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1.What is the purpose of the letter?

A. To explain the registration for school.

B. To request a Frisbee game.

C.To introduce Daniel to Richard.

D. To arrange a visit.

E.To invite somebody to a barbeque.

2. Choose the correct answer for letter bellow

A. wearing D. wore
B. to waer
E. wear
C. will wear

3. The scholarship will be given to the student …..

A.Where they passed the selection test

B.They passed the selection test
C.Which passed the selection test
D.Whose selection test selection.
E.Who have passed the selection test.

4. They … many good product designs.

A. Is D. Are
B. Has E. Have
C. Am

@prosus INTEN Serang | INTEN IPA /IPS Kelas XI

5. According to the next, which of the following sentences is
NOT true?

A.You may suffer from constipation if you don’t get adequate

amounts of fiber.

B.Junk food is often high in sugar, fat and


C.Junk food contains much sodium which may increase your risk
of a stroke.

D.Junk food does not have any benefit for

our body.

E.You should consume more than 1,500 milligrams of

sodium each day.

6. “I promised him that he would see you at the end

of this month.” (Paragraph 2) The word “him”
pronoun refer to?

A.Daniel. D. Richard’s brother

B. Jeremy. E. Lidia’s son.

C. Richard.

8. According to the text, how can you do if you are bored with
drinking pure water?

A. You can replace it with soft drinks.

B. You can add sugar and fresh lemon slice,

7. On what day Vivian going to arrive home?
lime, cucumber, and a tomato.
A. Friday D. Saturday
C. You can add fresh lemon slices, lime, and
cucumber to add flavour.
B. Sunday E. Thursday
D. You can add sugar and green tea.
C. Monday
E. You can add syrup to the water.

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9. What is not Personal Letter? 10. “I visited the Gajah Mada University last year” That is the
place …. My sister is studying now
A. Thank you letter D. Farewell letter
A.Whose D. Which
B. Condolence letter E. Office formal letter
B. What E. Where

C. Congratulation letter C. Whom

11. “… the most wonderful holiday…“ 12 What can we infer from the letter?

The “wonderful” word has the same meaning with


A. Unusual C. Poor. E. Hateful.

B. Awesome. D. Usual. A. The manager wants his birthday to be celebrated.

B. Paula Subekti will manage the party.

Details of where somebody lives or works where
C. The manager’s staff will organize the party.
letters, etc. can be sent…..
D. The party will be in the evening.
A. Mail D. Post Office
E. The manager assigns someone to prepare his party.
B. Address E. Email

C. P.O. Box

14 …. is a beautiful island rich in culture has been

confirmed by tourist from around the world.

A. How Bali D. Whether Bali

B. That Bali E. If Bali
C. Bali

15 Mathematics … John’s favorite subject.

A. Are D. Get
B. Is E. Has
C. Have

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16 17 What is the purpose of the text?

. “It can help spur your weight loss by …” (Paragraph 5)

What does the word “It” refer to?

A. Ordering birthday accessories.

A. Green tea. D. Black coffee B. Appointing someone to prepare the party.

C. Confirming attendance at a party.
B. Skimmed milk. E. Carrot juice. D. Recommending someone to be promoted as a manager.
C. Water. E. inviting people to take part in the party preparation.

18 Which of the following problems is NOT mentioned as 19. Which of the following drinks is NOT mentioned in the text?
diseases caused by junk food?

D. Weight gain. A. Black tea D. Vegetable juice.

A. Stroke.
B. Tooth decay. B. Oolong tea. E. Mochachino.
E. Asthma.
C. Gastrointestinal problems. C. Skimmed milk.

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20. What is the text about? 21.. Why junk food can cause stroke?

A. Milk is not a good drink for losing weight.

A. Because junk food is not healthy for our bodies.
B. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks can
be loaded with added sugars andcarbohydrates B. Because junk food increases the chance of developing
C. You have to drink unsweetended tea for your diet
program C. Because it can lead a to 1 pound weight-gain in just on
D. Five drinks that can maintain your healthy life.
D. Because junk food provides very little dietary fiber.
E. Black coffee helps to suppress your hunger.
E. Because junk food contains much sodium which may
increase blood pressure.

22. The letter tells us about …. 23. We usually call the last paragraph as?

A. Barbara’s plan for Bali

B. Vivian’s letter
C. Vivian’s favorite places
D. Vivian’s holiday in Bali A. Reiteration.
E. Barbara’s letter B. Thesis.
C. Resolution.
D. Recommendation.
E. Argument

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24. Things to be considered in writing an informal letter, 29. What is the text about?
A. To someone you have known
B. Conssistant formality
C. Personal matters
D. Talking daily life
E. Natural speaking

25. I met Indah yesterday …. you give some books

A. To whom D. Whom
B. Which E. In which
A. You cannot share the bad things in social media
C. Who
such as arguments or negativity.
B. Social media is a good place for discussions.
26. The last questions on the test … very difficult
C. Several online etiquettes when using social media.
A. Are D. Is. D. A few rules of using social media
B. Am E. Has E. You cannot write inappropriate things on your
friend’s walls.
C. Have

27 “But, you still take and keep your pictures 30 Choose the correct answer for letter bellow
privately.” (Paragraph 2) What does the word
“privately” mean?

A. suggestion D. suggest

B. will suggest E. suggested

C. to suggest

31. The system of sending letters using computer by internet….

A. Airmail D. Mail man
A. Vaquely. D. Publicly.
B. Openly. E. Secretly. B. Sea mail E. Mail box
C. Carelessly.
C. Email
28 Read several persons below which person is
appropriate to send a personal letter sharing
holiday experience.

A. Stranger D. Manager

B. Supervisor E. Headmaster

C. Close friend

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32 “… to lessen your sodium intake.” What does the word 35 Choose the correct answer for letter A bellow
“lessen” mean?

A. to attend D. attended
B. will attend E. attend
C. attending

36 Choose the correct answer for letter bellow

A. Add. D. Increase.

B. Reduce. E. Enlarge.

C. Obtain.
A. will match D. match

B. matched E. matching
33 Anton hoped …. her letter
A. Whether Mirna would answer C. is matching

B. Would Mirna answer 37 Choose the correct answer for letter C bellow

C. Mirna was answering

D. Why Mirna answered

E. That Mirna would answer

34 According to text above, which of the following

sentences is NOT true?
A. are looking D. looked

B. will look E. look

C. looking

A. You don’t have to post inappropriate things.

B. You have to be careful when you want to post
something on your friend walls.
C. You cannot post photos of other people doing
nonsensical activities.
D. You do not have to add someone that you know in real life.
E. Online etiquettes are needed to prevent something
terrible happening when you use social media.

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38. Who is Daniel? 40. “I hope you will take part in preparing the party.” What

does the “takepart” phrase mean?

A. Jeremy’s brother.
A. Help. D. Attend.
B. Lidia’s son.
B. Arrange. E. Organize.
C. Diana’s son
C. Participate.
D. Richard and Jeremy’s brother.

E. Richard’s brother.

39. The letter shows that Vivian ….

A. Have a nice holiday.

B. Has tried the traditional food.

C. Did not have nice holiday.

D. Has not eaten the day before.

E. Bought all beautiful local art.

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