HCLT106 1 Jan Jun2024 T&L Week14 RM V.1 21052024

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Teaching and Learning Activity

Module: Computer Literacy: Digital Transformation (Big Data,

AI, Machine Learning) (HCLT106-1)
Week number (Date): 14, (23 May 2024)
Unit covered: Chapters 6-10


To enrich your learning experience at Boston even further, and to ensure that you are exposed to a
variety of resources in this module, announcements will be posted every week containing additional
materials or activities for you to work through.

It is important to note that these activities are neither compulsory nor weighted, but that it will be to your
advantage to participate. The purpose of the activities is to help you better understand the content of
your weekly unit/s of study, and it will assist in creating insight and deeper meaning.

Activity 12 is based on Chapters 6-10 of the prescribed courseware for this module.

The suggested solutions for this Activity will be posted end of the day today.

1. How is machine learning used to create artificial intelligence?

2. Explain what are cloud-based machine learning tools and why they matter.

3. Identify and explain the different types of machine learning (ML)

4. Explain why reinforcement learning matters.

5. Explain what a machine learning (ML) model is and why it matters.

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6. Validating a model is crucial, but what is it, and why is it necessary?

7. How is testing and validating a model different?

8. How much data does a machine learning (ML) model need to be trained?

9. Explain the decision tree and how it works.

10. What is ensemble learning, and how does it work?

11. Explain Neural networks and Deep learning.

12. How do neural networks work?

13. Explain the most common reasons why machine learning (ML) projects fail.

14. Describe agile project management and explain why it matters.

15. What are the ethical considerations in data collection?

16. Explain the best practices and principles that can ensure the ethical use of data.

17. Machine learning, particularly deep learning, plays a major role in AI. If we
assume that this will continue to be the case (unless there is a sudden
breakthrough of another way to develop AI, which seems a reasonable
assumption to make), then the advancement of AI will be dictated by the
factors that drive advancements in machine learning. Thus, to predict how AI
will develop, we must examine the factors that influence machine learning.
Discuss these factors behind machine learning (ML).

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