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a) Draw a fully labelled diagram showing how you could measure the E0 value for the Mg2+/Mg
system using a standard hydrogen electrode. Your diagram should show all the essential
conditions for the experiment. (The Mg2+/Mg system means having magnesium metal in
contact with Mg2+ ions.)

b) How would you modify the experiment to find the E0 value for the Ag+/Ag system?

c) The E0 values for the two systems are found to be

E0 (volts)



Explain why the magnesium value is negative.

d) By considering these values, explain which of the two metals, magnesium or silver, more
readily forms positive ions in solution.

Now consider these E0 values:

E0 (volts)




e) Which of these three metals forms 2+ ions most readily?

f) Which of these equilibria lies furthest to the right?

g) Which of these 2+ ions would be easiest to convert to the metal?

2. a) Explain exactly what the following diagram shows:

Pt[H2(g)] 2H+(aq) Zn2+(aq) Zn(s)

b) The E0 value for this combination is -0.76 volts. Which of the two electrodes of the cell (the
platinum or the zinc) is positive and which is negative?

c) Explain your answer to part (b) in terms of the equilibria involved.

3. In each of the following cases decide whether the reaction is feasible. You don't need to
explain how you arrived at the decision, but to count it as right, it must be more than a guess!

a) The reaction between zinc and lead(II) nitrate solution.

Pb2+(aq) + 2e- Pb(s) E0 = -0.13 v

Zn2+(aq) + 2e- Zn(s) E0 = -0.76 v

b) The reaction between copper and silver nitrate solution.

Cu2+(aq) + 2e- Cu(s) E0 = +0.34 v

Ag+(aq) + e- Ag(s) E0 = +0.80 v

c) The reduction of vanadium(III) ions to vanadium(II) ions by metallic tin.

V3+(aq) + e- V2+(aq) E0 = -0.26 v

Sn2+(aq) + 2e- Sn(s) E0 = -0.14 v

d) The reduction of vanadium(III) ions to vanadium(II) ions by metallic zinc.

V3+(aq) + e- V2+(aq) E0 = -0.26 v

Zn2+(aq) + 2e- Zn(s) E0 = -0.76 v

4. According to the table below:

E0 (volts)












a)Which species in the table above is the strongest reducing agent? (A species could be either an
atom or an ion.)

b)Which species in the table above is the strongest oxidising agent?

c)Which species is the most easily reduced?

d)Which species is the most easily oxidised?

e)Considering only the Mg2+/Mg and the Zn2+/Zn equilibria, which species is the strongest oxidising

f)Considering only the Cu2+/Cu and Ag+/Ag equilibria, which species is the strongest reducing agent?

g)Considering only the Ca2+/Ca and Al3+/Al equilibria, which species is most easily oxidised?

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