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a ah DATA SCREEN BVA Ue Ld DIFFICULTY OF TASK, SHOT OR OPPONENT ‘10 fit 12 13 14] 15|16 17 18 19|20]21 22 23 24[25|26 27 28 29| 30 s [56 7 8 9]10|11 12 13 14]15|16 17 18 19[20]21 22 23 24/25 64 |5 6 7 8|9 1017 12 13]14]15 16 17 18/19/20 21 22 23] 24 7|3|4 5 6 7|8]9 10 11 12/13]14 15 16 17|18/19 20 21 22] 23 8 }2|3 4 5 6|7]8 9 10 11]12|13 14 15 16]17]18 19 20 21 | 22 9 |1|2 3 4 S]6]7 8 9 10]17]12 13 14 15]16]17 18 19 20] 21 yo] |1 2 3 4|/5|6 7 8 9|1oli1 12 13 14/15/16 17 18 19] 20 n 1.2 3/4]5 6 7 8|9|10 11 12 13/14/15 16 17 18] 19 12| 1 213]4 5 6 7|8]9 10 11 12/13/14 15 16 17/18 B 1]213 4 5 6]7]8 9 10 11|12]13 14 15 16] 17 14] 1}2 3 4 5]6]7 8 9 10/11/12 13 14 15] 16 15 12.3 4|/s|6 7 8 9}i10]11 12 13-14] 15 16| 1.2 3/4|/s 6 7 8|9|10 11 1213] 14 17) 1213/4 5 6 7/8]9 10 11 12] 13 18) 1/213 4 5 6|7|8 9 1011] 12 19 1/2 3 4 sl6|7 8 9 10/1 20. 1.2 3 4|s|6 7 8 9|10 Sa Nate al | The Task/Attack Table can be used to speed up combat or actions for NPC's or player charac- ters For NPC's: 1) Decide the level of NPC's Statin the requited area of expetise (see Opponent Rating Table) 2) Decide the NPC's level of Skil. (O.R. Table) 3) Add the total together and compare this valueto the left side of the table, Use the top of the table determine the range or level oftasedficulty. The cross indexed number isthe 110 roll needed to succeed. For Players: 1) Write down major Skil/Stat combinations (Aware: ness, weapon skillset.) forall playersin the game. Use thetablett tell players the 110 rollneeded to suceed, belt Pe te Te DRUGS & POISON Type Nausea Teargas Hallucinogen Sleep Drugs Biotoxin 1 Biototoxin I Nerve Gas itd teat) Effect Confusion Miness| Tearing Slept Death Death Death Damage INT 4 REF 2 REF None 46 D6 8010 (MICROWAVER SIDE EFFECTS 1. Gyberopties sho for 2 Neural pulse enwcter plugs, refer boot or other hacaeng Ke tt recueed by 10612 permanent thu epared yberaudio sors or 108 tums of be Roll 108 for ind, reeling fo mb present 1-2 wight Arm 3 eft eg 4 omg beg 5-6 «Let mn 5 Tota Neral breakdown Cha. eter educed to twtching, epiep titer 1D6/3 ams, 6 Notect ADD TO DAMAGE Weak ‘irengeh Very Weak Average strong Very Strong Body Type 11-12 Body Type 13-14 Body Type 15+ 2 4 40 H 42 “4 ‘6 +8 Pe Vi" LEVEL OF STAT Level Stat 12 Poor 34 Below Average 5-6 Average 78 Above Average 9-10 Exceptional LEVEL OF SKILL Level Skill Rating 12. Novice 34 Unskilled 56 Trained 7B consneessnsnene PrOfeSSIONAL 9-10. 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Small target... i Tiny target. ie 6 Aiening (1 exchnan upto 3 wes) Laser Sight +1 Telescopic Sight Den, 41 od Targeting scope +1 SmartgUN on 2 Smartgoggles 2 Three Round Burst (Close/Medium only) +3 Fall Auto, Close Fall Auto, all other 1 tore 1 +1 aro 10r AREA EFFECT TABLE Type Area Grenades. Sm Molotovs 2m pe Flamethrower 5 2m Cyberlimb flamethrower. Im Mine See 2m Claymore s6P oe ham cr of epson C6 Sm pas RPG 4m Missile ‘6m Shotgun (Close) Im Shotgun (Med)... cam Shotgun (Lng/Ext) 3m, a ae ed mene | les ‘ancion seemed i, animist «=| ] me | RT a (as eres EM conmutas Sas gr chesrerscte. 2 1 2 nmixrive =" Se Saar 1B |] code 3 cea wernt 8c ee acter rs rt da > i o8 sretoi nn ae i of & ures a 2 1B || conrmouters rowteuarocn ove = oc. . 2 8 =a Sesame |} OS avnisysren =. 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RA 100.8 exores Techtronca 15 Microwaver 108 400” itech Ele, Lsereannon 1306 19,000 vant P1135 Needegn Drags 2003 Ener AKM Power Squirt rugs 32 Nesspot "Wo Brags 200" DMitecn ectonies Tass 1DstSmm) oo EageTech Tomcat” Bow 208 50" EageTech ‘Sipe’ bow S063 20» "Note: Most melee weapon ae svatabieon the pen mare and have a 2 WAt 0, and ne reload, Kendal Monatnites ME TN 206 Kerdch Monoktana Mt oP 4s SINE Bategove™ MeL 305/206 cu Melee 1s kre Melee ibs Sword Melee 20612 ie Melee 2083 ‘uehakarTonfa Melee Sos Nagata Melee Ss Shen Melee 6/3 Sythe Melee ib6/2 Brass ches Melee 106.2 Sleaghonmer Melee 208 Chainsaw Melee 4s When you're getting down to the Meat and the Metal, you don't have time to dig through stacks of hardcopy. That's why you need to interface with the Data Screen. Alll the information you need, in one place and at your fingertips, includ- ing new tables to make FNFF combat and Metrunning even faster. Plus: WHEN Dee ea ere a ee eee Pe een er =. O.-,2. ©. be = 2 = Ce Mean ae eno

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