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Mesoamerican Bilingual School

TOPIC: How Does Temperature Affect a Person’s Mood

CLASS: Scientific Project Design

TEACHER: Mr. Francisco Cadavid

Miriam Sorto
Lizania Sierra
Randall Palacios
Emilio Medina
Caleb Padilla

Date: 23/02/2024
Subject of research

Research Question

Research Objectives



Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

Control Variable

Design Experiment

Scientific Project Design

1.1 Subject Research

High temperatures can trigger anxiety symptoms, such as restlessness, palpitations,

shortness of breath, and excessive sweating.
Quote: (Gaja, 2023)

Bibliographic entry :
Gaja, M. (2023). Efecto del calor en nuestras emociones descubriendo la influencia termica en
nuestro estado de animo. México .

1.2 Research Question

How does temperature affect people's mood?

Quote: (Filloy, 2023)

Bibliographic entry :
Filloy, F. (2023). Meteorología y emociones: como el clima y el medioambiente influyen en el
estado de ánimo. México .

1.3 Research Objectives

- know why the climate and environment affect our mood

- What aspects of the environmental environment have the most influence?
- How do we act according to the temperature (if it is hot or cold)
- because our emotions affect our nervous system and physiological processes
- What is the role of serotonin and dopamine in regulating temperature and mood?

1.4 Networking

The relationship between networking and temperature with people's mood can be complex
and depend on several factors. In warmer environments, outdoor social interactions can
have a positive impact on emotional well-being. On the other hand, in extremely hot
climates, physical discomfort could negatively influence mood. In professional contexts, the
temperature in work spaces can also affect productivity and interpersonal relationships.
Environments that are too hot or cold can be distracting and affect concentration, which in
turn can influence the quality of social interactions during work networking.
Quote: (Vergara, 2006)

Bibliographic entry:
Vergara, G. (2006). Naturaleza del estado de ánimo. Temuco Chile :

1.5 Hypothesis

People tend to experience a more positive mood in warm climates, possibly due to the
influence of sunlight and vitamin D on regulating neurotransmitters associated with well-
Quote: (Latinoamerica)

Bibliographic entry:
Latinoamerica, B. (s.f.). Beneficios del sol y su impacto en la salud .

1.6 Independent Variable

The independent variable in this case would be temperature, since it is manipulated or

controlled to observe its effect on people's mood.
Quote: (H, 2009)

Bibliographic entry:
H, V. (2009). Diseños experimentales.

1.7 Dependent Variable

the dependent variable is the person’s mood.

1.8 Control Variable

The controlled variable is the person and they control the physical and emotional data.

1.9 Design Experiment

1.10 Bibliography

Quote: (Gaja, 2023)

Bibliographic entry:
Gaja, M. (2023). Efecto del calor en nuestras emociones descubriendo la influencia termica en
nuestro estado de animo. México .
Quote: (Filloy, 2023)

Bibliographic entry:
Filloy, F. (2023). Meteorología y emociones: como el clima y el medioambiente influyen en el
estado de ánimo. México .
Quote: (Vergara, 2006)

Bibliographic entry:
Vergara, G. (2006). Naturaleza del estado de ánimo. Temuco Chile :
Quote: (Latinoamerica)

Bibliographic entry:
Latinoamerica, B. (s.f.). Beneficios del sol y su impacto en la salud .
Quote: (H, 2009)

Bibliographic entry:
H, V. (2009). Diseños experimentales.

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