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The democrat’s war against fossil fuel is part of its war against
gas powered cars and the war against gas powered car is a war
on freedom of movement and the biggest beneficiary is drum
roll please the Chinese Communist party well again because of
its dominance in the EV battery market China can lower its costs
indefinitely really and just outcompete us every time and rather
than do the logical thing which is harness the power of
America’s oil and gas industries let them go Biden would rather
cripple us then is not worried at all to giving China the upper
hand but of course Biden couldn’t do any of this without his
help that he desperately needs from his friend in corporate
America and their just eager to sell the country out as Biden is
last night this was astonishing the US China Business Council it
already sounds bad held its annual very glitzy Gala in the
swamp and its chairman Mark Casper is also the CEO of
Thermal Fisher scientific he gave a pat on the back for the great
China cow tow “and along with Thermal Fisher the American
companies represented here this evening have been at the
Forefront of China’s modernization the benefits of that progress
are eminently clear and have made a profound positive impact
on the Chinese people and our goal is to further strengthen this
relationship to the benefit of both countries and Society
overall” that’s funny that’s really funny tell that to the millions
of people who lost their job over the last 20 years Mark I’m
surprised he didn’t do that in Mandarin well he just one of the
many CEO though on this Council Boeing, Nike, JP Morgan
Chase, coca cola others all sit on the China Business Council
board of directors and they had no problem at all giving China’s
Ambassador to the United States a platform to scold any of us
who dare object to the CCP’s infiltration of our country “ some
people though have been hyping up so-called China threat
slapping new sanctions and forcing a China invested agriculture
company with over 50 years of presence in the US to sell its
Farmland all these stand in stark contrast to the statements by
the US side that ready to keep growing economic and trade
relations with China” but surely the guest of honor Janet Yellen
pushed back on all this right yeah right she used the
opportunity to attack TRUMP for actually having stood up to
China “ the TRUMP administration had failed to make
investments at home while also neglecting relationships our
partners an allies it damaged our Global standing and meant
significant missed economic opportunities for American firms
and workers the Biden administration has course corrected” in
a sense she’s right the Biden administration has course
corrected away from TRUMP’s policies of putting AMERICA
FIRST and back to the old regime of giving China a blank check
and a open border to our country…

Thanks for your time

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