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2019, VOL. 49, NO. 4, 457–462


Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of two strontium ranelate formulations

after single oral administration in healthy Chinese subjects
Dan Zhang, Aihua Du, Xiaolin Wang, Lina Zhang, Man Yang, Jingyi Ma, Ming Deng and Huichen Liu
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Aerospace Center Hospital, Beijing, P.R. China


Received 7 March 2018
1. Pharmacokinetics of exogenous strontium (Sr) and bioequivalence of a new oral formulation Revised 10 April 2018
Accepted 11 April 2018
of strontium ranelate compared with the brand-name drug in healthy Chinese subjects
was evaluated. KEYWORDS
2. A balanced, randomized, single-dose, two-treatment parallel study was conducted in 36 Pharmacokinetics; bioequi-
valence; strontium ranelate;
healthy Chinese subjects. Subjects were randomly allocated into two groups of 18 to receive granules; suspension;
a single oral dose of test formulation and reference formulation under a fasting state, Chinese subjects;
respectively. Blood samples were collected at 19 designated time points up to 240-h post- parallel study
dose. Serum concentrations of Sr were quantified by ICP-MS.
3. A total of 36 subjects were enrolled and completed the study. Nine mild adverse events in
6 subjects were reported. The Cmax, AUC0–72 h, AUC0–t, and AUC0–1 of test and reference for-
mulations shown as mean ± SD were 6.97 ± 1.78 and 6.78 ± 1.80 mg/mL, 199 ± 51 and
187 ± 38 mgh/mL, 303 ± 89 and 278 ± 54 mgh/mL, and 337 ± 109 and 305 ± 60 mgh/mL,
4. Two formulations were bioequivalent, and both were generally well tolerated.

Introduction reported (Donneau & Reginster, 2014; Jonville-B era et al.,

R 2009; Kinyo  et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2015). European Medicines
The brand-name drug Osseor (strontium ranelate for sus-
Agency (EMA) recommends that Osseor could be given mar-
pension) has been imported and used in China for a decade.
keting authorization but with further restrictions (EMA, 2014).
Strontium ranelate is mainly used for preventing fractures in
Under normal conditions, the Sr/Ca ratio in human bones is
post-menopausal women and men with severe osteoporosis,
between 1:1000 and 1:2000 roughly in the same range as in
and patients cannot be treated with other medicines
the human serum, Ca is substituted in a small extent by Sr,
approved for osteoporosis (EMA, 2016). It is composed of
and Sr is more readily dissociated from bone than Ca
two atoms of stable nonradioactive strontium (Sr) and an
organic moiety ranelic acid (Reginster et al., 2003). Its chem- (Cabrera et al., 1999; Pilmane et al., 2017; Pors Nielsen, 2004).
ical structure is shown in Figure 1. In human, the absorption, Overdosing of Sr interferes the gastrointestinal tract absorp-
distribution and binding to plasma proteins of ranelic acid tion, the bone metabolism, and the renal excretion of Ca,
are very low, the accumulation and metabolism of ranelic and induces hypocalcemia, so it have a deleterious effect on
acid are not found, and the excretion mainly in the form of bone mineralization and even have other adverse effects on
unchanged drug of absorbed ranelic acid occurs rapidly via the body (Pilmane et al., 2017). Thus, strontium ranelate may
the kidney (EMA, 2016; Reginster et al., 2003). The absolute not be a wide therapeutic index drug as we expected when
bioavailability of Sr is about 25% after an oral dose of 2 g it was firstly authorized to marketing, especially for patients
strontium ranelate, which is reduced by about 60–70% when with cardiovascular diseases, and possibly for patients with
strontium ranelate is taken with calcium (Ca) or food. Bone severe renal impairment. Fully considering the patient’s med-
tissue has a high affinity for Sr, while the binding of Sr to ical history, renal function, and dosage, or assessing the phar-
human plasma proteins is low, so most of the absorbed Sr is macokinetic properties of Sr in patients may be very
deposited in the bones. Sr is not metabolized, its excretion important for the clinical use of strontium ranelate. Besides
occurs via the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract, and its the factors of patients, the consistencies of the drug quality
half-life is approximately 60 h (EMA, 2016). between different batches of the same manufacturer, and
Recently, cutaneous and cardiovascular toxicities associ- between different products of the different manufacturers
ated with the treatment of strontium ranelate have been also have direct influence on the pharmacokinetic properties

CONTACT Huichen Liu Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Aerospace Center Hospital, 15 Yuquan Road, Haidian District, Beijing
100049, P.R. China
ß 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

The aims and risks of the study were fully explained to all
subjects who then gave written informed consent, and were
involved in the study after a series of screening examinations
including inquiry, physical examination, laboratory tests, and
some special examinations. All enrolled subjects confirmed
that they had not donated blood or participated in other
drug clinical trials within 3 months prior to dosing, and were
required to abstain from other medications, alcohol, tobacco,
caffeinated products and products rich in Sr from 48 h before
dosing until completion of the study.

Drug administration and sample collection

Figure 1. Chemical structure of strontium ranelate. Strontium ranelate granules (test formulation, 2 g strontium
ranelate per packet, Lot No. 12081601 with the content of
of Sr. Therefore, it’s necessary to establish a scientific and strontium ranelate 98.8%) and strontium ranelate for suspen-
reasonable strategy for the pre-marketing bioequivalence sion (OsseorV, reference formulation, 2 g strontium ranelate

evaluation and the post-marketing consistency evaluation of per packet, Lot No. 906285 with the content of strontium
strontium ranelate oral formulations. ranelate 98.0%) used in the study were produced by Beijing
A new oral formulation, strontium ranelate granules, has Haiyan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Yangtze River
been developed in China. To ensure consistency of the drug Pharmaceutical Group (Beijing, China) and Les Laboratoires
quality between this new formulation and the brand-name Servier Industrie (Gidy, France), respectively. All subjects
drug, it’s necessary to assess the pharmacokinetic properties maintained in a fasting state from at least 10 h before dosing
of this new formulation and evaluate the bioequivalence in until 4 h after dosing, and were randomly allocated into two
comparison with the brand-name drug in healthy Chinese groups of 18 to receive a single oral dose of test and refer-
subjects. The present study established a scientific and rea- ence formulations, respectively. Test and reference formula-
sonable strategy to study the pharmacokinetics of exogenous tions containing 2 g strontium ranelate, which was the
Sr, assessed the pharmacokinetics of Sr in Chinese after sin- clinical recommended daily dose, were administered to the
gle oral administration by sensitively and accurately quantify- subjects after dissolved and suspended in 200 mL water,
ing exogenous Sr from the drug in human serum with a full respectively. Venous blood samples (3 mL) were collected by
venepuncture into red Hemogard Cap VacutainerV (Becton,
consideration of subtracting endogenous Sr, and evaluated
the bioequivalence of two oral formulations with reasonable Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) before and
study design based on a pilot study (Zhang et al., 2015). 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 144, 192,
and 240 h after dosing. After standing at ambient tempera-
ture for at least 30 min, serum was separated by centrifuga-
Materials and methods tion (3500  g for 7 min at ambient temperature) and stored
Study design and subjects immediately at 80  C until analysis.

The study protocol and informed consent document of the

formal bioequivalence study in healthy Chinese subjects after Safety evaluation
single oral administration of two strontium ranelate formula- Physical examination, vital signs, clinical laboratory tests, 12-
tions were approved by the Ethics Committee of Aerospace lead ECG, and chest X-ray were conducted on all subjects
Center Hospital (Beijing, China). The study was conducted in during screening and at study termination. Vital signs were
accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, Good Clinical also performed at the day before, 1 h before, and 1, 3, 24,
Practice guidelines, and the law and regulations of the and 72 h after dose. The clinic staff monitored throughout
People’s Republic of China. the study for adverse events (AEs) and graded the AEs as
A balanced, randomized, single-dose, two-treatment paral- mild, moderate, or severe based on direct observation and
lel study was designed in view of the results of the pilot bio- interview with subjects, and the results of the various exami-
equivalence study. Subject enrollment was planned for up to nations. The investigator judged the relationship of AEs to
36 healthy Chinese male subjects with the sample size of 18 the study treatment as certain, probable, possible, unlikely,
which determined from the minimum sample size calculated none, or unassessable.
by nQuery Advisor 7.0 (Statistical Solutions Ltd., Cork, Ireland)
based on the test significance level (a) of 0.05, the bioequiva-
lence limit of 0.8000–1.2500, the power (1-b) of 0.8000, the
intra-subject CV determined from the pilot bioequivalence Strontium ranelate (purity 98.0%, Lot No. 18-SSR-98-1) was
study, and expected geometric mean ratio (GMR) (test formu- purchased from Toronto Research Chemicals Inc. (North York,
lation/reference formulation) to assume the two formulations Canada). The internal standard (IS) stock solution of germa-
equivalent (US FDA, 2002). nium (Ge, 1000 lg/mL, unique No. 12506) was purchased

from National Center of Analysis and Testing for Nonferrous post-dose and from 0 to the last quantifiable data point
Metals and Electronic Materials (Beijing, China). Nitric acid obtained by the linear trapezoidal rule, respectively. AUC0–1
(HNO3, extra-pure BV-III grade, 70.0 ± 1.0%, Lot No. 120318) was the AUC from 0 to infinity by adding AUC0–t with the
purchased from Beijing Institute of Chemical Regent (Beijing, quotient of last measurable serum concentration (Ct) and the
China) and distilled water purchased from Guangzhou terminal elimination rate constant (kz). The elimination half-
Watson’s Food & Beverage Co., Ltd. (Guangzhou, China) were life (t1/2) was calculated as 0.693 divided by kz, which was
used without further purification. determined by linear least squares regression of the terminal
Serum concentrations of Sr were quantified using our previ- portion of the log-transformed serum concentration-time
ously published inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometric curve. The apparent clearance (CL) and the apparent volume
(ICP-MS) method (Zhang et al., 2015). In brief, serum sample of distribution (Vd) were calculated as dose/AUC0–1 and
(50 lL) was added with IS working solution (5.00 mg/mL, 50 lL) dose/AUC0–1/kz, respectively. The area under the first
and 0.1% HNO3 (1400 lL) to directly dilute the serum sample, moment curve (AUMC) was also estimated by the method of
then the mixture was vortex-mixed for 1 min and introduced trapezoids. MRT0–t and MRT0–1, the mean residence time
directly into the plasma by pneumatic nebulization for ICP-MS (MRT) from 0 to the last quantifiable data point and from 0
analysis. ICP-MS analysis was performed using collision cell tech- to infinity, were calculated as AUMC0–t/AUC0–t and AUMC0–1/
nology (CCT) mode. Elements measured for calculations were AUC0–1, respectively.
Sr and 72Ge, and CCT gas was hydrogen-helium (7:93, v/v).
Alternate matrix method by using distilled water as an alternate
analyte-free matrix for the preparation of calibration standards Statistical analysis
was used to avoid the influence of endogenous Sr in blank Mean and SD were calculated for the demographics of sub-
(drug free) serum on the quantification. No compound in blank jects and main pharmacokinetic parameters. Median was also
water sample and no other endogenous substance in blank presented for Tmax. Evaluating the statistical differences in
serum sample interfered the determination of analyte and IS. the demographics of subjects between the two groups using
But the corresponding blank value of the endogenous analyte one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and comparing Tmax
should be subtracted from each serum sample for the determin- using non-parametric paired Wilcoxon test were both con-
ation of exogenous analyte. Under the conditions of the ducted by SAS V9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
method, there was no carry-over effect or influence of endogen- Statistical analysis on main pharmacokinetic parameters (Tmax
ous substances on the ionization of analyte or IS. The method excluded) was performed using WinNonlin version 6.3
was linear in the concentration range of 0.0300–15.0 lg/mL (Pharsight Corporation, St. Louis, MO, USA). p Value less than
with intra- and inter-batch relative SD (RSD) less than 8.0% and 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Calculation of
relative error (RE) within ±3.0%. The lower limit of quantitation power for main pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax, AUC0–72 h,
(LLOQ) of the method was 0.0300 lg/mL. Sr was stable in solu- AUC0–t and AUC0–1) was also performed by WinNonlin ver-
tion and in serum under various storage conditions. sion 6.3. The study design and the sample size were consid-
All serum samples of the study were analyzed using the ered suitable for bioequivalence demonstration if calculated
validated method. The concentration of exogenous Sr at power was more than 0.8000. The statistical differences in
each sampling time after dosing was determined as the the natural logarithmic-transformed pharmacokinetic parame-
measured concentration of Sr in serum at corresponding ters (Cmax, AUC0–72 h, AUC0–t and AUC0–1) between two for-
sampling time subtracting the concentration of endogenous mulations were evaluated using one-way ANOVA. The two
Sr, which was the measured concentration before dosing. All
formulations were considered to be bioequivalent if the 90%
the measured concentrations in serum samples collected
confidence intervals (CIs) of GMRs for Cmax, AUC0–72 h, AUC0–t
before dosing were higher than LLOQ, and the mean value
and AUC0–1 of Sr were within the pre-specified comparability
shown as mean ± SD was 0.0545 ± 0.0074 lg/mL.
bounds of (0.8000, 1.2500) (US FDA, 2002).

Pharmacokinetics assessments
Results and discussion
Non-compartmental method was used for the main pharma-
Subjects and tolerability
cokinetic parameters calculating by WinNonlin 6.3 (Pharsight
Corporation, St. Louis, MO, USA). Cmax, the maximum serum A total 36 healthy subjects were recruited and completed the
concentration, and Tmax, the time to reach Cmax, were both study. The demographic characteristics of subjects are sum-
determined from the observed serum concentrations of marized in Table 1. No significant differences in demographic
exogenous Sr. AUC0–72 h and AUC0–t were the area under characteristics of subjects were found between the two
the serum concentration-time curve (AUC) from 0 to 72 h groups in the study.

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of subjects (data are shown as mean ± SD [range]).

Demographic characteristics
Age (years) Body weight (kg) Body height (m) BMI (kg/m2)
All subjects (n ¼ 36) 25 ± 3 (2030) 63.2 ± 5.5 (52.276.2) 1.71 ± 0.05 (1.561.84) 21.6 ± 1.5 (19.024.3)
Subjects in the group receiving test formulation (n ¼ 18) 25 ± 3 (2130) 62.3 ± 5.0 (52.271.0) 1.70 ± 0.05 (1.631.81) 21.5 ± 1.5 (19.424.3)
Subjects in the group receiving reference formulation (n ¼ 18) 25 ± 3 (2030) 64.0 ± 5.9 (54.276.2) 1.71 ± 0.06 (1.561.84) 21.8 ± 1.6 (19.024.1)

Figure 2. Mean serum concentration-time profiles of Sr in healthy Chinese male subjects after single oral administration of test and reference formulations contain-
ing 2 g strontium ranelate. Data are shown as mean ± SD (n ¼ 18).

Table 2. Main pharmacokinetic parameters of Sr in healthy male Chinese sub- and reference formulations containing 2 g strontium ranelate
jects after single oral administration of strontium ranelate granules (test for- are displayed in Figure 2, with main pharmacokinetic param-
mulation) and strontium ranelate for suspension (reference formulation)
containing 2 g strontium ranelate. Data are shown as mean ± SD unless other-
eters summarized in Table 2. The statistical results of bioequi-
wise noted (n ¼ 18). valence evaluation of the two oral formulations of 2 g
Pharmacokinetic parameters Test formulation Reference formulation strontium ranelate in healthy Chinese male subjects are sum-
Cmax (mg/mL) 6.97 ± 1.78 6.78 ± 1.80 marized in Table 3.
Tmax (h)a 3.04 ± 0.81 (3.00) 3.46 ± 0.88 (3.50) The median Tmax values of Sr were observed 3 h and 3.5 h
AUC0–72 h (mgh/mL) 199 ± 51 187 ± 38
AUC0–t (mgh/mL) 303 ± 89 278 ± 54
for test formulation and reference formulation, respectively,
AUC0–1 (mgh/mL) 337 ± 109 305 ± 60 with p value more than 0.05. There was no significant differ-
t1/2 (h) 83.39 ± 13.97 79.34 ± 15.45 ence found in Cmax, AUC0–72 h, AUC0–t and AUC0–1 of Sr
CL (L/h) 6.47 ± 1.88 6.86 ± 1.69
Vd (L) 761 ± 211 777 ± 202
between two formulations. The GMRs and 90% CIs of GMRs
MRT0–t (h) 61.7 ± 6.4 59.9 ± 5.8 for Cmax, AUC0–72 h, AUC0–t and AUC0–1 of Sr were entirely
MRT0–1 (h) 90.9 ± 16.5 86.4 ± 16.5 within the pre-specified interval of (0.8000, 1.2500). Thus, the
Shown as mean ± SD (median). two oral formulations of strontium ranelate showed the simi-
lar rate and extent of absorption, and were bioequivalent.
During the study, 6 of 36 subjects reported a total of nine As one of the human body trace elements, the vast major-
AEs (five events in 4 subjects receiving test formulation and ity of Sr is found in bones, while only tiny amount dissolves
four events in 2 subjects receiving reference formulation), in the extracellular fluid (Pors Nielsen, 2004). A dynamic bal-
including urethra infection (1 subject), proteinuria (1 subject), ance exists between Sr in bones and blood by constantly
abnormal urine findings (1 subject), leucopenia (1 subject), exchanging, and Sr in blood is primarily excreted via urine.
hyperglycemia (2 subjects), bilirubinemia (1 subject), and Because of its complex bone metabolism in vivo, the overall
bilirubinuria (2 subjects). All the AEs were mild in severity biological half-life of Sr is relatively long by averaging all
and resolved by study completion. Bilirubinemia and bilirubi- excretion paths. In this study, the large Vd and long t1/2 of Sr
nuria were considered as possibly treatment-related, and were consistent with its enrichment in bone tissue and slow
other AEs were considered as unlikely to the treatment. elimination from the human body. Thus, endogenous Sr can
Bilirubinemia and bilirubinuria occurred in one subject receiv- be detected in human serum without any recent exogenous
ing reference formulation, and bilirubinuria occurred in supplement, and its level can be adjusted steady by control-
another subject receiving test formulation. There were no ling the intake of diet and drinking. The level of endogenous
clinically significant findings in the physical examination, vital Sr was monitored during 24 h in healthy Chinese volunteers
signs, 12-lead ECG or chest X-ray. Overall, strontium ranelate who abstained from products rich in Sr before the pilot bioe-
was generally well tolerated in healthy Chinese male subjects quivalence study, and proved to be steady. Therefore, in
following single oral administration of 2 g strontium ranelate. both pilot and formal study, the concentration of exogenous
Sr in serum samples at each time point after the drug admin-
istration were calculated by subtracting the level of endogen-
Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence
ous Sr at pre-dose from the measured concentrations.
Mean serum concentration-time profiles of Sr in healthy The generic drug (strontium ranelate granules) in this
Chinese male subjects after single oral administration of test study is a modified formulation of the brand-name drug with

Table 3. Bioequivalence evaluation of strontium ranelate granules (test formulation) and strontium ranelate for suspension (reference formulation) containing 2 g
strontium ranelate (n ¼ 18).
Geometric mean
Pharmacokinetic parameters Test formulation Reference formulation GMR 90% CI Power
Cmax (mg/mL) 6.76 6.54 1.0344 0.90851.1777 0.8832
AUC0–72 h (mgh/mL) 193 183 1.0513 0.93801.1783 0.9425
AUC0–t (mgh/mL) 291 272 1.0691 0.94741.2063 0.9191
AUC0–1 (mgh/mL) 322 299 1.0794 0.95001.2264 0.8920

the name of OsseorV (strontium ranelate for suspension). It results in this study confirmed that Cmax and AUC0–72 h were

was the first time to carry out the bioequivalence study of enough for the bioequivalence evaluation of oral formula-
these two formulations in Chinese, so it was unknown tions of strontium ranelate.
whether the drug was highly variable, and it was hardly to
determine the sample size before the study. A pilot bioequi-
valence study was conducted with a crossover design, so
that the intra-subject and inter-subject CV could be deter- In this study, pharmacokinetic properties and bioequivalence
mined. It would be helpful to design the formal study rea- of two strontium ranelate formulations after single oral
sonably in terms of the sample size and study design administration in healthy Chinese subjects were evaluated.
(crossover or parallel design). After statistical analysis on Considering the long elimination half-life of Sr, a parallel
main pharmacokinetic parameters of the pilot study, the design was used for the bioequivalence study, and a min-
inter-subject and intra-subject CV for Cmax, AUC0–72 h, AUC0–t imum sample size of 18 were used due to the low intra-
and AUC0–1 of Sr were 4.4% and 19.5%, 10.3% and 18.7%, subject and inter-subject variabilities of the two formulations.
9.8% and 19.0%, and 7.6% and 20.2%, respectively. The inter- Cmax and AUC0–72 h could respectively characterize peak and
subject and intra-subject CV were all less than 21.0%, and total drug exposure for the bioequivalence evaluation. Test
the former is much lower than the latter, which indicated formulation was bioequivalent to the reference formulation,
that oral formulations of strontium ranelate were not highly and two formulations were generally well tolerated in
variable drugs in Chinese. Thus, parallel design might be bet- healthy Chinese subjects following single oral administration.
ter than crossover design for the bioequivalence study of
oral formulations of strontium ranelate (Zhang et al., 2015).
Especially for the drug such as strontium ranelate, of which Disclosure statement
the half-life is long, the crossover design would lead to lon- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
ger washout period and greater possibilities of subject with-
drawal, while the parallel design would improve these
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