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These days, every child has got a phone.

For this reason, parents expect their child to

be always in touch. Is that good or bad? I will discuss the pros and cons of this problem.
The first argument for staying in touch is child safety. If parents know what a child is
doing and where he or she is, they can always react at the right time. The another advantage
is establishing different things. For example, when one of the parents wants their child to do
shopping or clean the house. Thirdly, children often go to their friends after lessons or go
outside so the possibility of quick contact with their parents allows them to do these things.
On the other hand, continuous parental control can have a negative impact on the
relationship between them and the child. If the parents are too caring, the child may feel too
little freedom. Secondly, parents may be worried because the child is not answering the
phone because it is unloaded. This creates unnecessary worries. The last disadvantage is
the mockery of a child by its peers. This is badly perceived when parents call their child too
I think that the arguments I have presented show that constant contact with parents is
good for both sides, but like any solution- it also has got its disadvantages.

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