugars, etc.)
nutrientTypeCode(ENER-) &
20 Calories (Cal) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode(E14)

nutrientTypeCode(ENERPF) &
Mandatory for Pre-2020 FDA
21 Calories from Fat (Cal) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
Nutrition Facts Panel
& measurementUnitCode(E14)

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Nutrition Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

nutrientTypeCode(BIOT) &
22 Biotin measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(BIOT) &
23 Biotin % RDI USA R

nutrientTypeCode(CA) &
24 Calcium (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

25 Calcium % RDI USA nutrientTypeCode(CA) & dailyValueIntakePercent M

nutrientTypeCode(CA) &
Mandatory for 2020 FDA
26 Calcium (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
Nutrition Facts Panel
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(CHO-) &
27 Carbohydrates (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(CHO-) &
28 Carbohydrates % RDI M

nutrientTypeCode(CLD) &
29 Chloride (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode
Nutrient Label
contents and
measures (Calories,
30 Chloride % RDI USA nutrientTypeCode(CLD) & dailyValueIntakePercent R
Proteins, Fats,
Sugars, etc.)

nutrientTypeCode(CHOL-) &
31 Cholesterol (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(CHOL-) &
32 Cholesterol % RDI M

nutrientTypeCode(CR) &
33 Chromium (mcg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

34 Chromium % RDI nutrientTypeCode(CR) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

nutrientTypeCode(CU) &
35 Copper (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

36 Copper % RDI nutrientTypeCode(CU) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

nutrientTypeCode(FOL-) &
37 Folate (mcg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(FOL-) &
38 Folate % RDI R

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Nutrition Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

nutrientTypeCode(FIBINS) &
39 Insoluble Fibre (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(FE) &
Mandatory for 2020 FDA
40 Iron (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
Nutrition Facts Panel
& measurementUnitCode

41 Iron % RDI nutrientTypeCode(FE) & dailyValueIntakePercent M

nutrientTypeCode(MG) &
42 Magnesium (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

43 Magnesium % RDI nutrientTypeCode(MG) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

nutrientTypeCode(MN) &
44 Manganese (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

45 Manganese % RDI nutrientTypeCode(MN) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

nutrientTypeCode(MO) &
46 Molybdenume (mcg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

47 Molybdenume % RDI nutrientTypeCode(MO) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

Nutrient Label nutrientTypeCode(FAMS) &

48 contents and Monounsaturated Fat (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
measures (Calories, & measurementUnitCode
Proteins, Fats,
Sugars, etc.) nutrientTypeCode(NIA) &
49 Niacin (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

50 Niacin % RDI nutrientTypeCode(NIA) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

nutrientTypeCode(CHOAVL) &
51 Other Carbohydrates (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(CHOAVL) &
52 Other Carbohydrates %RDI R

nutrientTypeCode(PANTAC) &
53 Pantothenic (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(PANTAC) &
54 Pantothenic % RDI R

nutrientTypeCode(P) &
55 Phosphorous (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

56 Phosphorous % RDI nutrientTypeCode(P) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

nutrientTypeCode(FAPU) &
57 Polyunsaturated Fat (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

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Nutrition Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

nutrientTypeCode(K) &
Mandatory for 2020 FDA
58 Potassium (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
Nutrition Facts Panel
& measurementUnitCode

Mandatory for 2020 FDA

59 Potassium % RDI nutrientTypeCode(K) & dailyValueIntakePercent M
Nutrition Facts Panel

nutrientTypeCode(PRO-) &
60 Protein (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(RIBF) &
61 Riboflavin B2 (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(RIBF) &
62 Riboflavin % RDI R

nutrientTypeCode(FASAT) &
63 Saturated Fat (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(FASAT) &
64 Saturated Fat % RDI M

nutrientTypeCode(SE) &
65 Selenium (mcg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

66 Selenium % RDI nutrientTypeCode(SE) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

Nutrient Label
contents and nutrientTypeCode(NA) &
67 measures (Calories, Sodium (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
Proteins, Fats, & measurementUnitCode
Sugars, etc.)

68 Sodium % RDI nutrientTypeCode(NA) & dailyValueIntakePercent M

nutrientTypeCode(FIBSOL) &
69 Soluble Fiber (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(THIA) &
70 Thiamin measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

71 Thiamin % RDI nutrientTypeCode(THIA) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

nutrientTypeCode(FIBTSW) &
72 Total Dietary Fiber (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(FIBTSW) &
73 Total Dietary Fiber % RDI M

nutrientTypeCode(FAT) &
74 Total Fat (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode

75 Total Fat % RDI nutrientTypeCode(FAT) & dailyValueIntakePercent M

nutrientTypeCode(SUGAR-) &
76 Total Sugar (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode

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Nutrition Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

nutrientTypeCode(SUGAD) &
Mandatory for 2020 FDA
77 Added Sugar measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
Nutrition Facts Panel
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(SUGAD) & Mandatory for 2020 FDA

78 Added Sugar % RDI USA M
dailyValueIntakePercent Nutrition Facts Panel

nutrientTypeCode(SUGAR-) &
79 Total Sugar % RDI R

nutrientTypeCode(FATRN) &
80 Transfatty Acids (g) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(VITA-) &
81 Vitamin A (IU) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(VITA-) & Mandatory for Pre-2020 FDA

82 Vitamin A IU % RDI M
dailyValueIntakePercent Nutrition Facts Panel

nutrientTypeCode(VITB12) &
83 Vitamin B12 (mcg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(VITB12) &
84 Vitamin B12 % RDI R

nutrientTypeCode(VITB6-) &
85 Vitamin B6 (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

Nutrient Label nutrientTypeCode(VITB6-) &

86 Vitamin B6 % RDI R
contents and dailyValueIntakePercent
measures (Calories,
Proteins, Fats, nutrientTypeCode(VITC-) &
87 Sugars, etc.) Vitamin C (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(VITC-) & Mandatory for Pre-2020 FDA

88 Vitamin C % RDI M
dailyValueIntakePercent Nutrition Facts Panel

nutrientTypeCode(VITD-) &
Mandatory for 2020 FDA
89 Vitamin D (mcg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained M
Nutrition Facts Panel
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(VITD-) & Mandatory for 2020 FDA

90 Vitamin D % RDI M
dailyValueIntakePercent Nutrition Facts Panel

nutrientTypeCode(VITE-) &
91 Vitamin E (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

nutrientTypeCode(VITE-) &
92 Vitamin E % RDI R

nutrientTypeCode(VITK) &
93 Vitamin K (mcg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

94 Vitamin K % RDI nutrientTypeCode(VITK) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

nutrientTypeCode(ZN) &
95 Zinc (mg) measurementPrecisionCode & quantityContained R
& measurementUnitCode

96 Zinc % RDI USA nutrientTypeCode(ZN) & dailyValueIntakePercent R

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Nutrition Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

Mandatory at the lowest level for

97 Number Of Servings Per Package numberOfServingsPerPackage M
food products

Number Of Servings Per Package numberOfServingsPerPackageMeasurementPrecis

98 R
Measurement Precision Code ionCode

99 Nutritional Claim Description nutritionalClaim R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode &
All Valid combinations of codes
100 Nutritional Claims nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode & R
are accepted

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
101 Antibiotic Free nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(ANTIBIOTICS R
) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(LOW) &
102 Low Calorie nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(CALORIE) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(REDUCED_LESS) &
103 Reduced Calorie nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(CALORIE) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
104 Zero Calorie nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(CALORIE) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
105 Cholesterol Free nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(CHOLESTER R
OL) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(LOW) &
106 Low Cholesterol nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(CHOLESTER R
OL) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
107 Dairy Free nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(DAIRY) & R
Nutritional Claim
Detail nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
108 Fat Free nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(FAT) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(REDUCED_LESS) &
109 Reduced Fat nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(FAT) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(LOW) &
110 Low Fat nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(FAT) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
111 Trans Fat Status nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(TRANS_FAT) R
& claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
112 Lactose Free nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(LACTOSE) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(NATURAL) &
113 Natural R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
114 Sodium Free nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(SODIUM_SA R
LT) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(REDUCED_LESS) &
115 Reduced Sodium nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(SODIUM_SA R
LT) & claimMarkedOnPackage

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Nutrition Continued:
Minimum Required
Attributes # Common Name Unique Field Name Global Data Dictionary Tag Notes
For Publication

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(LOW) &
116 Low Sodium nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(SODIUM_SA R
LT) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(NO_ADDED) &
117 No Sugar Added nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(SUGARS) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(MADE_WITH) &
118 Made with Whole Grains nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(WHOLE_GR R
AIN) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
119 No Artificial Colors nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(ARTIFICIAL_ R
COLOUR) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(FREE_FROM) &
Nutritional Claim
120 No Artificial Flavors nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(ARTIFICIAL_ R
FLAVOUR) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(NO_ADDED) &
121 No Preservatives Added nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(PRESERVAT R
IVES) & claimMarkedOnPackage

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(NO_ADDED) &
122 Free from MSG nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(MSG) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(NO_ADDED) &
123 No MSG Added nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(MSG) & R

nutritionalClaimTypeCode(NO_ADDED) &
124 No Nitrates Added nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode(NITRATE) & R

125 Nutrition Label Type Code nutritionalLabelTypeCode (1) R Child Nutrition

childNutritionProductIdentification &
childNutritionExpirationDateTime &
Child nutrition label
childNutritionLabelStatement &
childNutritionQualifierCode &
126 Child Nutrition label R
childNutritionQualifiedValue & childNutritionValue &
EL) & uniformResourceIdentifier & fileFormatName
& fileName & fileEffectiveStartDateTime

IMA GDSN Implementation Guide – Prepared by Syndigo Page 18 of 18

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