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CO 10507: Programming for Problem Solving

Section : B & D (Sem B)

Lab Assignment 00

1. Late submission and copying is not allowed. If found then students involved in copying will fail in
this course.
2. Draw Flowchart and Write Algorithm for every Program.

Q1. Write a program to Compute Quotient and Remainder

Q2. Write a program that accept marks in 5 subjects and calculate the total percentage marks.

Q3. Write a program that accepts the radius of circle and calculate its area and perimeter of that

Q4. Write a program to compute simple interest

Q5. Write a program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer

Q6. Write a program to Swap Two Numbers

Q7. Write a program to Find the Size of int, float, double, and char

Q8. Write a program that accept two number , if first number is greater than second number
then print the difference of both the number otherwise print their sum. Write this program using
ternary operator.

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