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Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Technical Paper

Effect of the particle’s shape on the dynamic shear modulus

and compressibility of diatomaceous soils
Laura Ibagón a,b, Bernardo Caicedo b,⇑, Juan P. Villacreses a,b, Fabricio Yepez a
Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Diego de Robles y Via Interoceanica, College of Science and Engineering, Quito, Ecuador
Universidad de los Andes, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bogotá, Colombia

Received 10 February 2023; received in revised form 28 June 2023; accepted 30 August 2023
Available online 14 September 2023


Diatomites are unicellular algae fossils that can be found worldwide. This paper studies the diatom’s shape effect on diatomaceous soil
mixtures’ dynamic and compressibility properties. Physical characteristics of six diatomite samples with variable shapes and taxonomies
are presented. Among these six samples, three diatomites of similar grain size distribution were mixed with kaolin, and the mechanical
properties (i.e., shear modulus and damping ratio from small to large strains) were analysed. The results showed that diatom frustules
increased the mixtures’ compressibility and reduced the maximum shear modulus compared with pure kaolin samples. Moreover, the
diatom’s shape influenced the normalised shear modulus degradation curve and the damping ratio. Overall, the presence of diatomites
reduces the energy dissipation capacity in soils. This research evidenced the importance of distinguishing the shape of diatom in soil mix-
tures when mechanical properties are analysed, a situation that has yet to be explored.
Ó 2023 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (

Keywords: Dynamic shear modulus; Diatom shape; Diatomaceous soils; Damping; Dynamic shear rheometer

1. Introduction modulus that undergoes the high plasticity soils of the

deposit when applying shear strains (Vucetic & Dobry,
Dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio are critical 1991). It was identified that one of the reasons for the
parameters for analysing seismic wave amplification in hor- low degradation of the shear modulus and the strong
izontal geological layers during earthquakes, generally amplification that undergoes the Mexico City basin is the
known as the site effect. Seismic site effects were evidenced presence of diatoms that also increases the compressibility
during the 1985 Mexico City Michoacan earthquake (Singh (Dı́az-Rodrı́guez, 2003).
et al., 1988). The earthquake epicentre was located along Diatoms are unicellular algae, specifically phytoplank-
the Pacific Coast (several hundred kilometres from Mexico ton, that grow in aquatic ecosystems like lakes and coastal
City) and arrived in Mexico City highly attenuated. How- zones. Diatoms have a strong silica shell (frustules) which
ever, the seismic shaking was significantly amplified when acts as a mechanical protector for the cell against predators
the shear waves crossed the soil deposit, leading to exten- (Hamm et al., 2003). Several diatomite microfossil deposits
sive damage. have been found worldwide, frequently in countries with
The high amplification of the Mexico City basin was high volcanic activities like Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and
explained because of the reduced degradation of the shear Japan (Dı́az-Rodrı́guez, 2003; Shiwakoti et al., 2002;
Caniupan et al., 2009; Caicedo et al., 2018, Mendoza
⇑ Corresponding author.
et al., 2019). Those diatomaceous soil deposits comprise
E-mail address: (B. Caicedo).
0038-0806/Ó 2023 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Japanese Geotechnical Society.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

diatomite frustules and natural soil such as sand or clays Discotella Pseudostelligera (D2), Aulacoseira Ambigua (C1
(Arenaldi-Perisic et al., 2019). and C2), Epithemia denticulate (P1), and Pseudostaurosira
Diatomaceous soil mixture is a topic that has been cur- elliptical (P2). The main taxonomic characteristics of such
rently investigated by several authors (Dı́az-Rodrı́guez, diatoms are:
2003; Shiwakoti et al., 2002; Caicedo et al., 2018;
Arenaldi-Perisic et al., 2019; Dı́az-Rodrı́guez, 2013;  The Cyclotella Distinguenda (D1) has a circular centre
Caicedo et al., 2019a; Caicedo et al., 2019b; Sonyok & and an external striae ring. The central area presents
Bandini, 2019; Ovalle & Arenaldi-Perisic, 2020, Mendoza undulations that range from slight to distinct. This
et al. 2022). These studies showed that diatomite soil mix- taxon is commonly found in lakes and rivers, predomi-
tures do not behave as standard soil materials. Diatomite nantly alkaline waters (Hustedt, 1927).
particles can be classified as silty soils according to the par-  The Discotella Pseudostelligera (D2) presents a convex
ticle size distribution. Even though they present high-water centre. The central area is surrounded by a marginal
carrying capacity, they act as non-plastic according to ring of radiate striae bifurcated by ribs. This specie
Casagrande test methods. Diatomite interaction is influ- can be found in freshwater environments
enced by the water content, which depends on the frustule (Hustedt,1939).
shape (Caicedo et al., 2019a). Although there are more  Aulacoseira Ambigua (C1 and C2) frustule looks like a
than 200,000 different diatomite species with different frus- cylinder joined by small linking spines. This species is
tules’ shapes Guiry (2012), few studies focus on the particle commonly found in freshwater (Tremarin et al., 2013)
shape’s effect on soils’ mechanical behaviour.  Epithemia denticulate (P1) are elliptic, with thick internal
This research uses mixtures of kaolin and six different bars of silica (fibulae) parallel to the striae. This species
diatomaceous materials to analyse particle shape’s effect is part of the genus denticulate, and the fibulae form a
on their dynamical and compressibility properties. Accord- ‘‘tooth-like” appearance. This genus can be found in
ing to the particle shape, three groups of diatomaceous habitats such as carbonate-rich waters, oligotrophic
soils were defined. These groups have similar grain size dis- lakes, and warm springs (Geitler, 1977).
tributions but different shapes. Afterwards, the selected  Pseudostaurosira elliptical (P2) presents elliptic valves
diatomaceous materials were mixed with kaolin clay. with a flat shape and no perforations. This specie can
Finally, soil mixtures were consolidated and tested in a tor- be found in marine environments (Schumann, 1867).
sional shear rheometer to assess the shear modulus degra-
dation and the damping curve. According to Zhang et al. (2012), samples can be subdi-
This study shows that curves of degradation of the shear vided into three shape families, as shown in Fig. 1. The first
modulus can be affected by the presence of diatoms in soil family corresponds to flake diatoms with disc shapes (D1,
deposits, and they seem to influence seismic wave amplifi- D2). The second family corresponds to rod diatomites,
cation during earthquakes. specifically cylinder-shaped diatoms (C1, C2). Finally, the
This paper is divided as follows: Section 2 characterises last family corresponds to rod diatoms with a pennate
diatomites and kaolin individually as pure materials; from shape (P1, P2). However, it is essential to remark that sam-
this characterisation, three diatomites with similar grain ples are not uniform in shape since they can contain small
sizes and different shapes were selected for kaolin–di- amounts of diatomites of other shapes.
atomite mixtures; Section 3 characterises the compressibil-
ity of kaolin–diatomite mixtures; finally, Section 4
describes the response of the mixtures under dynamic 2.2. Particle size distribution
Fig. 2 presents the particle size distribution of the six
2. Diatom’s physical and mechanical characteristics diatom samples. They were measured using a laser granu-
lometry CILAS according to ASTM D4464-15 (2020).
This research uses six diatomites samples. Those sam- The particle size of the six samples ranges from 0.04 mm
ples were classified according to their taxonomy and shape to 100 mm, with a median particle size (d50) between
based on Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images. 8 mm and 35 mm. Hence, diatomaceous particles are classi-
Samples were characterised by their physical characteris- fied as silty soils according to ASTM D2487-17e1 (2017).
tics, such as grain size distribution, density, grain-specific Moreover, diatom samples have a uniformity coefficient
area, maximum and minimum void ratio, water-carrying between 3.69 and 7.75, corresponding to well-graded soils,
capacity, and compressibility. except for sample D2, which is poorly graded.
The shaded band in Fig. 2 grouped four samples of dia-
2.1. Taxonomy tomites with similar grain size distribution. Among them,
three diatomites were chosen to study the effects of the dia-
Fig. 1 shows the SEM images of the six diatoms’ sam- tom shape on the mechanical properties of kaolin–diatom
ples. According to their taxonomy, they are classified and mixtures. Those results are described in sections 3 and 4
denoted as follows: Cyclotella Distinguenda (D1), of this paper.
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Fig. 1. Diatomite shapes: D1, D2, flake shape; C1, C2, P1, P2, rod shape.

Fig. 2. Grain size distribution of the diatomite samples and kaolin.

2.3. Grain’s density and specific area (S) can be determined using the adsorbed mass and Eq. (1)
(Sivapullaiah et al., 2008).
Grain’s density was measured according to ASTM w Av
D854-14 (2014), and the results for the six diatomaceous S¼ A 1016 ð1Þ
M 104
ranged between 1.93 and 2.46 g/cm3.
The specific surface area was determined using the Where w is the ratio of the adsorbed substance by the
adsorption method. This methodology is based on the prin- soil´s (g adsorbed/ g of soil), M is the molecular weight
ciple that solid materials absorb a molecular mass of polar of the methylene blue (319.9 g/mol), Av is the Avogadro´s
solutions, such as methylene blue. The specific surface area number, and A is the area in square Armstrong per
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

molecule of the methylene blue (130 Å2). The specific area, similar volume reductions during the compression process.
measured using the methylene blue method, is 4 m2/g to Regarding the compressibility coefficients for sample D1,
151 m2/g. the computed parameters Cc and Cs were 1.71 and 0.19,
respectively, while sample D2 presented Cc of 1.95 and Cs
2.4. Bulk density, maximum and minimum void ratio of 0.25. Hence, the D2 sample’s Cc was 1.14 times the D1
sample’s Cc, which seems to be a slight difference consider-
The bulk density of the six diatomaceous samples was ing the different sources of the samples.
measured according to ASTM D4254-16 (2016). The max- Fig. 3b shows a different compressibility behaviour of
imum density ranged from 0.34 to 0.44 g/cm3, while the the cylindrical-shaped diatomites. For the C1 sample, com-
minimum density oscillated from 0.19 to 0.42 g/cm3, lead- puted parameters Cc and Cs were 2.33 and 0.23, respec-
ing to maximum void ratios between 4.83 and 9.19 and tively, while for the C2 sample, the compressibility
minimum void ratios from 2.55 to 5.48. parameters Cc and Cs were 1.04 and 0.20. Hence, the C1
sample’s Cc is 2.24 times the C2 sample’s Cc. Moreover,
2.5. Water carrying capacity the C1 sample has 1.9 times the volume reduction of the
C2 sample. These differences can be attributed to the parti-
The vesicular shape of diatom grains produces materials cle size distribution of the samples. Indeed, sample C2 pre-
with high water-carrying capacity. Compared with clays, sented a finer particle size distribution than the C1 sample,
their water-carrying capacity can also be evaluated using as seen in the SEM images (Fig. 4). Moreover, regarding
the Atterberg limits despite the large size of diatom grains. the uniformity of the particles, Fig. 4 shows that sample
However, due to the thixotropic properties of diatomites, C2, in its initial state, has more crushed particles than the
the water-carrying capacity of the six diatomite samples C1 sample, which agrees with the granulometric curve that
was measured using the falling cone penetration test shows a larger amount of finer particles in sample C2 than
(Houlsby, 1982; Wasti, 1987) instead of the Casagrande in C1. The same situation occurs with sample P2, which
method. shows more crushed particles than P1. For this reason,
Results showed that the water content for a penetration for the compressibility and dynamic tests described in sec-
of 20 mm of the six diatomite samples ranged from 76% to tions 3 and 4, samples C1, D1 and P1 were selected.
209%. On the other hand, the plastic limit could not be Fig. 3c presents the last CRS test results for the pennate
assessed due to the non-plastic behaviour of the diatomite shape particles. Although the consolidation curves for
samples. these samples show similar behaviour, the computed
parameters Cc and Cs are different. Sample P1 presented
2.6. Compressibility of the diatomite samples Cc and Cs values of 1.13 and 0.21, respectively, while
parameters Cc and Cs for sample P2 were 0.70 and 0.18.
Constant Rate of Strain oedometer tests (CRS) was per- In other words, the P1 sample’s Cc was 1.61 times the P2
formed on the six diatomite samples according to ASTM sample’s Cc. Moreover, the P1 sample presented 1.4 times
D4186 (2012) to establish a relationship between the frus- the volume reduction of the sample P2. This variation
tule’s shape and the material’s compressibility. can also be attributed to a finer particle size distribution
In detail, samples were prepared at their minimum void of the P2 sample due to crushed frustules (Fig. 4).
ratio and tested under dry conditions (i.e., oven-dried for
24 h at a temperature of 110°). The maximum density 2.7. Relationships between the physical and mechanical
was achieved through a vibro-compaction process. The characteristics of diatomites
material was poured into five layers and vibrated for five
minutes with a mass of 200 g placed at the top of the sam- Table 1 summarises the six diatomite samples’ main
ple according to ASTM D4253-16e1 (2016). Afterwards, physical and mechanical characteristics. These characteris-
samples were loaded and unloaded to three megapascals tics suggest relationships between them that allow the anal-
of vertical stress. Both load and unload were carried out ysis of diatomite samples using relationships suggested for
at a 0.05 mm/min displacement rate. clay or granular materials.
Fig. 3 shows the oedometric test results for the six dia- Fig. 5 allows analysing diatomite samples as fine-
tomite samples according to shape. From this figure, the grained soils. From this framework, the plasticity index
compressibility coefficient (Cc), swelling coefficient (Cs), of such soils, and therefore their liquid limit, depends on
and over-consolidation stress (r’p) were computed to anal- the amount of clayey material (i.e., particles with sizes finer
yse the samples’ compressibility behaviour. Since samples than 2 lm). Indeed, as shown in Fig. 5a, soils with clayey
were prepared at their minimum void ratio, it is reasonable particles such as kaolinite, illite, or smectite follow a
to assume that the over-consolidation stress gives informa- straight line representing a constant activity index. In
tion about the particles’ crushing stress within the granular Fig. 5a, the liquid limit wL was computed from the plastic-
arrangement. ity index, and the relationship proposed by Biarez & Favre
Fig. 3a shows the CRS results of the disc’s shape dia- relating liquid limit and plasticity index PI = 0.073(wL-13)
toms. The CRS curves for samples D1 and D2 presented (Favre & Hattab, 2008).
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Fig. 3. Results of the CRS oedometric tests (a) disc shape, (b) cylinder shape, and (c) pennate shape.

In Fig. 5a, it is essential to note that the results for the amount of vesicular voids determines the water-carrying
different diatomite samples show a very high liquid limit capacity of the diatomite and, consequently, its compress-
for low amounts of particles finer than 2 lm. Indeed, in ibility. For instance, Fig. 6a shows that the C1 sample pre-
Fig. 5a, diatomite samples are located above the upper sents the highest water-carrying capacity and, therefore,
limit of smectites. This result concludes that diatomite the highest compressibility. This sample corresponds to a
materials have a high capacity for retaining water mainly rod–cylinder particle with a high content of vesicular voids
in their pores or cavities, and in a reduced proportion, as and presents non-crushed frustules. In contrast, the P2
an adsorption phenomenon on their surface, in contrast sample, which corresponds to a rod-pennate sample with
with clays. Such a conclusion is confirmed in Fig. 5b, show- low content of vesicular voids and highly crushed particles,
ing that, despite the high liquid limit of diatomite samples, has the lowest water carrying capacity and consequently
the specific surface of D1 and D2 samples are in the range the lowest compressibility.
of kaolinites, while samples C1, C2, P1, and P2 are in the The compressibility coefficient (Cc) of soil particles is
field of illites. As a matching relationship, Fig. 5c relates commonly related to the water-carrying capacity (Favre
the proportions of grains finer than 2 lm and the specific & Hattab, 2008). Fig. 6a shows different linear relation-
surface leading to the same conclusions as Fig. 5a and 5b. ships between the liquid limit, also termed as water carry-
Fig. 6a shows the comparative values of compressibility ing capacity, and the compressibility coefficient. Three
coefficient Cc of the different diatomites. Values of Cc sug- relationships are depicted in Fig. 6a: the relationship pro-
gest that the compressibility is related to the vesicular char- posed by Burland (1990), which depends on the void ratio
acteristics of the different diatom shapes. Indeed, the at a water content corresponding to the liquid limit, eL; the
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Fig. 4. Crushed diatomite particles.

Table 1
Physical properties of diatomite samples.
ID Shape emin emax Gs S d 50 Cu Fc Cc Cs r0c wL
m2/g lm d60/d10 %<2lm kPa %
D1 Disc 4.68 8.02 2.34 4.1 25.5 4.80 3.0 1.71 0.19 92 144
D2 Disc 5.21 9.19 2.13 8.2 19.8 3.69 2.2 1.95 0.25 280 184
C1 Cylinder 5.48 8.48 2.34 118.3 15.3 4.50 4.0 2.33 0.23 690 209
C2 Cylinder 4.17 7.32 2.20 130.5 10.4 4.82 7.5 1.04 0.20 420 123
P1 Pennate 3.61 8.05 2.02 150.9 16.0 6.90 6.6 1.13 0.21 305 120
P2 Pennate 2.55 4.83 2.46 126.4 7.5 7.75 15.9 0.70 0.18 205 76
emin, emax, minimum and maximum void ratios; Gs, specific gravity (relative density of grain particles); S, specific area; d50 particle’s size for 50% passing;
Cu uniformity coefficient. Fc percentage of particles with a size less than 2 lm; Cc, coefficient of compressibility; Cs, swelling coefficient; r’c over
consolidation stress (crushing stress); wL, water carrying capacity (liquid limit).

relationship proposed by Biarez & Favre for clayey soils the relationship shown in Fig. 6c between the water carry-
(Favre & Hattab, 2008)., and the one proposed in ing capacity (or the liquid limit) and the maximum void
(Caicedo et al., 2019a) for natural Bogota’s diatomaceous ratio. These relationships suggest that the behaviour of dia-
soils. As this last relationship was proposed for diatoma- tomite samples can also be described using the framework
ceous soils, it seems to be the best relationship to relate of granular materials. Indeed, the maximum and minimum
the compressibility of diatomites and the liquid limit. void ratios are critical parameters for describing their
Fig. 6b suggests that the compressibility coefficient is mechanical behaviour for such materials. On the other
also related to the maximum void ratio, emax, leading to hand, as Youd (1973) and Caicedo (2018) suggested, the

L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Fig. 5. Relationships between (a) liquid limit and the percentage of particles with a size finer than 2 lm, (b) liquid limit and specific surface, and (c)
percentage of particles with a size finer than 2 lm and specific surface.

Fig. 6. Relationships between (a) liquid limit and compressibility coefficient, (b) compressibility coefficient and maximum void ratio, and (c) liquid limit
and maximum void ratio.

L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

maximum and minimum void ratios of granular materials 3. Compressibility of diatomaceous soil mixtures
are related to the coefficient of uniformity of the grain size
distribution, Cu. Fig. 7a suggests that such dependency The selected diatomites (D1, C1, P1) were used to pre-
could also be valid for diatomite samples, except for sam- pare six specimens with different proportions of clay. The
ple P2, which, as remarked previously, has a considerable first set of three samples was made with 28.6% diatomites,
amount of crushed particles. while the second set had a proportion of 50% diatomites.
Fig. 7b shows another interesting relationship between These proportions correspond to the dry mass of the com-
the maximum void ratio and the mean size of the particles ponents. However, as the density of the solid particles of
d50. In fact, in contrast to the theoretical relationship on kaolin and diatomites are different, the volumetric propor-
arrangements of spherical particles that suggests that the tions differ from the mass proportions. Table 2 shows the
void ratio for different arrangements does not depend on volumetric and mass proportions of the mixtures.
the size of the spheres, in the case of diatomite particles, The specific gravities of the mixtures in Table 2, Gmix
s ,
due to their intricate shapes, it appears that the larger par- were calculated based on the specific gravity of the compo-
ticles, which probably have internal cavities, increase the nents, Gds and Gks for diatomites and kaolin respectively,
volume of voids. and their volumetric proportion as follows:

2.8. Physical properties of the kaolin Gmix

s ¼ f d Gds þ ð1  f d ÞGks ð2Þ

Kaolin was used for this study as clay material to be Where fd is the volumetric fraction of diatoms.
mixed with diatomites D1, C1, and P1. Considering their Specimens were constructed using a slurry with water
similarities in particle size distribution, they were selected content between 1.5 and 2.0 times the water carrying capac-
to evaluate the compressibility and shear modulus of the ity. Once the slurry was prepared, it was poured into a con-
kaolin–diatomite mixtures. The grain size distribution of ventional consolidation mould. A pre-load was applied
kaolin was measured using the hydrometer test according until a vertical stress of 1.13 kPa was achieved. After that,
to ASTM D7928-17 (2017), shown in Fig. 2. Kaolin’s liq- the sample was placed in an oedometric press, and load
uid limit is 86%, and the compressibility coefficient stages of 1, 6, 12, 24, 49, 98, 196, 392, and 784 kPa were
obtained from oedometric compression tests is Cc = 0.697. applied.

3.1. Compressibility of the mixture’s diatomite kaolin

Fig. 8 shows the results of consolidation tests on the dif-

ferent diatomite and kaolin mixtures described in Table 2
using the standard described in ASTM D2435-04 (2017).
Those results suggest that the initial void ratio of the mix-
tures increases as the proportions of diatomite increase.
Such increment occurs for diatomites D1 and C1 for all
the stress ranges. However, for the mixtures with diatomite
P1, there is a slight reduction in the initial void ratio, prob-
ably due to the low specific gravity of such diatomites,
which increases the volume of solids and, in turn, reduces
the void ratio. The compressibility curves of the six mix-
tures suggest that the amount of diatomite influences the
void ratio moving the curves towards higher void ratios.
Furthermore, the magnitude of the shifting up of the curves
depends on the diatom’s shape. Still, it is essential to
remark that the change in the initial void ratio does not
necessarily imply an increase in compressibility.
Results of the compressibility tests allow computing the
coefficient of compressibility Cc of the mixtures as the slope
of the compression line in the normally consolidated
region. However, compressibility curves of the mixtures
do not show a clear breaking point separating the overcon-
solidated and normally consolidated ranges because of the
low stresses achieved during the oedometric tests. There-
Fig. 7. Relationships between (a) maximum and minimum void ratios fore, another possibility for analysing compressibility is
emax emin and the coefficient of uniformity of the grain size distribution Cu, using the constrained elastic modulus, also known as the
and (b) maximum void ratio and d50. oedometric modulus Eoed. Such modulus is defined as the
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Table 2
Mass and volumetric proportions of the diatomite – kaolin mixtures.
Mixture A Mixture B
Mass prop. % Vol. prop. % Gmix
s Mass prop. % Vol. prop. % Gmix

Diat. Kaolin Diat. Kaolin Diat. Kaolin Diat. Kaolin

D1 + K 28.6 71.4 32 68 2.49 50 50 54 46 2.44
C1 + K 28.6 71.4 32 68 2.46 50 50 54 46 2.39
P1 + K 28.6 71.4 35 65 2.41 50 50 57 43 2.31

Fig. 8. Oedometric compression tests of the mixtures of diatomites D1, C1, and P1 mixed with different mass proportions of kaolin prepared from a slurry

ratio between stresses and strains measured during the upper and lower bounds presented by Hill (1967), which
oedometric compression test for a given stress. Fig. 9a is based on the modulus of the components. Indeed, Hill
shows the oedometric moduli of the pure diatomite materi- demonstrated that the bounds of the elastic constants of
als and kaolin, while Fig. 9b shows the oedometric modu- polycrystals are bounded by a model that assumes homo-
lus of the mixtures. geneity of stresses throughout the sample (a model which
The oedometric modulus suggests the possibility of com- is not necessarily cinematically admissible) and a model
puting the oedometric modulus of the mixtures using the that assumes homogeneity of strains throughout the
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Fig. 9. Oedometric moduli depending on the vertical stress computed for (a) pure diatomites and kaolin and (b) mixtures of diatomites and kaolin at
different mass proportions.

sample (a model which is not necessarily statically admissi- 4. Dynamic shear modulus of diatomaceous soil mixtures
ble). Regarding soils, such bounds were applied for mix-
tures of clay by Pua et al. (2021). Therefore, for mixtures The dynamic properties of the diatomite mixtures were
of clay diatoms, the upper and lower bounds of the oedo- studied using a dynamic shear rheometer, as shown in
metric modulus are given by, Fig. 11a. The methodology is similar to the classical torsion
shear tests on solid cylindrical specimens. Still, the precision
oed ¼ f d E oedd þ ð1  f d ÞE oedk
Upper bound Emix ð3Þ
 1 of the apparatus allows measures into a wide range of oper-
fd 1  fd ational shear strains (i.e., from 5  10-6 to 1  10-2)
Lower bound Eoed ¼
þ ð4Þ
Eoedd Eoedk (Villacreses et al., 2020). Thus, it will enable measuring the
complete degradation curve of the material using a single
Where Eoed-d is the oedometric modulus of the diatoms,
equipment in a single sample.
and Eoed-k is the oedometric modulus of the kaolin. Those
A mould was constructed for the specimen elaboration
bounds are calculated for the oedometric modulus corre-
(Fig. 11b). The mould has an internal steel cylinder with
sponding to each stress level. Fig. 10 shows the good agree-
a Teflon coating to reduce friction between the mould
ment of the oedometric modulus computed using Eqs. (3)
and the soil. The soil is placed into the mould as a slurry
and (4) and the experimental measures. Those encouraging
made of soil and a water content of 2.0 times the water car-
results suggest a new possibility in analysing clay and dia-
rying capacity and then pressed using two pistons provided
tom mixtures.
with porous stones, which allow water drainage. The sam-

Fig. 10. Comparison between the upper and lower bounds of the oedometric moduli of the mixtures computed for each stress level and the measured
oedometric moduli.

L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Fig. 11. (a) the layout of a soil sample placed into the dynamic shear rheometer, and (b) details of the consolidation mould.

ples were consolidated until the final vertical stress of mum shear modulus of 50% P1 + 50% kaolin is 94% of the
100 kPa. The final size of the samples was 12.95 mm in modulus of the mixture 28.6% P1 + 71.4% k.
diameter with variable height according to the compress- The disc shape maximum shear modulus decreases at a
ibility of each sample. Samples were placed and glued in constant rate as the diatomite content grows. Therefore,
the AR 2000 rheometer metallic holders and coated with the kaolin maximum shear modulus reduction is approxi-
Vaseline and a plastic wrap sheet to prevent changes in mately 1.65 times the 28.6% D1 + 71.4% k mixture and
water content. Tests were carried out without applying presents the same reduction factor for the 50%
confinement stress and harmonic strains with a frequency D1 + 50% k.
of 1 Hz and variable strain growing from 5.10  10-6 to Numerous authors (Hardin & and Richart, 1963;
2.15  10-2, resulting in nineteen strain amplitudes. During Iwasaki & Tatsuoka, 1977; Biarez & Hicher, 1994; Lo
testing, torque was recorded, and the shear stress was com- Presti et al., 1997) proposed equations relating the maxi-
puted. The following sections show the results of the sam- mum shear modulus with the void ratio, e, and effective
ples’ shear modulus having the mixtures described in stress r’. Such relationships have the following form,
Table 2.  0 n
Gmax ¼ KG f ðeÞ ð5Þ
4.1. Maximum shear modulus of the mixture’s diatomite
kaolin where KG and n are material constants, f(e) is a function
of the void ratio, and r ref is a reference stress, usually
The maximum shear modulus (Gmax), which corre- assumed as 100 kPa. On the other hand, as shown in
sponds to the shear modulus measured at the lowest shear Table 3, the expression of the function f(e) differs accord-
strain, decreases as the diatom content increases, as shown ing to the author.
in Fig. 12a. For example, for the 28.6% C1 + 71.4% k These mixtures of diatoms – kaolin were consolidated to
blend using mass ratios, the maximum shear modulus 100 kPa, equal to the reference stress. Therefore, in Eq. (5),
decreases to 47% of the kaolin shear modulus. The mixture measures of the mixtures’ shear modulus are directly
of 50% C1 + 50% k decreases to 81% of the modulus related to the effect of the void ratio on the reduction of
(28.6% C1 + 71.4% k). the maximum shear modulus.
Likewise, the samples of pennate diatoms also presented Fig. 12b shows that the relationship f(e) = 1/e allows
a decreasing behaviour. For a mixture of 28.6% describing the effect of the void ratio on the reduction of
P1 + 71.4% k, the maximum shear modulus is 66% of the maximum shear modulus. This fitting curve suggests
the modulus of the kaolin sample. Furthermore, the maxi- that the main effect of the diatoms in soils is reducing the
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Fig. 12. Maximum shear modulus depending on (a) diatomite content and (b) void ratio.

Table 3
Different authors proposed relationships between Young’s and shear moduli and void ratio.
Reference Modulus n Ff(e) Comments
Hardin & Richart (1963) G 0.5 (2.17-e) /(1 + e) Rounded grains
Iwasaki & Tatsuoka (1977) G 0.4 Cu < 1.8
Biarez & Hicher (1994) G, E 0.5 1/e All soils
Lo Presti et al. (1997) G 0.45 1/e1.3 Sands

void ratio for the same consolidation stress. Under this cir- are achieved for 5  10-4 and 1.3  10-3 on mixed samples
cumstance, a unique curve can describe the reduction of the with 28.6% and 50% diatomites, respectively. In other
maximum shear modulus for elongated diatom species (C1 words, the sample with 28.6% of P1 increases 1.31 times
and P1). However, the maximum shear modulus reduction the shear strain corresponding to a reduction of 0.5 times
for the disc-shaped diatoms D1 decreases significantly as the shear modulus, and 3.28 on mixed samples with 50%
the void ratio increases. Moreover, the maximum shear of diatoms.
modulus of the pure kaolin does not fit into the trend curve The flake disc shape material (diatomite D1) also shifts
of the mixtures. the shear modulus degradation curve towards higher
strains. In this case, the 0.5 times reduction of the shear
4.2. Degradation of the shear modulus of the mixture’s modulus was achieved for shear strains of 4.8  10-4 and
diatomite kaolin 7  10-4 for mixtures of 28.6% and 50% mass diatom con-
tent. Such values correspond to increases in the shear strain
Fig. 13a and 13b show the mixtures’ normalised shear of 1.31 and 1.84 times concerning the shear strain corre-
modulus degradation curves. The results suggest that add- sponding to the kaolin sample. However, it is essential to
ing diatom particles to kaolin increases the range of strains note in Fig. 13b that the mixture with 50% of flake shape
where shear moduli do not decrease (generally interpreted particles exhibits higher G/Gmax ratio degradation for low
as the domain of elastic behaviour). As a piece of evidence, shear strains than the kaolin.
the normalised diatomite + kaolin curves are shifted to The rheometer test also evaluates the shape and diato-
higher shear strains compared with the kaolin curve. For mite content influence on phase angle related to the damp-
example, a 0.5 reduction of the normalised shear modulus ing ratio. The results suggest that increasing diatomite
implies a strain of 3.8  10-4 in the kaolin sample. For the content produces a phase angle reduction and damping
mixtures of C1diatomites, the same reduction in shear reduction. Indeed, as shown in Fig. 13c and 13d, the
modulus is achieved for a strain of 7  10-4 in the 28.6% diatomite + kaolin sample’s phase angle curves are below
sample of diatomite and a strain of 1.5  10-3 for the sam- the kaolin sample’s curve.
ple with 50% of diatomites (both in mass proportions). In In consequence, for a shear strain of 1  10-3, the kaolin
other words, when the kaolin is mixed with 28.6% of diato- sample’s phase angle is 18°, while for the same strain, the
mites C1, the strain is 1.84 times the kaolin strain for the 28.6% C1 mixture has a phase angle of 14° and 11° for
same modulus reduction and 3.15 times the kaolin samples’ the 50% C1 mixture. Similar results are achieved for pen-
strain for the mixture having 50% of diatomites C1. nate rod diatomite (P1 diatomite); in this case, the phase
The same trend is observed for the mixtures made with angles are 14.8° and 10.5° for the mixtures with 28.6%
diatomites P1, which have rod-shaped particles. Indeed, for and 50% in mass proportions, respectively. Finally, flake
this mixture, 0.5 reductions of the normalised shear curve disc particles (diatomites D1) also influence the damping
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

Fig. 13. Normalized shear modulus degradation curves for (a) 28.6% diatomite + 71.4% kaolin, (b) 50% diatomite + 50% kaolin, (c) relationship between
phase angle and shear strain for 28.6% diatomite + 71.4% kaolin, and (d) 50% diatomite + 50% kaolin, all in mass proportions.

resulting in phase angles of 15.5° and 12.5° for mixtures soils, cohesion at low stresses and high friction angles
with 28.6% and 50% in mass proportions, respectively. was evidenced in Ovalle & Arenaldi-Perisic (2020). The
As a general comment, the results show a strong relation growth of friction and geometrical cohesion increases the
between mechanical behaviour and particle shapes of soil range of strains where the soil behaves in the elastic
and diatomite mixtures. The presence of diatoms in soil domain, shifting the degradation curve towards larger
reduces the capacity of the material to dissipate energy. strains and reducing the damping ratio.
This fact is present in the shift of the normalised shear The shift of the shear modulus degradation curves
modulus degradation curve towards higher shear strains towards higher strains was analysed by Vucetic & Dobry
and the reduction of the phase angle. Furthermore, this (1991) based on the behaviour of the Mexico City soil.
effect seems more pronounced in mixtures with particles They concluded that the amplification of the movement
with an elongated shape. The displacement of the shear of the earthquake due to the site effect grows as the degra-
modulus degradation curve and the reduction of the damp- dation curves of the shear modulus shift, a phenomenon
ing ratio could be explained, at the microscopic level, by associated with a reduction in the damping ratio. Vucetic
the increase in the friction angle and by the geometric cohe- & Dobry (1991) attributed the shift of the shear modulus
sion that arises in the contact between the diatom particles. degradation curve and the consequent reduction in the
The increase in friction angle on diatom between particles damping ratio to the increase in the plasticity index of
was shown by Caicedo et al. (2019b), while the emergence the soil, which could be related to the presence of a high
of geometric cohesion at the contact of non-convex parti- proportion of active clays. However, the presence of clays
cles was demonstrated using DEM by Estrada et al. in the soil of Mexico was controverted by Dı́az-
(2019). Moreover, in natural undisturbed diatomaceous Rodrı́guez (2003), who argued that, in the soil of Mexico
L. Ibagón et al. Soils and Foundations 63 (2023) 101374

City, the percentage of silt-sized particles oscillates between varied for the rod shape mixtures for different kaolin-
40 and 70, while the percentage of clay-sized particles var- diatomite proportions. However, for the flake shape mix-
ies between 20 and 55. Therefore, the soils of Mexico City tures, the decreasing ratio was approximately constant
could be better classified as clayey silt sediments than as for different kaolin-diatomite proportions. Such reductions
highly plasticity clays. Dı́az-Rodrı́guez (2003) explains this can be described using the ordinary equation relating max-
discrepancy by the presence of diatoms in the soil of Mex- imum shear modulus and void ratio. In this case, the reduc-
ico City, which, from the point of view of particle size, cor- tion of the shear modulus of the mixtures can be described
respond better to the size of silt than to that of clay. The with a single curve for the elongated diatom particles but
shift of the shear modulus degradation curve and the not for the disc-shaped diatoms.
reduction of the damping ratio because of the presence of This research showed the diatom shape’s influence on
diatoms were also reported on the Bogotá soil deposit in the different soil mixtures’ dynamical properties. Conse-
Caicedo et al. (2018 and 2019a) and Ovalle & Arenaldi- quently, the presence of diatomites in soils and their shape
Perisic (2020) for the Mejillones Bay soil in northern Chile. can generate different seismic site responses according to
The previous considerations allow us to conclude that the the diatom frustule in the specific site. Finally, an essential
increase in the Atterberg limits, and therefore the changes conclusion of this work is that the presence of diatoms in
in the shear modulus and the damping ratio, could be soils strongly affects the site effect during earthquakes,
related to the presence of diatom frustules and not to the increasing the seismic movement’s amplification.
presence of high plasticity clays. In summary, the results
of this work allow concluding that the presence of diatoms Acknowledgement
in soils can substantially affect the site effect during earth-
quakes, increasing the amplification of the seismic We gratefully acknowledge Dr Miriam Steinitz-
movement. Kannan from Northern Kentucky University for his sup-
port in the taxonomy identification of diatoms specimens,
5. Conclusion Centro de Microscopia l-core of Los Andes Unversity,
and Prof. Lorena Bejarano from Universidad San Fran-
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