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Academic Year 2023: January - June

Supplementary Summative Assessment 1:

Computer Literacy Advanced (HCLT108-1)

NQF Level, Credit: 5, 10

Weighting: 25%

Assessment Type: Practical exercise

Educator: I. Musakwa

Examiner: I. Musakwa

Due Date 14 July 2023

Total 50 Marks


1. This paper consists of one (1) compulsory question.

2. The paper covers units 14 to 18 of the study guide.
3. A PowerPoint presentation submitted as a .pptx file.

1 HCLT108-1-Jan-June2023-SuppSA1-V.3-14022023
Question 1 [50 marks]

In this assignment, you are to create a presentation bearing information on a wild or tamed animal you
like. Be sure to follow the below-provided instructions in completing the presentation.


Slide 1 (10 marks)

You will use a PowerPoint in-build theme to start your presentation. Create a new presentation using
the ‘Divided Theme’

- Create a title for your presentation.

- Use the Algerian font, and make the fone size 60

- Make the title bold

- Centre the title

- Enter your name and surname as the sub-title.

- Add the current date as a second sub-title.

Slide 2 (10 marks)

-Add a blank slide.

- Add a picture of your favourite animal.

- Add a text box and write 6 lines describing the animal.

Slide 3 (10 marks)

- Add a blank slide.

- Add four pictures of the different breeds of the animal you have identified in the previous slide.
- Label each animal breed picture added.
- Apply the Honeycomb transition to the slide
- Add a one (1) minute of audio to this slide.

2 HCLT108-1-Jan-June2023-SuppSA1-V.3-14022023
Slide 4 (10 marks)

- Add a hyperlink to a video on an external site of the animal you have selected for this presentation.
- Give a brief explanation of the video in a paragraph.
- List the types of breeds of your favourite animal in bullet points.
- Style this slide with font size 36
- Change the font style to Ariel Black

Slide 5 (10 marks)

- Write a title for this slide, make the font size 20, and use a colour of your choice.
- Write five characteristics of the animal you have selected for this assignment.
- Present these characteristics as a list with sub-bullets
- Use the Algerian theme font and size 14

The below is only applicable to students enrolled for the bachelors of accounting program.

Aligns to SAICA competencies:

W3 Data Analytics
Identify the practical challenges of data analytics (e.g., data volume
a) and quality, privacy, regulatory and ethical issues).
Interpret the results to solve a defined business or audit problem and
d) suggest further steps to be taken.
W7 User Competencies
b) Use presentation software in an accounting/ business context.

3 HCLT108-1-Jan-June2023-SuppSA1-V.3-14022023

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