1104 Sorting The Simulators

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SORTING THE and/or procedures for airman training;

meet airman currency requirements;
do competency checks and conduct
a portion of the practical test for an
SIMULATORS instrument rating.
The analog Frasca 121/342 models
and the ATC-510/610 desktop devices
It’s an alphabet soup of ground trainers out there. are examples. Some remain at work
today. GTDs were grandfathered into
Here’s what they are, what they do and how you can Advisory Circular 120-45A as Level
use them under the regs to stay IFR current. 1 Flight Training Devices (FTDs)
meeting the criteria of Part 61.4,
by Fred Simonds tors and training devices. Simulators Qualification and approval of simula-

I n an earlier, but not necessarily sim-

pler time, there was only one simu-
lator, the Link Trainer. Patented by
are FAA-defined as full-size replicas
of a specific type or make, model and
series aircraft cockpit. They offer at
tors and flight training devices.

Edwin A. Link in 1929, “Blue Boxes” least three degrees of motion, ground Personal Computer-based Aviation
were sold to the Army Air Corps and and flight modes, full visual sys- Training Devices are notable because
Navy to train military and air mail tems and more. Found at the likes of their specifications also typify the basic
pilots in instrument flying. FlightSafety and airlines, only simula- and advanced training devices of today:
Today there are a plethora of choic- tors offer type-specific and type-rating A complete IFR panel is required.
es. As GA instrument pilots, our desire training. Instruments must not be out of focus,
is to zero in on the ones most useful jump or step to a distracting degree or
to us; that fly well and on which we Training Devices have jagged lines or edges.
can legally log initial and recurrent Training devices (TD) are scaled for PCATDs must include ADF (ADF
training. In all cases, an authorized GA; none require motion. Edwin is optional in newer training devices).
instructor must administer and endorse Link was adamant that any simula- The navigation database must cover
the training to satisfy any regulatory tion device include motion, but later at least the local area and IFR proce-
requirements. research showed that motion is not dures must meet Part 97, Standard
necessary to provide effective train- Instrument Procedures.
Simulator ing, hence its omission from FAA TD Realistic controls are also manda-
First, let’s distinguish between simula- specifications. tory – no keyboard or mouse allowed.
There are five TD For instance, yoke and throttle controls
flavors: GTDs/FTDs, should be physical and controllable
PCATDs, BATDs and solely by their appearance. The delay
AATDs. Let’s sort them out from control input to response must be
and decrypt the acronyms. 0.3 second or less.
In the 1970s, Ground The keyboard and mouse are for
Training Devices (GTDs) the instructor to set aircraft type, loca-
were approved informally tion, wind, program pause or “freeze”,
by the FAA to do up to four heading, airspeed, altitude, and engine
things: duplicate maneuvers power. It must be possible to disable
instruments without stopping or freez-
ing. The PCATD must record hori-
zontal and vertical track for playback
and review.
Have we progressed? It The device must “fly” like an air-
all started with this; the plane or helicopter and offer flight
“Blue Box” Link Trainer dynamics comparable to that of a
mounted on a pedestal to training aircraft’s performance and
allow a range of motion handling, e.g., changes in pitch with
(right), and its blind fly- flap setting and the decrease in vertical
ing panel (above). lift component as the aircraft banks.
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Phone us at:
(203) 857-3143
Fax us at:
(203) 857-3103


Please call (800) 829-9156
or mail us at
P.O. BOX 420235
PALM COAST, FL 32142-0235
The display of a Redbird AATD, an example of level of sophistication available in
training devices that can be purchased and operated by FBOs and flying clubs. TO CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS:
Attach your present mailing
There is no need to replicate control dural aspects of instrument training. label to this form (or a copy
force changes, or to replicate a particu- Qualified PCATDs, as those from of this form), enter your
lar aircraft. Functionally, the PCATD AST or Elite, can be used to log up to new address below and mail to:
must be able to perform all the expect- ten hours in lieu of flight time, whether IFR REFRESHER
ed instrument maneuvers; flight by under Part 61 or 141. Like all train- P.O. BOX 420235
reference to instruments, abnormal and ing devices, if used under Part 141, it PALM COAST, FL 32142-0235
emergency procedures, radio naviga- must be approved by the local Flight
tion including GPS, communications Standards office. Name__________________________
and cross-country. It must suffice as a PCATDs may be used for train- Company_______________________
training platform for at least the proce- ing only, not for testing or checking Address________________________
Address 2_______________________
A DISTINCTION WITH A DIFFERENCE City____________________________
The FAA makes a sharp regulatory distinc- gent than in an ATD, you get an additional State_____________ ZIP___________
tion between simulators and FTDs versus four month’s currency. E-mail__________________________
Aviation Training Devices (ATDs). Nowhere If you use a combination of aircraft,
is that more true than in the matter of cur- simulator or FTD and ATD, you get six-
rency. month currency. An unspecified number
FAR 61.57(c)(2) permits us to use a of approaches are required in the aircraft, A SUBSCRIPTION:
flight simulator or an FTD to stay current. sim and FTD. Six approaches are man- Enter your name and address
As in the aircraft, six approaches, holds dated in the ATD. All require holds and above and check the subscription
and course interception and tracking tracking. There is no three-hour minimum term that you prefer:
are required within the last six calendar or unusual attitude recovery required.
months. ATDs are excluded. If you skip the aircraft, you must do six 1 year (12 issues) $59
The next section, 61.57(c)(3), opens up approaches each in a combination of sim- 6 months (6 issues) $30
ATDs for maintaining currency, but we ulator or FTD and ATD along with holds
only get a two-month currency window. In and tracking. The ATD tasks again require For all other countries:
addition, we must log at least three hours three hours logged plus unusual attitude 1 year, US $69; 6 months, US $35
of instrument experience and four unusual recoveries. Your reward is six month’s cur-
attitude recoveries - two descending at rency. Check enclosed AMEX
Vne and two in an ascending stall. You can log all the above yourself, MasterCard VISA
You could get trapped if you didn’t do without an instructor, because none are
these additional things in an ATD, and/or Instrument Proficiency Checks. An IPC is
Card #__________________________
went beyond the two-month window. done with an instructor in any of the afore-
Even though the currency requirements in mentioned devices if so approved, with Expiration Date___________________
an aircraft, simulator or FTD are less strin- the specific exception of a PCATD. Signature_______________________

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as toward an Instrument Proficiency time. With the ability to stop, go back, instructor to better assess pilot perfor-
Check. and review, the learning experience for mance without having to play control-
the pilot can be greatly enhanced. ler. The other two recommendations
Basic Aviation Training Devices suggest adjustable cockpit seating and
When AC 61-136 was published in AATDs floor-mounted rudder pedals.
July, 2008, it again grandfathered Advanced Aviation Training Devices
FTDs and PCATDs and created the include the capabilities of a BATD but Time Toward the Rating
newest models: basic and advanced specifically mandate a “digital avionics Time in an FTD, BATD, AATD or
training devices. So what are these and panel” (we’re not sure what that is), a flight simulator toward earning an
what’s the difference? GPS navigator, three-axis autopilot and instrument rating may be combined
Functionally, there is no meaning- “as appropriate”, a flight director. The but cannot exceed 20 hours under
ful difference between earlier devices visual system must support both day §61.65 or 50 percent of the required
and a BATD. The specifications are and night VFR and IFR. training under Part 141, Appendix C,
nearly identical. Being newer however, There must be a separate instruc- paragraph 4(b)(4).
BATDs can offer either round dials or tor station that allows interaction and Then as now, it can be hard to
an electronic primary flight display. monitoring of the flight without inter- sell the value of ground trainers to
No mention is made of a multifunction rupting it. The station includes fea- students. They become believers when
display. A BATD is expected to sup- tures such as watching altitudes and their palms turn moist on a simulated
port LNAV GPS approaches. tracks along airways, holding entries circling approach at night in weather.
Options include WAAS approach- and patterns and localizer and glide Special thanks to Tom Gilmore
es with vertical navigation, autopilots slope alignment or GPS equivalents. whose book, Teaching Confidence in the
and flight directors, and ADF/NDB An instructor must be able to invoke Clouds, inspired this article.
approaches. failures and function as ATC.
Perhaps the most important thing AATD specifications include three Fred Simonds is a Gold Seal CFII
you can do in a BATD is an Instrument recommended features. The first is and factory-certified G1000 instructor.
Proficiency Check under 61.57(c)(1). automated ATC, perhaps using pro- See his web page at www.fredonflying.
This can be a big savings in money and grammed scenarios that allow the com.


• Completing an Instrument Proficiency Check with an instructor under FAR 61.57(c)(1). Circle to land is not authorized.

• Up to ten hours toward instrument rating flight instruction time under Part 61.65(e)(2) and 61.65(h)(3) or Part 141 Appendix C.

• Up to 2.5 hours of training permitted under Part 61.109(k)(1) in the introduction to the operation of flight instruments, except as limited
by Part 141 Appendices.

• Meeting instrument recency of experience requirements of Part 61.57(c)(1).


• All BATD authorized uses as above.

• On an Instrument rating practical test in accordance with FAA-S-8081-4E (the current Practical Test Standard); although circle to land is
not authorized.

• Up to 2.5 hours toward a Private Pilot certificate.

• Up to 50 hours toward a Commercial Pilot certificate.

• On a Commercial Pilot practical test per the Practical Test Standard.

• Up to 25 hours toward an Airline Transport Pilot certificate.

• Under Part 141 as limited by its applicable appendices, or under a special curriculum approved under Part 141.57.

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