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Kurt Andre S.

Miranda September 14, 2020

11-Asteroids Prof. Arrienda

“Examples of Primary and secondary reflections”

Primary Reflections

➢ An example in primary reflection: I have a body implies body as a possession,

and something that is extended; but in secondary reflection, one says I am body.

The “am” or “be” is different from “having” because “to be” is “not to have” but

stresses a unity with the object. I am used to hanging out with a special someone

almost every day of the week. Then suddenly we broke up and are not able to

see each other again in the coming days. My primary reflection is that we were

not able to see each other again like we used to.

➢ For example, I am the son of Alexander the Great or He is the neighbor of Paris

Hilton. The person which is in the former I and the latter He, has nothing on his

own but gains his recognition through others. Therefore, that person is

anonymous because he is not known in himself and through himself but by

others. To clearly show the picture of “anonymousity” of the person, remove the

predicates and the I or he is now known and ironically it is just a floating pronoun

or name which resembles nothing.

➢ For example, who am I? Primary Reflection: I am so and so..., born on this day...,

in such a place..., with height and weight... etc... items on the I.D. card.
Secondary Reflections

➢ An example in Secondary reflection: I am used to hanging out with a special

someone almost every day of the week. Then suddenly we broke up and are not

able to see each other again in the coming days. My secondary reflection is that I

have realized that I miss that person so much and that we will not be able to talk

to each other again, hang out most of the time and things will not be the same

again as the way it used to be.

➢ Another example is when I used to think that I could never really act in front of a

crowd and I hated role-plays in my class. But one time we had this project and it

is a role-play to be presented to our class and a few from the other sections. I

was able to play three different main characters for each scene and I was able to

make them laugh so our professor even asked our group to perform again to a

larger crowd and we did so. The secondary reflection is that I am not used to see

her that way but still she is my friend. This level is the philosophical level in which

we should not judge others and we have to look at our own faults first before

finding the fault in others.

➢ For example: I have something to do with it and It has something to do with me.

Because I participate in the thing, I cannot tear it apart into a clear and fixed

ideas; I have to describe and bring to light its unique wholeness in my concrete


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