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Tutoring Session Form

Instructions: Please complete your Tutoring Session form within one week of your appointment & email it to me at This form is just shared between you and me.
Student’s Name: Date/Time of Appointment:
Edward Qin 3/3/2022 10:30 AM

Length of Session (minutes): Tutoring Resource (check the one that applies):
Odegaard: Writing Consultation; Odegaard: Librarian
45 minutes Research Consultation; Design Help Desk; Other_OWRC

In one short paragraph, briefly describe your session. Who was your tutor (name)? How did it go? What did you
discuss with him/her/them? What specific advice, suggestions, encouragement, and/or knowledge did you gain by
meeting with this person? Etc.

My tutor was Suh Young. The session was helpful. I discussed the writing style of the content of text, and advice was
given on how I can improve the writing and flow of the piece. For example, “letters point to letters” can be made clearer
if I add how the order or difference between the letters is not necessarily the same. Another example is that I can add a
short section describing what Public Key Cryptography is before I describe symmetric and asymmetric ciphers.

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